A/N Hey guys! I haven't posted anything new recently. So if I'm not posting on my other story you'll probably find a one shot here. It will have all your favorites. From Percabeth to Tratie. If you have any couples you want me to write about just let me know in a review or something. Enjoy!




I was planning on meeting Annabeth at the lake. It had been about a year since the Giants war ended and I was kinda forced to go back to school. Let's just say I wasn't very excited to go. It was winter break. The same time when Hera decided to send me on a little trip half way across the country. This time I wasn't going to let something like that happen again. I ran down the lake looking for Annabeth.

I saw a glint of curly blonde hair that could only belong to one person. " ANNABETH!" I shouted.

She turned around. It was one of those rare times when I caught her guard. I ran up to her and attacked her with a hug.

" Percy Jackson put me down!" She shouted. Sh should know by now to be careful what she says around me.

" Alright." I slung her over my shoulder and walked towards the dock with her hitting my back. Shouting threats but I've become use to them. I dropped her in the lake and quickly followed her down. I saw her with her cheeks puffed out glaring at me. I guess she knew I was going to follow her. So I made a bubble for us so she wouldn't get mad at me for almost letting her drown ( like I would ever let that happen!)

" You're a jerk Seaweed Brain." She gave me a quick kiss. " You could have just let me down on the ground you know?" She said. She laid down in the bubble and I quickly followed suit. Laying down next to her.

" Yeah but what would be the fun in that?" I rolled her eyes at me." You know I think I've finally become amounied to your glares." I said

She glared at me. And stared right back but I wasn't trying to prove a point. I just wanted to look at her eyes. When she glares at a person she gets this little glint in it. And some how it makes her eyes even more beautiful. Soon her glare let up and it wasn't really a glare anymore. She was just staring.

" Percy I have a question." Annabeth said. Breaking the silence.

" What?"

" Why me? Out of all the girls you could be with. Why me?" She asked.

" Why you? Why not you. Annabeth you are more beautiful than all the Aphrodite girls combined. And as for all the other girls. They don't know me as long as you've known me and your smart and you can kick my butt any day of the week. Annabeth I can't even think about being with another person. Also most girls would kill me if I ever dropped them in a lake. You just glare at me until I make an air bubble for us."

She was blushing like crazy. I don't see why. " Why are you blushing?"

" Because that is the sweetest thing anybody has ever said to me." She leaned over and gave me a kiss. It was a long but soft one. It was better than the first time we kissed and I know the next one will be better than this one too.

I pulled away. " I love you." I whispered.

" I love you too Percy." She grinned and gave me another quick kiss. " Come one. We need to get back to the surface before people notice were missing.

" Can't we just stay here for awhile? PLEASE!" I said.

She laughed. " Percy people will think Hera toke us. And I would rather not have to go through that again."

I groaned. " FINE! But you will have to repay me later."

She groaned. " Fine. What do I have to do?"

I grinned. " You can not do any stuff for Olympus for the rest of the time I'm here. Or else this bubble will never break. For you at least." I smirked.

She banged her head against the wall of the bubble popping it. I quickly dragged her up to shore.

Once she was on shore and dry she said. " Alright. But you better not disappear this time or else maybe I'll spray paint you're cabin with Clarisse's help."

I laughed. " Great." I pulled her in for another kiss and I was right. It was better than the last one.