Alex P.O.V.

I was walking down the road, walking home. I really don't want to go there but I have to, I have to go for Cody. I still have three hours before HE comes back and it's Cody's birthday, and I still don't have a birthday present. *sight*

Hi my name is Alex, I'm 21 and I work at a agency and part time as a model, I'm 21 and I live with my abusive father and little brother, my little brother's name is Cody, he's the cutest! He's 5 years old and very smart, too smart, but that way he will get good grades in school later. So I live with my father, he has abused me and my mother for years, when Cody was born my mother dies because she couldn't take the pain from giving birth to Cody and the pain she was in from dad.

She died and left me alone with Cody, luckily I wasn't a little kid back then so it wasn't so hard to take care of him, but it was still hard because I didn't know what to do and I was a teenager. And I had to protect him from dad, he sometimes burst's trough he door and tries to hurt him but I get the blow. I always let him hit me instead of Cody, I love my little brother and I would die for him… well… I did almost die a few times.

You see, he easily switches over to a knife. He stabbed me and mom some times, that's also a reason why she dies after giving birth, some of the wounds reopened and she was too weak to live any longer, she even said that she's sorry for being a bad mom and apologized , but I told her that it's dad that's the problem and that I will protect Cody from him.

And I did protect him, but he does carry some traumatizing memories. Dad bursting through the door trying to hit him, me protecting him and taking the blow for him and sometimes getting stabed. He has nightmares sometimes and apologies to me, but I say that I'm fine.

I'm planning to go soon and I'm taking Cody with me, dad won't care anyway. I'm saving money to buy a good apartment, I can't get anything too big because I want to save money for his studies later. I saved up quite a lot of money and I found a good apartment with 3 bedrooms, a big living room, 4 toilet's, one for each bedroom and one for guests, a big kitchen a wash room and more. That way he can call over friends and I can call over some friends too. I'm saving us both from him, and I have to do it fast.

I walked down the street almost home. I have to make dinner to make sure he's not going to try and kill me today, but there is still a chance that he will. I was almost at my door…

"Woah!" I yelped as I tripped over something, but that something yelped too, I rubbed my head and looked to my feet to see a box… with my name on it, I crooked my head in confusion "I didn't order anything".

3rd person P.O.V.

"WHY THE FUCK ARE WE IN E BOX?! AND WHY THE FUCK ARE WE FUCKING KITTENS?!" a very angry and frustrated silver kitten with violet eyes… meowed but we can understand them because we're just that awesome…

"Hidan shut up" growled a gray little kitten with neon green eye that has stitched all over its little body.

"What the hell happened un?!" a yellow cat with one long bang covering his left blue eye asked.

"Shut up brat, I don't know" said a red kitten with brown eyes.

"Ah, Deidara-sempai! Is Tobi a cute kitten?! Tobi is a good kitten!" shouted a black kitten with a orange face and a closed eye.

"No, yeah!" the little black and orange kitten stopped and looked at the yellow kitten a little confused.

"But, Deidara-sempai, is it no or yeah?!" the yellow kitten got a anime vain on its head.

"No! Shut up hm!" the yellow kitten shouted.

On the other sides of the box, there were two kittens sitting next to each other, a black kitten with a little longer hair at each side of its face and red eyes. And a lot bigger blue kitten with gills.

"Itachi, what do you think happened?" the big bleu kitten asked the smaller black one.

"I don't know" was all the little kitten said.

On another side of the box there was a half bland and half white kitten that was… slamming… it's head to the side of the box.

"I *slam* can't *slam* get *slam* trough*slam* the *slam* box *slam*" said the kitten still… slamming it's head to the box.

On another side of the box the last two kittens remained, a blue kitten with a white spot above its head at the side and a orange kitten with black spots all over its body and purple eyes that have rings.

"Pain, what happened?" the bleu kitten asked the orange one.

"I don't know, the light surprised all of us and now were here" the orange kitten said.

"Woah (un)!" all the kittens yelped as something hit the box, but that something or someone also yelped. All the kittens rubbed their heads.

"What the fuck was that?!" the silver kitten asked, but then the box opened and all the kittens looked up to see a girl.

Alex P.O.V.

I opened the box and saw the cutest thing ever, there were 10 little cute/ weird kittens and they all turned their heads to me at the same time (I'm imagining this so to me it's super cute, ten little heads all looking at you at the same time!) Aww. I smiled at the strange kittens, somehow they remind me of the Akatsuki… I must be imagining.

"You guys are weird but perfect!" is aid taking the box in my arm, all the time I felt the eyes on me, but I could feel two pairs of eyes looking at me very intensely. I took my keys and held them with my teeth while I shift the box, I took the keys and opened the door and almost got tackled to the ground by Cody. I held the box very tightly.

"Hah, easy Cody I'll drop the box." He looked up at me with confusion, but he got very excited as he saw the box.

"What's in it? What's in it?" he asked be, I giggled and walked past him, I saw Amy in the living room.

"Thanks for watching him Amy, here is the money." I put the box down on the table making sure Cody didn't see anything and gave Amy the money, she's Cody's babysitter. As I said the word money one of the kittens looked to be on high alert. It was the gray kitten with the stitches all over his body.

"Thanks Alex and no problem, I love the little fella" she said, Cody gave her a hug and she left, he turned to me with stars in his eyes.

"What's in the box?! What's in the box?!" he shouted excited, I giggled taking the box again.

"Go sit down" I said, he nodded and we sat down on the ground, he looked ready to burst of curiosity and excitement, I giggled "Now close your eyes and no peeking" he nodded and closed his eyes "No peeking!" I said, he pouted and covered his eyes with his hand, I smiled and looked down at the kittens.

"Okay, I'm going to bend over the box a little to get you all out at once" is said… they… nodded… weird. As I bend over the box the kittens walked to the side and were almost out "Open your eyes!" I said, Cody hesitantly uncovered his eyes and gasped with joy in his eyes, this mad me happy. Very happy. "Happy birthday!"

"Kittens!" he shouted startling the kittens.

"Easy Cody, you'll scare them" I said, Cody immediately got silent and we watched the kittens. Two kittens coughed my eye, a black one who was sitting fairly close to me and a orange one who was also sitting close to me, and every kitten looked around but they didn't seem to be as curious as normal kittens. "This is strange." I said making Cody and all the kittens look at me, awkward…

"What's wrong with the kittens?" Cody asked, I looked at the black kitten and put my finger in front of him, he looked at my finger with a straight face and didn't budge.

"They don't behave like normal kittens, they don't seem to be as curious, or they don't want to show it and they don't seem to smell anything either, like this one" I said taking my finger away, the kittens all looked at me. I turned to Cody who looked worried. "Don't worry, they are fine, they're just different" he smiled at me and nodded, I smiled and looked at the kittens. "We still have to name them" they stiffed and looked at me then Cody.

"Yey, I want to name them!" he shouted happily, I smiled but I was very worried that he won't give them a weird name.

"Let's call the silver one with the violet eyes Violet!" said happily, I held in my laughter and some kittens looked like they were laughing and the yellow and blue big one were making jokes. The silver kitten hissed at the other kittens and then at Cody, Cody looked happy.

"Cody, Violet is a boy" Cody blinked, e looked at Violet then at me.

"Really?! How do you see that?" he asked me.

"Um, never mind that. Let's call him a different name. But first-" I looked at the kittens then Cody "- Don't they seem familiar to you too?" he blinked and looked at the kittens.

"A little bit, why?" he asked me, I sighed and looked at my watch.

"I'm gonna go make dinner, have to be quick. I'll tell you later, you can name them. Oh and they are all guys except the little bleu one at the oranges ones side" I stood up, Cody nodded and looked at the kittens smiling like the little cutie he is. I turned around and walked to the kitchen, HE will be back soon, probably later because he always goes to that stupid bar.

-After making dinner-

After I made dinner I put it on three plates, me, Cody and HIM. I put the plates on the table and the last one in the microwave, I put some meat that I fried on some plates and on the table, I have to resemble the troops. I blinked as I walked into the living room. Cody was chasing the kittens along with the black and orange kitten. The other were either running or hiding, I sighed and grabbed Cody before he could get to any kittens.

"Cody" he looked at me then the floor.

"Sorry I just wanted to play" he said, I sighed and put him down.

"Let's go, dinner is on the table" he smiled and ran into the kitchen cheering. I looked back to the kittens who were emerging from their hiding spots and smiled "Troops, assemble! Dinner is read!" as I said the word dinner, you could hear a lot of little stomachs rambling. I giggle "Let's go" they all ran to me but I stopped them and counted, I frowned.

"Were missing one" I said, they all looked around and seemed to be… talking or something. I heard a banging noise and looked at the wall and sweat dropped. The black and white kitten was meowing and slamming his head to the wall, I sighed and walked over to him. All the kittens were looking at me as I took the black and white kitten. "Let's go, I don't want you to have brain damage" I said taking the kitten and letting the other into the kitchen.

Cody was eating eagerly, I put the kitten and the plates on the ground, while I was taking the plates the silver one and the yellow one were all over my feet along with the black one with the orange face. The moment the plate hit the floor the only thing you could see were a few bowls with kittens attached to it, eaten eagerly, I sighed and sat down also eating.

Chapter one of Me, my brother and the aCATsuki is done, hope you like t so far.

Heh, isn't Cody the cutest?! The name is inspired by the story Split Apart, Wolffang09 used Luna from my story and I liked the name Cody for the little brother so it's inspired by that story!

Read the story Split Apart! It's good, it's the start but it's good! =D

Anyways, I don't own Naruto or any of the Akatsuki, sadly TT^TT

Anyways, read, vote comment/ review!


BloodyMoonX XD