My Owner

Once upon a time there lived a little whore. Buried away in a village in the forest and kept until she turned the dreadful age of 18.

Somehow I, being that little whore, had managed to stay hidden until I was twenty years of age. Two years extra of freedom! Of course I didn't realise the freedom that I was living was a luxury; I didn't know what I had until they came.

"Rose, I need you and Lissa to run into the woods. Take this basket with you, within it holds two flasks of water, some bread and a blanket. Use it sparingly. When you leave take this torch and a compass and after three days find your way back here. If there is any sign of the guardians being here you need to leave and travel to the next town, do I make myself clear?"

"Yes mum".

I knew this day was going to happen, it was only a few days since Lissa had turned eighteen and it was only a short amount of time before the guardians came looking for her. We needed to run and hide...the same way I had. That is the only way to ensure our freedom from those beasts!

I was a Dhampir- sole reason for existence was to give pleasure to the male guardians. Lissa was a Moroi-her role in this sad little life was to pleasure the male Moroi men.

We lived in a time where women were owned by men. When a daughter was born she was sent off into the human world to be looked after until the age of 18. The human world wasn't any better than the world of vampires: men still owned women, women were still whores and you had to fight to survive.

Now if a son was born, he was kept and raised in the society of the Moroi and Guardians, raised to treat women like dirt, slaves. The males of both species were arrogant, obnoxious bastards who, once every year, would go into the human world and steal back those daughters, bringing them into the world of torture, rape and abuse. You can see why the women would run.

My mother, a human (the only mother I had known), had taken care of Lissa and I for twenty years. I was older than Lissa and had taken her under my wing as a sister, best friend and most importantly as a protector.

No guardian or Moroi will ever own us.

As my mother handed me the basket and a torch I said my goodbyes to her. She had treated us well and now it was time for us to depart for our safety was a stake.

"Look after your sister will you" my mother commanded as she caressed my cheek and left a kiss on my forehead.

"I will see you again mother. Those bastards will not hurt me or Lissa, we will come back to you" I promised, a promise I wasn't sure I would be able to withhold.

Crashing and screams sounded all around us and we knew it was time to depart. My mother's face held a tight lipped smile as she tried to be strong, but her eyes held the emotion of fear.

"Go!" she choked out as I grabbed Lissa's arm and pulled her along with me out into the forest, into the dark and lonely world that we would come to know.

Running through the woods, dodging fallen trees and mud heaps, I looked back at the village I had grown up in. Huge grey smoke was filling the sky as the homes we had come to know were burnt down. Screams from our loved ones echoed through the air, and I almost wanted to turn back to save our mother. Almost. The wide eyed look on Lissa's face had stopped me; she was petrified and all too knowing

She knew we wouldn't escape, the only way we would be free from this on-going nightmare was to be dead.

Clasping my hand tighter Lissa started to run again and I was pulled along beside her. Our footsteps pelted across the ground. Thud, thud, thud. The noise of our steps were loud and would probably give us away, but the beating in my chest seemed louder and more likely to notify the men of our escape route.

The only light source we had was the moon; I had refused to turn on the torch in case they could see it. Five minutes passed. Ten minutes. Twenty five minutes. And still they had not found us.

Is it possible that we had managed to out run them?

Slowing our running to a brisk walk we carried on travelling to the centre of the forest. I had only then noticed that Lissa was shivering next to me. Torn as to whether it was due to the cold or fear I figured an extra layer would be somewhat comforting. Taking off my blue coat, I trailed it across her shoulders, giving her an extra layer of protection.

The wind was bitter, but so was life so I sucked up any moans I was about to let out and instead found us a place to settle down for the night. Under a huge willow tree laid a mass amount of leaves that had been swept into a pile. Thinking that the leaves may give us some source of a comfortable 'bed' to lie on, I spread the leaves out and sat against the tree.

"Have we lost them?" Lissa whispered. I had no answer to give her, so instead I pulled her down next to me and laid her head in my lap, stroking out her long blonde hair. Pulling out the blanket from the basket I curled Lissa up in it, protecting her from the cold.

"Try and get some sleep, we need to be well rested as we have a long day ahead of us".

Lissa had somehow managed to get to sleep, but I just sat against the tree looking out for any threat. It was stupid of me not to get any sleep but I was far too wary of those animals chasing after us. They would have had to have realised we had escaped by now, and they were most likely looking for us.

None the less, sleep won and I closed my eyes-not fully being asleep but not being as alert as I should have been.

Crunch. I opened my eyes.

Was I being paranoid? Probably. But even so, I gently shook Lissa awake, signalling for her to be quiet. Picking the basket up and giving it to Lissa, we both stood up. The leaves rustled underneath us and I instantly regretted sleeping on them-they were too loud.


Nodding at Lissa, we knew we had to run. Run as fast and as far as we could.

"One, two, three" I murmured before grabbing Lissa's free hand and pulling her into the darkness once again.

"Faster!" I grunted at her. I could hear them gaining on us and we needed to outrun them, our lives depended on it.

"I can't" Lissa cried as she slowed down clutching her upper thigh, breathing heavily.

I pulled her behind me and suddenly out of the darkness I could make out three figures surrounding us. The moonlight shone on their eyes in an eerie way that reminded me of the monsters that these three men were.

"Rose, I'm hurt" Lissa groaned out to me as she clutched at her thigh. From the dim light I could see blood pour out of the womb she had gotten herself, a womb made by a knife.

"You stabbed her?" I accused of the men in front of me.

"You women were stupid to run. See this accident as a warning to you both.

"I'm afraid you are both going to have to come with us" another of the men spoke.

"Over my dead body!" I shouted at these vile beings.

"You women never know when to shut up!" the last man spoke before he clubbed me round the head with a crow bar.


So I know if you have read this and have read any of my previous stories you are most likely thinking 'what the fuck happened to you?'…yeah I know I kind of stopped writing my other stories but I feel it is due to me losing interest in the plot. But yes I am back and have decided to write a new story despite having not finished my other stories.

I know that this story has been done many times before and the starting chapter is most likely like many that you have read before-but I promise it will get better and more original as it goes on, I just need it to start somewhere and unfortunately the beginning does replica many opening chapters that I have read so please don't give me negative feed back on the un original idea of this story as I do know that it has been done before, and sadly the beginning chapter couldn't really take on a form that was totally original. I do hope that the next chapter will have more or an interesting and original plot to it.

Unfortunately though I have never read one of these types of stories past chapter 2 because of them not being updated, I am yet to read one that has been completed so if you do happen to stumble across a story that is like this and has been updated past chapter two please feel free to send me a link so that I can read them as I am very interested in these kinds of stories-hence why I am writing one.

If you have any questions relating to this chapter please do ask me them in either a private message or a review and I will get back to you on them as soon as I can.

I hope this story is interesting for you guys to read and I will continue to update it-but I can't be sure how regular these updates will be due to me being in my last year of school-I have many exams to do!

I would like to know your opinion on this story and any ideas you would like to express.