A/N: A lot of you have been asking me if Jack The Ripper will be in this story, and my reply to this was yes. I know I've been waiting a while to finally put in this built up, but I was on vacation and didn't have time to do that so I've decided to do that now while I wait for my dad to get home so that I can order yet another Black Butler manga (volume 7).

Chapter Plot: Built up to Jack the Ripper.

The first on the Death List that night had been Shellobeth Avery Thompson.

She was the first on that list, and yet she was the first to escape death by the hand of the red-headed reaper. He couldn't figure out how she had done it, but somehow that clever little girl had escaped her death that night and was now a bringer of death herself. Against all odds, she had done it, and she did it again sometime later when another red-head waltzed into her life and attempted to take it.

"She might have been choking on something! Like, an earring." Angeline stated simply, knealing next to a puddle of vomit and prodding it with her fingers until she picked up what looked to be a red gem. "Fake ones like these, have dye in them, which have the same effect as that liquid I just gave her."

She smiled kindly, or at least as kindly as she could make her wicked red lips go, and rubbed the sickened child's tummy gently. The baby looked up at the woman with innocent eyes as she took her hand away and began to rub the stomach acid off of the gem until it was clean enough to make out again. A heart shape that was bloody red in color was now in the palm of her hand. With a gentle smirk that seemed to have gone undetected by most, she set it down, picked up another bottle and uncorked it, sending a sweet scented liquid into the air that vaguely covered up the smell of puke as she washed that one down the baby's dry throat.

"But whose earring is this?" She asked as she turned to face the other's and held out the gem, noticing the other red-head visibly pale.

Not at what she had thought though. In the back of the Grell's mind, he began to ponder over how she knew that the gem in her hand had come from an earring specifically. After all, the morgue did seem to have more necklaces in it than it did earrings. All thoughts aside for now, a shaking and gloved hand reached up to his own ear, which now stands out oddly against his pale face for the ear was bright red.

"What happened to your ear?" Angeline asked in a concerned tone as she stepped forward.

She tugged his hand away and watched as it fell limply to his side before looking up at his ear again. She wasn't at all surprised to see a small chain pierced into it, with an odd golden mess of wires towards the bottom of it. Crimson eyes scanned it over, and then to the other ear to see the same chain but with one difference.

The only difference? Once her eyes got to the bottom of it, she saw in place of wires, was a red heart. Her eyes widened, as did the other's, when she matched the gem with the other one. Again, the reaper was now in the same surprise as she was, rather he was more so surprised at how quickly her movements earlier had been and how quickly she had made her deduction.

"So it was just a broken earring?" Will asked quickly out of the corner of the room, trying to ease the tension only to find it growing thicker. "But if that were the case, don't you think that she would have puked it up the first time?"

Of course by now they were all thinking of that. Even the baby, who had enough of an attention span to remember being forced to throw up so much just to get it out of her tummy. All of their expressions turned to the same, matching frown as they turned towards the red headed woman and waited for a reply.

"Not unless it was lodged." Madame Red stated simple as she looked at the broken chain and frowned as she touched Grell's ear and noticed him wince. "And you didn't notice it broke?"

"I didn't." The red-head answered swiftly, his voice matching the speed of her movements. "Well, I did but didn't think much of it. What does it matter anyway?"

"Then why wear it still if it broke?" Madame Red pressed a bit further, trying to keep the questions less suspicions sounding and just plain logical.

"Its a pair." He shot back as if it were obvious. "My favorite pair for that matter."

"Odd way it broke." Angeline began again, stepping out of the way so the silver-haired man could see what she saw. "Almost looks like someone broke it on purpose."

"ARE YOU ACCUSING ME OF TRYING TO KILL HER!?" Grell demanded angrily, as his friend shifted the child in his arms and walked over to pluck the earring from his friend's ear to examine it for himself.

Four loops, all made from one wire, were bent out of the way so the gem could fall through. It didn't look at all like it had just broken on its own, just as the woman had said. A small cry erupted from Shellobeth, causing a deadly quiet to enter the room the moment it ended.

"How did she get a hold of this?" Undertaker asked, sounding more curious than anything as he held the baby out in front of himself and looked her over. "Shes been in her crib since we got home today."

"I don't know." Grell huffed out as he folded his arms, letting his irritation show, unlike his friend. "But I didn't put it there if thats what you're thinking."

"He never said he was." Will said sternly as he took a step closed, making the red-head flinch quite a bit. "But that brings up the question of how she did get a hold of it."

A straggled growl escaped from the accused as he unfolded his arms from his chest, shooting even more daggers at his boss than he thought possible. He never had to say it, because the tone of voice he chose just gave his suspicion away.

"Will! You were the only one in her room today when we got back! I only went in there once to wake her up!" Grell shot back, sounding very upset as he attempted to defend his case.

"Getting awfully defensive, sir." Angeline added in her two cents, in a voice that made that last part sound more like 'ass' than 'sir'.

That was the breaking point for the red-head when he saw Will nodding and the two Crevan's averting their gazes (Or at least turning their heads, as they bangs blocked the view of most of their eyes. Though Shellobeth was probably just doing as her daddy did.)

"Fuck you all." He gasped out in rage, turning sharply around on his heels and picking up his jacket.

"If I wanted that brat dead then I would've left her in that God forsaken house!" He called over his shoulder as he promptly took his leave.

"But I didn't." He found himself muttering, as the flashback made a shiver of anger rush through his body.

Looking down at his side, he saw the star of the show herself, Shellobeth Mary Crevan. The baby was still in her little coffin crib, curled up in a tiny ball and snoozing an entire afternoon away as usual. Sometimes, it was hard to believe that she was the same baby girl he found in that house so many months ago. She was no longer blonde, nor was she the size and shape of a skeleton. She had straight black hair flowing down to the crook of her neck, and a mess of silver bangs that hung over her pinkish forehead. She was getting plumper also, for some reason still underweight when compared to most at her age. Hopefully that would change as she grew older, possibly when shes old enough to reach the top shelf where all of the sweets were hidden. Again, not that that was a bad thing in her case. That was another thing that set her apart from the baby they found before.

"You were dead as one point." Grell spoke to the curled up baby. "A fire ate away at your skin, and melted your hair and bone into dust in certain areas. Your lungs were full of ash and smoke when I found you, you know?"

As if to answer his question, the baby let out a gentle cough and then rolled over onto her tummy was still staying fast asleep. Grell took this as his chance to continue on with his rather grim retelling.

"You're not even alive now, you're just as dead as the rest of us." He mused, brushing a hand over her tuft of hair. "Thats right... Shes one of us now. Now if only that idiot doctor could have figured that out... Instead she had to wait our time."

This time, he was so bold as to actually lift the baby from her crib and cradle her in his arms. Her little body fit awkwardly in his arms, but it was comfortable enough for both of them. Smiling gently at the girl, he leant over and kissed her forehead gently. At that moment, her little eyes fluttered open and she squeaked happily at the familiar being in front of her. Now there was that cheerful and beautiful smile that Grell found himself lucky to see. She never smiled that way at his female counter part, even when they basically did the same thing to her in a sense.

"At least when I did it, it was because I had a job to do. She just did it for fun." He mused out loud to he inner thoughts, causing no confusion in the baby what so ever. "She thinks its so easy to kill, doesn't even know the art thats behind it."

"No?" Shellobeth cooed, her eyes widening as she gasped. "No way!"

"Yes way. Shes a human... And everyone else other than your family are just a bunch of tight wads." He then looked down at the baby and bopped her nose. "You know, I could kill you right now if I wanted to. I had the chance before but you weren't very interesting... Not enough colors of your life to paint you with. But now-"

He looked down at the baby and pushed her hair off of her forehead so he could see her eyes. Pink as usual with little green rims around the iris. She had seen many things in her short life since being revived, what with having a morgue owner as a father and the members of the Dispatch as her babysitters. Yes, he could kill her now and her story would be a very interesting one, especially with the beautiful color 'red' in it. Though, perhaps she was a little to interesting to kill. That or he was now just making up excuses not to hurt her in anyway.

"Eh, the thought doesn't appeal to me now." He smiled bitterly and kissed her forehead now. "You are far to precious now. Not that you even care. No, you'd just giggle and what not if I tried to."

"Oh." Shello smiled softly for some reason or another.

"You're no fun you know? You seem to be the reaper of fun wherever you go."

"Right?" Shellobeth giggled sweetly, showing off much sass in herself.

"Right." He echoed, giggling softly as he kissed her head yet again as he let his thoughts wonder once more. "But don't worry. I'll find someone just as interesting as you some day."

"They would be so much better if they were more life like."

"Or even a doll version of them."

"Thank you for the idea, Adrian. I will keep it in mind... And maybe that bitch and I can make them together! Wouldn't that be something?"

"It would be something... A very interesting something."