THE END, I declare this the end of "Tears". Now go ahead and read it ;)

Today was Fionna the Vampire's birthday, the 1,000th one to be exact, and she hadn't change a bit. The no longer human girl was use to the night life, she'd lost most of her closest friends and the second time her sister died a long time ago, and for every single one her boyfriend Marshall Lee was there to comfort her. Her and the Vampire King lived together in his old cave home, both had never really thought about tying the knot, marriage was never Fionna or Marshall's kind of thing.

Cake had tried to get them officially together, but all attempts failed because Fionna was out adventuring and battling monsters while Marshall terrified the people of Aaa. So the cat gave up, convinced there was no way on Earth to get them married. The two creatures of the night were completely happy and content to be boyfriend and girlfriend for eternity, and there was nothing to stop that.

Fionna finished lighting the tall white candles on the nicely set table with a red tablecloth on it, the dishes a shiny white with gold rims, not a crack in sight. The wine glasses full of red champagne, pearly white napkins folded perfectly on the side of each of the two plates, and the silverware spotless. Everything was set for the birthday's big fancy dinner Marshall let her dress him up for each year.

Marshall Lee was never the type for birthdays, he never celebrated his before meeting Fionna. But the blonde adventuress had him dolled up each year for a romantic dinner they shared, which became tradition after most of their friends passed on, the two had each other and that's what was important.

He tightened the blood red tie around his neck, admiring his new outfit for the night. A black pair of dress pants with matching shoes, a clean white long sleeve shirt with the ends folded up a bit, and his hair hanging in the Vampire's red eyes. After congratulating himself on being so damn sexy, Marshall floated downstairs to the dark living room, the candle light causing a beautiful glow in the small kitchen just a few steps away. He pushed open the swinging wooden door, smirking at the sight of his girlfriend.

Fionna's dress was short, only to her knees, the formal attire was a midnight blue that had just a hint of sparkle to it. Her waist length blonde hair was curled and held out of her eyes with a blue head band with a small ribbon on it that matched her dress. The girl looked nothing like herself, the only clues it was Fionna was the fact she was barefoot and wearing no makeup which let her true beauty shine. Even as a vampire, she'd be able to liven up any room.

They both took their seats across from each other, Fionna had served up the only meal she really could make without burning it, which was chocolate covered strawberries with cherry pie. No much of a dinner you could say, but the two barely ate anything but fruit and candy. Fionna cleared her throat before speaking, "Do you like it?"

Marshall smiled and took another bite of one of his strawberries, "Yeah, you did great."

She sighed in relief, "Good! I really wanted you to be happy tonight." she blushed while finishing her sentence, "I mean, I want you to happy because I'm happy and you should be too cause-"

Marshall laughed which inter-upped her rush of words, His red eyes glanced at the clock quickly hoping to get out if this stupid outfit already even if they were only five minutes into their meal, it read 5:15 in the morning. His attention went back to Fionna, "Babe, I'm happy as long as I'm with you."

"Great! So you like being with me?" she lifted up a piece of cherry pie to her mouth, taking a bite before looking toward Marshall for an answer.

"Fi, it I didn't like being with you I wouldn't be dressed like this right now." He said jokingly, pulling at his tie a bit and sitting back in the chair. His plate was cleared, even the grey remains of Marshall's meal had disappeared.

"S-so you don't like dressing up?" Fionna questioned, her facial expression a mix of guilty and sadness, "Because you can change, I didn't mean to make you upset or anything."

Marshall was a bit confused now, every other year he'd complain the girl would give him a smack in the back of the head and tell him to be a man. "Fionna, what's wrong?"

"It's just I wanted tonight to be perfect and go well, so if you don't want to wear then go change I don't mind." she tried to smile but in was weak and un meaningful. Marshall shot her a worried look before nodding, soon after getting up to go change the Vampire King could have swore he had heard Fionna apologize. Not wanting to question anything further he rushed to change, surprised to come downstairs again and see Fionna in a blue tank top and pajama bottoms. He looked to the kitchen before Fionna answered the question in his head.

"I thought we could skip to the movie." she mumbled, letting him sit down before pulling a green wool blanket over them. Her head rested on Marshall's chest as the two watched a zombie horror film, Fionna's favorite. Though this time, Marshall didn't feel the blonde's grip on his grey tee shirt tighten at the scary parts, and whenever he looked down at her Fionna would look lost deep in thought. Finally his curiosity got the better of him and Marshall paused the movie, he pushed Fionna away from him and held her shoulders at arms length, "Fionna, tell me what's wrong."

"There's nothing going on." she was obviously lying.

"Fionna..." he started to glare at her, feeling the blonde breaking under the pressure and her sapphire eyes snapped shut.

"No! This is not how it's suppose to go! You go to be clueless and stupid and just ignore me like how I pictured it! Why are you different?!" by now she stood up and was pacing the room, Marshall now was worried and watching her.

"Pictured what?"

She mumbled something Marshall couldn't hear, "What?" he asked.

Again, a quick mumble was the only response.


Fionna turned to face him and now Marshall noticed her eyes were watery, Marshall flinched a bit as she started to yell, "I'm pregnant you globbing idiot!"




"Say something you dummy." she ordered staring at Marshall's shock face.

He said the only thing his brain could think of at this point, "How?"

Fionna hissed, "Don't be a smartass you know how."

Marshall managed a smile, which grew into a grin. "We are gonna be parents." Fionna hugged him tight as he repeated the statement into her over and over again into her soft blonde hair.

Cute way to end it, huh? Anyway, I'm going to miss this story. But I'm not going to stop writing! More stories coming your way! So until then...

Peace out my little cupcakes