Authors note:Welcome everyone to my final chapter Diplomacy.

As of we all know Transformers:Prime,sadly is coming to an end.
May I be the one of many to say that I have loved the show from the very beginning.

It will be greatly missed by us all.

But with the show ending,it doesnt mean it has to die...May it live on within our minds,our hearts,and with our stories.

Arcee and Jack forever!

Again,I would like to thank my friend Star Saber21 who has been with me every step of the way with this story.
If you love Jack and Arcee stories,check out won't be disapointed.

Transformers Prime:Diplomacy

Chapter 5

"Damn United Nations!...After everything the Bot's did they still consider them a threat!"Fowler yelled as he walked fast passed rolls of people working at their desks at the Air-Force base,Rachel following close behind him.

It had been little over a week since everything that happened in Tokyo.
Most of Team Prime were taking some much needed time off with Optimus still in meetings with the United Nations while Ratchet was enjoying his peace and quiet back at their base Omega 1.

But Omega 1 wasn't the only base that Team Prime was operating out of after they got back,they have been operating
out of a vacant hanger on the military base.

Since that they are known to the world,Optimus wanted a more less secert place where they can operate with Earth's military forces,While still keeping their base a secert.

"So,I'm guessing the meeting isn't going well?"Rachel asked as she wrote on her clipboard.

"Going terrible is a better word or it!"Fowler responded as he handed Racheal more papers."Remind me again why you're following me around Miss Evans and not Jack?"

"Don't you remember Sir?...You granted Jack's request for a few days off"

"That's something I don't understand...Ever since Tokyo,Jack has more or less kept to himself...He's a hero,he should be signing a book deal,appearing on a talk show...not taking days off"

"Well even Heros need a day off too Sir once in a while"Rachel responded as she wrote more,almost droping her clipboard to the sound of a baby crying loudly.

"For crying out loud!..."Fowler said,face palming his hand.

"Ummm...Sir...Is that a baby?"

"No Miss Evans..That's the sound of a fighter jet taking off"Fowler answered sarcastically."Of course that's a baby"

"Why is a baby on the base?"Rachel asked

"Because I'm not brave enough to say no to Nurse Darby...Jack maybe...But not June"

"But,Sir...Childern aren't allowed on the base...What is the General finds out?"

"Well it's lucky for me he's off doing inspection tours today"Fowler said as he started walking fast toward his office,Rachel trying her best to keep crying grew louder as they neared the opened the door,Rachel being the first to enter as she went over to Alex who was laying in his carrier on the floor by the desk.

"What's wrong Alex..."Rachel asked in a sweet caring voice as she picked up Alex out of his carrier.

"I bet my sweet behind that he needs a changing"

"Well..let's just take care of that..."Rachel said,taking Alex over to a chair and laying him down,beginning to undress him.

"Your record doesn't state you having childern Miss Evans"

"I babysit for my sister alot"Rachel answered.

"Ummm...Miss Evans...How would you like to be relieved from duty the rest of the day?"Fowler asked,smiling the best he could,as Rachel looked at him,picking up on what he was doing.

"You know Sir...My sister pays me for babysitting for her...and this isn't one of my duties"

"Fine Miss Evans"Fowler sighed defeated."I'll put you in for a promotion"

"No need for that Sir"Rachel said,chuckling."I'm just doing this for Jack and Arcee"

"Thank's"Fowler sighed."I hate babysitting for that woman...She scares me"

"Yea...I'm sure Arcee can be intimidating when she wants to be"Rachel said as she finished changing and dressing Alex.

"I wasn't meaning Arcee"Fowler answered,closing his office door and leaving Rachel laughing.

"I wonder what your parents are doing right now"Racheal said as she leaned down,kissing Alex on the forhead.


"Can I look now?" Arcee asked,giggleing as she stood with her optics closed with Jack standing behind her in his robot suit,his mechiancal hands on her waist,guiding her forward.

"For the tenth time..No"Jack answered back chuckling."We're almost there and I don't want to spoil the surprise"

"Awwww...Baby...You know I get inpatient"Arcee said making Jack laugh a little

"Yea,I know you do"

"Why did you have to wear that suit anyway?"Arcee asked."You could of showed me without it"

"Part of the surprise...and if you don't be quiet,I'm not going to show you"Jack answered,teasing.

"Can I least have a hint?"Arcee asked,making Jack chuckle again.

"Fine...It will make Ratchet very happy.

"I thought this was a surprise for Me and not Ratchet"

"It is...But Ratchet's going to be happy too"

"I don't understand,if the surprise if for me,how can Ratchet be..."

"Okay you can look now"Jack said with a smile as Arcee opened her optics,laying her optics on a large metal building.

"A hanger?"Arcee asked,raising an optic ridge."How does this surprise me?...I've seen the insides and outsides of many"

"'re going to like the insides of this one"Jack answered,raising the windshield of his suit to whisper in her ear."This is our new home"

Hearing this quickly made Arcee turn around in Jack's arms,not believing what she just head,making her ask to comfirm it.

"Our new home?"Arcee asked as Jack nodded.

"The base had another vacant hanger I asked Fowler and he ageed to let us have it"

"I love it Babe...Thank you"Arcee said as he leaned in,kissing Jack deeply.

"It's nothing much on the inside...theres just a few walls up so far"Jack began."I still have a lot of work to do"

"Don't think for one second I'm not going to help you...I can swing a mean hammer"Arcee said grinning.

"Mmmm...I bet you can"Jack responded as they leaned in again for another kiss.

"I still fail to understand why you wore that suit though"

"Well,theres a tradition here on Earth that the Groom carries the Bride over the threshold of their first house..and I don't think I would be able too without it"Jack said smiling,making Arcee smile back in return.

"Mmmm...what are we standing out here for then?"Arcee asked as Jack quickly scooped her up into his arms bridal style,carrying her inside,making her giggle in return.

They shared another kiss before Jack gently sat her down,Arcee turning around to face him again.

"I love you Jack"

"And I love you Arcee"

"Mmmmm...why don't you get out of that thing and show me our served it's purpose"

"But it's just any empty room..I don't have the wallpaper up much less our bed in"Jack responded as Arcee kissed him quickly again before whispering into his ear.

"Who said anything about us needing a bed?"

"Okay...back to my six foot self"Jack said as he walked back had just stepped out a few minutes earier to get out of his suit.

"Mmmm...much better"Arcee responded as she bent down infront of him,kissing him passionly again."I love being able to feel the real you"

"Do you like the house?"Jack asked,breaking away from another kiss as Arcee nodded in response.

"I love it Jack..I can't wait to see when it's finished"

"Me neither"Jack responded,giving Arcee a quick kiss again before chuckling slightly."You should of heard what the carpenter said when I told him I wanted twenty foot doorways"

Hearing this caused Arcee to stand up and turn away as she walked under the doorway,leading to the next room,running her hand along the wall and looking up as the tip of her crown was just able to go under.

"Arcee..what's wrong?"Jack asked as he went over to stand beside her.

"Why did you choose a hanger for our home Jack?"

"Because it's..."

"Tall?...Big?...Spaceous?"Arcee said,cutting Jack off."Enough room for me?"

"Arcee..."Jack said sincere as he layed his left hand on her leg,knowing where she was getting to.

"We couldn't get married properly because of me...We couldn't make a baby together because of we can't have a normal house because of me"

"Arcee...listen to me"Jack said making Arcee finelly look down to him.

"I'm sorry Babe..I guess I ruined your surprise"

"You didn't...Just please listen to me okay?"Jack said as Arcee nodded."Of course I chose this for our home to suit your needs...because I love you Arcee"Jack said making Arcee smile."There's nothing I wouldn't do for you"

"I know"Arcee responded,bending down to him."And there's nothing I wouldn't do for you in return"

"Why do you do that?"Jack asked as Arcee raised an optic ridge out of curiousity.

"Why do I do what Jack?"

"Why do you bend down to me?"

"I do it for you be able to feel closer to be able to look you in the kiss you"

"So you're saying if I was as tall as wouldn't have to do that..right?"Jack asked smiling as Arcee chuckled

"Of course I wouldn't have're trying to prove something to me aren't you?"

"Well are you taller than me..or am I shorter than you?"Jack asked,making Arcee chuckle more.

"Both ways I guess"

"Arcee..what I'm getting at is that we both do things cause we love the other one"

"Mmmm...How did I get a husband that was so smart?"Arcee asked as he giggled,giving Jack another kiss.

"You were just lucky I guess"Jack answered back,smiling as wide as he could.

"I guess things about us not being normal for a married couple keeps bothering me"Arcee said,trailing her finger across Jack's chest

"Babe...I gave up things being normal a long time ago..And I've never looked back"Jack answered,laying a comforting hand on Arcee's cheek making her smile.

"So,are you going to lead me to our room?...or am I going to have to strip you off right here"


"I don't know about this Miko..."Bulkhead said as he looked around was in Vehicle mode,a number "5" decaled on his doors as he parked beside countless of other cars of differnt makes and types in a huge lit indoor dirt arena.

"Relax Bulk!..Those other Driver's won't know what hit them!"Miko said as she climbed into Bulkhead's driver seat from the back,folding her pigtails under a helmet as she put it on.

"But what is Optimus finds out?...Odds are we're going to be on TV"

"The only ones who watch this channel are Me and You"Miko responded."Besides...The world knows of us now so what's the harm?"

"Still I don't know Miko..."

"Come on Bulk...Have I ever steered you wrong before?"


"Don't answer that!"


"I can't believe we're freaking doing this!"Miko shouted."This is sooo cool!"

"Miko...what if you get hurt?"Bulkhead asked,getting a little worried.

"They're not going to even stratch your paint Bulk..much less put a dent in you...I'll be fine"

"Alright...But put your seat belt on"

"Geee...You're beginning to sound like my parents"Miko said,rolling her eyes as she buckled herself in.

"A BIG ROUND OF APPLAUSE FOR OUR SPECIAL GUEST...BULKHEAD OF THE AUTOBOTS".Hearing all the cheering and applause made Miko take a look around seeing all the stands full of people.

"They must be thousands of people here Bulk!...Tens of thousands!...and they're here to see us!"

"How did they even know I was going to be here Miko?"

"I...might of said something about it"Miko simply responded,brushing Bulkheads question off.


"Well..if we're going to do this,we might as well do it right"Bulkhead said,turning his stereo on and making ear defting noise fill the quickly looked ahead,the look on her face turning serious as she watched the light above the arena go from red to yellow.

"Lets do this"Miko said as she closed the visor of her helmet,right before the light turned green.



"I hope this is a good idea"Raf said as he sat in Bumblebee's driver seat,Bumblebee beeping back in response,making Raf chuckle.

"Yea...I know she's always loved you...But she has a differnt side of you to get to know now"Raf responded,Bumblebee beeping more.

"Of course she will...What's not to love about you Bee?"

Bumblebee turned down the street that led to the Esquival was night out,the only imitation coming for street lights as they lined the turned into the driveway,coming to a halt and turning his headlights out.

"It looks like she's home"Raf pointed out,seeing the well lit house.

" that you?!"Came a voice from the house as a middle aged,dark haired woman in a dress walked out of the door.

"Yea Mom!..It's me"Raf answered,opening Bumblebee's driver side door and stepping out.

"I wasn't expecting you home for the weekend,Honey..Is everything okay?"

"Everything is fine Mom"

"Is my collage boy getting good grades?"She asked,kissing him on the forhead.

"Straight A's as usual"Raf answered,smiling.

"I hope you're staying for dinner..I so happen made your favorite tonight"

"Of course I will Mom...I'm planning on staying through the weekend"

"I'm glad...It looks like it may storm tonight,so you better pull your car in the garage before you come inside"

"Ummm...Mom..about my car."Raf said,rubing the back of his neck."There's something I need to tell you"

"Rafeal..if you need some help making the payment..all you have to do is ask me"

"No..It's not that"Raf answered."Actually,there's some here I want to introduce you too"

"My little boy...Bringing home a girl already?"

"Not Exactly"Raf responded,turning around to look at Bumblebee."Say hello Bee"

Raf's Mom watched in shock as metal plates shifted from the yellow and black sports car,Bumblebee's true form taking it's shape as the metal parts fell back into 's Mom looked to her Son for answers,surprising her and seeing him in no stock as Bumbleebee walked foward and bent down to Raf.

"So it's true"Raf's mom said looking up in amazement at the black and yellow Autobot scout."I saw it all on the news but I has no idea that my son...All these years and I didn't know what was sitting parked outside our house"

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you Mom...I wasn't allowed too..up till recently"

"Don't be sorry Honey..I were going to introduce us?"

"Mom...Meet Bumblebee...My Friend"Raf said as Bumblee let out some cheerful beeps.

"Ummm...What did he say?"

"Bee said it's nice to meet you"

"It's nice to meet you too...Bumblebee"


The evening sun was sinking beyond the horizon as a lovely and attractive woman wearing a green one piece bathing suit and her hair in a ponytail emerged from the surf of an reached up to squeeze the water out of her hair with both hands as she walked forward out of the water and onto the sandy beach.

"Aren't you coming in"June asked as she stood hands on her hips above a middle aged man laying asleep on a towel,wearing just a pair of black swimming shorts.

"Tim!"June shouted,awaking Tim from his sleep.

"God!..June! scared me..."

"Are you getting up or not?"June asked,starting to get annoyed.

"What about you coming down here"Tim responded,quickly grabing June's right arm and pulling her down to the sand making her scream,then giggle.

"I love...with a monster!"June said still giggleing,gently and playfully hitting Tim on the chest.

"At least you're in love with me"Tim said,kissing June deeply as she wraped both her arms around his neck.

"Very much in love"June said,hitting Tim playfully again

"So,where to next?...Paris?...Rome?..Rio?"Tim asked as he gave June another quick kiss."I could get use to this Groundbridge travel"

"Tim..The Groundbridge uses up Energon every time the Autobot's use it...which is something they don't have an endless supply of..I talked Ratchet into letting us come here but we shouldn't it take for advantage"

"If you say so Honey...It's a good thing I didn't cancel my Flyer Miles"

"Besides...we have to get back soon...I'm sure the hospital is wondering where one of their nurses and doctors have gone"

"And considering I didn't tell my secertary when I would be back"Tim added,kissing June on her right shoulder."So..Are you mad at me?

"Well...I might forgive you if you rub some more sunscreen on my back"June answered,smiling,turning her back toward Tim.

"So tell me about more about Ratchet"Tim said as he started to apply the lotion,June moving her ponytail out of the way."I mean I know he's a doctor for the Autobot's but does he have any Human medical knowledge?"

"Well..I have always helped out Ratchet when the kids have got hurt"

"You and Ratchet must be very close"Tim stated,as he began to rub more lotion in.

"I can say we are"June simply answered,letting it sink in a few moments before gasping and turning around,realizing what she just said.

"It's not like that!...I mean sure I consider Ratchet a friend just like I do everyone else...He's from a differnt world for God's sake!"

"Well...that didn't stop Jack"

"I can't believe we're even discussing this!"June said turning back around and crossing her arms.

"Honey...I'm sorry...All of this is still sinking in I guess..and there's alot to sink"Tim said as he kissed June's neck,making her relax.

"It's fine..."June answered sighing."Why bring it up anyway?

"Well considering Team Prime doesn't have a Human doctor on call... I was just thinking if they might be a opening on Team Prime's medical team"


"What DID the carpender say?"Arcee asked,awaking Jack from his dozed state who was laying face up on her torso,his head between her metallic was only wearing his underwear as they both layed together on the unfinished floor of their new home.

"He just couldn't understand why we needed twently foot doorways and very high ceilings"Jack answered,turning over and giving Arcee a quick kiss.

"And you told him...?"

"The truth..what else?"Jack answered."That I needed to make sure that my lovely,beautiful,understanding,Cybertronion wife had enough head clereance"Jack finished making Arcee chuckle.

"Getting on my good side isn't neccessory Jack...I'm okay with people knowing now"

"Good"Jack said,placing another kiss on Arcee's lips."Cause Alex has a doctor appointment tomorrow and HIS MOM and HIS DAD are taking him together"

"Alex will not be riding on any motorcycle Jack...I don't care if his Mom is one"

"I didn't mean that Arcee...I mean't us walking down the street together..Just like you wanted"

"The press will have a field day with that"Arcee responded,smiling and running her fingers through Jack's hair."We're a celebrity couple now after all"

"Never thought I'd become a celebrity"Jack said,smiling back

"Well...Just don't let it go to your head"Arcee responded,pressing her index finger up to Jack's forhead."They will be no parties of any kind,and I'm going to make sure I'm with you every where you go to beat the women off of you"

"You know I wouldn't do that to you Arcee"

"Ohh...I trust you Babe...It's everyone else I don't trust...Now that I exist...I can defend my marriage properly"

"Well..I can defend my half just a well as you can yours"Jack said as he leaned down,kissing Arcee deeply.

"Mmmm...You up for another round?"Arcee asked,raising her left optic ridge and smiling seductivly.

"Mmmm...Are you?"Jack asked back,leaning down more to kiss Arcee's chest.

"Ohh..Yes"Arcee answered,reaching don with both hands and sliding Jack's underwear off with one quick motion.


Ratchet turned away from his computer as a loud familer engine sound entered the base.

He saw the shine of headlights coming down the concrete tunnel shortly before a red,blue,and silver semi-truck appeared,coming to a halt and transforming as Optimus stood before Ratchet.

"Glad to you have you back Optimus"Ratchet greeted as Optimus steped forward,laying a comforting hand on the old medics shoulder.

"It's good to be back Old Friend"Optimus responded back before taking a quick look around,noticing the emptyness and quietness."Where is everyone?"

"Still on leave Optimus...No one has reported in since,nor either have I inquired about them...But I have been monitoring their signals just in case"Ratchet responded,typing on his computer and pulling up Team Prime's life signals,every one being green.

"Wise thinking Old Friend"

"How did the meeting with the United Nations go Optimus?"

"It had it's...diffculties...but well as to be expected...How has your week been?"Optimus asked as Ratchet let out a sigh,smiling.

"Quiet and relaxing Optimus...I managed to get some much needed work acomplished without any distractions"

"Would you care to join me on the surface Ratchet?...I'm sure you could use a break"

"Of course Optimus"Ratchet answered as he started following The Prime toward the evelator.

The two Old Friends emerged on the surface of the plateau,Optimus walking up near the edge of the cliff,hands behind his back as Ratchet walked up behind him.

"Optimus..Premission to speak freely"

"What is on your mind Old Friend?"

" you think it's wise to offer our help to the Humans?"

"We have been helping them Ratchet...what will we do that will be differnt?"

"Sorry Optimus...It's not my place to question your decisions"

"You know I value your opinion Ratchet,just as my own"

"It's just...The Humans will be expecting us to pull them out of every scrap heap they get into now..making us going through what precious resources we have...We should be putting our efforts toward us getting off of this planet and back to our own...back to restoring our home"

"Do you hate Earth,Ratchet?"Optimus asked,turning his head to his right side and raising his right optic ridge.

"Well...No...I've come to care for Earth and it's people...But it's not our home Optimus...Even you can agree to that"

"You would be correct"Optimus answered,turning his head to look up at the sky,seeing the sun setting."But we don't have a home on our world least not anymore"

"Are you suggesting we stay here..Optimus?...without putting any effort to getting back home?"

"No...I am not Ratchet...But there is a Human saying...We will cross that bridge when we come to it"

"I'm sorry Optimus...I'm just...Homesick I guess"

"I know how you feel Old Friend...And I can't say I would turn down a ride back to our planet when it's finelly restored...But I can't say the same for our fellow Autobots...thery have found a home here...they have friends...even family"

"Would you leave them Optimus?..If that day comes?"

"It's not that I would leave them Ratchet...It would be giving them the choice of staying"

"Well until this war goes over to our favor."Ratchet began,walking forward to stand by Optimus."None of us will get to see our home again"

"The sunset is beautiful..isn't it Ratchet?...I must remember to come up here more often"

"What's going to happen now Optimus?...Now that our existance in known"

"A new beginning Old Friend"Optimus answered,laying another comforting hand on Ratchet's shoulder as he started his walk toward the evelator.

"A new beginning"