A/N: Wow. Four months. Didn't expect it to take this long, sorry!

Thanks to the readers who have stuck with this story and have been encouraging me to continue writing, and thanks to all of my amazing reviewers as well!

By the way, I didn't take four months to write this, I just wrote it in 15 minutes so I apologize for the quality of it if it is poor.

More at the bottom, I'll let you finish the story now!


I stared at the paper and after reading a few sentences, I realized what it was.

"Edward!" I turned to him with a grin as the realization hit me.

"What is it?" he asked curiously.

"Remember the project from history so long ago?"

"I could never forget that project," Edward replied with a smile.

"Well, apparently Mr. Bradford was taking notes on a couple of groups, including us."

"Notes? On us?" Edward questioned, "Why?"

"I don't know, let's find out!" I gestured toward the paper enthusiastically.

"I think I have the same thing, I'll take a look at mine while you read yours," Edward held up his paper.

"Sounds good," I agreed as I began to read.

Hello former students:

Remember that history project? The one where I put you with the person you least wanted to be with (if you put someone's name down)?

Well, I found a couple of the groups very interesting, and I decided to observe your interactions over the course of the project.

I formulated some theories based on my background of psychology, and I wanted to see if my experiment works. (This is coming out sounding a lot more awkward and manipulative than it seemed to me when I came up with the idea.)

So I decided to write them down. And then I came up with a brilliant idea - why not give them to you when you're graduating, just for you to reminisce about and reflect on? So by the time you read this, I'm guessing you'll all be seniors, or already graduated, and on your way to college and the rest of your bright futures. But take a look, just for old times sake. The first week and last week observations are on the back if you're curious.


Mr. Bradford

I looked over at Edward, who seemed to have just finished reading as well.

"Want to read it together?" he asked, turning to look at me.

I smiled and replied, "Of course."

With a flourish, he turned his paper over, and we began to read in silence, in our own little world.

First week of working together:

- Jessica Stanley and Mike Newton- these two glare at each other every chance they get, and make it no secret that they "hate" each other. However, I feel they will be able to work with each other quite easily, and I would like to test this theory.

- Angela Weber and Ben Cheney- I think that to everyone but these two, it's obvious that they like each other. I don't mean to be a creepy matchmaking teacher, but these two need a push in the right direction.

- Lauren Mallory and Tyler Crowley- These two, like Jessica and Mike, have the potential to work together nicely. However, another very plausible option is that of them absolutely despising each other, which they seem to be on the path for right now. This project, though, has the potential to change this and even though these two are a bit explosive and hotheaded, I think there's a chance they will work together quite well. I would love to find out which road they'll end up taking.

- Tanya Denali and Eric Yorkie- From what I have observed, both of these students are hiding their true selves. Tanya, admittedly, seems to be the perfect nice little girl but I think there's more to her. I've noticed her superficial behavior, and I hope that it will change with the help of this project and her partner, Eric. Eric seems like a really cool guy (I know, it's weird for a teacher to say that), but he doesn't show it that much. I'm hoping these two can connect and open up to each other.

- Isabella Swan and Edward Cullen- These seem to be the most complicated pair. I've heard (and yes, teachers can hear gossip) that they were very close not too many years ago, but now, they're pretty much the exact opposite. What could've happened to change things between them? I guess they'll have to work it out, and I hope they can throughout the course of this project.

"That seems to be a pretty good summary, actually. Maybe he's a better psychologist than we thought," Edward comments.

"Yeah, definitely," I agree, "Let's see what his thoughts were like after the project."

Edward nods in agreement and I look back down at the sheet of paper.

Last week of working together:

- Jessica Stanley and Mike Newton- I was right, these two managed to pull their project off, and they seem to be much better friends now that they've gotten to know each other better. I hope their friendship blossoms in the future and I'm happy I managed to squash their unnecessary hatred of each other.

- Angela Weber and Ben Cheney- This project finally got them together, and I'm glad they really became friends before they started dating. I hope by the time they read this, they are still a couple blissfully in love.

- Lauren Mallory and Tyler Crowley- Surprisingly, these two have managed to work together and become good friends. Although they've had several disruptive arguments, I always hear laughs and chuckles coming from their group and I know they have used their opinionated, passionate personalities for the better. I'm sure their friendship will carry on.

- Tanya Denali, Eric Yorkie, and Jacob Black- Both Tanya and Eric seemed to be a bit reserved before Jacob joined their group. They would talk simply as project partners and not as friends, and I'd never seen them even wave hi in the hallways until Jacob came. I believed he served as a connection for the two as he seemed to hit it off with both Tanya and Eric straight away. Their group was one of the groups that underwent a lot of drama, but at the end, they pulled through with strong friendships and bonds and even a relationship between Tanya and Jacob.

- Isabella Swan and Edward Cullen- I'm delighted to say that I made a very good choice in putting these two together (although the choice was ultimately made by their initial hatred). Their group was the other group that survived a lot of drama, mostly with Tanya and Jacob, and both of these students complemented each other beautifully. Edward helped Isabella loosen up a bit, and Isabella in turn sculpted Edward into a respectful and respectable young man. I'd like to think that this project helped them work out whatever problems they had earlier, and now they, like Tanya and Jacob as well as Ben and Angela, have left this project with a strong bond and relationship.

Summary Notes: These groups have gone through hatred, shyness, arguments, fights, jealousy, protection, betrayal, love, and most of all, friendship. All of these students have come out with new bonds and new memories that they will never forget, and I'd like to believe that this project has helped them get to know a person they would've never opened up to otherwise. They've all emotionally and mentally grown, and I'm hopeful that the friendships they've created will last beyond this high school.


Mr. Bradford

Edward and I finished reading at the same exact moment, and as we smiled at each other, remembering, I felt the tears in my eyes.

That project had brought us together, and like Mr. Bradford had said, it had helped us make connections we would always treasure.

"You know, I'm starting to see why Emmett liked the project so much," I remarked.

"Just starting?" Edward responded playfully with a wink, and I grinned back at him.

"I love you," I told him, putting all the emotion I could into those three words, trying to convey the extent to which I cared about Edward.

"I love you too," he replied with just as much intensity, and I knew he understood what I felt.

And for the last time at Forks High School, our lips met.

But I knew it wouldn't be the last time ever... Not even close.

A/N: It's done! Once again, I'm sorry for the wait.

I'd like to especially thank Jazzy (Guest) who somehow found my story and took the time to review every single chapter! And yeah, it is finals week, but I actually have a lot more time because of it. Yay for freshman finals! I'd also like to thank every single reviewer, follower, and favoriter (is that a word?) of this fanfic because every single review, every single follow, and every single favorite makes me really happy. Thanks so much guys!

Another thing: I have reached the 100 review mark! And the 75 follow mark! And the 15,000 hits mark! And I'm very very close to the 50th favorite! Thanks so much for all the support, guys, I really do appreciate it. Thanks for sticking with The History Project, and hope you liked it!

As for my new fanfic, I decided that I want to write out the whole thing before posting any of it, because I want to be able to promise y'all an update every other week at the latest. I deleted my A/N chapter because I realized we're not allowed to do that so if you haven't read it, here's the (tentative) summary of the new fic:

When Bella and Edward meet, it's love at first sight. But the one other person who means as much to Bella as Edward does, Bella's twin sister Alice, is against it. Bella doesn't want to betray her sister, whom she has admired and respected for so long. Will she be able to do what her heart tells her? Or will she pay heed to Alice's claim that she'll only get hurt at the end? And why is Alice so adamant about not accepting their relationship? AH, mostly canon couples.

-Liveyourlife723 :)