Yey! Last chapter! Yes, it's done. I'm planning on writing another story instead its ROBTD and I want to write another one but I'm still working out the details. Anyway, thanks for reading until the end. I hope you enjoyed everything. Please review or something even though each review freaks me out. I won't be so active anymore thanks to my wonky internet connection. Anyway, last one, enjoy.

2 Years later

"Well, how is everything?" Sophie asked Jack

"I invited at 23 people."

"Good. Any food?"

"We don't eat."

"North does and you have to please every guest."

Sophie looked at the party going on around her. She has been teaching Jack how to throw parties and this was a party Jack threw all by himself. Jack invited the other spirits. There was Cupid, Mother Nature, Comet, Winter and her sisters, father time, April- Spirit of April Fool's Day-, and a lot more spirits.

"hmm…" She said analyzing every small detail "More lights over there… that should be good… The music is good. Did you make sure it fit everyone's taste?"


Sophie smiled at him. They were roughly the same height now. "Great job. It's pretty neat but it could use some improvements."

Jack smiled at her and hugged her tight. Sophie hugged him hard and buried her face in his hood. "It's time to move on. You have to work harder in school."

"But what about hanging out with you?" Sophie asked, her voice cracking

"You're already 14. You're in high school."

"But you're the best friend I've ever had and I don't want to stop believing."

"You won't. But I have to stop seeing you more often."

Jack felt the tears on Sophie. "I'll end up like Jamie, won't I."

Jack didn't want to reply. He only hugged her tighter.

Sophie let go and ran off. She really wasn't the best in goodbyes. Jack sighed and turned around and saw Tooth. She was looking at him and her eyes were filled with concern.

"Every kid grows up. And we have to let go." Tooth slowly said

"That warms my heart."

Tooth smiled at him and hugged him. "We don't have any future."

"You don't have to remind me."

"But it's true."

Tooth let go and stared at him. "We can't go any further than boyfriend and girlfriend. We can't get married or grow old. Do you seriously still want to be with me?" Tooth muttered and looked at the floor.

Jack lifted her chin and stared into her eyes. "Yes."

They both stared into each other's eyes and they kissed. No matter what happens, Jack would fight for them and so would Tooth. That moment they both realized what they had. It was something stronger than anything in existence. It helped them get away from Pitch. So love is stronger than darkness. It helped them stay together when everyone said no. So then love is stronger than others. It stood against one of the most powerful beings in the universe- Man in the Moon. Love is stronger than the moon.

The end.