Éponine sat under her favorite tree beside the Seine. She enjoys the quiet and serenity of the place and would always come here whenever she's lonely or upset or just needed some place to think.

She would sit there and stare at the waters below for hours and hours and never get bored. She had always been fascinated by water, it amazes her how constant yet ever changing it is. She dreamed of one day sailing across the sea. Leaving all the hurt and misery of Paris behind. But right now, she's stuck here. And at least Les Amis de l'ABC is trying to make a difference, even though what they fight for might actually lead to their deaths.

Éponine was lost in thought when she felt something cold nuzzle her bare arm. Her back straigtened in surprise and she turned her head, just in time to see a puppy. She glared at it, hoping that the pup would understand what she meant. It didn't, much to her dismay. The puppy had decided to scramble onto her lap and lick her face.

She let out a yelp, picked it up and held it at an arm's length away from her. A blue ribbon was tied around its neck, obviously belonging to a bourgeois. She scowled at it as it struggled in her hands, twisting and turning and licking her fingers.

Where is the owner of this blasted thing?!

"Hey! There she is!" She heard someone exclaim and turned her head to the direction of the voice.

Enjolras – the revolutionary leader of Les Amis – was jogging towards her. She started panicking. What does he want from her? Did he finally found out that she stole some money from the owners of café Musain? Had he finally realized that she broke into his flat once and stole some bread? Had he finally realized that she helped Courfeyrac devise the "incident" that lead to Jehan being sent to the hospital for a concussion? This is not the quiet afternoon that she had wanted.

He stopped in front of her, "You found her," He panted.

Éponine raised an eyebrow at him, "I don't – " but relieved that he's still oblivious of her antics.

"Elisa!" came the shrill voice of a girl from behind the revolutionary. Enjolras turned around and smiled at the little girl running towards them.

"Oh, Elisa, I thought I have lost you for good. Don't ever run from me again. Do you understand?" the little girl said as she picked up her puppy from the hands of one confused Éponine.

"Thank you for finding her, mademoiselle." She smiled at her and turned to Enjolras next, "and thank you for helping me, monsieur."

"My pleasure, little mademoiselle." She curtsied and he gave her a bow. Éponine stared as the little girl ran to where she had come from with Elisa just behind her heels.

"You're Marius's friend, correct?"

"Oui, m'sieur." She was surprised that he remembered her, she had only come to their meetings a couple of times before, and only because Marius had asked her to.

"Did you hear me?" Éponine was startled by the proximity of his voice and had found that Enjolras had sat down beside her.

"I'm sorry, m'sieur . I didn't," she said as she ever so slightly moved away from him. She knows that he's trying to overthrow the state and is good friends with Marius but aside from that, she knows nothing of the man.

"I asked you what your name was. I see you in our meetings, always beside Marius and often in conversation with Gavroche."

She found it peculiar that the revolutionary took notice of her. It made her self-concious, oddly creeped out and most definitely annoyed. She tried hard not to stand out whenever she attends their meetings and here he was, telling her that her attempts were futile.

She scowled at him, "why do you want to know?"

"Just answer my question," he practically ordered.

Who does he think he is? She's not one of his idiotic friends whom he can order around. She snorted and left. So much for the quiet afternoon she wanted.

For the next three days, Éponine had always found Enjolras sitting under her tree. It infuriated her. She practcially owned that tree. If she could, and if it wasn't against the law, she'd build a house amongst the branches and live there with her little brother.

He's here. Good.

Éponine took a deep breath. I'm going to tell him off today. I will. She took long strides to where Enjolras was seated. Determined to tell the man to stop coming to her tree.

He had a book opened on his lap and if he saw her coming, he didn't let it show. She felt her stomach grumble at the sight of a juicy looking apple in his hand. She cleared her throat. Enjolras looked up slowly and cocked an eyebrow at her, which made her blood boil.

"What are you doing here?" She asked, annoyance evident in her tone.

"Oh, I'm so sorry. I didn't realize you owned this place." He was mocking her. She can tell. She balled her fists and tried her best not to lunge at the man and claw away at his angelic face.

"Answer my question," She snarled.

"You didn't answer mine the other day, so why should I?"

Her glare was deathly and he smirked. "I'm reading," He turned back to his book and took a bite off his apple.

Well, he is reading.

"Why here? Why not in the Musain?"

Enjolras shrugged and took another bite of his apple, "It's peaceful and I like it here"

She frowned as she heard her stomach growl. She had to admit, her last meal was yesterday morning and she was pretty hungry.

Stop grumbling. She gave her stomach a quick pat.

"What's that I hear?" Enjolras had a knowing smirk plastered on his face. Éponine had never wanted to slap a man before in her life, even when her father beat her.

"Thunder, m'sieur," She lied promtply.

Enjolras squinted at the sky, "No, it wasn't. Stop lying and sit down."

Against her better judgement, she did. She was tired and hungry after all. She needed rest, albeit beside the persistently annoying Enjolras.

"Here," He had his hand out and an apple was seated on his palm.

She glared at him. "Come on, take it. It will at least subdue your hunger."

"No," she pushed his hand away.

"Ah, but mademoiselle, I insist." He said, throwing the apple in her direction. Éponine caught it and looked at the fruit warily.

"If you're wondering whether that's poisonous, then I'm afraid you'll find yourself very disappointed."

She shot him a glare and took a bite of the apple. She threw the core away and cursed herself for not following Rule #1 - never accept charity from a bourgeoisie

She stared at the Seine and took a deep breath, "Éponine"

He turned his head towards her, "Pardon?"

"My name's Éponine." She said quietly and tried ahrd not to squirm under his piercing gaze. She figured she at least owed him her name for the apple. Which is kinda stupid but whatever.

Out of the corner of her eye, she saw him smile a half-smile that made him look younger than usual. He closed his book and stood, "Well then, mademoiselle Éponine, I must be going." He gave her a curt nod and left.

Éponine laid on her side and was lulled to sleep by the constant murmur of the waters below.

A/N: Yeey! New fic! this one is a pre-barricade but will eventually become a post-barricade in the last chapter :)

love always,

- Clarizza

PS: I'll give you a cookie if you give me a review :3