A/N: This is my very first fan fiction so I won't be as good as the other writers. Thanks to all of the Fire Emblem: Awakening fan fiction writers for the inspiration for me write this story! The avatar will be using the name I gave them in the game, Mae. I might make new chapters depending on this story's popularity. Thanks for clicking on this and enjoy reading! :D

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The camp site was quiet and empty. Wind blew the tents back and forth as it was passing by. The pouring rain crashed onto the earth and dispersed within the ground. No one was around at the time. Pure emptiness.

All the shepherds were out fighting against the Risen. Despite the weather conditions, they fought hard. Mae and Chrom were side by side parrying attacks and taking down all the zombies that were about to strike. Much blood was already dripping on the battlefield. They were practically fighting in a sea of blood.

"All remaining sword units move southwest and stand guard! Another wave is approaching!" the tactician said in a hurry. There was no time to hesitate. It was either life or death.

"Mae, watch out!" the blue haired man pushed her out the way and took the blow. Luckily, he wasn't impacted that much. Chrom was about to fall onto the ground, but Mae caught him. He was way too heavy for a petite girl to support him. They both fell. Mae lifted Chrom's head then spoke to him.

"Chrom are you okay?!" Mae then called Lissa to repair her closest friend's injured arm. It was a mess. The undead reinforcements arrived and the sword units were waiting for their next move.

"I'm fine. It's only one arm; I can still f-fight…" he stood up immediately and grabbed Falchion sticking out from the ground and continued into the battlefield. Thoughts went through Mae's mind; why are these Risen more of a challenge than before, why do they keep respawning, and where? This injury that Chrom received is quite unique. I've noticed the same marking on each soldier out combating with struggle that the Risen mark and "X" on their victim. Did they plant something us? If so, we're screwed…

"It's too dangerous! Stay put while you wait for Lissa! I'm able to handle the situation!

Lissa arrived, rather late, and stopped Chrom to treat his wounds. He tried to resist but allowed her to fix him up. Mae stood up and gave out her commands, shouting out with all her might so they can go back to camp. Everyone was tired.

"Archers! Ready your position near the sword wielders but not too close! Provide coverage in order to damage their defenses! If this keeps up we may be able to make a hole through their army! Then the mages will proceed to assault the Risen with the Knights and Paladins through their weak point! If we're unable to keep pace, we'll have to withdraw!" She panted and carried on with her duties.

"We can't retreat!" These things might get the nearest town next!" Chrom alleged and stood up. "Our men can still fight!"

"That's why evacuated them beforehand. I am the tactician after all." They both smiled at each other and then realized this is not the time to be like this.

Ominous clouds began to appear overhead. The skies turned gray and darkened. Soldiers peered up into the sky as the drops of rain continue to spread onto their face. Silence was given to them. Everyone looked at each other in shock of what was started to look like a giant. The humungous shadow casted over the whole battlefield. Next thing you know, Chrom calls the orders.

"All units RETREAT!"

Everyone scurried back to the wagons and left quickly. Just then, the shadow came to them.

"Oh Gods no…MAE!-"

The shadow "creature grabbed Mae and vanished without sight. Those were the last words she heard. Chrom fell to his knees, looked up at the sky and shouted;


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That's it! I'll continue to make more if I get reviews saying if it was good or not. Please review! It's greatly appreciated! And this is kind of my own story so it doesn't really relate to the game. Thanks for taking time to read! :D