Author's Note!

If you're reading this, Hear You, Hear Me has come to an end. I know what you're thinking...lame ending what was the point of reading all that? But I was thinking if I kept writing this particular story, it would be like forty chapters. So I have decided to split the story and am going to continue'll be the same story and it will pick up right where I left off with Carlisle leaving and Bella being left at NYU. So please do no fret, this particular part is over, but the story has a lot more to be added and written.

I haven't decided yet, but the story will either be called Trees or Can't Go Back

You are probably all wondering where I get some of these titles/chapter titles. I get them all from songs that fit the chapter. This story, Hear You, Hear Me came from the song Hear You Me by Jimmy Eat World. Trees is by Twenty One Pilots and Can't Go Back is from Can't Go Back Now by the Weepies. If you want, go look them up and tell me which you think would work better, Trees or Can't Go Back.

Thanks for keeping up with Hear You, Hear Me! And stay tuned for the second half!