The war between the tribes had just gotten underway. The Berkians and Daypeaces plan had been rather straight forward. First, take out the armada so that the Vikings that couldn't ride could land their ships and march up to the compound. Second, have the Whispering Death tunnel all over Dagur's Atoll chewing up the galena so that the Daypeaces could use their powers and manifest without difficulty. Third, have the Timberjacks take out the weapons on the catwalk and slice up the doors so the Berkians could invade. Lastly, have aerial support fly over the compound taking out as many warriors as they could. Most importantly find Hiccup and Nissa so they could rescue them.

So far the plan was working. The armada had been mostly defeated with a great number of the ships sunk and their crews bobbing in the water. The Berkians had landed on the island, charging up the hill with no fear. Some of them had been struck down by the long-range crossbows, but the tribe kept coming. The earth beneath their feet was trembling greatly as the trio of Whispering Deaths continued on their hunt for the galena deposits. Dagur had collected a cache and it was hidden in several different parts of the island so it would take a while to eat it all. Meanwhile, the Timberjacks were having a difficult time taking out the weapons.

"Aim for their large wings! The dragons will have no choice, but to retreat!" the captain of the guard commanded. He ducked behind some stoneware as a steady stream of fire shot at him. Once the fire was gone he leaped out from behind his hiding shooting his crossbow. The arrow zinged through the air embedding itself in one of the Timberjacks tail causing it to let out a yowl of pain. "Fire the catapults now!"

"Yes sir! Take that you ugly beast!" Several boulders flew through the air aimed for the Timberjacks. Just as they were about to hit a blast of orange fire encased the boulders causing them to fall to the ground harmlessly. Confused they looked up to see the Daypeaces flying closer. Four of them opened their mouths and out came a compressed yellow blast of fire. Sensing its danger many of the man rolled out of the way, but a few guards stood their ground hurling their battle axes. The axes nearly hit their mark causing the Daypeaces to bank to the sides, wobbling a bit as they did. They flew back up, but the deed had been done. The Berserkers hit with the yellow attribute flames suddenly lost their strength. They could barely hold their weapons and forget about shooting them straight. The boulders and arrows targeted at the dragons or approaching army missed by a mile.

"Those beast have done something to our men! Get them off the catwalk now! I want those weapons manned by a competent warrior this second ahhhhhhhhhh!" The captain of the guard was hurled through the air as explosion took place. The two Timberjacks, with the help of Thornado, Orli, and Toothless, had taken out the last of the weapons.

"The compounds weapons have been obliterated Nightfury queen! My mate and I have taken serious damage. We need to land and rest otherwise we might bleed out," Pine called out to Orli. The female Nightfury, who was being ridden by Gobber this time, nodded her head jerking it to the far left indicating a safe spot to rest. Pine nodded as she and Fir flew off to recover.

Orli flew closer to compound lining up a shot to take out the gate. Her plasma ball charged ready to strike when a bolt of lighting came out of nowhere.

"Ah, turn turn turn!" Gobber shouted ducking to avoid being struck in the head. The smell of ozone filled his nostrils as he realized how close he was to getting killed. "What in the blazes was that?"

"I'm not quite sure. I'm going to move in for another shot. Tell the army to move out of they wa ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" Orli bellowed as several icicles pierced her side. Blood started to ooze from her flank as she twisted about in the air in pain.

Toothless, who had put on the automatic tailfin for the mission, saw his mate in trouble. He zoomed in banking to the side to avoid another blast of energy. Twisting up and then diving down again he fired a serious of plasma shots into the compound. He was aiming for the seiðkonur who had launched this second attack. His plasma shot took out two of them, but the others surprisingly threw up a light screen shield that withstood the power of his plasma shot. A gust of supernatural wind came out of nowhere trying to rip his tail fin off. Toothless rolled over in the air, maneuvering down skimming through the air just above the compound. He spotted more seiðkonur dotted across the village.

"Nightfury! We need to take it out ladies! Remember your lessons!" a seiðkonur shouted. Curling her hand she let the sun's energy fill her up. Lining up a shot she pumped her fist forward. A single powerful beam of sunlight shot through the air aimed right at Toothless underbelly.

"Oh man this is bad! Since when can Berserkers use light magic?" Toothless asked as he flew up. More beams of light and crackle of green energy was being fired from all directions. He zigzagged through the air getting struck a few times. A powerful surge of green energy wrapped itself around him causing him to spasm. No choice he had to get out of there! Circling backwards he climbed up into the air as he rejoined the riders. "Problems, their using light magic to attack any dragon that gets close to the village."

"Impossible! Light magic is nearly impossible to learn on ones own! You would need a teacher and I refuse to believe Nissa would share her knowledge with these savages!" Rayna responded. It was impossible to believe her niece would betray her tribe in the almost two weeks she'd been held prisoner. "If they are using light magic I'm sure that Nissa was force to teach them how to use it."

"Hey what's going on down there? What's that ugly old woman doing?" Snotlout asked pointing at Elder Inga. The elder was chanting under her breath twirling her fir staff in a complex pattern. Green energy was mixing with rainbow light. She slammed her staff to the ground releasing her magic. The Daypeaces recognized what she was casting. Ignoring the dangers the male Honor Guard dove towards the compound releasing their blue flames hoping to mist and put her to sleep thus canceling her spell. Sensing the danger the warriors tossed weapons coated in galena at the approaching Daypeaces. The weapons hit their mark grazing their skin slightly poisoning the Honor Guard. They stalled in the air weak and woozy before their wings folded as they dropped like a stone towards a finished barrier of light.

"They're going to be pulverized if they connect with that shield!" Fishlegs shouted.

"Girls, we need to get in there and rescue the males now!" Ula barked at her fellow female Honor Guard. Without hesitation they risked their life as they went after their counterparts. Their eyes locked on as they spread their talons. Their hyper focus didn't allow them to notice more weapons and spells passing through the shield at them.

"Lets give them some cover fire! Fire at the weapons now!" Astrid commanded. The dragons responded to the riders command incinerating the weapons before they could strike them. Toothless and Orli used their plasma blast to explode the spells. As the Honor Guard females snatched their friends dragging them off the side Stoick and Rayna used their long-range attacks on the barrier. It trembled and crackled only to refuse to break. Gobber tossed some knives hoping they would pass through the barrier, but they bounced off.

"Hey, how come their attacks can pass through, but ours can't? That's not fair!" Tuffnut whined.

"Shut up, maybe the army can break down the door with the battering ram," Ruffnut said glancing down at the army. They had arrived at the gate to the compound. The army was ramming it again and again with two battering rams, but the door refused to break. They couldn't get in. The rescue plan had stalled.

Stoick commanded Thornado to hover above the compound as he tried to figure out what to do next. The Berkians weren't making any progress in breaking down the door into the compound and the protective shield over it didn't allow any attacks through. He briefly thought about seeing if one of the Whispering Deaths could tunnel a hole into the compound, but he had no way to contact them, not to mention looking at the Daypeaces, it appeared there were still deposits of galena in the ground. He could see into the compound. Every member of the Berserker tribe, including the children, had armed themselves ready to defend their tribe. He spotted Dagur on the far side barking orders. The Berkian chief's blood boiled inside him as he saw the teen pushing his son and his friend behind the altar before tying them to it. "We have to break into that compound no matter what! We can't leave them inside there any longer."

"The question is how do we get inside? Nothing we do penetrates that shield, but they can attack us without worrying about retaliation," Gobber pointed out.

"Queen Rayna, can use your own light magic to cancel the spell? Maybe even punch a hole in it?" Orli questioned.

The queen didn't respond as she was already trying to do just that. Her body shimmered as she gathered the light around her. She manipulated it, transforming it under it was the shape of a ball. Tossing it up in the air she hit it with the flat side of her tail blade. As if it had been shot from a cannon the ball of light struck the shield bouncing all over attempting to crack it. The shield flashed and hummed refusing to break. With the failure of that spell Rayna tried another one. This time it was to create a reflected surface in hopes she could reflect some of the light away from the shield. Carefully holding the reflective substance she angled it a bit catching the light from the shield. It shimmer and bounced, but no hole. Growling in frustration she was about to try something new when another attack was launched at them.

"Look out Your Majesty!" Astrid shouted as a barrage of spears shout at them. She squeezed her legs tightly around Stormfly. The Deadly Nadder responded whipping her tail around releasing her spikes. The two projectiles clashed, their was a shattering crack as several broke apart. However a few of the projectiles were still coming straight at her. Instinctively Astrid brought up her hands to shield her face, as a sapphire glow appeared in her eyes. That same glow encased the projectiles halting them in mid-air. Astrid, stunned in disbelief, clenched her hand twisting it around bringing it down hard. The weapons responded in kind turning around aiming for the shield striking it with such force it wobbled. "What in Odin's name?"

"Incoming move Hookfang!" Snotlout shouted. The Monstrous Nightmare moved a fraction to slow as the javelin struck his rider in the shoulder. Instead of piercing him it bounced off spinning out of sight. The rider looked at his dragon in confusion. All around them the other riders were discovering strange phenomenon about themselves. Meatlug missed a boulder that came at her, but Fishlegs managed to catch it raising above his head before hurling it at the door denting it. The Twins and their dragon were trying to get away from the enfilade of weapons. Ruffnut drew a shield form in the air and suddenly it was real. She used it to protect herself as her twin somehow bent the wind around him blowing the attack away from them. They all grinned knowing what this meant.

In the compound below Dagur was frowning as he noticed the change in the air. The riders were displaying unusual powers. "What is going on? How are they doing that?" he demanded to his friends. He had placed them behind the altar for their protection giving them a shield to protect themselves from any danger. Before they could answer he interrupted them. "Hold that thought for sec. I want reinforcements down at the gate! Make sure that every man is carrying at least a spear or a battle-ax! Ladies, use your shields and remember to stab with your knives. Don't forget if your magic fails you they're atiger (glaive) in the weapons cache for you to use. Children! Get ready to use the booby traps on them! If you get into trouble hide! There's no shame for retreating from an armed opponent three times bigger then you. Elder Inga, what's the status of the shield?"

"Its holding for now, but if those riders keep hitting us with their attacks they'll break in within minutes. Then again the Berkians might bust down the door any second!"

"By Thor I won't lose on my home turf! What is going on out there?" Dagur questioned them again. In the skies above the Daypeaces, Nightfuries, along with Stoick and Snotlout, were attempting to break through the shield. Thanks to his new invulnerability Snotlout was able to ride Hookfang totally ablaze as they struck the dome again and again. Plasma blasts combined with super sonic attacks and fire were making short work of the shield. The other riders were using their newly unlocked magic to make short work of the door.

"The stress of the situation must have unlocked their gems powers. This is the right stimuli for them to use their gifts, but I don't know how long they'll be able to use them before their energies are spent," Hiccup informed Dagur frowning a bit. He ducked behind the altar as both the shield and doors busted at the same time. Battle cries were heard as the Berkians engaged the Berserkers one on one. Dragons swooped in from above being attacking the village.

"Stay here you two, you'll be safe here! I'm going to defend my village. I'll be back for you soon enough! Oh blood and guts are going to be spilled today!" Dagur cackled whirling his two swords with efficiency. He dove into the fray slicing and dicing his foes while protecting his tribemates.

"Well he's certainly changed his mentality towards his tribe mates. I never thought I see the day when he defend them from attack or care that the kids could be killed."

"He made sure we're safe here, the rope isn't even tied that tight. Hiccup, this isn't what we wanted. Innocent people are going to get hurt maybe even die. We can't let that happen. There has to be something we can do."

Hiccup bit his lip knowing she was right though he was unsure of what to do. He had just sworn an oath to the Berserker tribe meaning he couldn't aid the Berkians. If he attempted to get involved the two sides would get confused by his presence. Nissa still couldn't use her powers. "If only we could get our friends out of the compound, then maybe the fighting might die down a bit. What would give the riders and our relatives a reason to leave the compound?"

"Either us or Dagur. Hmm, what if we had Dagur take us to the Kill Ring? It's on the far side of the compound practically outside it. We go there then there's enough space for all the dragons and the damage would be a minimum."

"We have to get his attention, duck! How do we oh watch it! In this chaos how are we going to get Dagur and our friends attention?" he demanded as they dove underneath the altar. They pressed themselves to the ground shield out protecting them from the overhead fire and occasional stray weapon. In the midst of the battle he'd lost track of where everyone was as blood, weapons, and explosions riddled the compound. The screams alone had him terrified as the roars echoed in his head. He tugged on his rope loosening it a bit more.

"I need your help, we have to contact Dagur mentally. He won't hear us any other way over this chaos. With your help I think I can reach Dagur's mind."

"Have you formed a bond with him at last?" Nissa bit her lip drawing blood. Tugging once more at her galena armband she tried moving it again. It gave half an inch coming off her skin. She could feel her Dragon Heart returning a bit. She held her palms out touching them to Hiccup's. They knelt, closing their eyes, and focusing their inner power reaching out across the compound searching for the deranged chief's mind.

The battle was getting pretty fierce indeed. Astrid and Stormfly were flying low setting houses on fire. She grimaced as she saw children carrying buckets putting out the fires. A few of the older children fired shots from their slingshots. The stones bounced harmfully off Stormfly's scaly skin. "Go easy on them girl their just kids."

"You might want to tell them that!" Stormfly snorted as she flew up in a spiral to avoid being caught in the heavy nets launched by the kids. Astrid reached out with her new telekinetic abilities. Her mind strained a headache building as she mentally moved the nets dropping them on top of the kids. Astrid let out a moan nearly slipping off her saddle. Sensing her rider's distress Stormfly used her wing to nudge her rider back on. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine, I just think I used to much energy. I'm not use to using this power yet. I'll conserve my strength in case we need to merge. Let's continue our attack. Keep an eye out for Hiccup and Nissa!"

Snotlout and Hookfang had landed in the village. Snotlout jumped off Hookfang giving his war cry. "Oi Oi Oi! I'm going to prove to you Berserkers that a Jorgensen is the toughest of the tough!" Three men rushed him. The first chopped down with his axe which Snotlout caught in his hand. The blade tickled his hand not drawing blood. Shoving the weapon backwards he hit the man in the head knocking him out. The other two came at him from the side swords high. He stepped backwards, twisted a bit to avoid being pierced. He kicked out with his left catching one in the gut then elbowed the other causing his grip on his weapon to falter. Yanking it out he use the Berserker's weapon to cut off his protective armor. "Oi Oi Oi! Snotlout is the best! Nothing can hurt me nothing! Ahhhhhhh!"

"I thought I warned you not to get cocky!" Hookfang snorted. He had set himself on fire spinning around in a circle creating a protective barrier. He latched his jaw around the spear in his rider's butt pulling it out fast. Spitting it out he listened to the calls of his friends. "Your friends magic has worn off for the time being. Fishlegs was nearly crushed under the weight of the catapult he'd been flipping. Ruffnut lost her helmet because her projection fizzled out and her brother is dripping wet now that the rain water is not being bent. You need to conserve your strength so that we may merge later on."

"Alright I trust you buddy."

While this was going on Dagur had been running across rooftops assisting any of his tribe mates. He slashed free piled up logs sending the careening into the Berkian army burying some of them. During a mid air jump he tossed three knives drawing blood of passing dragons. He hit the ground rolling into a ball he bowled over a few men before unfurling hacking at their feet. Picking up a discarded shield he bashed in heads, blocked attacks and countered with sword strikes. Spying a few seiðkonur in trouble against some Berkian women he tossed his weapon and shield to the side. He slid in between the fighting woman protecting them with his back turned. He twisted his head back trying to gore the women with his horned helmet nearly cutting into their faces. Sensing them backing off he turned settling into a tai chi stance.

The women snorted in amusement. "Do you think we are afraid of a few fighting tricks? Your truly deranged if you think you can take us without weapons," barked one of the shield maidens.

"Prove it then ladies, I've got bigger fish to catch namely Stoick and his friend the queen," Dagur taunted urging them forward. Laughing the first woman lunged forward with her short sword thinking she'd make fast work of the teen chief. The teen performed the perfect step back and whirl arm technique dispatching her with ease. Angered the second lady tried to hit him with her shield, but he used waving hands at clouds to side step circling his arms to push her into makeshift prison the seiðkonur set up. Lastly he turned deflecting the incoming attack parried with his hands and punched hard getting the last foe. Spotting Stoick and Rayna getting closer to the altar he recovered his weapons. Hurling a knife he managed to strike Stoick's shoulder.

Thornado hearing his rider in pain let loose a powerful blast catching the teen chief off guard. He went straight through two houses crumbling on the ground. Trying to regain his senses he quickly covered up with his shield as Rayna raked her talons at him. Sensing perhaps she wasn't at full strength he reached into his belt pulled out some galena dust tossing it into her open maw. She sneezed her flames a multitude of colors. She kept rubbing her nose coughing. Angered she whipped her tail blade at him smashing his shield. He stabbed at her with his knife drawing blood. "Ha ha ha this is truly a worthy battle!"

"I'll show you a battle you pathetic excuse of chief!" Stoick bellowed jumping off his dragon with his battle axe. He swung it back and forth hoping to cleave the teen in half. He managed to cut into some of his armor and nick his arms, but was unable to land a fatal blow. Dagur drew both swords from their scabbards twirling them with ease. He didn't even flinch when Queen Rayna landed next to Stoick hissing at him. He could tell she had weakened a bit. In the blink of an eye Dagur had to deflect both her talons and small hatchet thrown at his head. He parried pushing forward jabbing at them. Metal clinked loudly as his swords made contact with Stoick's weapon. He pushed looking for an opening using one sword to twist the blade edge to the side before piercing with his second.

Stoick didn't even feel it as his own armor protected him. He punched with his left hand smacking the teen in the jaw before kicking him hard in the shins. The deranged teen laughed dancing out of the way. Rayna blasted him with her own fire only for him to back flip out of the way on top of some barrels. He kicked it down at them with Rayna biting them in half. Stoick could feel his blood boiling at the sight of the Berserker chief laughing at him. "You shame your father greatly Dagur. He would never has stooped so low to kidnapping heirs and holding them as prizes to be used."

"I've said it before Stoick I'm not my father! I saw an opportunity and I took it. You would be proud of Hiccup if you saw how well he's been doing under my tutelage. I was so pleased when he swore his oath of loyalty to me just before you showed up."

"Your lying you piece of dirt! My son wouldn't betray his tribe!"

"He did to keep you safe! Oh, I'm not a hundred percent certain, but I sense your somehow connected to my betrothed Nissa. We were going to get married today didn't you know? In fact we were just about to exchange the rings when you showed up. She's quite the beauty isn't she?"

"Shut up you monster!" Queen Rayna bellowed jumping onto the pile. Dagur swung himself onto the roof scurrying away from her talon strikes. He kicked her in the jaw. She leapt on top of him pinning him to the ground. She was coming to bite down him, but he managed to wiggle out of the way kicking her in the underbelly. Stumbling next to a chimney he grabbed handfuls of soot blinding her. Sliding off the roof he landed on Stoick's back trying to choke him. The two chiefs bashed into walls and fences as Dagur was flung into the air landing hard. He picked himself up pulling out his weapon as the two leaders approached him.

"I will tear you to shreds!"

"Only after I behead you!"

"You're welcome to try the both of you. I'll admit this is the hardest fight I've ever been in, but I'm not one to give up. I won't let you take my friends away from me, not now and not ever!" he hissed getting into a defensive posture. He was ready to attack when he froze for a second his eyes wide. Seeing a chance Rayna and Stoick were about to rush him when the bodyguards showed up tangling them up in bolas.

"Deranged one are you okay? Dagur can you hear us oof stop that you prisoner!"

Dagur couldn't hear him because he was listening to a call, a mental one. "Dagur, you have to lead the dragons away from the village. If they keep up the fighting then everyone will die."

"Nissa? Is that you? How am I hearing you?"

"Doesn't matter, what does is saving your tribemates. If you retreat from the main compound with us, go the Kill Ring then many lives will be saved. Please Dagur."

"Listen to her, we know how our friends will react. My dad will follow you along with all the dragons. At least at the Kill Ring you can see if the Scauldrun will let you mount him. It would be a fairer fight."

Dagur nodded, pulling out a homemade smoke bomb. "Men, I'm retreating with the prisoners to the Kill Ring. Hopefully it will lead the dragons away from the village proper. Defend our home! I want the Berkians made our prisoners if possible! Well Stoick, if you and your friend want Hiccup and Nissa so badly, come and get them!" He threw down his smoke bomb escaping. The two leaders broke their bindings racing after him. The riders spotted Dagur unbinding his prisoners and racing away from the compound with them in tow. They gave chase as Orli and Toothless joined in the pursuit for their friends.

"We can't let him get away! If he reaches the Kill Ring who knows how many dragons he's got under his command?" Fishlegs warned the group.

"I thought Dagur was cooler then acting like a coward by retreating," Snotlout whined.

"He's made himself a sacrificial target so his tribe has a chance to win you idiot!" Astrid snapped. As the group continued to fly there was another explosion sending columns of dirt into the air. A twisting path of these mud spouts started to form halting them in their tracks for a second. Below them they could see Dagur grinning maliciously.

"You like my newest booby trap? It's really thanks to your Whispering Deaths. As they chew up the soil of the island they activate some explosives I had planted around the island for just such an emergency. They may get rid of the galena, but they'll end up hurt in the process while slowing you down! I'll be going now, hurry up you two!"

"Quite ingenious of you to lay such a diabolic booby trap Dagur. Looks like I rubbed off on you with using your brainpower," Hiccup commented, struggling to keep up with him as the ropes on his wrist started to dig into his skin. As he tried to readjust the ropes he took a tumble falling hard on the ground.

"Are you okay? Nothing broken right?" Nissa said, coming to a dead stop forcing the same with Dagur. She bent down looking him over for injury. He didn't seem hurt just that the wind was knocked out of him. Gesturing for Dagur they both helped him to his feet. With him balanced between them they made their way to the Kill Ring only glancing over their shoulder to see if the riders were still pursuing them.

The riders were after the trio doing their best to weave between the mud spouts. It wasn't easy. The mud was flying in all directions. Trying to avoid being covered in it was a necessity. It wasn't about cleanliness it was about avoiding being weighed down by the extra weight. Toothless and Orli were in the lead using their echolocation in hopes of seeing a way around the spouts. Just then one sprouted in front of them.

"Ahhhhhhh, this is a nightmare! I nearly had my wings ripped off because of that. We need to stop the Whispering Deaths so we can fly safely!" Orli stated hovering in the air. Gobber was scanning the ground looking for the tell tale hole of the Whispering Death. If they could find one they could fly in and stop the trio. The two of them wouldn't be affected by any lingering deposits of galena. As he searched he saw the ground half a mile from them moving as a sinkhole started to form. "Ah there's one of the tunnelers! Stoick, I'm going to talk to the Whispering Deaths! You keep up the pursuit!"

"Be careful Gobber! If the ground starts to collapse on you get out of there!" Gobber nodded directing Orli towards the hole. The female's scales sparkled in the late afternoon sun as she dove into the sinkhole. Watching his friend disappear from sight was hard, but Stoick knew he had to stay strong if he wanted to rescue his son. "Thornado, can you blast us a path through the mud spouts?"

"I can try. An opening may form for a few seconds for us to fly through, but it will take perfect sychrosantion between the riders and dragons to make it through. You kids think you can do that?"

"I think its time we coalesce once more. Everyone in agreement?" Stormfly asked. The other dragons nodded in perfect unison with their riders. The teens wrapped a hand around their necklaces focusing their energy. The gems glow was bright as Stoick shielded his eyes. Next to him Rayna hovered in the air watching in wonder as the transformation took place. Snotlout had Hookfang's horns starting to sprout on his head as his newly formed tail swished about. Astrid was testing her new talons clenching them and unclenching them. Fishlegs wings flapped furiously to keep him in the air. The Twins necks elongated as they merged into one being. Toothless gave his gummy smile as the light faded leaving the hybrids in their place.

"Lets get moving we don't know how long you can hold the transformation. Thornado, clear us a path!"

Thornado let loose a powerful screech tearing up the mud spouts in half. The hybrids flew through the opening in a single line. Toothless was in the middle, using his plasma blast to separate the mud as it started to merge together again. He zoomed through it with Rayna bringing up the rear. The group twisted around two more mud spouts before flying through another one. Seeing another spout starting to form the hybrids went into action.

Fishlegs and Astrid flew over the bubbling earth with Astrid gathering mud and rocks into her powerful talons. She dropped her load into Fishlegs mouth who chewed it up. With perfect aim he spit out some lava blasts onto the ground hardening it so it didn't explode.

Seeing their idea in action, Snotlout set himself on fire spinning around the spouts hardening them into solid masses. The Twins and Rayna joined in solidifying every single spout that appeared. Then Toothless would blow them up with a plasma blast clearing up a path. The combination of attacks kept them out of danger and soon they arrived at the Kill Ring. The hybrid children latched their talons on the metal bars tearing them off the roof before landing on the ground. There eyes darted about looking for any sign of their friends.

"Be ready to attack with everything you've got! We don't know how many dragons Dagur's got!" Astrid warned. The others nodded. All eyes focused on the cage doors waiting with anticipation for a sign of trouble. Finally one of the cages started to open. Dagur walked out first, keeping his expression neutral as he took in the hybrids. He tugged on a short leash of ropes pulling Hiccup and Nissa out after him. He glanced over his shoulder as if waiting for something. Everyone took a step back as the Scaldrun entered the arena looking around in confusion.

"So you managed to tame a dragon for yourself Dagur? Not going help you much considering your outnumbered," Snotlout stated simply. He was itching to unleash his power on the teen.

"Unless you have other dragons to use against. Then again if you did I think we would have seen them by now," Fishlegs commented.

"So he's defenseless against us?"

"Cool, let's burn him up already."

Dagur opened his mouth to reply when Hiccup and Nissa slid in front of him forming a protective shield. He heard the Scaldrun coming up behind him before he felt it take a defensive stance. He wasn't sure why the dragon hadn't flown off with the roof gone, but he was grateful for its supposed protection.

"It's nice to see you guys again. I was starting to wonder if we'd ever see you again. Hey Toothless how are you bud? I've missed you."

"I've missed you too Hiccup. I was so worried about you. Don't worry we'll make sure Dagur pays for kidnapping you. Just move aside so I can sink my teeth into him."

Hiccup ran his hand through his hair and chuckled nervously. Tapping his foot anxiously he turned his left hand over so they could see the inked mark of the Berserkers there. "Um, yeah about that um, I can't let you do that. I technically belong to the Berserker tribe now and I'll have to defend Dagur from all of you if you do that."

"Yeah and technically speaking I'm betrothed to Dagur, in fact you interrupted the wedding ceremony. Not that changes much I still have to defend him."

Stoick felt his heart plummet as he saw the mark on his son's hand. It felt as if icicles were forming around his heart and he could barely stand. Hiccup noticed this looking away sadly. He hadn't wanted to do this to his dad. He didn't want to hurt him. Noticing Hiccup's expression Stoick whispered a single word, "Why?"

"Oh don't be like that Stoick. Its like I said before Hiccup sacrificed himself so your tribe would remain safe. After all you broke the treaty first by amassing a dragon army without informing my tribe. Same with Nissa here, she was willing to put everything on the line to keep her people safe."

"She shouldn't have had to make any deals with scumbags like you. Betrothal or not I will make you suffer you annoying gnat!"

"Aunt Rayna, please try to calm down. I don't want anymore fighting," Nissa pleaded. She could sense Dagur's eyebrows go up into his hairline as she confirmed his theory about her secret. Stamping her foot she held out her tied hands to the chief. He sliced the ropes off and did the same for Hiccup. As they rubbed their hands to get circulation again their friends moved in closer getting ready to attack. Using her free hands Nissa took a step forward trying to calm them down, but still unable to reach anyone because of the armband. Hissing softly she tried to use her own charisma to quench the need for revenge. "Please, I understand how upset everyone is. Believe me being held prisoner for two weeks is not my idea of a vacation. However even if I wasn't betrothed to Dagur, I wouldn't just let you hurt him. He's changed sort of."

"Don't defend his actions as justified Nissa. His obsession over you and Hiccup has cost him his tribe, his home and soon to be his life. I won't let him live long enough to hurt anyone else."

"Dad, if you kill Dagur then the Berserkers will just retaliate. We'll be at war for months maybe even years. Think of how many lives will be lost if you continue down this path. Don't let your own pride be your downfall," Hiccup pleaded. Before his father could speak he interrupted him. "Yeah, I also believed that Dagur couldn't change from being a deranged blood thirsty monster, but I was wrong."

"Hey, I'm deranged and bloodthirsty, but not a monster!"

"I apologize for that. Look, try to understand before we showed up the Berserkers weren't the most humane tribe. The Deranged One would terrorize the populace and occasionally slice someone's head open, but he hasn't done that in awhile! He's actually become more, what is the word I'm looking for? Oh, compassionate!"

"Now your just trying to make fun of us right Hiccup? Compassionate and Berserker don't go together."

"Fishlegs is right; whatever he's done to convince you he's changed is nothing more than an act. He's a dangerous, crazed, obsessed Berserker. Oh, I'm sure that he pretended to enjoy activities with you. Maybe he drew artwork with you or actually listened to your advice, but it was a lie."

"Blah blah blah no more talking! Let's take him out now!" Without hesitation Snotlout let loose a spinning column of fire at the trio. Hiccup yanked Dagur to the ground as Nissa covered them both with her body. The fire spin collided with the hot boiling water attack of the Scaldrun. Snotlout didn't have time to utter an uh oh when the Scauldrun came after him, barreling him over as they fought one another tooth and nail. The Twins rushed over sparking and gassing to help their friend.

Astrid, Fishlegs and Toothless went after Dagur only to have Hiccup intercept them. He jumped onto Toothless back hooking into his saddle. Feeling his rider once more on his back Toothless relaxed a bit. That's when he felt his rider trying to control him so he would be a shield between their friends and the teen chief. Toothless tried to resist, but Hiccup was using the power of his necklace, showing him his memories. "Please bud, you have to trust me on this. See what I'm trying to tell you," he whispered stroking the Nightfury's neck.

"Hiccup, I want to trust you I do. It's just that you've been gone so long and..." Toothless started to say only for the memories to hit him full force. He saw and felt his riders emotions. There was plenty of anger and fear, but there was something else. He could sense genuine friendship forming as he watched Hiccup advised Dagur on how to plan a romantic date or draw a flower.

"What's wrong with Toothless? Why is he just hovering in mid air?" Fishlegs questioned. He could feel the strain on his body. The magic merge was about to fall apart. If they wanted to finish Dagur they had to hurry.

Astrid, sensing her time was nearly up, lined up a shot before zooming towards the teen chief. Dagur was in the middle of fighting against Stoick and Thornado while Nissa kept busy trying to prevent her aunt from killing the teen. Her necklace was flashing and the outlines of several colored auras could be seen flashing. Ignoring the colors Astrid raked her talons forward intent on crushing Dagur only to have Toothless tackle her in the side. The hybrid girl tumbled to the ground in a sapphire flash reverting back to two separate forms. As Astrid struggled to push herself up off the ground she looked at Hiccup in confusion. "Why would you do that?"

"I told you Astrid. Things have changed. Let me prove it to you," he said holding out his hand. Hesitating a bit she took it getting on Toothless. He ordered Toothless up into the air as they watched a series of events unfold.

Dagur swung his sword deflecting Stoick's battle axe. He brought out his other one using the flat of it to take a swipe at Thornado only for his balance to come undone. He stumbled to the ground, helmet knocked off and out of breath. The Berkian chief placed a foot on his chest as the shadow of the adult Daypeace loomed over him. An exhausted Nissa was pinned under he aunt's back right foot unable to help. Noticing her color Dagur said to Rayna, "You might want to let your niece go before she suffocates."

"Be quiet! You don't deserve any last words. I'll make your death as agonizing as possible. You'll never has a chance to use our secrets to harm us. Stoick, if you'll do the honors?"

"Gladly, time to correct Oswald's mistake." Stoick raised his battle axe high ready to bring it down when the screeching of a dragon caused him to turn around. The Scauldrun was running over, jaws wide open, claws at the ready. In his state of mind Stoick simply reacted ready to bring down the axe on the Scauldrun. Someone shouted "NOOOOOOO!" Stoick found his feet swept out from under him. There was a loud hiss and snap coming from Rayna as she tried to use her tail blade only to miss the teen chief as he stood protectively in front of the Scauldrun. With great effort Nissa wiggled free crawling over to Dagur side as Hiccup landed next to him before dismounting Toothless to stand next to him.

"This fight is over now! As you can see without any hesitation or coercion Dagur risked his life to protect a dragon. A dragon, I might add that had every reason to hate him, but chose to come to his aid. An inner transformation has taken place. Let us show you please," Nissa pleaded. Her words finally seemed to get through to everyone. They seemed to calm down and be willing to listen. There was a fluttering of wings as Orli and Gobber entered the ring. The blacksmith seemed confused by the lack of fighting as he slid off the female's back, but didn't attack. Orli sauntered over to her mate giving him a kiss before settling down waiting for an explanation.

"Thank you," Hiccup whispered before turning to the Scauldrun. Hiccup held out his hand letting the sea dragon nudge it. He scratched the sweet spot under the chin earning a purr from the beast. Carefully he guided Dagur's hand until it was on the Scauldrun's nose. Letting his own hand slide down he waited with bated breath to see what would happen.

The two just stood there staring at one another for what seemed like forever, only in reality it was just five minutes. Dagur patted the dragon on the head careful to avoid the spot with the missing horn. He whispered apologizes for his men taking that off. He fished something out of his pocket, a single blue oleander he'd been holding onto. He gave it to the dragon who gingerly took it from his hand so not to inject his venom. Encouraged Dagur moved over to check on the wings that been damaged the night before. The laceration from the battle axe was healing well already starting to scab over. Again, apologizing for what he done he promised to get the dragon some salve for his wings. The beast nuzzled his head against the chief's body earning a nice laugh from Dagur.

The Berkians were shocked by this. Dagur, who previously wanted to spill buckets of dragon blood, was actually being nice to a dragon. What was also different was his demeanor. He seemed a lot calmer and dare say happier. He wasn't acting deranged at all actually smiling at Nissa when she placed a hand on his shoulder. Taking his hands off the dragon he remove a small chain from around his neck. On it was an old key that he inserted into her armband unlocking it. The galena armband fell to the floor in a clatter. He kicked the offending item far away from her noticing the obvious change in her.

"Thank you Dagur. Let me show you my other form." For the first time in a fortnight Nissa manifest her dragon form. The Berserker chief watched in awe as her wings sprouted from her back. Pink scales covered her as her marking turned into her horns. She settled down on all four smiling. Reaching out with her fully restored Dragon Heart she connected with Dagur forming a tentative bond with him. "What do you think of my other form?"

"Your so beautiful even as a dragon. I really like your wings and tail. Your coloration reminds me of the sunset. Is that on purpose?"

She nodded her head. She then looked the Scauldrun in the eye before addressing him. "Why did you decide to trust Dagur? Didn't he hurt you badly in the past? Your missing your horn and patches of scales because of him correct?"

"True, this human is responsible for my injuries and keeping me a prisoner here. I was ready to kill him once I had my freedom. That changed last night. When I awoke from my induced sleep he was there. He'd brought me a basketful of blue oleander. He was apologetic and left himself completely open for attack. He spent a good hour just sitting there watching me waiting for me to trust him enough to treat my wounds. If he can change that much in a single night then I don't see a reason I shouldn't trust him enough now. I want to be his friend."

The confession startled everyone assembled. They couldn't quite fathom that Dagur would have the patience to earn the respect and trust of a dragon. Of course he had no idea what was being said so Hiccup translated for him. He seemed pleased that the Scauldrun was willing to give him a chance. Still he frowned, "How am I suppose to be his friend? I don't really know how to be someone's friend. It took me forever to be your friend and I still messed up. If I can't even understand him then how do I make sure that I don't mess this up?"

Hiccup laughed running his hands through his hair. He gave the teen a lopsided grin before speaking. "Dagur, friendships take time to build. You learn how to be a good friend when someone shows you how to be. You became our friend by listening and being patient. You just have to do the same thing with him. You'll learn from one another how to be good friends. I promise to continue to be your friend and help you when you need it."

"As will I Dagur. So what are you going to name him?" Nissa asked. Dagur looked at her puzzled. Didn't he already have a name? "Dragon names are nearly impossible to speak in human tongue. That's why many of them accept human names or their dragon names are translated into human. His dragon name is to difficult to say and doesn't translate. So you get to give him a new name."

Dagur paused deep in thought. Suddenly he snapped his fingers grinning happily. "How about Oswald? I think my father would like that. I think I've finally done something he would approve of. Oh, speaking of doing things he approved of; I release you Hiccup from your oath of loyalty. Your free to return to Berk. I do the same for you Nissa. Stoick, I know I messed up big time. I promise if you give me a chance I'll make it up to you. Right now lets stop this war before anyone gets hurt. Agreed?"

"We'll work something out later Dagur, but I agree. Let's go put an end to this war." Everyone mounted their dragons and they took off back to the compound. The fighting had intensified and it appeared that neither side was giving an inch. Both Rayna and Nissa called out to the other Daypeaces. With the galena finally disposed off they used their orange barrier flames to separate the groups creating a ceasefire as Dagur on the back of Oswald ordered his tribe to stand down. It was time for diplomacy not more bloodshed.

Everyone looked to their leaders in confusion wondering what was going on. The Berserkers were amazed that Dagur was riding a Scauldrun without any difficulty. Elder Inga had a small smile on her face. Chanting a spell she simply walked through the barrier over to her leaders side. She didn't bat an eye as the pink dragon next to Dagur reverted into Nissa. There was a different air around her leader. Sure he was still deranged and full of Berserker rage, but he seemed calmer, relaxed, and dare she say a little apprehensive.

"My chief, I must say there is something different about you. Have you finally discovered what it truly means to be a leader?"

Dagur nodded, striding forward until he standing on top of the altar so everyone could see him. Clearing his throat he started to address the Berserkers, who had stopped trying to break down the barriers. "My fellow Berserkers; you should be proud of the way you fought today. We defended our home with all the might of our tribe. I'm proud of each and every one of you. What I take as my greatest pride is that we didn't lose any tribemates today. That is why I need to apologize for bringing this war to our shores today."

The Berserkers gasped in shock. Several pinched themselves to make sure they were awake. The older generation shouted that this wasn't his fault. That they were Berserkers and this is what it meant to fight. The teen chief raised a single fist into the air quieting the group. Once he had their attention he continued. "As much as we enjoy bloodshed and war this one could have been avoided if I hadn't given into my obsession and kidnapped Hiccup and Princess Nissa. As much as I wanted them for their abilities and strength, I had a more selfish reason for wanting them. I...I..."

Hiccup, seeing his distress put a comforting hand on his should squeezing it gently. He gave the teen an encouraging smile. "Your not alone Dagur. We're here to help you through this right Nissa?"

She nodded placing her hand on his shoulder squeezing it. "Friends help one another out. You can do this just take a deep breath and relax."

"Thanks you two. As I was saying, I kidnapped these two because I was lonely. I wanted friends, but I didn't know how to make any. I'm your chief. I know you respect and fear me, that you are the most loyal tribemates I could ask for. The problem is that I've become so feared because of my deranged tendencies that no one was willing to be my friend. When I kidnapped these two I thought I could force them to be my friends."

Nissa decided to take over from there giving Dagur a break. Reaching out with her Dragon Heart she connected with the two tribes spirits sharing her emotions with them. "One can't force a friendship; its something that happens naturally. I'm sure you all witnessed the effect I have on people. Right now I'm using my Dragon Heart to connect with you to share my experiences and emotions. I couldn't do that with the galena armband. I became Dagur's friend the old fashion way through time and talking. I'm rather pleased that I've managed to change Dagur a bit for the better."

"Just as I'm glad to have learned to be a better fighter thanks to his training. Friendships are a two way street with both parties contributing to one another. I know how angry my tribemates are, but if we keep fighting it will never end. I was forced to swear loyalty to protect you, but Dagur released myself and Nissa from our vows. There is no reason to continue fighting."

Protests from both groups filled the air only to be silenced by firespins from the dragons mouths. The tribes quieted down as the Daypeaces removed the barriers. Dagur jumped off the altar walking purposely to Stoick. Withdrawing a knife he handed it over, handle first before kneeling. If Stoick wanted to take his vengeance he could easily kill the teenager. Stoick was still for a few minutes as he thought over what to do. He looked over at Rayna, still in dragon form. They had a silent conversation for a few minutes. At last Rayna reverted to human form and Stoick pulled the teen to his feet handing the knife back to him. "The return of our children is enough for now, but you will be making amends to our tribes for your stunt."

Dagur nodded his head furiously thankful to still have his head. He promised to give them everything Mildew had sent him as well as the false notes he sent to the other tribes. He also agree to build the Berkians new ships to replace the ones they lost. Hiccup suggested they draw up a new treaty to redefine their alliance which Nissa agreed would be a great idea. She would help them write it putting to use of her princess skills to make sure that there were no more altercations between the tribes.

Finally hours later, just as the moon and stars were coming out, it was time for the Berkians to return home. The treaty had been rewritten and signed by all parties. The injured had been seen to while a few boats from the armada were given freely to the tribe. Dagur had kept his word handing over all his stolen knowledge. He was there on the dock with Oswald, watching as the group prepared to leave via air/sea. He had a sad expression on his face as he fidgeted a bit. Hiccup, was just finishing double checking Toothless gear when he felt a tugging sensation in his heart. Glancing over at Dagur's face, he patted his dragon on the head walking over to the teen chief. "Is everything okay Dagur? You don't look like your deranged self."

"Its nothing Hiccup I'm fine really." Hiccup arched one eyebrow folding his arms and leaned back a bit. It was clear that he didn't believe him. Neither did Nissa who came over with her hands on her hip wanting him to be honest. "Okay, I admit it. I'm sad to see you guys go. Its going to be a long time until the next treaty signing. I won't see you both for a while."

"We could always send messages back and forth to keep in touch. Arrange visits to one another islands. Aunt Rayna says I get to stay to complete my mission because of the success I had with you. We'll see each other again don't worry."

"What if I mess up again? I'm already on thin ice with Oswald here. Elder Inga has promise to help me try becoming friendlier with the tribe, but I'm not sure how much that will help. I want to prove that I've changed..." he was interrupted when Nissa pressed her finger to his lips. She started to hum a joyful tune. Everyone had stopped what they were doing as she connected to Dagur through their new bond. She was going to reassure him with a song titled, "Anytime You Need A Friend."

"Na na, non na na na

"When you're sad,

When you're feeling low

When you're hurt and don't know where to go.

Think of me-

There I'll be,

Anytime you need a friend.

When you're down,

And your luck runs out,

Or if you're in trouble or in doubt,

It's OK-

Turn my way,

Anytime you need a friend.

When you're scared,

I will stay with you,

When you feel you're falling,

I'll lift you.

When you're heart breaks,

I'll ease your aches,

Whatever it takes, I'm in-

Anytime you need a friend. "

Hiccup decided to join in with her to sing the second half of the song somehow knowing the lyrics. Probably because Nissa fed them to him.

"All our lives,

Anywhere we are,

Just reach out-I'll never be too far.

Come what may

There I'll stay

Anytime you need a friend.

When you're scared,

I will stay with you,

When you feel you're falling,

I'll lift you.

When you're heart breaks,

I'll ease your aches,

Whatever it takes, I'm in-

Anytime you need a friend.

When you need a friend,

Come what may,

There I'll stay,

Now until the very end,

Anytime you need a friend.

Anytime,Whatever it takes,

Anytime, Anywhere,

Anytime you need a friend. "

The three friends clasped each others hands hugging one another. It may have been the strangest bonding experience, but the bonds of friendship they formed were real. Manifesting her dragon form Nissa gave Dagur a tiny headbutt before pushing herself into the sky. The other riders followed suit yipping in delight. They were joined by the remaining dragons who flew protectively over the ships as they departed. Dagur waved his hand good-bye until they were out of sight. Getting nudged in the back by Oswald he gave his trademark laugh as he climbed onto his neck. "Come on Oswald, we have a lot to do until their next visit. Let's go!" They both flew back to the compound enjoying one another company.

obsessions with Vikings can lead to a mess of trouble. You never know how it will turn out. I never suspected that someone like Dagur could change enough to be a better person. Still it just goes to show you that no one ever knows what will happen next.