Alex Pov.

I was at my desk, everything was going great.

Hidan's mouth was free and he has been cursing like a sailor but not when Cody's around.

It's been a while now since the 'garden' accident and the new plants and Zetsu have been thriving.

The others have been on their best behavior lately and my 'vacation' is going great.

But….the money income has been dropping faster than it has been growing and that was not good. The amount of food the Akatsuki eat is not to be underestimated. The amount of clothing hey ruin when they 'spar' is also a pain in the butt.

So here I am at my desk, looking at the amount of money I have left and for what it has been used and stuff. I frowned at the number, I need more money income.

I picked up my phone and called Cindy, she's the owner of a modeling company and a good friend. Whenever I need an extra job she's the one to call.

"Hello?!" I smiled when she picked up, but she sounded a little panicked.

"Cindy? It's Alex, I was wondering if you have another job for me?" I asked and heard her shouting at someone on the other line.

"James! This is a shoot, not soccer practice! Annie! Get those arms in the air!" I blinked at her shouting at other models and gulped thinking she's going to be too busy.

"I'm so glad you called sweetheart! I need more models and pronto, the last few months it's been the same people and you needed some time off so I didn't want to bother you….but here you are calling and yes! I have a job and if you have some friends that are models or at least look like models, oh who am I kidding just people! Bring them I'll pay extra!" She shouted desperately.

I blinked at her and then smiled, I do have some model material right at home….

"Actually….i do have some people in mind." I said and I could hear the happiness in her voice.

"Really? Who?" she asked and I smiled at her.

1 hour later.

The Akatsuki was assembled as well as Cody in the living room with Alex in front of the tv looking around at everyone.

"Okay, I have been looking at my income and the amount of money we have been spending on food and clothing." I said and some nodded and some looked bored.

"I'm losing money faster then I'm getting it and even if we have been getting some for 'free' (She found out that Itachi used his Sharingan for free food, she was not amused but saved a lot so she didn't mind it as much) so I'll need to ask you all for a favor." I said and they all looked at me a little worried.

"Alex, are you going to ask them to leave?" Cody asked and I rose an eyebrow.

"I'm so sorry about that Alex-chan! Please don't kick us out!" Toby screamed and I sweat dropped.

"I could get us more stuff for free." Itachi said and I blinked at him.

"I'll keep the money in check from now on." Kakuzu said and they all began to discuss like they are discussing a mission and some bickering.

"I'm not going to kick anyone out!" I shouted and they stopped and looked at me.

"I contacted a good friend, Cindy. She runs a modeling company and I asked for extra jobs and she said she needs extra models soo….." I said and looked at everyone expectantly.

"*gasp* You want us to model?" Konan jumped up from her seat with a big smile, I smiled back at her.

"Yeah! With all of us combined we won't have to worry about money for at least a few more months and we can even afford to go around a little more and even take a vacation somewhere." I said and we both looked very pleased.

"That's good news." Pain said and I smiled nervously, this seemed to put everyone on high alert.

"We all will be going to the shoot." I said and some already frowned and others looked annoyed.

"It will only be for a day and after you guys will be free again and it would help me out so much, please!" I said and they all looked at Pain.

He seemed to think about it.

"Pain, she took us in, told us about this world, and we destroyed so much and she did her best to help us. This is the least we can do for her." Konan said and he seemed to agree.

"Fine, we will all go." He said and I smiled at him..

"Thank you!" I said and they all eventually agree.

"Who's going to take care of Cody?" Kisame asked and I smiled at them.

"Amy." I said and they seemed confused.

"Oh don't look confused, you all know her." Is aid and they all exchanged glances.

"The first time you guys got here before I knew who you were I left Cody with my best friend and babysitter Amy. You guys made her faint and trashed the house." I said and they all looked around and avoided eyecontact.

"Ugh, she's going to hate me. I've been so busy with you guys that I forgot about Amy and Aron." I said and they all looked at me.

"Who's Aron?" Konan asked and I smiled at her.

"He's Amy's twin brother, we have been friends since kinder garden and we all kind of went our own ways after school and we only see each other every other week. Now that I have more time I should see them more often and maybe introduce you guys, it might make this stay less boring for you guys and since Aron is into sports and stuff he could take the guys around town and we girls could go shopping." I said with a big smile.

"It's best if not a lot of people know about us."Pain said and I nodded.

"Of course not, I'll just tell them that you guys are friends from Europe and can't always visit." I said with a smile and then frowned.

"But they are Otaku and they know the whole Naruto series…" I said and frowned.

"Oh well, they will be a great help and I trust them." I said.

"If they show any sign of telling other people or hurt you or Cody we will eliminate them." Pain said and the others nodded while me and Cody paled.

"Don't hurt Amy or Aron! I really really really like them!" Cody shouted while glaring at them. They all exchanged glanced and then looked at me.

"Don't look at me, the little man has spoken." I said with a smirk and they rolled their eyes at me.

"Now, if you will excuse me, I have an angry best friend to call." I said and left to go to my room and get my phone.

I closed the door behind me and turned to my phone.

I gulpen and pressed the call button. I put the phone to my ear nad waited.

I hope she isn't mad at me, i haven't called her since the Akatsuki kittens overpowered her and left her like that when we were still living with our father. I shuddered at the thought of him.

One peeb, second beep *oh ho* third beep-

"Hello?" yup, she's furiouse. Well...i have been ignoring the messages and calls because the Akatsuki has been occupying my time and mind...i had to make sure they didn't break my house, Hidan didn't teach Cody how to curse, and that Konan didn't burn down my kitchen, she almost succeeded once...

"Hi, Amy?" it sounded more alike a question but i was ready for the shouting.

"Where the hell have you been?! I'm furiouse! After those cat demons attacked me i had to call Aaron to pick me up and i even needed a therapist because i cound't sleep at night!"

I blinked at that, wow, that bad?

"And it's been over a month and you didn't even call! And i thought you died and i wanted to vsit but you never gave me your new adress!" I sweatdropped at that.

"Yeah i know, sorry about eveyrthing but i have been...bussy?" it came out sounding more like a question than i would have liked.

"What could take up that much time? you never answerd my calls or messages!" i sighed.

"Maybe she has a boyfriend!" i heard Aron shout on the other side.

"Oh come on, yo know we would never ignore each other, sisters before misters!" i laughed a little at that.

"Anyway, what could take up that much time?" she asked and i gulped.

"Is it the cats from hell?" she asked and i smiled.

"More or less..." i said and she got silent.

"What's wrong?" she asked and i decided that i would need more help with the Akatsuki and Cody, this was just too much for one person.

"The cats...they transformed." i said and it got silent.

"They what?" Aarons asked, she must have put it on speaker.

"They transformed into people, and you guys know the Akatsuki from Naaruto?" i asked.

"Yeah?" Amy asked.

"They transformed into the Akatsuki." i said and it got silent.

"Hhahahaha!" they both burst out laughing.

"That is the most ridiculouse axcuse i have ever heard!" Amy said and they continued laughing, i stayed silent.

When they stopped and i didn't say anymore it got very silent.

"You're kidding, right?" Aron asked.

"I wish i was, between taking care of Cody, making sude my house doesn't burn down and paying for damage and new clothing i haven't been able to do much else. They have been a great help, they still are when we go some where and we need food but it's just exhausting. I need help..." i said and it got silent again.

"Can we come over?" Amy asked and i nodded.

"Yes, please." i said and we said our goodbyes and i gave her my new adress and i hung up.

I looked at the phone and smiled slightly. Either they are ging to come here and try to make sure i'm not going nuts or they actually beliave me...they know i never lied to them and even when i made something up i told them it was a joke or we joked about it but this time i was dead seriouse.

Well, i guess i better tell the others...

I opened the door and walked down to see everyone talking and playing games with Cody. They stopped when i walked into the living room.

"How did it go?" Konan asked and i smiled.

"They are on the way, soon you will meet my two best friends." i said and they all glanced at each other.

"They didn't beliave me at first so they are probably on the way to see if i lost my mind but i guess i would have reacter the same way if i heard that the charakters form a fictional story are alive." i said and they nodded.

"What about you guys? have you found a way to go back to your onw world?" i asked them and they glanced at each other.

"We are working on it, we need to find a good jutsu and combination to make a new one that will send us back." Pain said and i nodded.

"Do you have any idea who might have send you here?" i asked them and they glanced at Pain again.

"We don't have a lot of leads, one is Orichimaru, he has been after us for a while since we kicked him out." i nodded at that.

"How long do you think it will take for you to finish the jutsu?" i asked.

"A while, from 6 months to 1 year." He said and i nodded, that's quite a while.

"I hope you find a way back soon, it must be very frustrating to be trapped here." I said.

"Meh, it's a nice change from contant missions." Kisame said and Pain glared at him.

"Not that i don't like my missions." he said quickly.

"Maybe i can meke more art and show this world how beautifull it is, yeah!" Deidara said excitendly.

"Whatever you do is not called art.' Sasori said and they began to bicker.

"Maybe i can practise my cooking more." Konan said with a smile and i sweatdropped."

Yeah...maybe." i said and looked at the others.

"Toby is going to play with Cody!" Toby shouted and they both began to run around through the house.

"Maybe i can make more money and bring it back with us to sell it for more money." Kakauzu said seriousely thinking it over.

"I can sacrifice more people to Jashin! Hell yeah!" Hidan shouted and Pain send him a glare.

"I fucking know, no killing..." Hidan grumbled and pouted.

"In the meantime we will train and work on the jutsu and as soon as it's done we will be able to go back to our world." Pain said and i nodded.

"I looked around the room at everyone and saw Itachi looking at me, i smiled at him and he send me the tiniest smile ever, i almost didn't notice it...

I wonder what he's going to do while he's here? He's going to help with the jutsu but what else?" My eyes widened, i knew exactly what i'm going to do with him while they are here. This might change a lot but them being here has already changed a lot so...


I snapped out of my inned planning and thinking to hear the doorbell, everyone quickly sat down and got very silent.

I walked over to the door and opened it to so see Amy and Aron.

Amy looked the same as a month befor, short blond hair, pretty blue eyes, petite with a great figure and wearing jans with a red shirt and a black jacket.

Aron is her twin, he also has blonde hair that's shorter at the sides but longer uptop and styled back with also pretty blue eyes, he's wearing jeans with a band t-shirt and a black jacket.

"I missed you guys!" i said and me and Amy hugged.

"Oh come here!" i said and Aron also came in for a hug, all three of us stood there hugging.

"Amy! Aron!" Cody shouted exitedly while running to us.

They gave him a hug too and smiled and complimented him on his height and how he's a grown boy, this made him very happy.

"Come on! You need to meet the others!" he shouted and began to pull them by their hands and into the living room.

"Cody easy we have time, we-" Aron stopped talking as soon as they stepped into the living room and saw the Akatsuki sitting or standing and taking up all the space.

"Oh fuck." Amy and Aron said at the same time.

I don't own Naruto!

I'm so sorry, i have been a very bad person and not writing :(

I'll try to write more, it's just been very buisy xD

Anyway, i hope you guys enjoy the chapter, nothing really too big, just Amy and Aron finding out that the Akatsuki is real xD

And if you guys read a lot of mistakes, my word failed me and the other one i used to write this doesn't show me my mistekes -_-
