Hey! So here is the first edited chapter guys :)
And I guess to the new reader hi! Hope you enjoy this ;)
For a bit more information grammar was certainly my worst offender with my stories, I was still getting the hang of using an iPad and now, well you can imagine- I'm totally used to typing! Anyway this chapter will probably be the most effected by the editing but there will be the odd change here and there, thank you again Chronicles of Potter!
Read ya later,
The Elder had just sealed The Nightmare's fate along with his fate. Many were cheering, while others (mainly Astrid) were shouting curses and Hiccup had blanched...
'Nope, no way, this cannot be real! I must be dreaming! No, no, no please no!'
The same thought raced through his head. Then before anyone could do anything else a bright light surrounded everyone. From the light emerged a woman, who looked rather oddly dressed; however the Vikings questions were put to a halt as the woman began talking.
"My name is Lauren and I have come from the future, to show you all something very important. So everyone follow me to the Hall?" Before Hiccup and the others could process this information, she disappeared into thin air!
Everyone was confused about what just happened. People were all murmuring, which quickly turned to screams and shouts about what to do. Then, Stoick shouted, "Everyone please calm down!" There was instant silence.
"Good. I know you all are confused, worried or scared, but it would be better for all of us if we go to the Hall and see what she wants to show us" Everyone murmured in agreement; some rather reluctantly. Hiccup himself was confused, but he wanted to see what the woman-Lauren wanted to show them that was so important that she had to come all the way from the future! Man he had so many questions!
They all entered the Hall and sat down, waiting for this 'Lauren' to come, inspecting the strange furniture and décor. Before they could do anything a screen like thing lit up and a shadow spoke.
"Welcome, guests. Today I have brought you here to watch something. What we are going to watch is in the near future and it involves Hiccup's adventures" Lauren said with a knowing look at Hiccup. Hiccup gulped 'She knows about Toothless!' Everyone looked at Hiccup questioningly; especially Stoick and the Teens, Hiccup hastily avoided their gaze.
"Now, everything will be revealed when you will watch. Before it begins I must speak with some other- 'members'. Hiccup stared at her wide-eyed as she winked at him. "So everyone enjoy yourselves and Hiccup? Didn't anyone tell you that staring at someone is rude?" Lauren grinned while Hiccup blushed and looked away; still astonished that someone knew about Hiccup and his dragons! Many sent questioning glances to him, which he pointedly ignored.
Meanwhile, upstairs, Lauren was explaining the same situation to a very large room surrounded by trees and on the floor were large stones on which sat hundreds of dragons of every species. At the front sat the last of his kind- The Nightfury, otherwise named Toothless. They had all been talking about the Queen- what they were doing here, where Toothless had gone until Lauren appeared and explained their situation.
"Now as many of you may not be aware, below you is the entire Berk population sitting and waiting for it to begin. When I believe the Vikings will not attempt to attack you, this boulder in the far corner will open and you can all fly down and watch with the other Vikings. I have removed their weapons so they won't harm you."
With that she left and all the Dragons turned to one another and began talking about Berk itself and their many adventures on their shores, Toothless resisted the urge to roll his eyes his adventures would top theirs any day.
For some reason the Vikings could not fathom Hiccup seemed awfully tense and worried, they ignored it as everyone sat down in a seat and the screen came to life.