Hey Guys,

This my first time writing tell me what you think and if I should carry on!

BTW I don't condone teacher/student and don't own Glee unfortunately.

L x

Rachel's POV

First day back of Senior Year, I can taste it already the New York City air. Just to think in less than a year I will be there with my best gay. Kurt. I had an amazing summer with my dads and yes I did say Dads, they're gay if you didn't catch me! We went on an European trip and saw so many amazing places, London, Paris, Germany, Spain, Cyprus and many other locations.

It's now 7:30 am, time to leave for school, I run downstairs and say goodbye to my dads.

"Bye dad, Bye daddy, love you" I say running out the house.

"Bye sweetheart" I hear one of them call behind me.

Finn's POV

New year, New term, New school.

Walking down the halls of Mckinley High School for the first time. This is my first teaching job here since graduation from NYU. It's really odd to think I'm now a qualified teacher and I could not be any more excited!

I originally came from Ohio but lived over the side of the Lima and went to Carmel, as soon as I graduated I knew I didn't want to be stuck in this cow town of a state, but as it was coming to the end of my training at NYU, i realised how much I missed everyone and decided and wanted to come home. Some may say that I'm a mummy's boy but it was only the two of us when I was growing up as my dad died of a drug over dose, but my mum was like my rock, I told her everything, well maybe not everything. Anyway I carry on walking down the hall to the principles office.

I knock on the office door. Feeling very anxious to what today might bring me.

"Knock Knock"

"Ahhh Finn Hudson, how are we liking the school so far" Mr Figgins says to me as I sit down on the chair.

"Looking great so far, just can't wait to meet the students and get to teaching" I say to him in a confident voice.

"Well thats great then, do you still remember where everything is, staff room, toilets, your classroom?" Figgins asks slightly worried.

I nod "Don't worry about me I'll find my way around eventually, anyway my brother goes here I can always ask him" I tell him.

"How could I forget, Kurt Hummel, right?" He queries

"Yeah, graduating this year" I respond.

"Well then I better let you get on then" He replies.

"Bye" I say

"Bye Mr Hudson, have a great first day, and welcome to Mckinley on behalf of the students and staff" Figgins finishes.

Rachel's POV

As I arrive at school, I see Kurt and Mercedes talking about something.

"Hello my fellow divas how are we doing this fabulous morning?" I say to them.

"Well hello there, someones a bit chirpy this morning." Kurt replies.

"It's our senior year,aren't you excited?" I respond.

"Yes, but don't you think its a bit early to be this happy?" Mercedes interjects.

"No, anyway what were you talking about before I came over to you?" I question.

"We were just talking about my brother, and how its his first day teaching today" Kurt says to me.

"Oh right, how could I forget?" I lied acting as if I didn't already know.

What Kurt and Mercedes don't know is that Finn and I have been dating for the past 2 months and I know what you thinking, Dating your best friends brother? But I couldn't help it and the age gap isn't that much, its on 5 years he's only 23 for god sakes, but they wouldn't understand no one ever does, everyone thinks I'm to young to know what love is, but when I'm around Finn he makes me feel like the most special girl in the world, and that is all I could ask for.

"Well I will see you Diva's in second, Love you." I say as I walk away.

As I'm walking through the corridors of the school towards my locker My phone buzzes.

Finn: Hey baby, did you get to school alright? Finny D x

Rachel: I sure did, just finished talking to brother actually, good luck today I think I have you 3rd, Love you loads. Rach* x

Finn: Thanks Hunny, are coming over after school? Missed you loads last week! Ly2 Finny D x

Rachel: Sure am and missed you loads too, see you 3rd. Rach* x

I finish up my last text as I'm walking in to homeroom, looking forward to the rest of my day at school and afterwards.

Please review and tell me if it sucks or not and if I should carry on!
