I had the sudden urge a few days ago to watch Disney's Alice in Wonderland and then today I watched Tim Burton's Alice in Wonderland. Then I remembered how Artemis gets compared to Alice by Jade and stuff and then things just started appearing in my head and that's how this story was born.

Disclaimer - I own neither Young Justice nor Alice in Wonderland. Basically, if you recognize something, it's probably not mine.


Of course it had to be raining. Last week it had been a blizzard in Gotham City, and now, as a mugger tried to stab her, it had to be a rain storm in Starr City. Artemis gave a disgruntled snort and with a swift kick to the gut, downed her opponent. Tossing a wet lock out of her eyes, she aimed a Tigress flare into the sky, rain drops slapping against her mask and dripping into her eyes. She pulled the trigger and orange lit up the sky, calling the Starr City Police Department to the unconscious body at her feet.

"Good work here, Tigress."

Artemis clipped her crossbow to her belt and fixed her steely grey eyes on the figure leaning against the ally dumpster.

"Stop checking up on me, Kaldur," Artemis growled, her eyes becoming angry slits. "I'm a big girl. I can survive a simple patrol."

"I check in on everybody, Tigress, not just you." Kaldur followed her up out of the ally, sirens already heard in the distance. Artemis was very careful to avoid the police; they still had trust issues with Tigress. Aqualad tossed himself up nimbly the rest of the fire escape steps to catch Artemis already on the roof of the neighboring building. He sighed and jogged to catch up to her, wondering if maybe she was sprinting to escape him. He eventually caught up to her a few buildings over, the rain making her appear much more menacing.

"Of course," she stated dryly. "You check on me a little more than everybody else."

Aqualad met her gaze and there was a tense moment, both of them knowing she was right.

"We lost Wally, Artemis," the Atlantean said so quietly it almost blended into the shout of the rain. "Don't let it take all of you."

Artemis inhaled sharply, anger and pain running through her. There was a sudden explosion a few blocks down, cutting off her angry retort. Aqualad was the first to react.

"Tigress, we must make sure the building is evacuated!"

Artemis nodded curtly and the pair began running to the burning building. Artemis focused on the building and the harsh rain was pushed to the back of her mind. When the duo reached the building, which was burning brightly even with the thick rain, there were people screaming, phoning the police, and running out of the building. Artemis and Kaldur didn't hesitate or stop; they hurled themselves into the burning building and began ushering families out. By the time the police and fire department had arrived, Aqualad was waiting outside handing a little girl to her family and Artemis pushed the last two people completely out of the building. Aqualad made his way over to Artemis and both heroes watched the fire department begin to hose the building down. The rain was still coming down hard and everyone was frustrated by the lack of change in the fire. The fire marshal gestured to Aqualad, shooting a dubious look at Artemis in her Tigress uniform.

"Apparently, Tigress is still not trusted."

"I'm working on it." Artemis shrugged. Truth was she was okay with people avoiding Tigress. She didn't think she could handle any teary eyed 'thank you's. Not yet. Aqualad put a comforting hand on her shoulder, nodded, and made his way over to the fire marshal. That's when Artemis saw it, a blurred shadow darting about on the third floor. She blinked and squinted through the rain. She saw it again, on the second floor this time.

"Aqualad! There is still someone inside!" She shouted, already darting off to the burning building again. She weaved her way through the firemen trying to stop her.

"Tigress, no! There is…!" Aqualad's voice was drowned out by the roaring fire. Artemis coughed at the thick smoke, astounded by the strength of the fire despite the rain storm outside. It was like a different world…

A darting shadow jerked Artemis into movement again and she hopped over what was left of a burning chair and ducked a curtain of flame as she followed the shadow through a door frame. Her eyes started watering as the smoke prickled them and her throat felt sore from the heat.

"Hello?" She coughed again. The shadow wavered before taking off again up a set of stairs at the back of the building. Without thinking, Artemis began to run up the stairs. She got to a second floor corridor and as soon as her foot touched the smoking carpet, something snapped and Artemis found herself falling fast, screaming all the way down. Something hard hit her head and the world went black.

The next time she opened her eyes there was a peeved white rabbit in a blue waist coat looking down at her scornfully. He glanced at the gold pocket watch in his paw before looking back at her and saying:

"You're late."

You should really review, because that's what decides how far I run with this idea :)