"Pick another question" Dimitri demanded, suddenly so tense and guarded.

"Ok. How come you won't tell me the story of how you got that scar?"

"Rose, ask me another time" Dimitri growled, obviously frustrated.

"You said that before. This is the time and this is the place" I argued, sitting up from my position. Dimitri got off of the bed and started getting ready to go to sleep, he took of his shoes, jacket, shirt and jeans…leaving his boxers on.

"Move over so I can climb in" Dimitri said as he tried to pull the duvet cover up.

"No. Sit the fuck down Dimitri." I ordered, suddenly being the dominant in the relationship.

"Do not tell me what to do Rose" Dimitri warned.

"Or what? Are you going to slap my arse again? Now sit down" my voice commanded and to my surprise Dimitri did as he was told. When he was sat down I asked him again.

"How did you get that scar" I wanted a straight answer.

"Why do you want to know?" Dimitri asked, deflecting the question away from himself…not going to happen buddy!

"Why wouldn't I want to know?"

"It isn't any of your business" he snapped. Not any of my business? Was he crazy?!

"well since you have made such a big deal out of me being yours since the day I turned 18 it only makes sense that you too have been mine since the day I was 18 and now that we are hear…together…everything about you is my business. Understand?" it was like we had switched roles which seemed rather ironic.

"Do you remember when I told you that my father use to beat my mother?" I nodded my head.

"Well he use to really hurt her for no reason. Which to you probably sounds bizarre because you most likely think I did the same to you today. But this was different. My father use to hurt her by punching her in the face or strangling her until she became unconscious or cutting her with a knife and all kinds of things". Dimitri took a deep breath, finding it hard to open up to be and tell me this story.

"Well one day when I was around the age of thirteen I came home to find my useless dad drunk again. He was ordering my mother, Olena, about. Threatening her and saying how disgusting she was ect. Which was pure idiocy, my mother is one of the most beautiful women I have ever met"

"Except for me" I joked, trying to make light of the tense situation. Dimitri smiled and surprisingly nodded his head in agreement.

"Like I said, she was one of the most beautiful women I have ever seen. You are most defiantly the most beautiful out of them all. But my father was pushing her buttons and on this particular day she snapped and threw and empty bottle on the floor near his feet. My father demanded that she picked it up right this minute or 'else' but she wouldn't budge. She always was stubborn, still is- she reminds me a bit of you Rose" Dimitri smiled at the thought and I couldn't help but smile back.

"Due to my father's alcohol consumption he was particularly angry this day. When my mother wouldn't go and clean up the mess he grabbed the broken bottle by the neck and stood up. Aiming to go after my mother with it."

"I remember him shouting things like 'you won't be pretty any longer' and 'ill fuck that ugly face of yours up'. You see my father was the jealous type and he always thought my mother would try to leave him for another man. It was stupid really because in a weird way my mother loved him. I can't quite remember what happened specifically all I remember is one moment I was telling him to leave my mother the fuck alone and the next thing I know I have sharp jagged glass in my chest."

"Luckily it didn't pierce anything other than my skin. The scar doesn't really bother me but the memory does.

"Well thank you for sharing it with me." In a way I felt closeness to Dimitri that I hadn't felt before with him, or any man for that matter.

"You know sometimes I worry I will turn out like my father. I definitely have gotten his jealous side and lack of patience."

"You wouldn't ever hurt me though" I said, before grimacing at the memory that he had when he had slapped my behind.

"I already have. I guess I am becoming more and more like him every day"

"Hey. No. that was different, I was pushing your buttons and you gave me a slap on the bottom, you didn't grab a glass bottle and try to bottle me in the face. You have never emotionally blackmailed me."

"Yet. You never know what I might do in the foreseeable future" I rolled my eyes at his stubbornness, finally able to see how annoying it was when I did it to other people.

"Dimitri stop this!" I said as I went and straddled his lap, sitting there and looking him straight in the eye.

"You aren't your father, you're a good person. Yes you may have given me a couple of slaps on the behind for being a bad girl but you have been good to me too!" I exclaimed as I brushed my hands through his hair and then cupped his cheek.

"You let me off on the first night I was here where as all the other owners had already raped their girl". In a way it was a nice gesture, he didn't want to scare me off too soon.

"I still raped you rose. That wasn't exactly me being good to you." point taken.

"And you really believe that all the creeps in this place allowed their girl to orgasm? Because you brought me to the first orgasm that a man has ever given me." That had to mean something to him…it would at least add to his man pride and ego.

"Well I didn't want you to hate me!" Dimitri shouted back as though it was obvious, but it was more than just him not wanting me to hate him.

"Then the night where you made me sleep on the floor-I know you came and picked me up and placed me in bed with you to keep me warm. I doubt your father would have done that to your mother"

"Probably not" Dimitri agreed and I started to feel as though I might have started to get through to him.

"And then you allowed me to cry in your arms the other night. Then you were the one to explain to me why I had been lied to my whole life. And then you brought me breakfast in bed and this evening you rubbed cream on my bruises and now look at you, you are trusting me enough to open up about something that you are uncomfortable talking about. You aren't anything like your father. Understand?" I said, looking Dimitri straight in the eyes. Dimitri nodded his head.

"I'm sorry I didn't quite catch that, what did you say?" I teased, making him agree with me out loud.

"Ok. I'm not like my father." His voice was still unsure but it was a start.

"Good. Plus you know that if you ever did emotionally blackmail me or really hurt me then I would cut off your dick in your sleep" I said, smiling. Dimitri smiled too, a smile that was so darn sexy and beautiful at the same time. I couldn't help it.

Our lips met. At first Dimitri didn't respond to my kiss, only when I wrapped my arms around his neck and deepened the kiss did he respond whole heartedly.

His hands ghosted up my sides, reminding me just how naked I was.

His lips trailed from mine and left a row of kisses down my neck until he got to the base of my throat and sucked, giving me a love bite for the whole world to see. The sensation was enough to make me moan and hold his head in place, but Dimitri soon flipped me over onto my back.

I was lying down and his body covered me, my legs automatically wrapped around his waist and I felt his hardness press against my stomach. I smiled my delight, but the smiled was quickly taken off my face when his lips captured mine in another hungry kiss.

One of his hands was under my head, buried in my dark tangle of hair and the other hand was on my left breast. When his hand skimmed over my nipple I couldn't help but let out a loud moan but the sound was muffled by our kissing.

"These need to come off now!" I grunted through gritted teeth as I grabbed hold of his boxers. Dimitri looked genuinely surprised.

"Are you sure Roza?" he asked, his eyes dark brown with lust. That look on his face cleared up my answer: very sure.

"Yes comrade. I'm sure."


So just a quick chapter for you guys. But I think it is the first time Rose has called him Comrade in this story. Plus she has consented to have sex with him…no forceful ness about it.

Plus how excited were you to see the preview of the trailer for blood sisters (if you are reading this in a few hours then you may have seen the whole teaser trailer by now). Because I live in England I won't get to see it till tomorrow morning but I am sooo darn excited!

The movie stills and the preview of the teaser trailer had me fan girling mode all day and how epic did Zoey look when we got to see a quick flash of her stake someone. Anyway guys in a review or a message tell me what you thought of this chapter and the trailer or just to say Hi!