Hey guys! The next chapter is here, a bit boring, but... I felt like updating this story :) You're welcome!


I opened the gates of our frontyard, and entered the green area with a disgusted face. I didn't wanna go home, because I knew what was waiting for me behind the frontdoor. My parents, also known as the lovely couple of hell. A man who happens to like fucking girls almost the same age as his daughter, and a woman with a stupid heart, and even more stupid brains to think that it's still okay to be with a man who kept on betraying you, time after time. I think that the thing I hate the most is that the two of them are always fighting, yet they don't wanna divorce. I mean, first they make me move to Los Angeles to save their marriage, but when we get there... I think that their relationship is even worse.

I stopped just before the frontdoor, and sat on the first step of the stairs. With the shades covering my eyes, I searched for the tobacco box from the pocket of my shorts. When I was done searching it, I took one smoke from it, and lighted it with the black lighter I once stole from dad. I pushed the box back to the pocket, and leaned my back against the pillar that was behind me. The sun was shining brightly straight to my eyes regardless of the fact that I'm wearing sunglasses, and I grunted as I closed my eyes. I blew the small puff of smoke out of my mouth, as the music from my phone was playing loud to my ears through the earphones. I took a slow drag from the smoke that was between my dry lips, as I saw an old couple walking down the street across our house. I think it's pretty cool how two people can stick around each other till the age where they're already covered in wrinkles and their hair has turned grey - but I think it's everything but cool when my parents are trying way too hard to be a couple like that. I talked with Seth's mom Kirsten last week, and she told me how she was in love with a guy called Jimmy back in high school. They had huge plans for the future, for example going to college together and marrying each other. But at some point, Kirsten just stopped loving him. She doesn't know what happened, but all of a sudden... none of it made sense to her anymore. Jimmy said that you can't just wake up one day and cancel all your feelings towards someone, but she said it wasn't a decision she had made the morning she invited him to the cafeteria. It had been in her mind for a long time already. She was single for a while, until she went to college. It wasn't the same as Jimmy's, she told. She met Sandy. They have been married for like an eternity already, and they are maybe the loveliest couple I've ever met. Seth is really lucky to have such great parents.

I was done smoking, so I dropped the smoke to the ground, and stomped over it. After that, I got up from the stairstep, and turned around to ring the doorbell. I had forgotten my keys to the kitchen, so the only way to get in was to ring the doorbell, because obviously climbing in of the window wasn't okay with my parents.

The door opened in few seconds, and I saw my dad standing in front of me. He didn't move when I stepped in, so I had to make my way to the house from under his arm.

"Good to see you too", I mumbled as I started to walk the stairs up to my room.

"Young lady, come down immediately."

I rolled my eyes when I heard mom's voice, and slowly turned around to walk the stairs back down. I stopped in the last step, and leaned against the railing with my eyebrows lifted up.

"Yeah?", I asked, and pushed the sunglasses up on my nose, since they were falling down.

"Take off those sunglasses, I wanna see your eyes when I talk to you", mom said, and I sighed as loud as I could before pushing the sunglasses to the top of my head.

"Where were you last night?", she asked.

"Out", I just said.

"With who?", dad asked.

"With terrorists", I mumbled sarcastically.

"What?", mom asked with her forehead wrinkled.

"I was being sarcastic, mom. I was with friends - who else would I be with?", I asked her.

"I don't know, it's just... you're never home anymore. You're always out with someone, and I think the only time I even see you home is when Tate is having an appointment here", she mumbled.

"Oh, and about that - I don't want you to hang out with that kid anymore."

I turned to look at dad with my mouth open, and I felt like I had lost the ability to speak.

"Excuse me, what?", I gasped.

"You heard me. No more Tate to you", he said, and I felt the anger boiling inside me.

"I'm gonna have so much of Tate as I want, and you're no one to stop me", I spat to him.

"Watch your words, Violet! I'm your dad", he said to me with a louder tone of voice.

"Oh yeah? Maybe biologically, but fuck no with the other way. Besides, why do you even care if I hang out with Tate or not? You don't even care that I wasn't home - if you really cared, you would've searched for me, or something", I said to him.

"Are you sure you know everything about this kid?", he mumbled.

His sentence made me stop to think for a moment. Did I know everything about him? I didn't. Now when I started to think about it, I didn't know almost anything about him - but was there even much to know? I knew that his name's Tate, he's 17 and he got kicked out of school because he punched a kid in the face. I know Summer and Seth are his best friends and that his mom's an alcoholic. I know his sister has a down syndrome and that he smokes, and sometimes drinks and does drugs. What else is there to know?


I walked out of the house, and neither one of my parents tried to stop me. I slammed the door shut, and walked out of our frontyard, straight to Langdon's frontdoor. I knocked three times, and Tate opened the door.

"I need to talk to you", I told him, and he cocked his eyebrow, looking a little bit concerned.

"Um, okay?", he mumbled, and got out from the house. He closed the door behind him, and looked down at me.

"What's up?", he asked, and I crossed my hands in front of my chest.

"Is there something I need to know about you?", I asked with my eyebrows lifted high. He looked at me for few seconds without saying a word, until he let out a sigh and started to walk to the sidewalk. I followed him, and when he sat down, I sat beside him.

"I haven't told you this because I didn't think it mattered", he said. I just looked at him, the shades back on my eyes.

"You're not the first girl I fell in love with."

I felt how something dropped in my stomach, but I just nodded slowly and now turned to look in the way he was looking at. It was a big house on the other side of the road, next to the house that was opposite my house.

"There was this girl, um, Marissa Cooper. She was Summer's best friend, but... she died."

I wasn't sure why he was looking at thouse, but I guess that girl lived in there. I mean, it could make sense - the house was near his, and I don't think I have seen anyone coming in or out of that house. I turned to look at Tate, and I saw that his jaw was tense.

"She died in my arms. It has been some time already, but, you know... you can never get through something like that one hundred and ten percent. We never talk about her, because we just can't stand the fact that she's not with us anymore. I'm sorry I didn't told you earlier, I-"

"It's okay", I cut him off, and placed my hand on top of his. He linked his fingers with mine as soon as our hands touched, and he turned to look at me.

"I'm sorry for what happened", I whispered, and he smiled sadly to me.

"Yeah, me too. But I'm glad you're here", he said, and now I smiled too.

"Me too", I said, and leaned to kiss him.

Back to why I wanted to know if there was something I needed to know about him - why in the world would my dad say that I can't hang out with him, if his ex girlfriend died? I don't think that I would die because I'm dating him, unless he's cursed or something, which I highly doubt. Anyway, there was a dog buried somewhere, and I needed to know where.

I pulled away from the kiss, and Tate looked confused.

"Is there, um... anything else I need to know about you?", I asked, and he shrugged his shoulders.

"What do you wanna know?", he asked, and now it was my turn to shrug my shoulders.

"Well, I don't know! My dad just said that he doesn't want me to hang out with you, and asked if I knew everything about you, so... yeah", I said, and he looked like he just saw a ghost, but that expression on his face went away as quick as it came.

"Oh? Your dad... He didn't mention anything about the conversations I've had with him, did he?"

I lifted my eyebrows, and pulled my hand away from his. I started to rub my knee, because I started to feel nervous.

"No, why? Should he?", I asked, and he shook his head.

"No, I think he has the professional secrecy. There's nothing interesting to even tell about my thoughts, though."

"Well, then you can probably tell me what you've been talking with him", I said, and he laughed.

"Are you serious? Why do you care?", he asked.

"Because, um, first of all: you're my boyfriend, and second of all: my dad doesn't want me to see you anymore, and usually all of his patients are completely fucked up. So... what's your story?", I asked.

"What's my story? I'm just another fucked up patient, like you said.", Tate grunted, and I sighed.

"I didn't mean that you are fucked up", I said, and he got up.

"Actually - yeah, you did", he said, and he started to walk back to his house.

"Oh come on, Tate!", I said to him with a louder tone of voice, and he acted like he didn't hear. I saw him opening the door, and then closing it after him. I shook my head, before walking down the street and searching Summer's number from my phone.


"And now you guys are in a fight?"

"Yeah, something like that."

Me and Summer were tanning on her backyard by the pool. Since I didn't have any bikinis with me, she agreed to borrow her yellow pair of bikinis to me, probably only because she didn't wanna tan alone. I had just told her about my argument with Tate, and she was looking at me through her big, round sunglasses. I took a sip from the other glass of margarita, that was on top of the small table between the two of us.

"I'm sure you'll agree the fight. Believe me, he's gonna call you anytime soon", she said, and we both turned to look at my phone, that had no notifications on the lock screen.

"What if I really made him angry?", I asked, and Summer shook her head.

"Nah, I don't think so. Me and Cohen fight all of the time, and we're still a couple. This is your first fight, and if you can't get through this, there's no hope in the future. And I know Tate loves you as much as you love him, and you'll get through this fight. Seriously Vi, it's not a big deal. Just a little fight - welcome to a relationship, hun."

I laughed, and we both turned our heads up to the sky again.

"I'm so glad I met you", I said to Summer, who smiled.

"Not as glad as I am that I met you", she said.

"By the way, Summer... he told me about her."

For a moment I thought that Summer had an heart attack or something, because she stopped breathing and looked like a corpse lying on a sunbed.

"You okay?", I asked, and she nodded before taking a sip from her margarita.

"Yeah, it's just... we haven't been talking about her. And if you don't mind, I really don't wanna get stuck in this subject. It's cool he told you, because now you know, but... I just, I can't talk about her."

I nodded, and grabbed her hand.

"It's okay."


Summer and I were lying on the couch of their living room, and we were eating chips from a big, blue bowl while the music channel was on in the tv.

"Girls, I'm gonna go to a business meeting. Summer, I'll be back home in few hours - if you two get hungry, there's lasagna in the fridge!", Summer's dad yelled from the frontdoor.

"Okay, daddy", Summer said with a loud tone of voice, and turned the page of the Cosmopolitan she was reading, as she grabbed a handful of chips.

"Bye girls", he yelled, and I waved to him with a smile on my face, and so did Summer. We heard how he closed the door, and drove away from the frontyard.

"Has Tate called you yet?", Summer asked, and I turned to look at my phone. No missed calls, or any new messages. I showed the phone to her, and she sighed.

"You should call him."


"Yeah, you're the one who said he was fucked up."

"I didn't say that he was fucked up - I said most of my dad's patients are!"

"Dude, whatever. He took that as an insult, and I think that you should call him and apologize, because I don't wanna stare at your sad face for the rest of this sleepover. I've got stuff planned, you know? So, please-"

She took the phone away from my hand, and searched Tate's number.

"Call him", Summer said, and pushed the phone to my hand.

I rolled my eyes, and pressed the Call- button. As soon as I heard the first beep, I began to regret this decision, but after the second one, I decided to walk to the balcony so that I could talk with him in private. Summer just lifted her eyebrows, and continued on reading.

I closed the balcony door just when I heard him answering.


"Hey, I was just wondering if-"

"If I'm still mad at you?", he finished my sentence.

"Yeah", I mumbled.

"I'm not", he said.

I started to smile, and ran my fingers through my hair.

"Thank God. I'm sorry for saying that thing, you're not fucked up", I said, and I heard his laugh, which immediately made me feel butterflies in my stomach.

"It's okay. Where you at?", he asked, and I leaned to the railing of the balcony, and watched down.

"I'm over Summer's, though I guess we're about to go to the mall or something, because she said she's got plans... Anyway, um, she's looking pretty mad so I guess I have to go back inside."

"Oh, well, um... what are your plans for tomorrow?"

"I have no idea."

"You wanna go see a movie or something?"

"Sounds great", I smiled.

"Great, see you tomorrow then."

"I love you."

A few seconds of silence, and I was starting to get nervous. Was I supposed to not say that? Didn't he love me back?

"I love you too" - and then he hang up on me. Well, at least he said it back. I turned to look at Summer again, who was already walking towards the balcony, and she opened the door so fast I almost fell down.

"What did he say?", she asked me.

"That he's not mad, and he asked if I wanna go to see a movie tomorrow, and that he loves me", I told her, and she nodded.

"Great! Now that you know he's not angry at you anymore, you ready for some shopping?"

"Shopping?", I asked with my eyebrow cocked up.

"Ugh, Vi! You need new clothes, for God's sake!", she said to me, and grabbed my arm as she dragged me to the vestibule.

"Summer, we were shopping last week, and I bought tons of new clothes! I didn't even have money to pay all of them, and you were more than happy to pay them for me", I mumbled as I pushed my feet to my Converses. I looked at my reflection from the mirror, and in fact, I didn't even look that bad. Summer borrowed her denim shorts and a army green t-shirt to me, because I had no time to change clothes when I went home, since I didn't stay for a long time.

"Yeah, but you can never have too many clothes. And you have such a great body, like, all clothes look good on you. And on me too, of course", she said, and grabbed her Prada bag from the coat rack before walking out of the house. I closed the door behind me, and walked behind Summer to her car. I sat to the passenger seat next to the driver's seat, and turned on the radio.

"How long are we gonna be in there?", I asked, and Summer shrugged her shoulders before starting the car.

"You better buy me a cheese burger", I mumbled, and she laughed.