I don't own Shake It Up! or any of the characters, but this story is being told in my own version. A few details here will be different than some that's on the show. So, I ask that you read it, give it a fair chance and review it. By the way, this is rated T. Thanks.


Chapter 1: Cece and Ty

-Ty Blue's POV-

Alright! The bus is finally at the school. Saint John's High School. A whole bunch of kids are entering the building of education and are headed to their classes. But not me...Well, not yet anyways. I gotta see my girl first. Yep. Cece and I have been going out for about a week, now. Even though we haven't sealed the deal with a kiss yet, I think it's safe to say that it's official. Cece Jones IS my girlfriend. That sounds so so good. Rocky is Cece's BFF, so all this must be rather strange for her and was hard to accept, but Rocky came around. I knew she would. She's my favorite sister...Actually, Rocky is my ONLY sister. I'm going through the hallway here wearing my usual grey vest, black pants, white shirt, and the patented tie and there she is. My girl, Cece is at her locker with my sister, Rocky. Cece is looking so hot wearing her black stalkings, shirt, pink shorts and pink nike shoes. And Rocky is wearing the exact same outfit that Cece is wearing. They've been wearing the same thing for days, now. What's up with that? "What's up, sis?...Cece?," I ask as I lean on the locker real close to my girlfriend and I take her hand. "Oh...Hey, Ty,"says Cece as she smiles and holds my hand, but I expected a little better greeting, but whatever.

"So, Ceece. Deuce and Dina are gonna go see the new Iron Man movie, tonight. The sequel, Iron Man 2. They want us ta join 'em and make it a double date. So, how about it?" "Uh, no can do, babe. I got to work on my homework, tonight and Rocky's gonna be helping me out with it. So, maybe later this week?," Cece asks. "Actually, Cece. We got a lot to do this week, so it might be a while before we can even THINK about catching a movie," says Rocky. "So, what you saying? You both gonna be busy all week long?," I ask curiously. "Looks like it," says Cece. "Yeah. And there's also our history-oral report that's due this Friday," Rocky says as she grabs Cece's arm and pulls her with her. "We need to go ahead and get going to class. You better do the same, Ty,"says Rocky. "Talk to ya later, Ty," says Cece. "Wait!," I shout as I hold onto Cece's hand and lean into her face. "Uh. No, Ty," says Cece as she puts her other hand up infront of my face before my lips even come close to touching hers. "Not yet, okay? Let's go Rocky," Cece says as she and my sister walk away. What the heck, man?! "Damn!," Deuce shouts as he approaches me. Yeah. There's no way ta miss my boy, Deuce. He'll stand out in any crowd with those odd big eye brows of his and the head phones that he always has around his neck. He still my boy, though. "So, Ty. Cece still won't let you kiss her?" "Naw. And worse, she been blowing me off for the past few days, man! Aint giving me no time, man! Saying that she's always busy with homework and stuff," I complain to Deuce. "Since when does Cece Jones likes doing homework? The Cece that I know NEVER likes doing homework. I mean, she does do it when ever Rocky gets on to her about it,"says Deuce.

"She does have to keep her grades up or she's off of Shake It Up! Chicago. I get that, but she be spending ALL of her free time with Rocky...Something else is going on, man," I say to Deuce. "Like what? You think Cece is cheating on you?""Well, she just blew me off again...I told her that you and Dina wanted to double date with us to see Iron Man 2. Then she said that she and Rocky was gonna do homework and work on their history-oral report or something...Funny thing is. It was Rocky that brought up the history-oral report-thing. So, it could be that Cece is cheating on me and Rocky is covering up for her." I explain. "I don't know, Ty. You could be jumping to conclusions," says Deuce. "Well what other explanation is there? Rocky is always with Cece. And Cece is always blowing me off for something, man...If she IS playing me? I'm gonna find out...Deuce. You got a camcorder, right?" "Yeah. What you need it for?" "If Cece IS playing me like a chump, I want ta catch her in the act, get it on tape, and put her blast!...'Spy-time' is tonight. We follow both Cece and Rocky." "Tonight?...Aw man...I can't do it, tonight. Dina and I are gonna go see Iron Man 2 even though you and Cece are not gonna join us," says Deuce. "Come on, Deuce. This is your boy, here, man. I need your help. Just tell Dina that you gotta help me with something important that just came up. Come on, Deuce. Grow a pair! You owe me anyways after all the times I been helping you out with stuff." "Alright, man...I'll tell Dina that I can't go out with her tonight and maybe we can catch a later show," says Deuce. "Alright. I appreciate that, man." Oh crap...Here comes Dina. Time ta man up to your Latina-girlfriend, 's see if ya can do it for your boy.

"Hey Ty and Deucey...So Ty, are you and Cece gonna be joining us tonight when we go see Iron man 2?," Dina ask. "Naw. Some stuff came up. Cece's got homework and I'm working on something and I'm gonna need Deuce's help with it," I say. "So, we won't be able ta catch tonight's show, but we can catch another show," says Deuce. "But Deucey. I really wanna go see Iron man 2 tonight," Dina whines. "But we can't, Dina. I really want to, but we can't. Ty's thing is really important," my boy explains. "It really is, Dina. But don't worry. You will get to see Iron Man 2. We guarantee it," I say to Dina. "You both guarantee it?," ask Dina. "Absolutely, girl," says Deuce. "Alright. I'm holding you to it. If I don't get to see Iron Man 2, I'm gonna be real pissed...And trust me...That is not good, boys," Dina says with a smile...Geez. "Alright. There's the bell. We better get to class," I say as Deuce leans into Dina, but then Dina slaps Deuce in the face before his lips even gets close to hers! Damn! "Oww! Damn, woman!," Deuce shouts. "Now, Deucey. You know we don't do that in public! See ya later," says Dina as she goes off to her class. "Yeah. Cece won't let me kiss her either," I say to Deuce. "But at least Cece doesn't slap you!," Deuce shouts.

*About two hours later*

-Ty Blue's POV-

I'm suppose ta be in my math class, now. I told my teacher that I had ta use the bathroom, but instead I'm at the school's library, and shockingly enough...I see Cece sitting at a table like she's waiting for somebody. Cece's suppose to be in English, now...Who the heck is she waiting for? The chump that she's cheating on me with? Like any guy can compare ta THIS. This girl needs ta recognize. Hold up...Now, Rocky walks in and is sitting down next ta Cece. They're both opening their books, but Rocky is the one that's reading her book. Hmm. No surprise there. Man, Cece and Rocky are really chatting it up. I know that they're probably working on their history report, but the report can't be that interesting for the girls ta be laughing and giggling about it...I'm sick of this waiting. I'm gonna go over there and see what I can get outta my girlfriend and sister.

"What's up, Ceece and sis?," I say to them. "Hey, Ty. Why you here in the library?," Cece ask. "I was looking for a book, but couldn't find it...So, I guess you two are working on your science project that's due this Thursday," I say to them. "No. We don't HAVE a science project that's due this Thursday. We have an Oral-History Report that's due this Friday,"Rocky explains. DAMN! I remembered that earlier today, they did say that it WAS an Oral-History Report. I just said science project ta see if they would slip. But it looks like they got their story straight alright. If they're hiding something, they sure are hiding it well. "I gotta get ta my next class," says Cece. "Which is...?," I ask. "Math," Cece answers. "Don't you mean 'English'?," I ask. "No. I mean Math. My English teacher gave me a hall pass so I could come here and work on my thing with Rocky. And I don't have to go back to my English class. She said it was okay. I can just go to my next class," Cece explains. "WHO said it was okay?," I ask with a suspicious look on my face. "Uh...My English teacher, Mrs. Goody," Cece replies. "And she said it was okay ta do what?," I ask. "Work on my Oral-History Report! TY! What is WITH you and this all a sudden interrogation?!," Cece ask annoyed. "SSHHH! Quiet. This is a library," Miss Burk says. "I'm just trying ta figure out why my girlfriend keeps avoiding me," I respond. "Avoiding you?...You think I'm avoiding you?," ask Cece.

"Well, that's what it looks like. We haven't gone out in days. I really miss you, Ceece...Look, I know that you're busy. But you gotta make some time for me, girl. I'm your man," I say to Cece firmly.
"Look, Ty. You do mean a lot to me, but it's not my fault that I'm busy with lots of stuff. You really need ta get over yourself," says Cece as she starts to walk away. "Hold up," I say as I grab Cece's arm. "You know I gotta get me some sugar, now," I say as I lean in close to Cece. Cece puts a hand up infront of my face and stops me. "No...I'll talk to ya'll later," Cece says as she walks away. "Damn!...She gave me the hand again!," I say. "SSHHH! Quiet," Miss Burk says again. MAN she's annoying. I sit down at the table next to Rocky. "So, what's up, sis?" "Look, Ty. Cece's got a lot going on right now. She'sreally struggling with her classes and you know that she has to work hard for the show." "So that's what's going on? Cece is just busy with stuff?" "Well, what do you THINK is going on?" "I'm trying ta find out what's going on. I was really hoping you'd help me out with that, Rocky." "Well, I just told you what's going on. Cece's got it tough. That's why I'm spending a lot of time helping her." "But maybe a little too much time." "What's that suppose to mean, Ty?" "When Cece and I got together, you didn't really approve of us dating." "Well, ofcourse I'm really skeptical about that. My best friend for life and my brother dating each other is really awkward and very hard to accept. Not to mention WIERD."

"Might be at first, but you know me, Rocky. I'm really good ta Cece. I treat her right and I bought her stuff. GOOD stuff. But then 1) She keeps looking for excuses ta avoid me. And 2) She refuses ta kiss me. What the heck is up with that?" "Well, don't you think that's moving a little too fast? You and Cece have only been going out for about a week." "Actually, in the past few days, we haven't been going out at all. Cece's been too "busy" to spend any time with me. But when it looks like she IS free, she be with YOU, Rocky!...Is there something you wanna tell me?" "There's nothing TO tell, Ty...And NO. Cece is not seeing another guy. I knew that's what you were thinking." "Really?" "Yeah really." "Look, Rocky. You are Cece's BFF...You'd do anything for her-and vice versa. I know you're very loyal ta her. And that's good...I'm loyal to you too, Rocky. I'm here for you and I'm always looking out for you. I'll help you with anything. You know that...And I need you to help me, too. So, if you know something, you got to tell me." "I AM here for you too, Ty. I care about you a lot...I have to get to class," Rocky says as she stands up. "Just remember, Rocky! Cece maybe your BFF, but I'm your BROTHER!...Your real loyalty lies with ME!," I shout as Rocky walks away."SSHHH! Quiet," Miss Burk says again.

OH CRAP! Here comes the Hessenheffer-Twins: Tinka and Gunther. They always wear matching outfits like Cece and Rocky are doing now and Tinka and Gunther hang out together more than Cece and Rocky does-and that's scary. "Hello BABYEEE!," they both shout at the same time annoyingly. "Uh, this IS a library, guys," I remind the twins. "That's right! This IS a library. And you need to quiet down as well," Miss Burk says to me. "So, how are things going with you and Cece, Ty?," Tinka ask. "That's what I'm trying ta figure out. We haven't hang out together in days. Cece is always busy with stuff like homework and rehearsing for the show. She hasn't been giving me ANY time at all. I mean, there's always an excuse," I explain to the wierd twins-wait...WHY exactly AM I explaining this to the wierd twins?! "Zomething Iz not right," says Tinka. "Zomething is definately on zee ups. Cece iz hiding zomething," says Gunther. "And Rocky maybe helping her hide it," I say. "But Zhez your zister. Rocky zhould tell you whatz going on," says Tinka. "I hate to say it, bro. But I think Cece iz cheating on you," says Gunther. "Zhe zigns are all there, Ty," says Tinka. "And you know zhe old saying. What it iz, iz what it IZ," says Gunther. "That maybe, but I need ta know for sure, not mention get some hard facts...Alright. I gotta get ta class," I say as I walk away. "Good luck, Ty...With Cece az a girlfriend, you'll need it!," says Tinka."SSHHH! Quiet," Miss Burk says again.