Disclaimer: I own nothing of Tolkien. Enjoy!

Chapter 1: An Unexpected Find

Twenty years before the quest to The Lonely Mountain…

She wandered the path, chicken in hand, lost for a solid half of the day. A day in which Joelle should have completed her regular chores instead of laying in the grass watching the clouds transform. But now the sounds around her began to sound more and more beastly.

The poultry in her arms cooed timidly and Joelle began to think running into the dense woods of Fangorn forest just behind her cobblestoned cottage just to chase after her best chicken might not have been all too wise. The branches overhead swung hard as the wind picked up a little too fast for comfort. Every time she thought she was getting a little closer to home, the woods would change and the trees looked unfamiliar, it seemed almost like magic.

Cover, she thought carefully, I should find a place to rest then I'll have the strength to keep on. Or maybe Cal will come home in time to find I'm missing and come searching for me. That'd be grand.

Joelle stopped walking, peering around the murky bush and finally spied a cluster of willows hanging low, creating a curtain around the ground. Her pursed lips turned into a tired smile. Taking rest there was perfect, the ground was soft and mossy, and the winds weren't so bad behind the trees and rocks. The brown hen didn't seem to mind as it curled up near Joelle's warm small body and fell into sleep. And then Joelle found her eyes slipping shut out of exhaustion from walking and running through the endless forest, the blips of sunlight through the top of the trees faded and then she was gone.

Calandra's horse Ella came to a steady halt, pulling the tiny hand built cart of supplies that would last her and her younger sister for the next few weeks. She just hoped Joelle was done the list of things to do that she had left for her early this morning. If not there would be hell to pay.

You see their family was taken as food and slaughtered by an orc pack moving through the land a long time ago, devastating and claiming whatever they liked. The sisters hid in the underground storage cellar while the beasts ravaged their home and left them broken hearted. Calandra had held Joelle close, hiding her head and eyes in her arms, to keep her from seeing the monstrosities. They had been 17 and 10. Many years after now they're 47 and 30, still looking strikingly young and beautiful. For their parents were not a normal couple, father was a dwarf, mother was a human, they fell madly and crazily in love.

For some reason this made the girls small, not furry or plump or big footed with big noses. They took on their mother's beauty and grace but were shut out by others when they found out what they were. Half breeds they called them, they didn't truly belong in any world and were cast out by most. So the daughters live away from the world, happy, sometimes lonely, but at least together.

"Joelle! Come out and help me, this stuff is too heavy." Calandra called up at Joelle's window but no reply came. "I swear on the axe of our father that I will come up there and end you if you don't come down now!"

She waited, yet nothing came from the small wood paneled window. What on Middle Earth could she be doing up there?

Calandra dropped the sack of horse feed on the ground and marched toward the house, in through the door, up the creaky stairs and swung open the bedroom door. But there was no Joelle to be seen.

"Joe? Are you in her?" Her slight brows furrowed and a feeling in the pit of her stomach began to rise in panic as she stumbled into her sister's room. She grabbed at covers and looked under the bed and out the window on the roof. "Joe!" A much higher pitched yell came out of her mouth as her lips quivered. For this was her worst nightmare, to be left alone, to lose her sister, to have no one left. No one to know if you were alive or dead, no one to care for you or you for them…

"Joelle! Please sister, answer me! Are you here?" Calandra ran down the stairs her engraved hide boots nearly tripping her for they were too big for her feet. She paced through the cottage checking everywhere as her heart began to quicken and the hairs on her arms stood up.

After checking the barn she then knew where she went. The breeze picked up twisting her braided hair as she turned towards the swaying trees and the darkening forest. "Oh, Aulë."

The sounds of panicked clucking awoke Joelle, who tried to get up but tripped over her clunky brown leather boots her father had made and been saving for her 20th birthday. She ran her hand through her hair removing leaves and dirt until the clucking caught her attention again. Swiveling in a circle she waited till the faint cry came again then began bounding through the woods after that stupid chicken that would not stop running away and getting into trouble, therefore sucking her into trouble too.

The birds had stopped chirping and she noticed there was no more wild life to be seen, as Joe looked up towards the sky and noticed it wasn't as bright as it had been before and began to wonder how long she had been asleep for because it was now sunset.

The crunching of sticks under her feet was deafening in this silence, it sent chills up her spine but she pushed on even though every fiber of her being was hollering at her to retreat and leave the chicken. But since when did she ever listen to anything that made sense, revolting was something she was quite talented at.

The wind whistled through the massive trees and tousled her long wavy dark hair, and bringing a repulsive smell to her nose that made her gag. Pulling her sleeve up to cover her nose she walked towards the area where she heard the hen. That was until the ground gave way under her and she fell through the dirt, her hands digging into the ground just in time so she hung suspended above what looked to be a small cave.

"I refuse to die falling into a cave." Joelle growled under her breath as her fingers grasped wildly at the horribly flat and dry ground. At this moment she wished she had packed both hunting knives in her belt but she knew only one was there.

Grunting and hanging by one hand she reached for her carved elk bone handled knife, clutching it in her dusty fingers and swinging it up through the hole and stabbing it into the ground to get a better grip. She managed to pull herself up to her chest, panting as her arms quivered to hold her up. But then she realized that the ground she was hanging on was beginning to groan and then she fell.

The falling wasn't as bad as when she landed on her shoulder, her head hitting the ground and sending a current of pain throughout her entire figure then making everything go dark.

"What do you think Kili, after this shall we cut through Fangorn Forest, or are you content with this scenic route?" Fili tilted a questioning brow at his brother as they rode side by side.

"Well Fili, I do feel quite content at the moment, but if I change my mind, I'll let you know brother. Perhaps we can cut through Mirkwood later too." Kili laughed at his brother who lifted a leg to try and kick him.

They were brothers with a bond deeper than any ocean known to man or in their case dwarf. They'd been travelling on the road since their family was destroyed when the dreaded Smaug came and stole their homes and lives. But as the years passed on the two brothers took on forging jobs and bounty hunting but mostly just kept to themselves. Kili was the youngest with the biggest and kindest heart and most contagious laugh. He did not like to brush his hair nor braid it; it was deep brown like the bark of the trees. Fili was the oldest, more wise and sensible than his earnest little brother, with a brooding look that could make any dwarf maiden swoon. His hair was a dark golden blonde that was kept mostly tidy with braids and family crest beads.

Though the brothers were on their own most of the time, they had each other and occasionally saw their uncle Thorin Oakenshield, who had spoken to them about an upcoming quest. This adventure would be to take back their long lost kingdom. Although nothing was certain, they still needed many more in their company and at least one who contained magic within them. Thorin had told them that he would send word to them about it eventually, no matter where they ended up. They were to return to the Blue Mountains for a time to assist their uncle in the trainings of the younglings before they set out on the adventure but for right now they would enjoy the time they had traveling the roads and paths of the East.

"Fili what's that doing there?" Kili pulled on the harnesses, forcing the horse to stop suddenly, he could've sworn it looked like a knife but who would leave a knife in the middle of a forest. He climbed down and gradually walked toward it, pulling it from the soil and brushing it off. "This is dwarf made. Fili come see."

Fili quickly dismounted the horse and walked to his brother, he had this terrible feeling in the pit of his stomach but he was beyond curious. "That's white elk bone, and that's the Cothrin family crest. But what is it doing out here?" He looked around, tilting his head towards the tree tops. Sometimes his brother and he weren't the sharpest swords in armory.

Kili slowly turned around, observing his surroundings and noticed the hole in the ground and there he saw was a dirt covered little woman. Frantically he kneeled, looking around for a way to get down to her but saw nothing. "Hello, Miss? Are you all right?" His voice echoed around the cave.

Then she stirred, her eyes gently opening, beginning to prop herself up to look around but collapsing and wincing in pain as she gripped her shoulder. "I'd be quiet if I were you." She whispered loudly, giving Kili an expression for him to be silent.

"Why, miss?" He whispered back, dark hair falling in front of his face as he leaned into the hole.

"Because, sir, I'm not alone down here." She tilted her head and that's when he noticed the snoring lumps in the corner.

Kili turned to Fili, his brown eyes gleaming, it'd been far too long since he and his brother had an acceptable challenge. "There are trolls down there, brother."

"Well obviously, this is a troll hole. The trolls have been moving further west, Aulë knows why. Remember that fellow in that tavern back in Limelight told us about it-"

"I'd truly hate to be rude and interrupt your reminiscing but a dash of help would be excellent right about now." The girl smirked from bellow and it made Kili smile. She had quite a spark in her.

"Of course miss, Fili and Kili at your service." Kili grinned and they both bowed, judging the distance of the fall; perhaps he could jump it and get her out without waking a single troll. But highly unlikely, Fili knew there would have to be some type of opening nearby because clearly a troll was too big to fit down such a petite hole.

The girl got up, dusting off her slim leggings and oversized tie up tunic that dipped over her shoulder sometimes. She held her shoulder with one hand and picked up the scared chicken with the other. "I'm Joelle and there seems to be a giant troll blocking my way out."

The dwarf men looked around and finally found the cave entrance, unsheathing their swords and walking with lighter, more careful steps than they normally would. The moon had risen and night fallen, so there was little to nothing they could do to vanquish the foul trolls but possibly another day. Even Kili's stubborn instincts knew this so he focused on rescuing Joelle.

As soon as the tunnel in which they traveled through led to a much greater, rockier area Kili found Joelle pressed against the wall, cringing in pain and from the stench of ancient trolls. Fili kept quiet standing by the entrance, sword ready to strike, just to make sure Kili had a way out in the end.

"Miss Joelle, I'm afraid you will have to jump over that trolls arm." Kili's deep voice purred. But the girl shook her head, eyeing the sleeping troll, afraid that any second it could wake up, snatch her and gobble her up.

"I don't think I can, it's far too thick, and I won't make it." Joelle backed up, meeting Kili's faithful eyes with hers full of doubt.

"Yes you shall. I'll catch you, don't worry." He smiled sweetly, his eyes welcoming her in.

She looked down at the chicken in her arm and then the greyish arm on the grotty floor of the cavern. "Take the chicken first."

Fili's brows furrowed with disbelief. "You have got to be kidding me, it's just a bird."

"Excuse me, it's my bird and it's coming with me." Her sturdy gaze made Fili think that plausibly she was not always a damsel in distress and that today was simply an off day.

Then Joelle tossed the chicken, its wings flew out and it almost tumbled out of Fili's arms, making him nearly drop his sword, for that he gave her a look that told her to never throw a chicken at him again.

"Common' now, we haven't much time before these big ugly brutes wake." Kili's arms were open, waiting for Joelle's nimble body to jump into them, which warmed her heart a little to these strangers.

Joelle backed away from the troll, rolling up her sleeves as if her chores were about to commence, then she ran forward and jumped higher than she thought she could. She landed in Kili's strong arms but with such momentum that she knocked them both over, giggling under their breath.

"Sorry." She breathed gently against his ear, beginning to get up, her legs clumsily straddling him.

He sat up watching Joelle. "That was fun. I told you, you could do it." Kili smiled widely at her, his fingers tucking a dark strand behind her ear.

From the background Fili quietly cleared his throat. "I hate to intrude but may I remind you that we are still inside a troll hollow full of trolls and that at this moment is probably not the best moment to get to know each other like that."

They both turned to look at Fili, slight shock and embarrassment crossing their faces. Kili assisted Joelle with standing, and then the two dwarfs led her to the mouth of the cave.

"Well I'm quite pleased that you're alive and well, Ms. Joelle. We wish you the best." Fili bowed once more, handed her the hunting knife and began to walk towards their horses, sheathing his sword.

Kili watched as his brother got up on the horse and motioned for him to do the same but there was something inside him that told him not to leave her. That she was important somehow.

"Thank you for saving me, I felt a tad helpless back there." Joelle bit her lip blushing more than she wished to show.

"It was a pleasure saving you, Miss." Kili's smile didn't reach his eyes this time for there was sadness in them now, knowing that leaving wasn't too far from now. He never truthfully liked good byes. "Have a safe trip ho-"

Then there was a loud, earth-shaking growl and a giant crusty hand reached out of the darkness and seized Kili by the leg as he flailed and tried to kick it off, trying to draw his sword but was roughly being dragged along the ground.

"KILI!" Fili yelled as he hurdled from his horse and ran after him as Joelle followed, agilely pulling her bone knife out and holding it in an attack position, even though that puny hunting knife would do very little against a troll.

Fili had caught up to the troll and was now slashing and stabbing away, grunting in angry, and the troll crying out in pain. At that moment she saw Kili lying on the ground motionless where the troll had let him go.

"Kili, get up!" She dashed to his side, rolling him over, pressing head to his chest to listening to his heart, and when she heard it thump her heart nearly burst with joy but worried when she saw the blood pooling there. Joelle wrapped her good shoulder under him and began lifting his weight, it was hard but she wasn't weak. She began trying to sprint but that did not last long, the dead weight was too much to run with.

"Fili, come quickly!" Joelle's voice rang at the entrance of the cave as she waited by the horses. Rapidly enough Fili came rushing out, his face tense and clothes covered in fresh trolls blood which smelt absolutely rotten. "Help me!"

They lifted him together and she got on with Kili, wrapping both arms around his waist in front of her and gripping the reins tightly, even though her shoulder cried out in pain. Fili mounted his own horse, kicking off quickly in the direction Joelle believed was the way out just in time to see two quite agitated trolls loping from the cave after them, but they wove through the trees and crossed a brook or two to make the trolls lose their scent. Not to mention trolls were very slow and fairly dumb in fact.

Eventually they galloped out into the giant field in time leading to the miniscule cottage. The stars shone overhead, lighting the way. The horses slowed to a walk and Joelle felt Kili lean his head back onto her shoulder, giving a faint moan in anguish. "Hold on, Kili. We're almost there." She whispered to him, her hands wrapped too tightly on the reins that it burnt her fair skin.