I was listening to music earlier today and my muse gifted me with words. I'm not sure why there was a shortage in them per subject, so I ended up with these little drabbles. I don't typically like drabbles, yet here they are. I know they're no one-shots, but it's something! Each one is different, and contain different characters, so each 'chapter' will have the character names in them. An 'X' in between means it's a pairing.

This ended up going the route of those typical iPod-shuffle challenges, and I suddenly felt like taking on the challenge. This will always be complete, but I may add a new one every now and then. Enjoy nonetheless!

Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto. I would probably die if I did. Most likely from angry fans demanding I release the next chapter.

Song: I Wanna Know - Joe
Characters: NarutoXHinata
Genre: Romance, Smut
Rating: M
Summary: Naruto loved learning more about Hinata.



He traced the shape of her bitten lip. She always did that when she was anxious. He tried to fight back a knowing grin, but knowing it impossible, pulled her suddenly into him. His grin transformed into a smirk at the tiny little eep! he received. He nuzzled her earlobe gently, letting the warmth of his breath caress her.

He wanted to know everything about her and eagerly approached his subject at random, with mischief in his eyes. She still wasn't used to it. He hoped she never did.

The reactions he got out of the beautiful, lilac-eyed woman riled him up every time. He loved it. Loved her. Loved the way she snapped every time he took it too far.

He often did.

Note: I've been swamped with real-life stuff lately, so I haven't been able to really finish any of the things I've been working on. I'm just glad I was finally able to put up something.