
The lanterns all stayed on Odym for roughly one Earth week, but then Hal and Kilowog had to return to their duties. Kilowog had rookies to train. Hal had honor guard duty. All four blue lanterns and Ganthet were going to stay on Odym, naturally. Due to Aya's unusual green lantern circumstances, she was able to stay on Odym as well.

Kilowog enveloped Aya and Krishna in a big hug and sniffled. "I'm gonna miss ya..." Both girls giggled and awkwardly tried to hug him back. He set them back down and turned to Razer. "You better take good care of them, poozer."

Razer nodded. "I intend to." Kilowog moved on to say goodbyes to the other blue lanterns.

Hal put his hands on Aya's shoulders. "Aya, you've really grown. You're no longer our little AI. You're a strong, beautiful, young lady. I know you'll do the green lantern name proud."

To his surprise, the tiny girl moved forward and hugged him tightly. "That is my intention, green lantern Hal. Thank you for everything..."

He hugged her back. "Anytime, Aya. Anytime..."

Aya moved over to Razer's side and slipped her arm through his. Hal looked at Krishna who seemed quiet this whole time. She had even seemed out of it when Kilowog had hugged her. He walked over to her and she looked up at him. "You ok, Krishna?"

She nodded slowly. Her voice was soft when she spoke so the others, that were a little away from them, couldn't hear. "I was just so happy to gain more friends. It makes me sad to lose them." She stared at the ground quietly.

Hal smiled and put a hand on her head causing her to raise her head and look at him. "You aren't losing us. We just have to go to work for a bit, but we'll be home real soon. Okay?"

Her eyes watered and she nodded, throwing her arms around him. "O...oka...kay..." She hiccuped softly. He hugged her back and smiled. Krishna wiped her eyes and was quickly back to her calm and peaceful self. "Thank you."

He gave her a thumbs-up. "No problem, kid." He nodded to Saint Walker and Razer. "You two better take care of our girls."

Saint Walker smiled serenely. "But of course!"

Razer snorted and crossed his arms. "That was unnecessary to even bother saying."

The green lanterns finished their goodbyes and boarded the ship. They entered the bridge quietly and were greeted by LANOS's hologram. "Greetings!" He scanned around then looked up at Hal. "Query! Why is the female that was previously with us before you left not with you currently?"

"She...she's gone, LANOS..." Hal began to start up the ship.

"Incorrect! Scanners indicate that she is currently below the ship." LANOS chimed and looked around.

"Yes. She's staying on the planet, LANOS, with Razer." The Interceptor floated off the ground and Kilowog gazed out the front window. Hal followed his gaze and saw the several blue lanterns, Ganthet, and Aya down below. Aya and Razer were standing hand-in-hand, both with small smiles on their faces. Ganthet and Warth had their hands together, smiling. Saint Walker held up a single hand in a wave. Krishna was the only animated one. She had a huge grin on her face and was waving both arms back and forth.

Hal and Kilowog waved back at them. Suddenly, Krishna raised her fist and made a blue construct. It was large words that read "Come visit soon!"

Kilowog laughed. "Oh, grotz...gotta love that girl..."

Hal grinned. "Yea...c'mon now, buddy. Time to head out. The guardians are probably steamed at us enough as it is already." Hal turned the ship around and they were off to Oa.

It was a few months later when Aya approached Krishna quietly. The three male blue lanterns were meditating at the lakeside and Ganthet was inspecting the central battery. Krishna had gone off to gather some fruit and flowers for the house. "Krishna...?" The girl turned as the green lantern spoke her name.

Krishna blinked and looked at the smaller girl down on the ground. "Hey, Aya! What's up?" She rested a hand on the tree trunk perched on a thicker branch.

"I have a query for you." Aya stared up into the branches.

Krishna's brow furrowed. She wasn't sure what was wrong, but something wa clearly up with Aya. "Alright then..." Krishna lightly jumped from branch to branch until she reached the bottom. It made her uneasy using her ring too much. She didn't like relying on it. "Everything alright, Aya?"

The retired AI looked away. "I am...uncertain."

"Well...why's that?" Krishna asked nervously.

"My body is acting outside of its regular parameters."

The blue lantern was still confused. "What do you mean, Aya...?" Was Aya's new body rejecting her? "What makes you say that...?"

Aya reached up and put a hand to her chest. "I have been having...peculiar sensations...such as..."

Suddenly, Aya's eyes widened. She turned, leaning a forearm on the tree trunk and retched up the remains of her breakfast into the soil.

Krishna jumped back at first, in surprise. Then she rubbed Aya's back lightly as Aya retched, waiting patiently for her to finish.

Aya stopped, gasping, and made a cloth construct to wipe her mouth. After a moment, she turned back to Krishna. "This is an accurate example of what I was querying to you about."

Krishna studied her. "Aya..." She was hesitant to voice her idea. "What are your other symptoms...?"

Aya blinked. "Symptoms? Would that not be a more appropriate question for if I possessed a disease or illness?"

"Humor me, Aya."

"Very well. I have had various pains in my head and stomach, slight swelling of my extremities, nausea, extreme tiredness, and a cease to the female mens..."

"Okay, okay, Aya." Krishna quickly cut her off, feeling like they were getting a little personal. "Aya...I believe I know what's happening..."

Aya smiled a little. "This is desirable news. What is wrong with my body?"

"Well...Aya..." Krishna rubbed the back of her head awkwardly. "It's not so much what's wrong as...what's changing..."

"Query." Aya tilted her head. "What is "changing," Krishna?"

"Aya...I think..." Krishna looked at her hesitantly.



"Krishna. As green lantern Hal would say, please spit it out."

"I...I think you're pregnant, Aya..."

Alright well first off I want to apologize to all my readers that this took so long to post. Our laptop has been in the shop for a while now and been having issues so please forgive me.. *bows* So this officially concludes Bringing Aya Back. It will also be the first chapter of New Beginnings. I hope I continued to have your support and that I gain new fans in the coming series.