Marshall Lee's P.O.V

Sipping my cup of strawberry juice, I glanced at the blonde beauty again. I couldn't stop looking at her.

Oh, she was fiiiine. Finer than fine china, hah! I heard from a conversation earlier that her name was Fionna.

She was said to be Bubba's best fighter and was Aaa's finest warrior. Never have I seen a girl look so beautiful and graceful while mercilessly chopping off an ogre's head.

But, I, Marshall Lee the Vampire King, whom many girls go crazy after, can't even talk to this Fionna girl. She is very much unlike other girls that I have dated.

She is much better than the other girls. She is curvaceous, whilst the other girls are literally sticks and anorexic, ugh.

No other girl could ever compare to Fionna's perfection. I watched her from the corner of the room, while sipping my juice.

She was conversing with Hubba Bubba and some candle-stick. From the looks of it, match-stick was her boyfriend.

I think I've heard of him somewhere, isn't he the Flame Prince? Oh wait, I know him, he's just a little prissy princess whom thinks he can get what he wants and if he doesn't, he throws a tantrum, that could literally destroy half of Aaa.

Why is she even dating someone like him? Whatever, tonight this whole thing is going to change; I'm going to sing Fionna a song that I made especially for her.

I'll dance with her, right in front of fire boy's face. Bubba already gave me permission to sing a song, and I'll wing it. Oh Fionna, you're in for a surprise tonight.

Fionna's P.O.V

I sighed as Ignitus flirted with another girl, right in front of me. Why am I even dating him?

Oh, that's right, because he'd burn me into a crisp if I even tried to leave him. He'd also create a lot of havoc and destruction in Aaa.

I, being a heroine and the best warrior that Aaa has to offer, don't fear many things. Though Ignitus, sadly, is one of them.

He's turned me into a weak and helpless girl. He's already abused me countless times before to show me "who's boss" in our relationship.

He threatens me that if I tell anyone what he does, he'll kill me, what a nice boyfriend, don't you think? So I have to lie and say that I burned myself on the stove or something like that.

A burning pain in my hand snapped me out of my thoughts. I squeaked in pain as Ignitus griped my hand tighter.

"Shut up." He growled in my ear as Prince Gumball strode towards us. I put on a fake smile that probably looked like a grimace.

Gumball beamed at us then started to converse with Ignitus. Ignitus finally let go of my hand and I gasped at the blister forming on the spot where he had gripped me.

When Gumball turned to greet a candy apple, Ignitus glared at me and harshly whispered,"Just wait 'till we get home."

What had I done this time? I thought. Gumball then continued a conversation with Ignitus and I.

"For my ball tonight, I hired a very talented musician to play. He is one of my old friends. His name is Marshall Lee the Vampire King." Gumball informed us.

My thoughts wandered off and so did my gaze. Weren't vampires evil? I guess not if they were friends with Gumball.

But I'll still keep my guard up during the ball. I kept thinking about this Marshall Lee guy until a dark, shadowy mass in the far corner of the room caught my eye.

I squinted to try to see the figure better. I could faintly see the outline of a person.

Its bright red eyes stared straight at me until the figure disappeared entirely. My senses were on alert as I flitted my gaze around the room.

I couldn't find the figure. A force roughly nudged me in the ribs, almost causing me to topple over.

I held back a flinch as I caught Ignitus's murderous gaze. "Yes?" My voice squeaked.

Out of the corner of my eye I saw something flash in Gumball's eyes, but he kept his composure. "Gumball asked you a question." Ignitus said through gritted teeth, his anger clear as day.

I quickly averted my glance to Gumball. He cleared his throat. "Umm, do you have a mask for tonight's Masquerade ball?" he asked.

I shook my head no, trying to avoid eye contact with Ignitus. "Ok, well I'll have one of my finest tailors make you one." he said, then turned to continue making preparations.

I turned to Ignitus. "I-I have to go and get ready for the party, I'll meet you here later." I told him. But he wasn't paying attention.

"Yeah, whatever." he said as he stared at a girl's butt as she strode past. He then started following her. I sighed and walked out of the Candy Kingdom and on my way to my house.

Time Lapse

"Hey girl, how was your day with FP?" Cake shouted from my room as soon as I walked through the door. "Great, I guess." I replied, not bothering with the fake enthusiasm.

Cake peered down from the top of the ladder at me. "What's wrong, Fi?" she asked. "Nothing, everything's fine." I told her with a fake reassuring smile.

"Ok, well you're dress is ready!" she said holding an object behind her back. "Can I see it?" I asked.

When Cake showed me the dress, I couldn't help but gasp. It was a beautiful, flowing blue and white dress along with a cute, small jacket.

When I put it on, it fit like a glove. Soon, Cake started with my makeup, which wasn't too much to the point where I looked like a clown, but just right.

I took off my hat, causing my hair to cascade down to the small of my back. Cake brushed my golden locks while humming an old tune our mom used to sing to us.

I gasped in astonishment when I looked at myself in the mirror. What I saw in the reflection wasn't the normal Fionna that I was used to seeing, but instead a grown, beautiful woman looking back at me.

"Whoa, baby cakes, you look gorgeous!" Cake complimented behind me. "Thanks." I said as I looked back into the mirror, blushing.

Then the door bell rang. I scurried to the door, hoping that it wasn't Ignitus. A sigh of relief emitted through my lips as Peppermint Maid stood before me with a box.

"These are for you and Cake, see you at the ball!" She cheerfully said as she handed me the box. I said my thanks then closed the door as she walked away.

"Cake!" I called. She stretched down to where I was at, wearing a pink bow around her neck. Together, we opened the box and found two masks, carefully wrapped in pink bubble wrap.

One mask was white as snow with two bunny ears on either side of the mask. Swirls of blue were on each side of the mask.

The other mask was light-tan brown which consisted of white swirls. We both whistled, the masks were gorgeous. When we put on the masks, we set off towards the Candy Kingdom.

Marshall Lee's P.O.V

I groaned and ran my fingers through my hair. Did I have to wear this stupid monkey-suit that Bubs delivered to me?

I'll look stupid in it. But I gotta say, the mask looked cool.

It was red and black. Whatever, I have to do this for Fionna.

I need to impress her; she'll probably be dressed up. No, she'll probably take no notice in me, and pay attention to candle-stick, I bitterly thought.

Well if I'm going to impress her or not, I might as well get freshened up, I thought as I walked towards the shower.

Time Lapse

When I got out of the shower I quickly dried myself and put on the suit. Then I brushed my mop to make it look somewhat neater.

I looked myself in the mirror as I put on my matching dress shoes. I looked pretty good. Hah, I looked hot!

There's no way any girl can resist me, I thought to myself as I smirked. I put on my mask and floated out of my door.

Another Time Lapse

I reached the large, pink doors of the Candy Kingdom, which were too pink for my taste. As I sauntered through the doors, I heard many gasps come from girls all around me.

I smirked to myself. Scanning the crowd, I couldn't see Fionna anywhere. I started to get disappointed.

I was about to turn away, until a flash of pink caught my eye. It was Gumball. I might as well talk to him.

"Aye, Bubs, what up?" I casually asked him. He gave me an irritated look. I rolled my eyes. "Oh I'm sorry. How do you do your highness?" I sarcastically said while bowing.

He glared at me. "What do you want? Oh and your equipment is backstage and it's all set up, can you leave me alone now?" He informed, annoyance clear in is voice.

I was about to give a smart-aleck remark about his pinkness when the sounds of large doors creaking open caught my attention. There, walking through the large doors was the most beautiful woman that I have ever laid my eyes on in my 1000 years of living.

My brain instantly registered who this beauty was. It was Fionna.

My mouth hung open as I stared at her in awe. Whoa. I could've stared at her all day until a small candy person with a headset tapped onto my shoulder, breaking me from my trance.

I was about to tell him off, when he said,"You're on in five minutes." Crap. Well, it's now or never.

I put on my mic and walked behind the curtains, waiting for them to unravel.

Get ready Fionna; this is going to be the best performance you have ever seen. "Hey, Ladies and Gentlemen, I'm Marshall Lee and I'll be your entertainment tonight. Here's my first song called Fine China! Enjoy!"

The scream of all of the girls was almost deafening, and I haven't even shown my face yet, I was still behind the curtains. Its show time, I thought as the curtains slowly opened.

Fionna's P.O.V

I hesitated when I reached the candy-clad doors. Do I really want to see Ignitus right now?

No. But I have to. I sighed and opened the doors. Heads turned and stared down at me as I walked through the doors.

Many girls came up to me and told me how beautiful I was. Some girls cast me jealous and envious looks.

Most guys stared in awe at me. I blushed and looked down.

I scanned the crowd for Gumball. When I found him I saw that he was talking to some guy.

I noticed that the guy was staring straight at me with hypnotizing red eyes. The expression on his face was that of awe.

His mouth hung open. I had to admit that he was good looking. I looked around to see that many girls were staring at him, some drooling.

When I turned to look back at him, he was gone. Was he the same figure that I saw earlier today?

A burning object grasped my hand snapping me out of my thoughts. I turned to see Ignitus looking at me. He looked at me like a starving pit bull at a piece of meat.

Ignitus stared at me like I was his piece of meat. I shivered and averted my attention to the stage not bothering to remove my hand from Ignitus's, knowing that I'd get hit if I did.

Suddenly a husky voice spoke through the speakers. I swear about a dozen girls fainted. I rolled my eyes at their behavior.

"Hey, Ladies and Gentlemen, I'm Marshall Lee and I'll be your entertainment tonight. Here's my first song called Fine China! Enjoy!" Marshall said.

The curtains opened slowly and I found myself staring at the handsome guy that I saw earlier. He caught my gaze and winked.

I flushed and looked away from the stunning smile that he sent my way.

Marshall Lee's P.O.V

My heart soared as I caught her staring at me. I winked and grinned at her, causing her to flush and look away.

I chuckled a little, and then started my song. The lights dimmed as I looked down, waiting for my two backup dancers to join me.

I pivoted and danced a little with my crew as the song started.

Baby, does he do it for you?

I spun around once then started to move my feet to the beat.

When he's finished, does he step back and adore you?

I took one glance at Fionna and kept on dancing, twisting, and popping.
I just gotta know,
'Cause your time is money and I won't let him waste it
Oh no, noooo

My crew and I were tearing up the floor. The crowd Ooo'd and Ahh'd.
Baby, just go with it
'Cause when you're with me, I can't explain it,

My crew stayed back on the stage while I danced my way towards Fionna. I kept my eye on her the whole time.
It's just different
we can take it slow
or act like your my girl let's skip the basics,

Whoa oh noo

I reached out my hand to grab her hand. She blushed and hesitated, but then grabbed my hand. I spun her closer to me so that we were chest to chest.
He's so replaceable

When I sang this part I motioned at match-stick. He seethed and sent me a death glare.
You're worth the chase, you're good enough

I then looked down at Fionna and grinned at her while we both twirled and danced across the floor.
It's alright, I'm not dangerous

I winked at her causing her to blush.
When you're mine, I'll be generous
you're irreplaceable

Fionna's P.O.V

He sent me twirling, and then grasped my hips, so that we were chest to chest again. My heartbeat sped up as we continued dancing, and I enjoyed every second of it.
A collectable
Just like fine china

He placed his hands on my hips and twirled me halfway with my back against his chest. I loved the rush that went through me every time he twirled me.

you're my favorite

He twirled me back around, so our hips were moving to the beat of his song. His voice, oh his voice was angelic.
It's like all the girls around me, don't have faces

I looked up at him. His eyebrows were furrowed in concentration. He took notice of me and did that smile that made me melt inside. His handsome face studied my face with a grin.
And they say it goes,
Life if just a game but I'm not playin'

Marshall Lee's P.O.V
I stole a glance at Flame Princess only to find that he was talking to another girl.
He's so replaceable
Your worth the chase, your good enough
It's alright I'm not dangerous
When you're mine I'll be generous

I slowed my beat a little with Fionna and placed my hands on her hips as she rested her arms around my neck.
You're irreplaceable
just like fine china
I was nose to nose with her and it took all my will power not to kiss her on her beautiful, plump lips.
It's alright, I'm not dangerous,

When you're mine, I'll be generous

You're irreplaceable

A collectable, just like fine china

Took me awhile to find your love.
Ain't no amount of time in this world

Instead, I stared straight into her alluring, electric blue eyes.
Save me a lot of time and just love me
Feel baby, feel it in your soul

I leaned in and gave her a quick peck on her cheek, and then I twirled her around again. Her blonde hair flew at every twirl I gave her. She was just so perfect.

Are you ready?
I know your heart been telling you,
ohh no no no
She shyly looked up at me and smiled. I smiled right back at her.
It's alright I'm not dangerous
When you're mine I'll be generous
you're irreplaceable
Just like fine china

When I finished the last line of my song, I dipped Fionna and whispered something in her ear. "You're just like fine china, if not, you're better." was what I had whispered. I knelt down and kissed her hand. I then disappeared, leaving her standing in the middle of the dance floor.

AN: If you guys have a pairing and song in mind, review or PM me and I'll write it ASAP! As you can tell, I suck at endings. If I think of something then I'll add it later. This song is called Fine China by Chris Brown. I listened to that song while writing this. Review and tell me if you liked it! You can also tell that I don't really like Flame Prince, I hate him with a burning passion.(lol) I also called him Flame Princess on purpose.