Quick AN: Ok so as Robin tells his tale, keep in mind that Wally knows who he is and everyone else expect for Artemis are not very well versed in pop culture and therefor wouldn't know the origin of the famous billionaire's ward Dick Grayson.

Alienated Part Two: The Tales of a Lone Bird

"Where to start?" the boy mused softly, eyes looking at the blazing fire.

"How about you tell us why you became a hero, my friend?" Kaldur asked kindly, trying to make the teen acrobat feel at ease.

"I- It won't really make since to you guys," the young bird said with a wilted grin, "But it will by the end, I become a vigilante for revenge," the last word he said softly. His confession earned him looks of alarm from a few teammates.

"Revenge, Robin? But I've never seen you vengeful when we work," M'gann said, concern for her young teammate in her eyes.

"I- I'll start from the beginning," Robin took a deep breath before looking back into the blazing fire, the light reflecting off of his dark sunglasses, he slowly let out the breath and turned to the curious faces around him, "I didn't grow up normally, you could say," the Boy Wonder started with a wry smile.

"I was from a group of circus acrobats, my family. We were the best in the business and I had traveled with the same people in the same circus my whole life. In the circus, everyone was close, everyone knew everything about everyone and we were one big family. But it didn't last," the teen turned away back toward the fire, his voice letting the anguish and sorrow seep in, allowing his teammates to see how he was feeling for once.

"A mob killed my parents, murdered them," the little bird croaked, this earned him a gasp from M'gann who had unshed tears gleaming in her eyes.

"I watched my parents fall over fifty feet, my mom- my mom had this look of pure joy in her eyes as she swung toward me, but I can remember it crystal clear as it changed to one of total fear," the teen paused drawing breath, but was tackled by a hug from a now sobbing Miss Martian. He received a heavy comforting hand on his shoulder form the Atlantian leader, but all this affection and kindness only made the Boy Wonder lose it. Tears streamed down his face, escaping below his shades.

"But that's not the worst of it," he said hoarsely, voice cracking from emotion, "A split second after her face changed to fear, it changed again t-to- to apology and regret. That's all she thought about in her last second of life, not herself, not my father, me, SHE WAS SORRY THAT SHE HAD TO LEAVE ME NOT THAT SHE HAD TO DIE!" Robin howled out, voice conveying the pain he was, his head resting in his lap with his hand sagging at his sides, sobs racking his body.

Wally looked at his best friend in shock, yes Robin had told him about when his parents had died, but detached and never like this, and the Boy Wonder had never shared about his mother's face portraying her regret. The speedster numbly walked toward his best friend and crumpled down in a heap at Robin's feet, leaning against the log Robin was on and putting his hand on the teen's knee, trying to let the Boy Wonder know that he was there.

Quietly, almost a whisper, a voice thick with tears spoke, "And so the rage came, because I knew it was murder, and so came the revenge. Batman- Batman's trying to do what wasn't done for him. He doesn't want me to become him, he doesn't want me to be fueled with regret and revenge like him, but he also knew that if I didn't come with him and fight the good fight, that I would be on the other side. People use to say that Batman toes the line between good and evil, but when I was younger, I leapt back and forth across the line, like the acrobat I was."

Artemis looked at the teen before, and she could see herself, she could so easily see herself, but this boy's pain far exceeded anything that she had every gone through, she stepped over and sat next to the Boy Wonder her hand coming to rest on his bent shoulder.

Finally the Boy Wonder lifted his head, looking around to see his team all around him, he looked down to see Wally's sad smile and Artemis and Kaldur on both sides of him with M'gann kneeling behind him, still wrapping him in an embrace. The ebony teen looked down the log to see the Boy of Steel with something besides anger in his blue eyes, with sympathy shining brightly. He sat up a little straighter, but looked back into the fire.

"The League, you see, didn't meet me until about half a year after I became Robin, they don't know any of this in fact. The first few months were bad, really bad; I think Batman had all but given up on me when things changed. I'll go into that another time, maybe, but when it changed I turned into the little orphan boy the league all knows. I did things that I should regret," he added quietly, but receive a gentle squeeze on the shoulder form the archer of the group.

"Robin, you have nothing to regret," Kaldur began, "Thank you, for sharing all of this with us, your trust in us is significant and for that I commend you."

"Thank you, Robin," came a muffled female voice from behind Robin, who the Boy Wonder realized was M'gann who had her face buried in the teen acrobat's back.

With a smile from Wally, "Well I think that we've had enough adventure for tonight," the red haired boy began, "Unless of course, you wanna try and get lost in the woods again," and the speedster got just what he was hoping for, a familiar smirk and a smack to the back of the head.

"I'm the goddamn Batman's protégé, I don't get lost!" he said, smirk in place.

"I'm with Wally on this, for once, it kinda late, and we're all screwed if we have early training tomorrow," Artemis said, getting up from her seat.

"It does seem like a nice time to retire to bed," the team leader said getting up as well, and helping a lazy speedster up.

The rest of the team slowly got up and after dumping sand on the fire, headed back to the mountain. Artemis lagged behind this time, though. Robin took immediate note of this and could see her roaming gaze looking for his almost hidden form in the dark of night.

He watched her idle toward him, unaware that he was standing there, and just as she was reaching him, he could stepped into a stripe of moonlight, almost catching the archer off guard, but she shrugged it off, easily use to it.

"We'll laugh about this later? Really?" she said with a smile looking down at the ebony, who in turn lowered his sunglasses to look her dead in the eye with his gem like blue eyes, one eyebrow raised high than the other.

"I don't know what you are referring to, Crock," he said like the snobby rich boy he was, this of course got a snort and slight laugh from the blonde, causing the teen to grin, "See! I told you we'd laugh about this later! And look its later and you're laughing, worked perfectly!" Which, of course, only earned him a groan from the blonde as she trudged forward and the ebony teen bounced after him, a new lightness to his step.

Ok so I just wrote all that real quick after I saw the responses that I got from this! And I've just gotta say thank you guys so much! I'm just getting into writing after a month or so off and it feels good and y'all make me feel great about it!

Also I could tack on a short last chapter about the reason Robin changed from being so dark when he was first becoming Robin, I really haven't thought it out that much, but if y'all want it just tell me so!

Read and review please! … and now I think I'll go sob over the stupid DC reboot that making me oh so sad…