A/N: Hey guys, sorry for the very late update. I just had some stuff going on, but I am back now and promise to update regularly. I am almost finished with my other fic "fading faster than the speed of light" so I will have more time to work on this story, and 'Lies and deception' I really want to thank you for all the feedback you have given me so far, I'm glad you guys seem to be enjoying the story as much as you did with 'I'm in love with a stripper' and I promise I will try my hardest not to let anyone down. As usual, feedback is much appreciated, and until next time, hope you all enjoy this chapter!
Beca and Chloe were quick to get into the red head's car and drive off. The DJ knew Chloe was in no state to drive so immediately took control of the situation.
"I can't believe this is happening again." The taller woman whispered to herself tears streaming down her face.
"Babe she's going to be okay, just try and think positive. Your best friend needs you right now, stay strong for her." The DJ took one hand off the wheel, reached over and grabbed the other woman's hand, gently stroking her thumb against the back of it.
"Beca, all this is happening again because of me, it was supposed to be over when Luke died. Why is it happening all over again?" The red head sobbed.
"I don't know but I promise we'll figure it out okay? Right now we need to focus on getting to the hospital and being there for Aubrey." The DJ softly replied.
"You know, I wish you wouldn't have made it in time when Luke had me hostage. If he would have just killed me none of you would have to deal with this again, and Aubrey would be okay." Chloe ripped her hand from the brunette's and slowly wiped her tears.
"Don't," The DJ clenched her teeth.
"No Beca it's true and..." The brunette instantaneously cut her off.
"Chloe don't you dare. Do you know what my life would be like without you here?" Beca paused and let the woman next to her think about it before continuing. "Complete shit, that's what. I'd rather be living every day in danger with you by my side than safe and sound with you not around, and I'm sure Aubrey feels the same way." She finished and took a deep breath. "I never want to find out what my world would be like without you in it, after knowing you and having you here."
"I'm sorry, I just...she's my best friend and I can't believe all of this is happening again, only this time we don't know who it is." Chloe pointed out, tears streaming down her cheeks.
"I know, we'll get through this though, I promise. Whatever obstacles come our way, we'll get through it." The smaller woman grabbed her fiancés hand once again and tightly squeezed it.
Both women remained silent the rest of the car ride, neither of them knew what to say.
Eventually Beca pulled into the hospital, and pulled in front of the building.
"You go first; I'll find a place to park okay?" The DJ gave her a quick kiss and gestured for her to get out of the car.
"I'm scared Beca. What if I go in there and she's already..." The red head started but was cut off by Beca's lips once again.
"Don't think like that, be strong for Aubrey. She needs you, okay?" The brunette gave her fiancé a stern look and a subtle nod. "Go,"
Chloe took a deep breath and without another word left the car and quickly ran through the hospital doors. She ran to the emergency waiting room and saw Jesse sitting on one of the chairs, his face buried in his hands as he cried.
"Jesse what's going on, is she okay? What's the update?" The red head quickly approached the tall brunette.
"I... I don't have an update. Doctors are still working on stopping the bleeding. I haven't heard anything since I called you guys." Jesse took a deep breath. "God I don't know what I'm going to do if I lose her, I love her Chloe." Jesse cried out. Chloe immediately grabbed him and squeezed him tightly.
"Jesse we can't think like that. She's going to be okay. This is our Aubrey Posen. Do you really think she's going to let a car accident take her away from us? No." Chloe grabbed Jesse's face and pulled it towards her so that their eyes were now focusing on each other.
"Let me tell you a little something about Aubrey. This is the girl who when we were eight years old taught me how to ride a two wheeler because for some reason I never grasped it, and all the other kids made fun of me. She came over one Saturday and told me we weren't stopping until I could ride with no hands." Chloe laughed at herself as she recalled the memory.
"This is the same girl who when we were 13 years old and my parents died, tutored me in all my classes. She was better than any other tutor her parents hired for me. She worked with me every night for an hour until I got back on my feet." The red head smiled and began tearing.
"Aubrey Posen never gives up, she never admits defeat, and she certainly won't let some unknown asshole win." The red head squeezed Jesse's knee reassuringly.
"Sorry I took so long, is she okay?" Beca came running in and quickly approached them.
"We don't know yet," Chloe frowned.
"I'm waiting to hear back from the doctor. Last I heard she had really bad trauma to the head, and they were making sure there was no internal bleeding in her brain." Jesse sniffed. Beca walked over to where Chloe was sitting and gently placed her hands on the distraught woman's shoulders.
"What exactly happened Jesse?" The DJ grimaced knowing very well how her best friend feels, having gone through the same thing last year.
"Well she was out for a jog this morning, and someone deliberately drove onto the sidewalk and hit her with their car. Luckily there were witnesses, so they called an ambulance and they got there just in time. I guess the cops are out looking for the car now." Jesse lowered his head and stared at his feet. "Do you think…?" He trailed off and looked up at both women. "Do you think whoever has been threatening you did this?" He asked in a tone that could barely be described as a whisper.
Chloe and Beca both looked at each other; The DJ could see the pain in the red head's eyes, so she decided to save her the pain in telling Jesse the truth and went ahead herself.
"We actually know it was them." Beca kissed the top of the taller woman's head and looked back up at Jesse, who now had no emotion in his face whatsoever.
"How do you know for sure?"
"Well when we woke up this morning, there was a message on our wall from whomever it is, confessing it was them." The DJ frowned.
"Oh," was all the taller man could retort back with.
"Yeah, they knew we went to the cops and they weren't pleased about it." Beca sighed.
"You've got to be fucking kidding me," Jesse spat out, surprising both Beca and Chloe. "This is Aubrey's second time almost losing her life for you two, you know that right? I'm so done with this shit, I never signed up for this and yet here I am, two years later still involved and still having to watch my back." The taller man got up from his seat and began to pace around.
"Jesse, I know you're upset but…" The DJ started, but when she looked into her best friend's eyes she shut right up. She could see the anger, and pain flowing through them.
"Upset?" He started walking towards them fists clenched. "Upset doesn't even begin to describe it. I could very well lose the girl I love for your fiancés mistakes." The brunette spat out. Beca immediately stood protectively in front of the red head. Jesse took a step back when he saw the fear in Chloe's eyes.
"Too far Jesse," Beca glared at her best friend. "We're all hurt by this, we're all affected, and we're all scared. That does not give you a right to lash out at Chloe though. I mean fuck, how do you think she feels right now? Aubrey and she have practically been sisters since they were born." The shorter woman sternly pointed out.
Before he could reply, a doctor was approaching the three of them, frowning. The trio immediately ran over and approached him.
"Please, is she okay?" Jesse could feel his hands shaking as he waited to hear the news about the woman he loved.
"She's alive," the doctor replied. Everyone let out a breath they had all been holding in since they saw the doctor coming. Jesse looked over at him and could tell that wasn't all.
"But…" The brunette trailed off.
"But we don't know when she'll wake up; the damage to her skull was bad, and very dangerous."
"She's in a coma?" Chloe asked.
"Yes, which means she could wake up tonight, or six months from now. We have no way of telling." The doctor paused and let the three of them comprehend what he had just told them "There's more," he continued on. "We think the trauma she suffered to her head could cause memory loss." The doctor frowned once again.
"You mean…" Jesse started but the red head cut him off.
"Amnesia," Chloe choked out.
"Yes, I'm afraid we think she's going to suffer from amnesia, you see while there is no internal damage done to her brain, there is still damage and…" Jesse cut the doctor off.
"You mean she may not remember us?" He asked.
"Well, that's hard to say. If she has memory loss it could be anywhere from a few months, to decades ago." The doctor replied. Jesse looked over at Chloe and glared.
"At least she'll remember you." He said coldly.
"Jesse, stop, we don't even know if she has it for sure. Quit taking your anger out on Chloe, we're all suffering right now okay?" Beca sternly replied. She understood why Jesse was the way he was right now, but she also knew how Chloe was dealing with it, and Jesse down her throat would not make her feel any less at fault.
"Whatever, so when can I…we see her?" The man questioned.
"She just finished surgery and is now in recovery, you're welcome to go see her anytime. I warn you though, be prepared when you go in there, she's been through a lot and is in rough shape." The doctor replied. The trio nodded their heads in agreement. "Follow me if you will," he turned on his heels and led them to her room.
When Chloe walked through the doors, she immediately broke down when she saw her best friend lying helplessly in the hospital bed. Her face was covered in cuts, and bruises the size of golf balls. She ran over to the bed and grabbed a hold of the blondes hand as she cried.
"This is entirely my fault, I'm so sorry Aubrey," Chloe choked out. "If Luke would have just killed me you would be fine right now." The red head sobbed. Beca quickly approached her fiancé and started to rub her back.
"Babe, it's not your fault. Let's just be thankful she's okay." Beca pointed out. Jesse walked around to the other side of the red head and gently placed a hand on her shoulder.
"It's going to be okay Chloe," he softly replied. He looked over at Beca and gave her an apologetic look. "I'm sorry I blamed this on you, but in reality you weren't the one who did this. You can't blame yourself okay?" He whispered softly.
The taller woman's cries eventually died down, and the three of them were all sitting by the blonde's bed, in silence. Jesse and Chloe quickly looked over at Beca when her phone started to ring.
"I need to take this," Beca looked at her phone quickly got up leaving the room.
Jesse and Chloe sat in silence just admiring the blonde lying in bed. Even with all the bruises and cuts, she still looked gorgeous.
"I was going to propose next week." Jesse broke the silence, making Chloe almost choke. She looked over at him and gave him a small smile.
"Well you'll just have to put off for another week." Chloe tried to remain optimistic.
"Yeah that's if she wakes up, and if she remembers me." He frowned. Chloe went to reply but was cut off by her fiancé.
"I have to go; I'll be back in an hour." Beca approached the taller woman.
"Why, who was that?" Chloe raised a questioning eyebrow.
"Stacie, I'm going to meet up with her." The DJ kissed the woman's cheek and looked at Jesse. "I'll be back soon, take care of each other." She turned around to walk out, Chloe quickly followed her.
"Babe can you talk to me, tell me what's going on."
"I'll tell you later, right now I have to go." Beca replied. "I promise I'll be safe, okay?" Beca kissed the red head one last time and quickly walked away. The taller woman frowned as she walked back into the room and looked over at Jesse. The man shrugged.
"I don't know, but don't worry, it's Beca, she'll be careful" Jesse assured her.
The DJ drove until she pulled into a dark alley way, Stacie's directions were very clear and simply. She could see Stacie standing there, another woman right beside her. The DJ quickly parked and exited her car.
"How's Chloe?" Stacie frowned. She had heard Aubrey's condition when she called Beca earlier; she knew the red head must be going through a lot.
"She's surviving," Beca bluntly said. "So what did you need to see me about that was so urgent you had to pull me away from my broken hearted fiancé."
"This," Stacie said pointing to the woman beside her. "You recognize her?" She asked.
"She looks familiar…" The DJ trailed off as she tried to recall where she knew the girl standing in front of her from. "Wait….seductions, right?" Beca asked.
"Correct," The taller brunette nodded.
"You were a stripper there?" Beca asked.
"Am, I am a stripper there." The girl replied.
"You mean…" Beca looked over at Stacie.
"Yep, someone took over for Luke, but we just don't know who yet. None of the strippers have seen his face or had to deal with him personally yet."
"So then why is she here?" Beca gestured over at the other woman.
"She was a good friend of mine at the strip club and she has agreed to help us find out. My thoughts are whoever is running the strip club, is the one threatening you." Stacie pointed out.
"Can we trust her?" Beca cautiously replied.
"What do you think I'm a fuckin snake?" The stripper angrily spat out.
"No, I never said that. But no offense you used to work for the man who tried to kill me and my friends." Beca pointed out.
"I hated Luke, I'm glad that son of a bitch is dead. He used to rip me off so much money. This new guy is no better either." The girl replied.
"She's going to help me get one of my female cops in there to go undercover." Stacie assured the DJ.
"Is that a good idea, I mean look what happened last time." The brunette pointed out.
"What happened last time was a mistake, this time I have thought out every aspect carefully and am prepared for anything. It's the only way we can find out who's running the business, and who he has spying at the police station."
"Okay, so what's the plan, she gets your cop buddy in there then what?" Beca raised a questioning eyebrow, intrigued to find out how this plan was any different from the last.
"We find out who is running 'seductions' now for now, then when that's over with, we'll take it from there. I can't do much until I find out who the new owner is, and if he's even the one threatening you." Stacie pointed out.
"Fair enough, and until then, what, Chloe and I just continue to be in danger or…?" The DJ trailed off.
"We'll have cops surveying your house all night, so if anyone goes in, we'll know." Stacie gave the DJ a nod.
"Alright, when is…" Beca gestured over to the stripper not knowing her name.
"Hailey," the girl replied.
"Okay, when is Hailey going to get your cop friend in?" Beca asked.
"We start tomorrow; Hailey is going to bring her to work, say she's a good friend and needs a job."
"And how do we know Hailey will even be able to get them a job?" The DJ asked confused.
"The guy who does the hiring there and I go way back, he trusts me." Hailey pointed out.
"How way back is way back?" Beca asked.
"I used to suck his dick on the side," Hailey bluntly said.
"I see," the DJ was thrown off by her response. "Okay then, well I guess just keep in contact with me, and just let me know how the plan goes, okay? I really need to get back to Chloe though; she wasn't doing the best before I left." The shorter brunette frowned.
"Okay, give my best to Chloe, and Jesse. Let them know I'll be by soon to see Aubrey." Stacie frowned.
"Will do," Beca looked over at Hailey.
"Thanks for doing this for me," Beca gave the girl a small smile.
"I'm not doing this for you, I'm doing this for Stacie." Hailey looked over at the taller brunette and grabbed her hand.
"Wait…you two…?" Beca's jaw dropped.
"Yeah," Stacie blushed.
"Oh wow," Beca didn't really know what to say.
"Is there a problem?" Hailey raised an eyebrow.
"No, I just didn't know Stacie was gay is all." Beca shrugged. "Anyways, I really have to go, Stacie call me okay?" Beca asked before turning around to enter her car.
"Okay and Beca," Stacie started and waited for the DJ to turn around.
"Be careful and take care of Chloe alright, she needs you now more than ever." The taller woman frowned.
"Always," Beca replied before entering her car. The DJ started her car, gave one last wave to the women standing in front of her and quickly drove off.