So Chapter 1 of this story was my very first fanfic. I had no idea of the journey I would embark on for the next year of my life as I have written nearly non-stop. My writing has changed a lot over that time period, so now, for my one year anniversary, I wanted to redo the story that will always hold a special place in my heart. It may be odd, but I am leaving the first chapter as I originally wrote it and this version will be in POV. It will also include snippets from seasons 1-4. If you read the other one, then you know what you're in for, but with some new bits and a lead in for "In Another Life".

Thank you all for support and love over the last year. I hope to find many more wonderful BoLo stories to write.

"My Savior- Redux"

I had made it another day. The sun was shining on my face as I lay in bed basking in its warmth on a fine spring day. Dreams of days gone by, when the Sunshine Happy Gang was saving the world, flipped through my mind like pages in a book. A light knock on the door awakened me from the musings of my past, making me all too aware that it was just a memory and I was no longer that Lauren Lewis. What lay here was just the last remnants of a brilliant scientific mind that had helped one amazing woman change the course of the Fae. That was a long time ago though. I finally retired last year after I started feeling ill. Since then, things had gone downhill gradually as I was able to do less and less. Now I was bound to our home with only an occasional outing to the park. When I could focus long enough to read them, I still enjoyed keeping up to date with my medical journals. They say my work changed medicine and that most of the research being done today was based on my groundbreaking work. I don't know about that, but it is kind of them to say. Dyson, Trick and Tamsin would stop in from time to time to chat about current events. They knew how much I enjoyed stimulating conversation. Even Evony had made an appearance a few times to make sure that I had everything needed, but there was only ever one thing I needed.

The only other human in our life, Kenzi, passed away a few years ago. We all missed her vibrant spirit and wisecracks which she kept up until her final days at the age of seventy nine. Bo did bring her back from Valhalla with Tamsin's help, but Kenzi's drinking eventually caught up to her. At least she was happy, living the life she choose. That was all any of us could ask for and thanks to Bo, it was now a reality for us all.

We have had a wonderful life together after we finally navigated the many obstacles the life of the champion threw our way. We traveled the world, even stopped in Egypt for Bo. We fought side by side and cured hundreds of outbreaks. Our love survived lies, misunderstandings, spells, mystical trains and supposed destiny. Once Bo united the Fae and humans were no longer shunned, we were married by Trick on an island beach with Kenzi as the maid of honor. Together, with our friends and family, we mapped the future of two species living and working in harmony. We were, and still are, the picture of love, compromise and understanding.

I could vaguely make out a whispered voice as the door cracked open. "Babe, are you awake?"

My thoughts slowly returned to the present as I recognized the voice of the woman I have loved for sixty plus years.

"Yes, honey come on in. I'm so glad to see you."

My voice was gravelly, my mouth parched. I struggled to prop myself up in bed while forcing a smile for Bo. She looked exactly as she did the day I fell in love with her. She was carrying a tray with lunch, medications and some beautiful fresh cut flowers from the field next door. I looked at her adoringly, my heart full from the way she had painstakingly cared for me the last few months. I knew she was hurting. Bo always hated when she was powerless and now all she could do was watch, wait and love. She did them all with such passion. I supposed I should be worried about death, feel sorry for myself, but the only thing I felt was the pain in my heart knowing that I would be losing her soon. Each day I knew the end was growing closer and I prayed that I would wake to see her one more time. Here she was, yet another gift I had been given. Seeing her once again, to hold her, to have her hold me and give me the strength that only she could.

"The flowers are beautiful, thank you so much." She was smiling softly at me while I inhaled their beautiful scent. "Sorry I slept so long. I'd so much rather spend time with you, but I'm just so tired." I patted the spot beside me on the bed. "Would you sit with me?" Her smile went from cautious to blinding as she climbed into bed and carefully wrapped her arms around me.

"As if you really ever had to ask me to join you in bed." We both chuckled. "You know I love the way you feel in my arms. I love you so much Lauren. How are you feeling today?"

I glanced at the mirror beside my bed, not looking at all the way I did in my dreams just moments ago. My long, blonde hair was now thin and gray. My mind while still sharp, had slowed. My once strong body was now failing. I contemplated for a moment before answering. "Hmm, bout the same as I have the last eight months. My body hurts, I spend most of my time in this bed and lord knows I have seen every episode of The Real Fae Housewives."

She laughed knowing that I never enjoyed reality tv. As we lay there quietly, I enjoyed the warmth of her strong arms around me and I began to reminisce. Snuggling into Bo's neck, I tilted my head up to meet her gaze.

"Bo, we sure have done a lot together. Most people don't have that much adventure in ten lifetimes!"

She gave my shoulders a gentle squeeze. "Ain't that the truth!" She laughed. "There were times I could have lived with a little less adventure though. Is there anything you would like today? I am at your service, as always, my love."

I took a deep breath and ran light circles over her hand. "Just being here with me is all that I could ever want. Just as you have been every day for the last sixty something years. I still have a hard time imagining that someone like you even exists, much less that you would want me after all these years. I'm not pretty anymore. I'm useless, yet you're still here. You have no idea what your love has meant to me over the years, Bo. I've said it many times, I am yours, I just wish it was for longer. Maybe in another lifetime…"

I fought back the urge to cry as I tried to express my feelings for her, but there really were no words to truly describe what she has meant to me. I didn't want to leave anything left unsaid. I wanted Bo to know without a doubt for the rest of her long life, that I had loved her with everything I had and I had felt the same from her in return. Tears were falling lightly from her eyes as well, while she tried to steady her voice. She knew our time was growing short. I saw it every time she looked at me no matter how brave her front was.

"I know, I wish we had more time, but anything short of forever could never be enough with you. Lauren, you have meant everything to me. You have always been my light even when everything was dark. I'm so sorry that it took me a while to figure it out, but ever since we reconciled I have tried to show you every day that you will forever have my heart. I will love you long after you have become an angel in heaven, as you have most certainly been my angel on Earth."

Bo placed gentle kisses on my head while we both struggled to fend off the sobs threatening to break free. I didn't want her to cry. I wanted us to have good memories, no matter how impossible that would be. I knew that no matter how hard we tried, she would always be left with a lasting painful one, my last breath. I closed my eyes, basking in the warmth of her love and the soothing feel of her fingers running through my hair until I fell asleep in her arms to dream of better days.

I slowly awakened, lying with eyes half open and dwelling on my greatest failure. It made my heart ache every day. I never told Bo that I had searched relentlessly for the last forty or so years to find a cure for my own humanity. I had cured plagues and diseases, save countless lives, prevented wars, but couldn't save myself. I had thought Taft had the answer, but long term trials proved fatal within months after the transition. I was just a human and while that may be one of the things that Bo loved about me, it had always been my greatest weakness. The one thing that would bring our life together to an early end.

It was suddenly all so clear why the Fae had looked down upon humans as weak and unworthy. If only I were Fae. I cursed the fact daily that with all of the mystical, magical crap that existed in the Fae world, I could never find a way to truly become one. Not with a curse, or a wish, or my research, nothing. There was no cure for being human. There would be no several hundred year lifespan with the woman I loved more than my own life. Now that life was coming to an end and sadly, I actually wished it to end after all the pain and suffering I had endured. Not just physical pain, but the mental pain of my failure and from watching Bo suffer helplessly as I slowly died. Bo didn't know that I would sometimes see her crying, or looking solemnly as she sat in the chair by my side. She tried hard to conceal her pain, never wanting me to see anything besides a smile and love.

I shifted in the bed to get comfortable, causing Bo to stir from her sleep. The sun began to set and it was a beautiful sight today, all pink, orange and blue with some soft white clouds. I planted small kisses on Bo's neck causing her to purr lightly and smile.

"Well, Hello Doctor!"

I nestled my head into the nook of her neck. "Hello my love. Did you sleep well?"

She nodded and looked down at me. "Of course, I had you with me. Is there anything I can do for you?"

I laid silent, staring out to the sunset, the one I just decided would be my last. She sat up, turning to face me directly with a look of concern.

"Lauren are you alright?"

"Hmm? Oh, um, yes. Just ….," I mumbled and trailed off.

She stared at me, looking slightly alarmed and demanded, "Just what, babe?"

I didn't look at her, I couldn't. I turned my head to the other window and spoke softly. "Would you do anything for me?"

I knew the answer. I felt Bo's body tighten. She tried to see my face, but I averted her gaze.

"Of course I would. You know I would. I love with every ounce of my being. I have always protected you. Haven't I proven that to you Lauren?"

She had, over and over. I met her brown eyes with my own and patted her hand reassuringly.

"Yes, yes, of course you have. I have never doubted you, but I need you to do something for me now."

Bo looked deep into my soul. Those beautiful brown eyes of hers that made me so weak, yet so strong.

"What is it babe? Anything. Anything at all for you."

I held her gaze and answered strongly, "I want you to set me free. I want you to take my Chi, all of it."

Bo leapt from the bed appalled. She paced back and forth and shouted, "No way! Never! I can't do that Lauren. Anything else in the world but not that! I spent so much time worried that I would kill you accidentally and now you are asking me to end your life? I swore that I would never hurt you. I would do anything to save you. I couldn't live with myself if I hurt you. I can't do it. I am sorry, but I can't do that!"

I watched sadly as Bo processed my request. I knew what it meant and how she would react, but it still hurt. I was asking her to beak her most important vow. When Bo finally broke down in tears on her knees next to the bed, I put my hand out, pulling her back up to the bed. I looked adoringly at her. She was my everything and as much as I hated to ask it of her, I knew without a doubt that it was what I wanted most. I had read once in one of Trick's books that when one's life force was consumed, it stayed with that being until death. I wanted, no I needed to become one with her. It was the only thought that brought me peace.

"Bo you have saved me time and again. You saved me from the Liche, the Garuda, Nelson, Massimo and from myself. You set my heart free. The one I had locked away after years of hardship and turmoil, when I thought that I never deserved to have anything good in my life. All you have done is save me Bo. Now I am asking that you save me from the pain and suffering. I would rather go feeling your warmth and love, knowing that you have a part of me with you always, then to go to sleep one night and pass away alone. Please Bo," I plead, knowing my eyes shown with the pain I tried to hide.


I stared at her, not believing what she was asking me to do, but knowing exactly why she was asking me to do it. Still, that understanding did nothing to quell the waves of nausea and despair that were rolling through my body. I squeezed my eyes shut, saying nothing for several minutes while I just held onto Lauren's fragile hands in my own trembling ones. I reopened my eyes, taking in her beauty. Even at her age now, she was still the most beautiful woman I had ever laid eyes on and she always would be. She studied my response the way she had always done. She could read me like a book, she didn't need special powers. After all our years together, I could read her, too. Her eyes always gave her away regardless of that long practiced stoic facade she could instantly put in place. I also had the benefit of a power and even in her sickly state, her aura had never been brighter, she had never radiated love as much as she did right now. I struggled through the tightness in my chest to take a deep steadying breath, my eyes welled with unshed tears. I tried to speak. My mouth would open and no words would come out. I finally found the strength and managed a shaky reply.

"I understand why you want me to do this, Lauren, but are you sure? I mean, really sure?" I felt panic set in, my words falling out faster. "I am not ready to let you go, but I know that you suffer every day and I can't do anything to help you."

I hoped she would pause, or show any sign of doubt, but there was none. She nodded back immediately, doing her best to be strong in the moment.

"But there is something you can do," her voice cracked. "Yes, I'm sure that this is what I want. I will go knowing that part of me will always be with you, a part of you."

"I hope you know, that you will always be with me right here." I took her hand and pressed it to my heart, letting her feel the pounding in my chest. "This only beats for you, Lauren. It will only ever be for you and no one else."

I pulled her tight against me and felt her weakened arms hold onto me with all she had. This was her goodbye, I felt it deep down. There was no going back, no tomorrow. I couldn't say how long we were like that, but it would never, ever be long enough. I pulled back and looked into Lauren's warm brown eyes, the one thing that had never changed over the years.

"Are you ready then?"

She swallowed hard and found her voice. "Yes," she rasped.

I unbuttoned my blouse slowly and then reached for Lauren's, wanting to feel her skin on mine one last time. She kept her gaze on my every move. Her hands came up to help me like it was our first time. I smiled up at her, then planted soft kisses on her belly and worked my way up. I leaned in, pressing my chest to hers. I could feel the faint flutter of her frail heart against my own and I loved that even after all this time I still had that effect on her. I tasted the salt of my own tears on Lauren's chest as I nibbled my way up to her neck. Lauren sobbed lightly between soft moans of pleasure. When I reached her mouth, I placed a deep, loving kiss upon her lips. She melted into me, our mouths moved together in a kiss that was longing, desperate and sad as I slowly started to pull her Chi into me. Lauren groaned slightly at the feel of her life force leaving her body and it brought me to my senses. I pushed myself off of her, my body shaking as I cried hysterically. It was like an out of body experience. I had no control, everything was in slow motion.

"I can't do it Lauren! I just can't! I love you too much to kill you."

Tears streamed down Lauren's face in response to my pain. I could see the exhaustion in her expression. The long months of fighting had worn her aging body. She was tired of fighting. I said a silent thank you that she never grew tired of fighting for me.

"If you only knew how good it felt when you do that, Bo." She reached her hands up and cupped my face lovingly. I pressed against her hand and closed my eyes. "It will not be a painful death like I am going to have otherwise. It is a warm loving feeling, like I imagine heaven will feel like. You feel like Heaven to me Bo. Will you be my Savior one last time, please? Please Bo? I love you, please do this for me," she plead, crying uncontrollably.

I opened my eyes once more, seeing the honesty in her request. I leaned back in to kiss her again, trying to calm her down. Tears streamed like rivers down both of our faces. "Yes." I gave into her last request. How could I not? She had risked everything for me time and again. "Yes, I will save you my love."

The kisses deepened and I sent warm pulses into my one true love. Lauren sighed as she relaxed into me. She moaned with pleasure and smiled against my lips.

"It feels so good, Bo. I will always be with you. I love you."

I choked back my emotions and whispered, "I will love you for eternity. You will always be with me."

I had a long life ahead of me, but somewhere deep down I hoped beyond hope that we would meet again someday. I leaned in one last time, pressing my lips softly to hers. With a deep, longing kiss, I began once again, pulling her Chi slowly while pulsing her gently. Several seconds pass before Lauren's arms hung limp and the flow of Chi stopped. My body began to shake uncontrollably while holding the limp, lifeless body of my wife close to my chest. I refused to look at her face. My last memory of her would not be of that grotesque smile like my early victims. No, I was not a monster, she made sure of that. I had my humanity and I was only the champion because of her. She never really understood that she was the one that saved me, not the other way around. In the end, however, it was her final request for me to be her champion and so I did as I always did, tried my best to be worthy of her love.

I kissed the top of her head and sobbed hard, choking out my final words to her, "Rest now my love. I did it. I saved you."



Thank you for reading, again. You know I love reviews.

Doccubus love is forever, so if you haven't already read the sequel, check out "In Another Life" to explore the possibilities of soul mates reconnecting over lifetimes. Will Bo find a new love after Lauren, or will it be her one true love returned?