*i do not own body of proof*

*what happens when tommy visits Lacey and Megan in the hospital*

tommy walked up to the room wondering if he should visit them. Then Megan spotted him and waved for him To come in. When he walked in Megan told Lacey that detective Sullivan was a old friend. Lacey knew something else was going on. Megan thanked tommy over and over again for saving them just in time. They all talked and laughed and lacey really liked detective sullivan she pretended to fall asleep so her mom and tommy could talk. Tommy was still in love with Megan so when the night finished and it was getting late tommy offered Megan a ride homeor if she wanted to het a drink. same thought what the hell get a drink she needed one it had been a bad couple of Days.

Two hours of drinking and having fun Megan decided she wanted to go home and sleep she had to visit Lacey early so she needed her sleep. A short car ride was all it took to make her fall asleep in Tommy's car that's why she never drinks she gets drunk fast.

When he finally got to her apartment he had to carry her up and put her in bed which he didnt really mind. He thought he shouldn't leave her alone she had woken up briefly to tell him to stay and then she kissed him. He decided to stay the night he slept on the couch. The next morning when Megan woke up she had no idea jhon she got home. Then she could smell bacon and eggs. Tommy's here she thought he was the only one who could make bacon and eggs for her.

She liked waking up to bacon and eggs it was nice. He noticed someone watching him he turned to see a bed headed Megan. She walked over to him and kissed him on the cheeck "thanks for staying." "No problem." They eat and Megan got readfoot head over to the hospital. Tommy gave her a ride. When she got down she turned and kissed tommy who kissed back. "Thanks for everything." He was speechless. Yup she could get use to waking up to tommy making breakfast and dropping her off. Maybe she could give him a second chance.

the end *plz review*