Just another shameless one-shot for those whom asked for one. Warning: Same as before ... light bondage, swearing, mild S&M... stuff like that. You've been warned. ;) And Gaara may be slightly OOC ... you can decide for yourselves.


Time had stretched out slowly but surely until four long weeks had expired since that night … "That night." I couldn't help releasing a sly smile as I remembered every last hot, erotic, taboo detail on my way back to Sunagakure. The heat beat down on the back of my head, creating a burning helmet out of my thick black hair, and I could feel small rivulets of sweat dripping from my hairline, underneath my collar, and making their way to the small of my back, seeping into my skin along the way. However, the intense warmth created by the sun's naked rays was nothing compared to the warmth building in the pit of my stomach and shooting soft pangs into my nether region.

I felt anxious and nervous. The past few weeks had been a messy conglomeration of training and a C rank mission I had led with my newly promoted chunin team. Now that they were chunin, I knew they mostly would be doing work on their own or becoming captains of their own teams. I tried to focus on this instead of what was at the end of my journey. Or rather whom.

I had seen them through so much, from the time they were just kids, fresh out of the academy, bright-eyed and full of hope … those turquoise eyes filled with lust …. I had pushed them from the beginning, never expecting anything less than the best from them … those dark red waves, wet and matted to his forehead … After the required eight missions, I had insisted they take the exams, telling them failure wasn't an option and not being at all surprised when I was right … pale skin stretched taut over long, defined muscles, quivering beneath my hungry touch … I had watched them with pride in my eyes as they competed during the third section of the Chunin Exam. … that long, hard cock, throbbing, pulsing, below the sexiest pack of abs known to man … I shook my head in frustration. It was helpless. He consumed my thoughts. I had believed that after fucking him to my heart's delight that I would be fulfilled and my infatuation with the strong, silent Kazekage would subside. But it hadn't. It had been magnified to an overpowering degree that kept my mind soaked with thoughts of him, no matter what I did.

One time wasn't enough. Certainly, we had screwed numerous times that night, but then I had been forced to let him leave, with a word spoken by neither about anything ridiculous like "intent" or "significance" or "where this is going." We had just parted ways and I had fallen asleep right before the crack of dawn, exhausted and pleased, thinking that I had now gotten what I wanted and could never long for another thing.

"How stupid," I told past me with condescension and disgust, wondering how I ever could have thought one helping of the sexy, redheaded Kazekage could be enough. "I could never have enough of him."

That was evident by the hunger that nipped at me and sent pangs that told of a need and desire, much more maddening and irritating than those associated with food. There was a hollow pit in my stomach only he could satisfy.

For some reason, my heart was pounding by the time I made it to the Kazekage's residence – due to a mixture of cardiovascular exertion, the inevitably present edge that lingers after the adrenaline rush of a mission, and, mostly, the excitement of getting to see the intoxicatingly attractive 18-year-old.

I told my team to go get rested and that it would be sufficient for me to speak with the Kazekage alone, and then made my way into the cool hallways of the desert palace. I waved to Temari, who was working in her office with the door open, as I walked by on my way to see the Kazekage. It was a nice distraction, although a miniscule one. I was so insanely nervous and jittery and excited. I didn't know what to expect … "Well, that probably is a lie," I thought with disappointment. "If I'm being completely honest, I know what to expect." I was dealing with Gaara, after all. The man barely could be fazed. Most likely, he wouldn't blink an eye upon seeing me. He would listen with a blank slate for a face while I reported on my mission. There would be no indication in his manner whatsoever that, for several salacious hours one night, we had lay naked in one another's presence with intertwined limbs, short of breath, and gotten one another off several times. I guess, the fact that I knew just what to expect was what was making me more nervous. I inhaled sharply as my hand lingered on the door frame to his office as I worked to compose my face and prepared to meet him with equal stoicism.

I knocked curtly on the slightly opened door.

"Come in."

The voice sent a wave of shivers down my erect spine.

The minute I walked into the door, my carefully contained nerves unraveled into a messy wad of emotions and it took every last technique I had learned during ninja training to not let them dart across my face. "He's gotten more damn gorgeous," I thought with a mixture of pleasure and dismay - pleasure because it meant something better for me to look at, dismay because it gave me something greater to want.

His hair fell across his forehead, each red strand catching a dose of light and shining it back out. His eyes peered out, unmoving, intimidating, from his perfectly set pale face. His lips were arranged proudly, neither smiling nor frowning, just nonchalant, as if he was well aware of his greatness and took it for granted, as well as the fact that no one else did.

I kept my shoulders rigid and thrown back and my chin held high, although I could feel my pulse throbbing. I lowered my chin gently only to say in a clear, smooth voice, "Lord Kazekage."

He nodded in return, making sure his movement was even more slight than mine, perfectly managing to preserve the hierarchy of our ranks.

My stomach was doing flip flops and I could feel my pussy getting wet by the mere vision of the man that sat, dignified and taciturn, before me. I willed me eyes to stay on his while I gave him a report in short, efficient sentences, although I desperately wanted to let them wander and make out each aspect of his form beneath the shield of his clothing. It would take no imagination whatsoever to undress him in my mind and see that arm, strong and muscled, resting on the desk, his defined abs tightened to keep him in the straight posture he maintained, or his hard, flat chest, rising and falling in time to his breathing. I desperately wished I could somehow get him alone and be given the freedom to simply peruse without those arrogant, intelligent eyes observing me right back. Luckily, self control reigned supreme and I managed to keep my eyes straight ahead, my mouth moving and my voice as true and straight as an arrow as it shot toward the clear purpose of getting out the required words as economically and quickly as possible.

I was torn between a desire to talk slowly or add in irrelevant facts to draw out my report in order to spend more time in his presence, which only was appropriate as long as I had a professional reason to do so, and to get this out as soon as possible so I could escape his dominating persona, which he seemingly supernaturally was capable of projecting with his mere facial expressions and posture. "He's damn infuriating." My anger was sparked by the fact that I wanted to fish some sort of response from him, I wanted him to be moved by my presence, I wanted to affect him with my physical features the way he involuntarily affected me with his. But I couldn't accomplish these things, and my competitive nature wasn't taking it well.

"… and that's about all," I finished, not allowing my sentence to trail off at the end in the manner of a weaker person who wouldn't be able to overcome the meekness provoked by the Kazekage's chilling stare and unmoving expression.

As I concluded my report, the redhead merely nodded, making no other effort to indicate that was all he needed from me. Vexed and aroused by his arrogance, I lowered my chin, met his stare for a few meaningful seconds to fight back his confidence with my own, and then turned to leave.

"He's such an annoying, pretentious, ornery jerk. Just because you're fucking gorgeous and a protégé doesn't give you the right to dismiss people like they're nothing, you stupid, arrogant son of a – Wa – what the hell?"

Just before I reached the door, I was stopped in my tracks by an incredible force encircling my ankles and preventing me from taking another step. My body jerked forward before I could catch my balance, although my mind was still tossed in confusion.

"Doesn't feel too good, does it, Risa?"

His rich, mocking voice met my ears with the force to make them physically burn. I could sense him standing only a few feet behind me and I waited a mere handful of seconds, soaking in each individual pound of my heart, before turning to look at him as well as I possibly could with my feet effectually bonded to the floor. He was standing straight and tall behind and to the right of me, his arms crossed over his chest, his supple lips set in an obvious smirk and his arrogant eyes communicating that it was no big deal. For some reason, my eyes darted away from his in embarrassment and dropped to confirm the reason for my immobility, although I'd already guessed it – my ankles and the lower parts of my shins were buried in some of Gaara's chakra-infused sand, packed tightly against my skin that was dressed in goose bumps to match the excitement raging through my veins.

Gaara stood still for a few minutes, watching my response and showing the first change in expression I had seen – pleasure that shock and indignation were the substance of said response. He let me register his pleasure and be humiliated by it, which was evident in the blood that rushed to my cheeks to give them a red tinge, and then went to shut the door to his office and lock it.

My body was flushed with a series of waves that alternated hot and cold. I was panicked, angry as hell, exuberant by his display of desire to be with me – in what way it was not yet clear - and constricted with a pleasure almost as intense as the one extracted from our first encounter. He had seemed so innocent and naïve the first time, and that perception had driven me to reach the heights I had. But those characteristics were gone – wiped away and replaced with a confidence disproportionate to his experience, which meant it was intrinsic and that much more appealing.

His aquamarine eyes drilled into mine, letting me know he was in charge this time and making me regret for the first time the intensity of the ways in which I had taunted him before, because I knew without a shadow of a doubt that his payback likely would surpass the cruelty I had made him endure. His words that broke through the saturated silence confirmed as much.

"I know you think you know what's coming," his voice was cool and matter of fact, and it seemed to wind its way through my body, licking down through my insides and leaving me with a chilling sensation. "I will make you squirm, I will make you beg, I will even make you crawl if I so desire, and you will do it, and I will enjoy every single debasing act. I will make you pay for what you did."

It was said and I knew the rest of our encounter would be dominated with brevity but in no way left unclear. Suddenly, the grip on my ankles was released and for a second I had the powerful impulse to run. But I couldn't. I knew he would stop me with the greatest of ease, and that fact was aiding the other reason for my submission – I wanted him with a force that was drugging. Gaara was so authentically good-looking, so undeniably appealing and I knew I already was beaten. I would endure whatever I had to, I would lick the floor or bend over backward, if he would give me the smallest taste of what I had been craving for the past few weeks, and years before that. But I would not be happy about it. I communicated as much with the withering glare with which I encased him as I waited for his instructions. I wasn't going to make this easy.

"Go, stand by my desk."

I obeyed, angered by the fact that his behavior was so natural that it completely revealed how easy this came to him, as well as the fact that he didn't notice it, for things always came easy to him. I tried to swallow my anxiety and anticipation, but they immediately sprouted back up. Upon reaching my destination, I turned slowly to face him, forcing myself to look into his eyes although I desperately wanted to hide my face. When our gazes met, I figured I should have opted for the latter. Certainly there were splinters of desire within those liquid turquoise pools, but the prominent emotions were cool, collected arrogance and mockery, and it made me feel prematurely naked. He was sitting, relaxed, in a chair, his right arm draped over the back. It infuriated me that he had the power to control me from that distance and was well aware of it. Whereas I had needed a physical instrument and confidence in his compliance to keep him tied down, he didn't need anything that couldn't be controlled by a wave of his hand.

"Do I need to say it for you?" He asked patronizingly, his face set in perpetual nonchalance.

I knew what he wanted. I didn't know if it was worse to hear him pronounce the directive or just to act without him commanding my every movements. Which was more embarrassing? I mulled over this as I loosened my sandals and then my belt and let it fall to the floor. "Okay … so, this is really humiliating … worse than I would have assumed," I mused, as I undid my shirt and pulled it up over my head. It didn't matter that he had seen me naked and vice versa. The fact that our intimacy had only occurred because I had done then what he presently was making me do now was lightyears away and too dim to pull from it any sort of solace. My eyes passed over my nipples that became erect as the cool air in the room brushed over my round, white breasts, now exposed – Gaara didn't even pretend to be ashamed as he carefully perused the unclothed portion of my body from my slim shoulders, to my voluptuous chest, and tiny, muscled waist.

"Now the rest, Risa," he said with what almost sounded like a sigh of boredom.

"Fuck you," I muttered, immediately regretting it when he shot me the most fierce glare I had yet to receive from him. The flash of anger quickly dissipated as he realized it didn't matter – I had just given him one more reason to punish me. I realized it in the same second and a soft trickle of fear induced me to choke out an "I'm sorry" as I busied myself pulling off my short skirt, the tight knee-high trousers below, and finally my panties. I did it as quickly as possible so I wouldn't be forced to dwell on my nakedness any longer than I had to. My flurried movements were futile, though, for once I stood before him, every inch of my bronzed body exposed, he made no effort to move but instead let me just stand there as he looked me over from top to bottom and gave a smirk. My legs suddenly started, going nowhere, anywhere, simply possessed by the flight or fight mentality and knowledgeably deciding the first was preferable in this situation. But I had barely taken a step before my ankles once again were sheathed in his sand, along with my wrists, which were forced together in a split second. I felt my arms yanked above my head as if they were their own entity and had a mind of their own. "This is getting worse … much, much worse." I felt my body, now even more displayed, grow warm and the lips of my pussy began to tingle. I swallowed again.

"Red cheeks suit you," the Kazekage ridiculed me, slowly rising from the chair and making a slow circle around my naked body. Each of my individual aspects took a turn claiming my full awareness at the exact moment when I could feel his eyes devouring that particular one, as he, part by part, perused my figure in a slow, audacious procession. I felt the pressure mounting, on my heart, throughout my core, and in my head. I couldn't hear myself think over the deep pounding inside my chest, but it didn't matter for my brain was foggy and discombobulated anyway. The only clarity to be found was in the one chief emotion I was feeling: thick, molten arousal that was oozing out of my pussy and making it slick to receive the only thing in the world that could satisfy me.

At last I could bear it no more. "Please, Lord Kazekage. Just do what you want to do and get it over with."

I was answered by a scoff that served only to chafe my pride more. It came from close by and I suddenly was aware of the warmth created by his body, which now stood firm and tall only a few inches behind me. His warm breath filled my ear and every muscle in my shoulders tightened when I felt his mouth on my neck, starting with his tongue and then the sharp pressure of his teeth as he bit me softly before whispering, "I hope you like that first word."

With that, his hands, lightly calloused and cool against my fiery skin, wrapped tightly around my breasts, squeezing hard as he dragged his soft tongue down from my ear to the top ridge of my collarbone. My gasp was audible. Having someone as desirable as Gaara touch my skin with his own was euphoric. The entire area between my legs already was wet and pulsing. I tried not to think about how much worse it was going to get. The grip of his hands softened and then it was just his fingers that softly danced over every centimeter of the soft white mounds without paying attention to the pointed pink circles that were craving his attention. The simultaneously intimate yet evasive movements shot a round of chills through my body. He came around to the front of me. "Damn, he's sexy." I knew my panicked blue eyes were wide as they obviously appreciated the man who stood before me, whose divine face slowly leaned in toward mine so he could lightly kiss my top lip. I pushed my head forward to try to increase the longevity and the depth of the kiss, but Gaara's lips were one step ahead of me as he slowly pulled them away, leaving me high and dry. "Gaara," I whimpered, the word muffled by the red hair that wafted around my mouth as Gaara ducked his head into the curve of my neck to bite and lick it.

"That's not how you address me," he growled, alternating the painful nips with tender kisses.

" … Lord Kazekage," I corrected myself sourly, mortified by his determination to be willful and rebuke my slip ups, even as he caressed my naked body. The combination was producing the most exhilarating waves of desire that washed over me and dragged me under into deep, dark, sinful depths. A sharp pain shot through my ass as Gaara's strong hands gripped the flesh and squeezed tightly. They continued to fondle the full, white orbs, the forceful gropes at times garnished with his nails digging into the round cheeks, as Gaara lowered himself to his knees, kissing and licking down my flat stomach along the way, coming dangerously close to my womanhood and to making me moan. I bit my lip, stubborn and unwilling to give Gaara the satisfaction of hearing such sensual noises just yet, but I couldn't stop my head from flinging back in response to the blood pumping erratically from my heart and circling inside each limb with a sort of purposeful energy that spoke of a single, solitary objective.

I couldn't stop my hips from bucking forward as his mouth at last invaded my pussy, first by kissing the trembling lips and then sneaking his tongue inside as best as he could in our present position. That one elicited a moan. A deep, guttural moan. I shut my eyes tightly, as my body delved so deep into the depth of its degradation that I could get past it and just focus on the pleasure being produced for me by the decadent mouth of Suna's sexy ruler. He worked over the accessible parts of my clit with artful expertise, each flick and slide of his tongue a perfect brush stroke creating a masterpiece. "I can't believe it's him … and that it's me … and that I get to have him." However, that was not Gaara's intention … not just yet. Just as his series of thrusts with his tongue had started leading me up the ascent toward climax, he stopped and pulled away. I wanted to grip his hair and force him back between my legs, but I couldn't move my arms, and it probably wouldn't have been prudent anyway. I watched him with vexation as he stood up, deliberately licked his lips, and turned away. My eyes were sewed to his tight, perfect ass as he walked toward the chair he had been in earlier and sank down into it with confident ease.

My body was tight with sexual tension. I couldn't think and my breathing was heavy and jagged. I wanted one thing. One thing. I wanted Gaara's dick. Any way, any where. Nothing else made sense to me except this craving. "Give it to me." The words spewed forth from the midst of my flexed muscles, throbbing pussy, clouded brain and hooded eyes. I heard myself say it, but even the words couldn't pull me up from the sea of tumultuous emotions in which I was favorably drowning.

"Come get it," his voice was full and deep, still dominated with passiveness but decorated with enough of a thick undertone to reveal his own desire. The sand around my ankles softened and I was free to move again, which I did immediately, stumbling through my arousal to approach him. Although my hands lowered, they were still bound together at the wrists. Gaara made no movement as I approached except to follow me and then look purposefully at the floor by the time I stood before him on shaky legs. I knew where he wanted me. I hesitated, not because I wasn't dying to actually execute the act he wanted, but because I hated losing and the Kazekage's arrogance was as insufferable as it was sexy.

"Down, Risa," he at last commanded, his eyes narrowed, his voice even and flat in an obvious show of power.

I bowed my head and sank to my knees, until my head was level with his waist. The embarrassment once again was slowly dissipating and I knew only that I viciously wanted to see and touch what was resting comfortably under those clothes. I kept my eyes glued while my body stayed frozen as he lifted his hips and pulled down his black pants and the boxers underneath. A short, raspy groan escaped my lips as his pale, toned legs were bared, along with the crème de la crème: his thick, long throbbing cock. My head felt hazy and I tried to bring my eyes into focus despite the wisps of delirium passing through my body. I reached one hand up to touch him, starving for just one touch of his smooth skin, but his cold voice stopped me.

"Not yet."

He leaned forward, scooped up one of my breasts and slowly closed in on it with his lips. Even kneeling, my hips couldn't abstain from thrusting forward. My pussy was looking for any sort of friction to help it reach the peak of which it stood at the foothill, catching sight of the very top but inhibited from actually getting up there. He reached one of his hands down and slipped it between my legs. I groaned and muttered under my breath a lust-soaked, "shit."

With his long, gentle fingers, he began to massage my nether lips and all the sensitive skin tucked safely between my thighs. Again, he teased and taunted me, refusing to caress my most sensitive erogenous zones, or even to go deeper into the slick, wet pink area. I moved my hips to try to position my clit over his fingers so they would rub together and give me the satisfaction I ferociously needed.

"Risa, stop moving," Gaara warned, slamming the palm of his other hand into the round crest of my right ass cheek.

I yelped and flexed the stinging buttock, but kept my hips in place, submitting myself to Gaara's mischievous and unfulfilling fondling.

He continued several more seconds, seductively dragging his fingers all over outskirts of my womanhood, and I was thoroughly aroused and aggravated when he at last stopped and placed his hand on the back of my head so he could firmly but gently push it toward his pulsing, thick cock. I didn't need any encouragement, though, to quickly take the offered member into my eager mouth and began working over it with my generous red lips and wet tongue. One taste and I was gone, my mind lost in a cloak of blinding fog. Want. That was all I felt. A deep-rooted longing. Desire monopolized all of my senses. It loomed so large and consuming that I thought it couldn't possibly become more potent, until my ears were met with dark, sensual moans coming from the Kazekage as he enjoyed my enthusiastic blow job. The groans were like fuel that fed the fire of my arousal as it whipped about my body wildly.

I dragged my tongue up his long, hard shaft, building up my own stimulation as I worked on doing the same for him. I clumsily used my welded-together hands to aid my mouth in pleasuring the Kazekage. "I could do this better if you would undo the sand at my wrists," I spat out at him huskily.

Gaara gave a short laugh in the midst of his heavy pants, "Obviously. But I like to watch you do it this way better."

"Of course you do." I tried to just be angered by his treatment, but I couldn't deny that it was incredibly erotic. "Damn him."

Gaara's hands wrapped themselves into my curly black hair and held tight as my head bobbed up and down on his cock. The grasp got tighter and tighter as his breathing got heavier and heavier. For a split second, I thought about pulling back, to try to turn the tables on him and leave him unsatisfied, but there were too many obstacles between me and that choice: for instance, the thought of disobeying him and the inevitable repercussions made me tingle with nervousness; I was crazy in love with getting to suck off the sexy Sand ninja; and his hands were gripping my long tresses so fiercely that they basically were keeping my head locked in this general position, offering only the mobility to bring my lips up and down his hardness.

His moans became more frequent and lashed at me like stinging reminders of my current humiliation. Instead of being the noise of defeat and vulnerability as they had been last time, they were an obvious show of power over me, as I knelt on the ground, my knees beginning to hurt while I pleasured the Lord Kazekage and he simply absorbed it, paying no mind to my discomfort or to mutually satisfying me. It probably didn't help that he was refusing to say my name, which at least would have given me the comfort of knowing this experience was made possible only because I was me and I was somehow uniquely able to please Gaara. But his unabashed groans were such that it seemed that they could have been produced by anyone.

I would show him. I didn't care that this was his payback. I would get him to scream my name if it was the last thing I did.

I took as much of him as I could, sucking deeply. Up and down I moved, over and over again. It didn't take long for the toned muscles in his thighs to begin to tighten. I thought he might rip the hair right out of my head, but the yanking only drove me to suck harder. Almost there. At last, my mouth filled with Gaara's delicious cum as his body pulsed with what I hoped was a mind-blowing orgasm. I lifted my eyes up and through thick lashes caught a glance of Gaara's gorgeous face encumbered with the sensation of ecstasy. I swallowed every last bit, but kept his dick confined by my lips through every single convulsion.

Once he had caught his breath, his lips settled back into a smirk, and he nonchalantly tossed his head to the side as he perused my face, still a bit sloppy from its recent task.

"What now?" I stood to my feet and raised my eyebrows in a challenge.

Gaara merely gave me an evil smile. The redhead wasted no time in summoning his sand and using it to wrap around all my limbs and force me backward. I had never been caught in Gaara's sand to this extent, such that he had this much control over my body. The Sand ruler stood to his feet, his eyes unmoving and his arm outstretched as he followed my impounded body across the room. I was lost in disconcertion as the scratchy chakra-infused grains coerced my arms up and forced my body to none-too-gently fling itself so I was left, bending over the desk, my unclothed breasts and cheek pressed firmly against the cool, hard mahogany. It was so unexpected and I was spewing out my resistance before I even thought to stop myself, "Gaara, you fucking presumptuous prick. Let me go right now, or so help me, I will – "

"That's Kazekage to you, Risa." His voice was harsh and piercing, like a think blade of metal that cut through my normal strength to leave me chopped down to nothing more than a knobby stump of humiliation. I felt another sting to my backside as he struck it … hard. My left ass cheek immediately was ignited with a prickling sting. "You certainly said it enough last time. If you make the mistake of addressing me so casually again, I will resort to using that whip you mentioned."

I choked on my own indignation and the eroticism that were fiercely battling for prominence over my body and mind.

I could not see it happening with my body plastered sloppily against the dark, smooth slabs of wood, and so the sensation of his fingertips lightly rubbing my clitoris was electrifying. As if an invisible string was tied from them to my physical reactions, I, in all my essence, synchronously was pulled up and down, left and right with every stroke. He explored every inch of my slick pussy, which was entirely exposed to him as I lay bent and bonded to the desk. I was desperately trying to contain myself. I couldn't give him satisfaction of hearing me beg … not yet … no so soon. But having just tasted his dick and now experiencing his elegant hands prodding and caressing … I was going insane. Literally. I couldn't think straight. I felt like I was staring down a kaleidoscope. My vision was broken and consuming sights in choppy, vivid pieces, incapable of focusing on or comprehending a single one.

A slight groan broke through my parted lips as one of Gaara's fingers slowly slid inside my body. It felt incredible and I immediately tightened around it, making the most of my interior muscles being massaged.

I heard him give a short laugh from behind me, even as he played heartlessly with me. However, the sound was dim amongst the throes of arousal in which my body was languishing, and I was unable to react to it the way I wanted to anyway – which would be to punch his fucking arrogant face. Instead, I knew I was giving him exactly what he wanted – whimpering moans, an arching back that basically did all the work he needed done in opening my pussy to him, and hips that were thrusting back as best they could in a pathetic order for him to keep working over my engorged clit.

Although he was just using his hand, his moves were so precise and artful that I could feel myself slowly approaching the bliss I wanted so damn bad. I was panting now, moaning with reckless abandon, my fists clenched so tightly that my knuckles had become white. "Please, please, Gaara … keep going," I murmured, trying desperately to say it quiet enough so he wouldn't hear, but when my ears registered the sound I noted with humiliation that I had spoken even above my normal voice level.

He would have a field day with that careless mistake.

Just as I hit that mark where the pleasure has mounted so high that it threatens to break through and make its final ascent to delirium … he stopped.

"Fuck, fuck." I couldn't help whimpering angrily as he pulled his hand away.

All ten of his fingers wound their way tightly into my long black hair and my head was yanked painfully back so he could mutter into my ear, his breath once again encasing it intoxicatingly, "I warned you, Risa."

His footsteps led away from the desk and for the second time a pang of fear hit me, only it was much more intense this time. … Was he serious? He couldn't. He wouldn't dare. Kazekage or not, he still was younger than me! "He wouldn't have the gall," I thought, my heart thumping with panic ... and excitement. I mean, I had slapped him, sure … but this. … this was …

The first crack of leather against my squirming ass was so painful and accompanied with such an acute element of shock that it ushered forth a sharp, helpless cry.

The second was harder, and hit me just at the top of my thighs. By the time he had spanked me a sixth time, hot tears were stinging the back of my eyes … and my pussy was alight with the most poignant desire I had ever known. Never before had I believed it conceivable that agony could be registered so entirely as this kind of unbelievable pleasure.

"I don't want to have to remind you again," Gaara lectured as he punished me hard, just as he had threatened, "that I am your superior. You will not forget it or I will find a way to make you remember."

His words were accompanied with continual lashes of the whip across my vulnerable and quickly reddening ass cheeks. He was such an infuriating and cocky bastard. And one hundred percent irresistible to me.

The last and final stroke cut just at the lowest curve of my ass, right where it connected with my legs, and I couldn't help letting out a slight scream when it hit the sensitive skin. It was thrilling. And I had a strong suspicion that Gaara was smart enough to predict that this would be my precise reaction...

"Give me your cock, right now, Lord Kaezakage," I choked out through the mass of messy hair that had flopped about my face while I was jerking my head about as Gaara whipped my full, pale backside.

I heard the whip clatter to the floor and then Gaara yanked my head up again, this time twisting my neck so he could press his delicious lips against mine.

"That's better," he muttered nonchalantly against my mouth. With his tongue he parted my lips and began searching my eager mouth.

After the unbearably pleasurable pain I had just received, his kiss was mere frosting on the cake – the delicious finale meant to drive me to the furthest end of my sanity.

I didn't know what I would do if I did not have the sexy redhead right then and there. Gaara lightly licked along the length of the inside of my top lip. He used his free hand – the one that wasn't keeping my head in this awkward but perfect position- to began toying with my pussy once more.

"He's much … much … more cruel… than I was." It was my last coherent thought before I seemed to be surrounded by nothing except blinding white light and Gaara … oh, Gaara. That stunning man.

I didn't know what to do … My brain had departed and I was a worthless puddle of nothing but raw lust by the time he withdrew his mouth from mine.

My untethered instincts were the driving force.

"Please," I nearly shouted, unable and unwilling to try for any sort of self control. "Please, I beg of you. Stick your long, hard dick in me, Ga- Lord Kazekage. Please take me. I can't bear it … I can't .. bear it .. any more. I'll do anything ... anything..."

I noticed I was nearly sobbing with pleasure, as well as the blatant deficiency of its very finest form. Complete ecstasy was lacking one large piece. It was locked away, and Gaara held the key. And I needed it. … now.

"Say it again, Risa," he ordered.

Humiliated but all the more aroused because I was, I tried to get the words out again, despite the fact I could barely speak. "Please … shit…" his hand gingerly rubbed and pinched the bundle of nerves inside my thighs, which were starting to tremble as my juices slowly leaked down them – "Oh, please, Lord Kazekage. I'll do anything. I will do anything. Just, for the love of Suna, please, please, take me…."

"Tell me exactly what you want. And do it nicely," he commanded, slipping his pants down low enough so that his tantalizing member was exposed.

"Oh, fuck…" I whispered, for it was the materialization of the intangible desire that had seeped into every inch, every centimeter, every atom of my being. My face flushed as I prepared to "ask nicely," that overconfident son of a bitch. How could he be so damn sure of himself? I mean, of course he was sexy! But did he have to know it so well? I was teetering on the edge of choosing to maintain a shot of acid in my voice, but damn … my pussy was practically screaming. I had never known a hunger like this, even having gone days without nourishment on some missions.

"Please, Lord Kazekage. I want you to take your big, hard dick, and slam it into my pussy. Hard. As hard as you can. Just fuck me … please. Please. Please…" my voice trailed off and then crescendoed into an loud, voluminous gasp as, at last, I felt Gaara capturing my hips with both hands and filling me with his delectable manhood. He did it without a word, as if to say with a bored sigh, "I guess so."

I didn't have time to dwell on that or be irritated by it, though. From that point on, his intent was clear. He was going to rail me hard and not stop until my body was a trembling, powerless mass of flesh.

In and out he thrust himself, his slender, muscled hips smacking against my tender ass and thighs. It was sensational.

I didn't even try to control my screams. He had mocked and titillated me enough and I wasn't going to do him any favors. He could deal with the uncomfortable inquiries that were sure to surface later regarding the unnatural shouts coming from his office early in the evening.

"Oh, Gaara, oooh, fuck, fuck, Gaara," my eyes were shut tight along with my hands, while my mouth hung open to swallow as much air as possible in between erotic moans. I let out a particularly deep-throated expletive as he rammed his cock into my pussy and hit the sweet spot deep within me. It was bliss. Better than bliss. Nothing on earth could compare to the feeling of Gaara screwing me.

With a brief flash of satisfaction, I heard his breaths coming out shorter and shorter, and once I even heard him mutter my name – music to my ears.

Every individual experience from the dozens of minutes leading up to this particular instant, every hint of pain and splash of pleasure, began to culminate. I didn't have to do any work. I was being shot to climax at break-neck speed, and nothing could stop me now.

"Gaaaaara –augh! Ooooh… Gaara… Gaara… " So … close.

"Risa," he grunted as his hips thrust forward, harder and faster, his cock sheathed by the tight walls of my womanhood. His fingers dug deep into the soft flesh of my round hips."Oh shit… Risa…."

When it hit at last it was like the bolt of lightning that strikes the sky in one quick, majestic and cutting flash that itself lasts only a dozen or so powerful seconds, but which leaves in its wake ample bouts of light that spread progressively through the thick cover of clouds: I was pushed over the edge, but it was accompanied with a lingering rush as I fell … down … down, enjoying every last note of sensual pleasure being orchestrated by Gaara's fine dick.

As I lay panting, sprawled, with all my limbs quivering collections of immobile muscles and bones, I felt the Kazekage explode inside of me and his body collapse onto mine, although he still managed to stay grounded on his slender, but muscular legs. He slipped his hands beneath me to grab two handfuls of my breasts. I could feel his toned stomach and warm face pressing against my back. I measured his exhaustion by the heavy pants hitting and encircling my neck.

I tried to be angry with him. I wanted to think of something I could say or do to mitigate his triumph or taint his payback. But as I felt nothing but utter contentment, complete fulfillment, there was no source from which I could extract these things.

"You've done my brain in, Gaara," I admitted unwillingly between deep draughts of air.

Unexpectedly, his lips pressed against my shoulder blade, tenderly, gently. I felt my heart melt even more.

A loud thumping on the door made us both jump. My first reaction was pleasure that I got to see Gaara surprised one of the few times in his life that it happened, but it was immediately masked by the full realization of the eyeful anyone would get were they to come through that door.

"Just a moment," his voice was as even and cool as ever. Damn. How did he do that?

Quickly, with compact movements, he pulled up his pants and straightened out the rest of his attire, running his pale fingers through his thick, sweaty scarlet hair to give it some semblance of order.

Suddenly, the sand around my wrists softened and was replaced with Gaara's own strong hands, guiding me up from my sloppy position, flopped on top of his desk, and then leading me across the room. He stopped to grab my clothes off the floor but merely thrust them toward me, showing no sign that he was going to stop and let me get dressed.

"What is he thinking?" I couldn't help wondering, still caught up in a few remaining threads of euphoria, and yet somehow still famished for the alluring Suna ruler, and now confused and irritated.

He opened the door to a closet and ruthlessly shoved me inside.

"What the hell?" I snapped at him, completely flabbergasted.

I couldn't keep going though. The look in his eyes, that power and confidence that was synonymous with the talented 18-year-old, captivated me.

"You're going to wait here," he drawled, teasing me with his self assurance. "I'm not done with you, yet. But you'll have to wait. Don't bother putting on your clothes... I'd just rip them right back off."

I caught sight of the edges of his lips twitching with an arrogant but simultaneously playful smirk just as the door shut and I was submerged in darkness to sit, humiliated but submissive, and wait.

And wait I would… using the time to replay in slow, succulent details what I had just experienced, to anticipate and try to imagine what still was to come, and to start conjuring up another brilliant plan to make Gaara of the Sand pay for his outrageous actions … Oh, and pay he would …