HERE WE ARE PEOPLE! The end of 'Their Cold Freeze or Flee'. It was fun to do this for you guys, to see all of you enjoy the series. I hoep you like and enjoy the last chapter. It took a lot of inspiration to write this out.

Stay for the ending A/N, though. It WILL be very important!

Italy watched in awe as the southernmost wing of the CrossBond base exploded into smoke and flames, stray pieces of concrete, bubbling metal and materials, and any sort of protection lit into flames sent flying out in a wide circle. The explosions went off beautifully, and America did a good job finding the spots for them. He would have to formally thank him later for being a bit of a pyromaniac and explosives master. The facility screamed out in alarms and fire alarms, the voices of guards and workers barely heard over them. It had become hell like chaos, people scrambling out of the building and people loading weapons and prepping for anything to happen. It was the perfect time now, to strike fear into them. The confusion was what they needed, what they planned and wanted. It brought good thoughts to Italy as he surveyed the playing field to get him back. Now all he needed to worry about was his final part of the plan. He looked over to Hungary, who was giddy with excitement. Next to her, Denmark, France, Romania and Liechtenstein were prepping, checking their weapons one last time.

Prussia squirmed next to him, his fingers itching over the triggers of his guns. He was getting tired of waiting, tired of sitting still and watching as his family and friends were captured and tortured. He growled as another explosion went off, on the other end of the facility. A plume of smoke and flame rose above them. It was almost like a nuclear explosion, minus the radiation and blinding light. The bellowing spit of red and orange smoke lit up the sky in a dull flame-like glow. It was closing in on twilight, the darkness they hoped for.

"Alright, the C4 went off! That was AWESOME!" America cheered. Italy smiled at him, and let his wings flap just a bit around him. Before he stood, he spread them wide, and looked out at his army; the battle force of the operation to recover Germany from the clutches of CrossBond.

"Thank for the explosives, America. All right! We know where we enter, and we know who non-combatants are. We attack any and all forces of CrossBond who threaten us, and any who pose a threat. Our main target of attack is Ana

"If possible, keep her alive. If we can't find Germany, we go to her to find him. All experiments who don't pose a threat are to be saved and taken from the battlefield. Are we clear?"

"Crystal! Now LET'S GO TAKE EM DOWN!" Prussia roared, and the crowd surrounding the building roared up in response. Italy signaled them over the hill, and the ring of countries and allies charged down, weapons drawn and primed. The roar of the combined attacking forces made a few of the fleeing CrossBond members cringe and shudder. The experiments, at least those who are used to the overwhelming screech, continued on, using the moment of misdirection and confusion to their advantage. Blood was spilt as they neared the main field, more and more enemy forces poured out to fight the army. As Feli came crashing into the fight, wings lit up in the surrounding flames, he nearly lost the fight there as an unnamed soldier stabbed forward with a long sword. A quick blur however passed him, stabbing the man multiple times, throwing him around like a ragdoll. Blood spun and whirled around them, until the man fell in a squishy pile, shredded to pieces. He watched as a girl with black-purple hair and cat additions landed gracefully on her feet. She looked over her shoulder, her a smile revealing her sharpened canines. Her odd purple eyes flashed in the disappearing light.

"You're welcome" she said, and turned on her heels, running at another attacker. He smiled. He would have to find her later.

He turned to his right, and lashed out at an unsuspecting soldier. He fell easily to the ground, the claw marks slowly seeping out blood. He kept his claws out nice and proud, ready to attack again. He did run out into the battle, attacking and slashing at any CrossBond members attacking them. He spotted through the crowd a small girl fighting for her life, water splashing in semi-solid forms at her attackers. She was pretty torn up, her small sailor uniform almost in tatters. Feli launched himself at one of the attackers, tearing into him with claws and teeth. The girl backed away, raising the water around to a frozen form, and splintered it off to stab into her attackers. They fell hard, the spikes evaporating into water once more and surrounding her like the part Red Sea. She stared at Feli as he drew back his claws, wiping his bloodied mouth. Her small white antenna's swayed in the wind, her navy blue eyes watching in curiosity.

"Are you ok?" Feli asked. She let her tail sway to one side, visible to him. Her webbed, scaled-covered ears twitched, and a smile crossed her lips.

"Ok, but I could handle them asshole" she said cheerfully. Feli told one tentative step back, but then stepped closer.

"Sure. I need some help. I need to find a few people…"

The girl slammed into him, knocking him hard to the ground. His wings crushed under the soft weight, the air escaping from his lungs in one hard gasp. She crushed him into the ground, and several bullets whizzed in the air, barely missing them both. This girl had saved his life.

"Thank you…." He said as she shot up on to her feet. He smiled gently as the wings wrapped around his shoulders in a shield.

"I'm Gir, you're welcome, and good luck" she saluted with her right hand and ran off, her water following her and assaulting a CrossBond agent on the ground, drowning him in an instant. He watched briefly before launching into another attack. He could catch the blurred movement of the cat-hybrid in the crowd. She was attacking the CrossBond members ganging up on his friends. He slashed at an attacker with accuracy, blood spurting forth as he fell to his face. IT brought ta smile to his face as the enemies fell to the ground. More continued to pour out now, and another explosion rocked the ground. He stumbled a bit and looked to the main walled-up field. A giant hole had been blow into it. Brick and concrete rained down as a girl with rabbit ears stepped out of the rubble, carrying a poor, dead soul. He had only his upper body left, the rest dripping innards and blood. She dropped it without another look and looked straight at him.

"MOVE YOUR ASS FELI!" Austria shouted, pointing to the rabbit girl. He ran forward, dodging and attacking CrossBond with every step. He was getting hurt, taking small but building hits. As he reached it, the others assigned to rush in with him had piled in. The rabbit girl stood in the middle, carrying a small length of pipe. Her ears simply flopped over her eyes, and she brushed them back over her actual ears as she looked at the wings of Italy.

"So you're Feli?" she asked softly. Italy nodded. The black cat girl came up next to him, brushing her claws over his down feathers atop his wings.

"I knew I recognized the wings! You were there with Marieanne at the old Russian facility. I was stuck in the back, watching the escapes." She said, and then cleared her throat. "Sorry to confuse. I'm Ankoku, or Darkness. I don't know my real name"

"It's ok. I understand" Italy said, brushing her cat ears. She stiffened, then blushed and stepped back. France and Romano stood near another cluster of experiments, examining guns and weapons. One of them was Gir, who ran her hands over her scaled tail. Romano watched in amazement, brushing his hands over her antennae. Italy looked at Deje, and took a steady breath. A girl slowly walked up to England, who stood behind Italy. She sported a full head of black hair, nearly deathly pale skin, and deep purple and acidic green eyes. She watched the air around England for a moment, then smiled. A demonic-like tail swished behind her.

"I like you floating friend there. Mint greens a pretty color" she said, pointing to the empty air near England's head. If Italy could see the front of his face, his eyes widened.

"Y-you can see him?" he asked bewildered. She nodded feverishly.

"Yes! He's cute! He looks like a bunny! Can you see my friend? His name is-"

"Kraz, and yes. He seems a bit angry at everything" England said staring at a point just at the creepy girl's shoulder. She brushed the spot where England was staring affectionately. She smiled another toothy smile, her pointed ears flicking.

"He hates the CrossBond scientists and soldiers fighting. They hurt him and took him away. I'm going to kill them all with the help of him" she said calmly, looking off into space. England smiled.

Italy shook his head, returning his attention to the talk with Deje and Ankoku.

"Do you guys know where Ludwig is?" he asked, and Gir was up in his face almost instantly, France and Romano near her heels.

"What about him?" she hissed, water bubbling up at his sides in a warning. Her intimidation was close to Romano's, but it had no effect; not this time. He set his face hard, and stretched his wings out to full width, looking like the harbinger of destiny. His claws extended, and he slowly answered with venom.

"He is the reason I'm here, hurting myself to save him. I watched him get dragged off in Jersey, and I will NOT leave here without him. He saved me from that Russian facility, and I WILL NOT. LEAVE. HIM. BEHIND!"

Gir shrank away, her ears flaring in and out, afraid of him. He huffed out his breath, watching as all eyes were on him. He slowly let his rage simmer down, letting the air around him cool him. He hated when his temper got the best of him. He just needed to get Germany back, and then it would be ok. He could be together with him, and they could fight these alterations. Deje put a hand on his shoulder, brushing her fingers over a few loose feathers.

"I think he's still inside, but it would be suicide to go in now"

Italy kept his composure. He would have to if he wanted to get to Germany, to make sure he really was ok. He swallowed the knot in his throat and nodded. The cluster of people returned their attention to an explosion going off behind the wall.

"Now's a better time than ever to go on the attack. Clear out the goons to go get Ludwig, right?" Ankoku said, her claws coming out. She gave a toothy smile at Italy, who returned it in full. He was going to let the boiling anger out the way he knew how: beating the crap out of enemies.

"Time to hurt some motherfuckers!" Romano cheered, and they launched out of the hole in the wall, and rejoined the fight once more. Ankoku drew first blood from the group, once again shredding a man into bloody, gory ribbons. She patted the man's clawed head almost affectionately before moving on, dodging an oncoming attack and drawing out a discarded blade from the ground.

The battle had grown to a beautiful bloody hue. Swords, guns, and powers of all kinds collided in a brilliant light show, lighting up the slowly darkening scenery. Fatigue was starting to hit them a bit, arms weakening from holding their weapons up and the still moving force of CrossBond was adding to the pile. Italy slashed once more at a guard, ribbons of blood and flesh were sent into the air in a sort of airshow before the man plopped on the ground in a gurgle of blood-soaked lungs and breath. A woman screeched at him from behind, the whiz of a blade alerting him of the challenge. He swung his wings out, confusing the woman in enough time to punch her squarely in the jaw, sending her to the ground. The creepy demon girl was on her in a flash of blurred shadows, her teeth slashing and chewing into her neck. As she rose up from the meal of the poor woman's neck, she looked at Italy.

"Maddie. I like the wings, though demon wings have always been for me" she said in a rumbling voice, unlike the one she used earlier. He did not inquire about it, because she was gone once more, blending into the shadows that brought her here.

Deje quickly was lost track of, diving into the crowd of CrossBond members wielding anything they could get their hands on. They were starting to get desperate; they were running out of troops. Blood soaked almost every patch of earth they stood on. Countries were bloodied and bruised, holding their own through the splitting pain and almost constant attack and defense. Already, Belgium, Canada, Wy and the Netherlands had to back off a bit, tend to their serious wounds. Seborga, Egypt, and Cameroon were regrouping just outside the base, feeding the force more ammo. It was getting more and more serious. Italy launched over a large piece of the building broken from the explosions, noticing the opening of several hallways, red lights covering the darkened inside. The sun was sinking fast behind the horizon, and the facility still went up in bright floodlights. Temporary blindness hit everyone besides the experiments, who once again took advantage of the situation.

A woman stumbled down the hallway, clutching a gun. She emerged into the floodlight of the outside, her red hair glinting in different red hues and shades.

"ANA!" Feli roared, starting to run straight at her, to crush her. She ruined his life, his boyfriend's life, and the entire world's agenda! She's the reason why he's now forced to carry the burden of saving everyone, to finally let everything he set behind locked doors come to light. He was haunted by the cruel memories of his early life, constantly woken by night terrors because of this sadistic bitch! He was closing in on her as she tried to build up a defense, but he was grabbed from behind by the waist, pulled away from Ana. He screeched, whipping his wings out to knock the attacker away. A feminine head popped from one of feathers in his wings.

"Italy, don't! Leave Ana alone!"

Blake. Blake was stopping his attack on her. He squirmed under her grip, her rather powerful grip. Ana was starting to unfurl from her spot, looking at Ana with unreadable eyes. She pocketed her gun into his holster, walking up to them. Italy finally calmed, clawing at Blake's hands.

"Italy…" Ana said softly. Italy bit back pure venom, but still spat at her with it.

"SHUT UP! You….you fucking bitch. You ruined everything in my life, and now you play little miss innocent?!" he said, hissing with strong intent. Ana backed away, barely holding back tears. Blake let go of Italy, sending him to the ground, his wings crumpling under him just a bit. Blake took hold of her shoulders, and pressed her into a hug. Italy watched in a mix of astonishment and disgust. His cruel side was showing itself again.

"Ana has changed, Feli!" Blake shouted over the sudden explosions going off behind them. He watched as Ana stood up to her full height, smiling. She looked physically changed, even though nothing really was changed. He stood up slowly, slowly opening and closing his wings to work out any dirt and locked feathers. He watched as Ana stepped forward once more, but kept a lock on one of Blake's hands.

"I'm sorry, Feli. I honestly am. I felt like I've woken up from a nightmare. I would and will explain more, but there's something we need to worry about first….."

Another explosion rocked the ground, and several experiments and trapped people started to scream out in fear. Ana and Blake turned to one of the hallways. Feli suddenly stood straight, and slammed into the two, working his way in front of them. A single scream pierced the air, just enough for him to hear in the start of the blown up hallway.


He had heard a ghost. He swore that the scream he just heard was from the dead, his dead friend he personally watched die. He sprinted forward down the hall, only relying on the voice screaming out in what sounded like tears. Every possible scenario and reason for the crying crossed his mind, tears suddenly blurring his vision. If it really was the person he suspected, a close subject could be dead, and it could be Germany; that was the worst one, because he refused on thinking about the ways he could have died. The thought was to never pass his mind. He continued to run, wiping tears as he went. Passing body after dead body, blood seeping into his boots, he ran in the direction of the voice. He hated the feel of it, but it was just clockwork. He could make out the footfalls of Blake and Ana, trying to catch up with him.

He kept a steady pace up, following the cries. They were getting clearer! He quickened the falls of his feet, finally catching sight of a familiar marked door knocked off its hinges lying on the ground. This had to be it! He turned into the semi-blackened room. Right under one of the few lights lay two forms, one of its side on the ground and the other curled around the top of it. Long, drawn out sobs echoed in the stagnant air. He stepped into the room with one stride, and lost all color. He felt his lungs collapse, his entire heart shatter into pieces as he finally caught light of the forms, who they were. As the figure, now distinguished as female, turned to him with beet red cheeks and tearful eyes, he could barely stop staring as she claimed she did not do it.

Marieanne did not matter right now. Nothing she said carried true meaning to him anymore. He just seemed to look past her, eyes forever trained on the body she hovered over. He numbly started to walk. He didn't even remember when he told his brain that he wanted to move forward, to get a better look. He was a walking corpse; living but already dead. As he crossed the half-way point to him, the tears finally fell without a word or sound. It was pure silence besides Marieanne's uneven breathing. She scooted around to the head of the body, slowly running a hand through the hair. She watched Italy with unseeing eyes as well. As he reached touching distance, he fell to his knees at the middle of the body, and curled himself around the body. It was still radiating heat. It still felt somewhat warm to the touch, but it wasn't warm enough. Not for this person. He took the bodies' right hand in his, squeezing it. Nothing responded. Marieanne let a sob echo in the air again.

He got closer to the face, dusting his hand over the flatly colored cheeks. Marieanne rose her hands, one dripping in a mixture of red and purple ooze. He looked at them for a moment, then back to the body.

Germany looked like he struggled to stay alive, and now Italy had to watch his body in death. No air flowed in and out of his lungs, raising his perfect chest. No thudding heartbeat in his ribcage as Italy seemed to touch him in every spot imaginable. His eyes haunted him, the pale blue irises staring in cold hope. There was no longer hope for him anymore.

"I'm too late…" Italy finally whispered, bringing Germany's head into his lap. The ooze from Marieanne's finger dripped from the back of Germany's neck to his jeans. He didn't care if they burned with it. He spotted a chip, a small one, covered in blood and purplish fluid. He didn't know what it was. He stroked Germany's hair and cuddled the now lifeless shell up against his own body. He let the bottled sadness and grief explode out of him in violent sobs. Marieanne sat at the side of the mourning country now, sobbing herself as she watched the display. She looked up around her shoulder to the door he knew that was open behind him. He could hear Blake and Ana gasped as they watched from the door Feli's loss. Even Ana whispered 'it's too late'. He sat there for a long time, cradling as much of German in his arms, sobbing into a mess of emotion.

The other countries soon found them as well. They knew as soon as they found Blake and Ana hugged up against each other that it was too late. Prussia tried to run up to his brother, to cry with Italy, but was held back by The Netherlands and Russia. It would be pointless, they said as Prussia fell into a heap of tears at their feet.

"I just want you back Ludwig" Italy whispered as he lay Germany's head on his lap, eyes finally staring into his. They seemed to see nothing as they stared at each other. Italy slowly swept his hand over his eyes, closing the eyes and trapping the blue eyes he would never forget.

"Why must Fate hate us?"

Uh oh...This can't be good. Why did I choose this for a plot line?! But do you know what this means, right?

ANOTHER PART TO THE 'FIGHT OR FLIGHT' SERIES! A trilogy people!, Trilogy! Another part to wrap everything up in a pretty bow, because some people need to die still!

The next part already has its title: 'Forever Dig or Die'. Look out for it soon guys! I don not know when I will post it, but it could be a bit. I'm currently working on a few things, and I have to brave through a last few things for school.

Until then, people, go ahead and reread the two parts up now, or head over to my current series 'Coming Down'. If you want feels and some reason to hate someone besides OC's, go there. Warning though, the feels will hurt you like missiles.