
*Outside Mount Justice*

The team sat around a campfire, most eating smores with the exception of Robin who sat back and watched quietly through his tented sunglasses.

"Can you tell us how you became Robin?" M'gann asked suddenly, looking up from the blazing red fire. Hearing this, the ebony haired vigilante inwardly cringed, although no emotion crossed his face, but the red heard speedster broke into giggles pointing at his best friend.

"You think you're gonna get an origin story out of this kid? Let's not forget Batman won't even let him tell us his name! Supey over here would have a better origin story," the teenager laughed, jabbing a finger at the Boy of Steel.

At the speedsters comment, the Boy Wonder's eyes hardened, though no one could tell behind his dark shades. Quicker than should be humanly possible, he flipped over the log he was sitting on and stalked into the forest, within seconds disappearing into the night.

The blonde archer said angrily looking after where the little bird had disappeared to. She stood up and stormed over to the redhead, grabbing his shirt color and pulling him up, "What the hell did you say that set him off?"

"What- what do you mean?" Wally asked, trying to wiggle out of the archers iron grip.

"I mean, that you know him the best, and you pushed one of his damn buttons, and now he's doing god knows what and seems pissed as hell," she all but yelled at him.

"I was just saying that he couldn't tell his origin story cause Batman-" Wally started, but was interrupted by a quiet deep voice from across the campfire.

"Is his origin story something to laugh about?" the dark haired boy of steel asked, his eyes holding the accusation he felt.

"Well, un, not really, I mean let's see," the red head seemed to be lost in thought for a millisecond before his eyes widened and he sunk to the ground, head in his hands, "Crapcrapcrapcrapcrappppp, I didn't, no I couldn't, I'm the worst best friend ever."

"What is it, Wally?" Kaldur asked, stepping forward and putting a hand on the speedster's hunched shoulder.

"I screwed up. Big time," and with that the red head jumped up and ran away, screaming his best friends name as he went. (Hero name, he didn't give out his real name)


The young vigilante sat in a tree watching his teammates like the little bird he was. He couldn't take it being down there like that. It sucked not being able to tell the rest of the team his story, how he came to be Robin, because for once he felt he could trust them, he felt that he could tell them, he felt like they were well, friends, which was a novelty for him, but orders were orders.

The shades covering his eyes made it hard for him to see at night, but he had tech-afied them to allow him to have an almost night vision mode, and of course the usual heat sensing one too, so the teen acrobat could see the heat signatures from all his teammates as they came and went.

He also noticed when a certain female archer started coming close to his hiding spot, so he did the logical thing and started jumping from tree to tree to avoid her, he just didn't feel like seeing them. He didn't want to see people that he couldn't actually talk to, which was like everyone on the team expect for Wally. But the Boy Wonder underestimated the archer for once.

"ROBIN! I know you're up there!" She called, looking into the trees, not at the particular one the bird in question was in, but in the general direction of his spot. "Please, just come down, the team's worried about you. Forget what Kid Mouth said, it's okay that you can't tell us that much about yourself, its Batman's orders, we get it."

"But I want to tell you about myself," he said quietly from behind the female hero, causing her to spin around to find him sitting on the ground against a tree. His upper chest and whole face where hidden in the shadows, the moonlight not reaching there, but Artemis noticed the small pair of sunglasses clutched in the vigilante's right hand.

The archer's eyes filled with sadness and pity as she approached the boy, still not being able to see about has chest. She took a seat next to him, wrapping her arms around his shoulders and staring in front of her. She felt his intense star on her, but she still only looked forward.

"I think-" she started but stopped, thoughts running through her mind, "I think that if you truly want to talk to us that you should. I know you don't want to disobey Batman, but I think it's important that you can talk to us, that we can be there for you, Robin," taking a deep breath, she paused glancing at the teen as he stiffened slightly at her words.

"I- When I first came, I felt totally alienated. Not only was I one of the few nonmetas, but I was also just a replacement. And don't say I wasn't," she growled out when she heard the young bird take a breath to protest, "I-I know I was, but I also know that I'm totally different from Roy, I know that when you got me instead of him, I added something, but it didn't change the fact that I was alienated and untrusted, and really I couldn't blame anyone. I hadn't been training with Green Arrow for long and no one knew who I was, but that feeling, that feeling of being lonely and closed off, it suffocated me. Don't tell the rest of the team this, it's only one more thing to add to the long list of regular old human me has trouble with, but Batman's alienating you right now, his choking you from what you need, Robin. So please, think about it."

The female hero, during her heartfelt and utterly eye opening speech, failed to notice the arrival of the rest of her team, who quietly stood in a few yards away watching the pair. But, of course, their presence was noticed by the Boy Wonder, and he slid his shades back on unnoticed to all except Artemis.

"Robin, look man, I- I was out of line, I'm sorry, bro. I just- I'm just sorry," Wally said, his emerald eyes conveying his apology and regret, and his eyes traveled to Artemis where he looked even sadder, not realizing how much she had been affected when first joining the team.

"I'm sorry I stormed off," a quiet voice came, making almost the whole team jump in surprise.

"You have no need to be sorry, Robin," M'gann said sweetly, floating forward and wrapping the Boy Wonder in a tight hug that he slowly returned, caught off guard with the affection he so rarely received but desperately craved.

"Can I share, my origin story with you guys?" the ebony haired teen asked uncertain.

"Of course, my friend. Would you like to go back to the campfire?" and with a few nodes of conformation, the team followed their Atlantian leader back out the woods.

Although, Robin lagged behind, deliberately making his pace slower and shorter than everyone else's, and Artemis noticed, having been the last one to get up from her seat on the forest floor. She glanced at the teen and slowed her pace when she noticed his stare on her.

"Robin, are you oka-"

"You will know who I am," he said softly, his head facing in front of him now, though his eyes were gauging for the female's reaction to his words, "Once I tell my tale, it's quite unique, and I know you are smart enough to figure it out easily. I'm not asking if I can trust you, that I already know, cause I can, but I'm letting you know that I do trust you, and I would like this to be my thanks to you."

"F-for what?" she stuttered, amazed at the young acrobat.

"For allowing me to see, for letting me feel again," and he had a sad smile on his face as he walked forward swiftly, going to take his seat in front of the blazing camp fire, and Artemis couldn't help but smile in her daze, proud of herself and of Robin.

Ok so if you guys want me to go with another chapter about the team's reaction to Robin's not so pleasant origin story, well just let me know!

So I'm prob going to get back into my Art of Dick Grayson which is a slightly Traught story about Dick and Artemis (unknown to her who dick is) at school, so any ideas for that just though them at me!

Love you guys, and I'm super glad I'm finally getting back into writing, thanks to my trusty reviewers who have been awesome!