A/N: Hello lovelies! I am back with more stories! This fanfic is a collaboration with Fang96 I'll be writing every odd chapter and she'll be writing the even chapters...okay I'm done rambling; enjoy!

Disclaimer: We do not own HP...if we did Voldy would have cut his nails...

Warnings: None

Hello! I guess I should start this from the beginning...My name is Jack Finnelstone and I am a wizard...or well I was...until I got killed. I died when I was 16 years old, in other words I died this morning. I didn't die in this super amazing and exiting way, the way I died is very ironic...I choked on a potato and well now I'm a ghost! I wanted to stay earthbound; I love Earth and I would have missed it too much so I decided not to cross over; however, my ghostly matter got attached to one particular person/thing (honestly that man does not look like a human being) in the process. Basically this is the story of how I cope with being a ghost and having to stay near the one and only Voldemort.

When I first woke up..after I died..I was in this room, well it was more of an attic, dust was everywhere and the room was filled with broken furniture, I didn't know where I was at all. Later on throughout exploring what I discovered was a mansion I found out I was in You-Know-Who's lair...how did I find out? I ran into him, literally.

At first I was terrified, me a skinny 16 year old boy attached to Voldemort? No way I was going to survive! That is until I remembered that I was already dead...and that's when the fun began.

You see when you're a ghost you have the advantage of being unkillable or uncursable and when you're me and you're already a bit insane well now's your chance of going crazy! So without further ado ladies and gentleman here is my guide on how to annoy Voldemort!

Way Number 1: Ask him why he 'doesn't have such a cool scar?'

After weeks of getting used to living with a psychopath and his little minions I finally found a routine; I wake up, annoy Voldy for the day and plan during the night how to annoy him the following day!

Today; however, I found myself missing Hogwarts and everyone in it, especially Harry Potter...no we weren't great friends, he was a year under me, but the guy was pretty nice and amusing and his scar, man what I would I give to have such a cool scar!

Anyways, I was floating along the mansion when I found Ye Old Snake-Face in the study plotting whatever evil plot he could think of. I floated up to him and sat on his desk staring at him.

"What do you want?" He snapped at me.

"Nothing I was just admiring your forehead" I replied; okay so I wasn't admiring his forehead, more like criticizing it. Voldemort seemed highly surprised at this, that's a first.

"Oh? And may I ask why?" He said sarcastically.

I sighed dramatically and replied "Why don't you have a cool scar on your forehead like Harry Potter?"

His non-existent upper lip curled inwards and his hand start inching towards his wand. This man gets mad over nothing! It was an innocent question.

Deciding not to stick around for his temper tantrum I quickly disappeared back to my lair! In other words the attic, I love being a ghost because even though I can't help the big fight against Volders and his death army I can still cause some misery to that snake-man! So in a way I am helping.