Chapter 4 - Yo ho, yo ho a pirates life for Cana

So far it was just Gajeel, Lucy, Levy and Lilly that knew about the incident last night. Gajeel felt kind of mean, to what he did to Levy and he was starting to get annoyed with himself. He was feeling really conflicted, he didn't like tricking the bookworm.

So Gajeel soon came clean to Levy, well he was forced to from Panther Lilly and Lucy, who was really pissed off with the Iron Dragon Slayer, when he came clean to Levy about how she was really just to drunk and was sick in his hair. The solid script mage had a massive blush and Gajeel admitted that he had to bathe her.

" Well I'm really sorry," Gajeel stated. " But I couldn't leave you covered in sick Shrimp and you had completely blacked out." Levy then noticed the pinkness on the Dragon Slayer's face.

" Well thanks for taking care of me though Gajeel, that was rather sweet of you, but let's just forget about it. So I expect my dare has been lifted?" Levy hoped to Mavis that it was!

" No your punishment has not been lifted book-worm, but rather changed after all I want to tell you something," Gajeel said.

" Well go on what is it?" Levy was a little bit frightened.

" I'd like you to be my girlfriend bookworm, I think I might be in love with you," Gajeel paused, she was probably going to turn him down. He was quite glad that the guild hall was quite empty apart from Salamander, Bunny-girl, his little sister and mini Salamander were over in one corner and the Exceeds were in the other. Kinana was on bar duty and she was talking to Cobra, it was only 8:00am in the morning.

Levy still felt like she was in a dream though and she couldn't believe that she actually did sleep-talk! Levy was annoyed with Lilly, how did he have that device anyway? But as Gajeel awkwardly sweat dropped, Levy grinned at him and hugged him. The Iron Dragon Slayer wasn't expecting that at all, he was now blushing furiously as he saw Bunny girl, Salamander, Cobra, his little sister, mini Salamander and Kinana grinning.

" Of course I'll be your girlfriend Gajeel," Levy laughed. " But you still need to set me up with a proper dare."

" Hmm..." Gajeel teeheed. " I want you to set up rune traps for Jet and Droy everyday, for a month!" Gajeel grinned as he was finally going to put Levy's two personal stalkers in their places and plus he now had the bookworm by his side and nothing and nobody was going to lay a hand on his shrimp!

" Smart move by not having Mirajane over here," Cobra remarked as Kinana banged him on the head, Cobra often got annoyed by Mira though as her thoughts consisted of shipping plans and of the rune mage and of helping everyone. It was very distracting when Cobra was drinking, he would suddenly get an image of Natsu and Lucy's child or Elfman and Evergreen's monster.

Lucy smiled at Gajeel and Levy but there was no way she was giving into the bet with Natsu. She wanted to make him stronger and there was no way getting him distracted now. As her and Natsu told Romeo and Wendy their plans for Igneel, the two thirteen years olds grinned and tried to think of ways which they could help.

Erza came into the guild looking for Jellal, she spent the whole day avoiding him and she had no idea where he could have gone to. She saw Lucy, Natsu, Romeo and Wendy in a corner and questioned them on whether they have seen Jellal or not, they nodded their heads.

" Jellal is with Ultear and Meredy," Cobra said as he pointed to the S-Class door. That was right! 'Mystogan' was in S-Class, so they could go on the S-Class quests as she went through the door. She got a massive shock, there was a meeting going on already where even Laki the wood mage was standing in.

" Hello Scarlet," Fernandes winked, so he must already be over his embarassment...

" Erza before we discuss something with you can you go get Cobra, Lucy and Natsu?" The master asked, as Erza obliged. The two dragon slayers and the celestial mage ran up the stairs to the S-Class room.

" Ok everyone is here apart from Fullbuster but I think he might as well be told later with Laxus, Cana, Juvia, Gajeel and the rest," The master started. " I want to talk to you all about the one-magic, it has come to my attention that the dark guilds are coming to Magnolia to pick out women, it's Tautorous the guild full of demons..." Markarov stopped as Cobra interrupted.

" It is definitely true as I defeated three of these demons yesterday while they tried to take Kinana," Gildarts and Markarov stared at Cobra as he explained the story. "... so I crushed them with my sound magic, poison doesn't work on them!"

" It's worse than I thought," Natsu muttered.

" What do you mean?" Lucy looked at her best friend.

" Well Michelle told me the same thing in a vision, that since Lucy wanted to find the one-magic with me, that the dark guilds will find out and take her away!" Did Natsu just say Michelle, Lucy thought? Natsu kept thinking about demons, Michelle's words and then Lucy when she was a falling star. Natsu bursted into flames at that moment. " NO ONE IS TAKING LUCY AWAY FROM ME!" Natsu's eyes were gold as the flames started to die down, he started spinning like he could see stars and he was pretty sure that he could see Igneel for a moment...

" Natsu!" Lucy, Erza and Jellal caught him as fell onto the floor. They started to notice strange language on Natsu's arms, as they heard an all to familiar scream from downstairs.

" AHHH! Kinana! What are you doing?" Romeo shouted as Kinana started writing language on the wall, that he recognised from the Infinity Clock. Kinana then touched the language, which made a map. She suddenly passed out after that, as Levy tried to encode the map. Cobra and Erza ran over to the former snake, she was out for the count. Cobra noticed a tattoo where her guildmark was, it was a golden key which was covered in stars and a snake was wrapped around it. As Gildarts and Lucy came over to Kinana. She started to cry at the tattoo.

" Oh no... this can't be right!" Lucy sprinted upstairs and she checked Natsu's guild mark, it had scarred around the edges. This was a fairy tale which her Mother read out to her where tattoo's would be inflicted on the guild members who were in good, and they would be turned into stars, angels or even Gods. The guild marks would light up gold, and one would receive a mysterious gold key on their guild mark, which would mean she was the acting barrier to the demons who would try and take their godly magic but there was a curse to fully obtain this godly magic, Lucy remembered they would have to their time on Earthland. Lucy distinctively remembered that Fairy Tale as it was her favourite, as the Wizard Prince in that story died with the Princess and they became angels, she thought.

Erza was the next one to fall victim this golden mark, she started breathing heavily and she fell straight on top of Jellal, her once blue guild mark was now gleaming gold. It was covered in the same scar that was identical to the one that Jellal had on his face and scarlet roses were now surrounding it. Soon Lucy, Gildarts, Romeo, Wendy, Gajeel and other mages who weren't even in the guild hall mark started to go gold and everyone in Fairy Tail had passed out. Jellal, Ultear, Cobra and Meredy looked at each other in amazement as their gold started to shine through and their guild mark started to shape shift into one of Fairy Tail's. This made no sense...

" So it is finally happening again Mavis..." Layla Heartfelia spoke to her former master.

" Yes it is Layla but I really hope that the third will be stronger than us and finally get rid of the devil himself - Father," Mavis replied to her best friend.

" I'm ready to go walk along Earthland for a while and protect Lucy-nee," Michelle spoke to the two woman as they nodded.

As all the Fairy Tail mages started to wake up, they all straight away noticed their gold marks and went straight over to the guild. Lucy went outside with Natsu and Happy as they went straight back to her house.

" I don't understand how we have these marks," Jellal looked at Cobra as he shook his head. Laki, Meredy and Ultear started to explain the mission that they have went on.

" I do when we wanted to find out more about the dark guild and the kidnapping of women, we heard something about the mark of heaven where people could get a mark to bring people back to life out of love, but it is a bit like equivalent exchange if they do bring someone back they have to die, even having this damned mark will reduce our life span or give us a curse such as that we could lose an arm or a leg or we be cursed with bad luck or we would bring misery to others. We have gotten these marks as we now share some of the same ideals of Fairy Tail," Ultear explained.

" You could even go as far to say that you are an extension of Fairy Tail," The wood mage added. " We are living in uncertain times as more women fall to rebuild something to the tower of heaven, love is dying out..." Laki thought miserably.

" On the mission we went on - everything was so wrong Jellal, men were being stripped of their pride as they couldn't protect their wives, daughters and sisters. And then the remaining women couldn't protect the men from the madness," Meredy had tears in her eyes as Ultear put an arm around her.

" What are these damn dark guilds up to?" Gildarts banged his fist as Juvia, Gray Cana, The Takeover Siblings and The Thunder God tribe walked through wanting an explanation to why their guild marks was glowing gold. Wendy and Romeo picked up the map to show Lucy, Natsu and Happy.

Lucy couldn't find her Fairy Tale book anywhere, she looked all over the place for the leather journal which her Mother had given to her, and when she looked on her desk - Michelle was gone.

" NATSU! Michelle is gone!" Lucy screamed, her little sister was gone... Her sister was gone...

" I'm right here Lucy, are you looking for this?" Michelle spoke as Lucy ran up to her sister and held her close.

" Lucy what is it?" Natsu spoke coming into the study. " Michelle!" He pounced on them both, as they heard two more people run through the door - Romeo and Wendy.

" Where is Charle?" Happy asked.

" At the guild still everyone is freaking out over the gold guild mark, even little Asuka's mark is glowing gold!" Wendy said.

"Okay I have the fairy tale right here that describes the situation very much - The Golden Marks"

Long ago in a time when the stars ruled the world and dragons were not their faithful servants, was a Dark Wizard Prince who was very jealous of the lack of free will he had about choosing his love. You see for many years Prince Zeref, had lead a lonely life in which he didn't have many friends. He grew angry at this and decided to abandon the castle, to become an immortal dark wizard a task which he ultimately succeeded with the help of a dark force, referring to himself simply as 'Father,' Zeref was allowed to walk free on the Earth while Father could not.

Father's will was installed in Zeref, but Prince Zeref was now not completely sure as on his travels through out the dark lonely years he met another Princess called Mavis, she was like him stuck in a castle and wanted the chance to make friends. Mavis ultimately succeeded in her challenge and created the guild called 'Fairy Tail,' where she had various friends and slowly the darkness in Zeref started to melt away, until Father intervened.

At the time, the King of Dragons Igneel and his wife Grandine were cursed unable to bear children. Until a celestial mage gave them a prophecy that they would find humans descendants of a gold mark, that would ultimately become the Kings and Queens. Metallicana the Iron Dragon and his mate Hesper the Evening Star dragon slayer, made a pact with Mavis that her guild would bear the golden light which could create a golden mark. This golden mark was claimed the mark of heaven, where eventually the mages could basically structure a new Earthland of peace but once Zeref joined the guild, something had went wrong and the golden light mixed with Father's will to create numerous travesties that were ultimately pinned on Zeref.

The golden light and the Father's will eventually balanced out each other thanks to Mavis helping Zeref, she balanced them out by making a simple spell called 'Fairy Law,' where both Father's will and the golden light could be used together to vanquish the guild's enemies. The creation of the spell killed off Mavis' s human form while the Prince's soul was taken away and he couldn't remember the light. And he only knew that he had to stay near Mavis's grave.

The rest of the golden light was made into what was known as the 'Lumen Historie,' while the rest of the guild members died apart from one called Purehito. He also vowed to become immortal. Purehito lost all he knew thanks to that golden light, so he kept it sealed from the world until one day the light revealed itself to a young mage called Layla Esther, the light told her that she would the rightful Queen of the dragons and bring the Dragons back to life by finding the one magic. The heir wouldn't live that long though, so she had a short amount of time but Layla also created a younger sister for the heir to have, that had magical powers who would protect her when golden mark appeared on the heir. The heir would already have unconsciously picked who would bear the golden light with her but another with a troubled past and who isn't a magic being would bear the key of knowledge, the person would be able to speak the ancient holy language of Dragons and these people would also be destined to be in Fairy Tail. The guild that the heir is destined to join.

Father is always watching though, looking for the heir, searching for her and trying to destroy all that is in his path. He to created his own guilds. Father needed two things though to get his perfect version of the world and that was the heir and the one magic. Father experimented though with trying to create his own dark mark, he used the dragon of apocalypse Arcnologia and various dark guilds, he eventually found Zeref to join him and together with the black mark. Zeref was able to create various demons such as Deloria.

Zeref tried as hard as he could but he couldn't remember a younger blonde girl who was always in his dreams. The Wizard Prince was always crying and yearned to be reunited with her. But he couldn't remember the former members of the guild to once he belonged to. Mavis saw how much pain Zeref was in and instead of passing on to the next world, she latched onto the ultimate source in Fairy Tail, the lumen historie and became an angel, to pass the heirs knowledge and wisdom and bring some peace to Zeref. She is ultimately the gate keeper to one-magic.

Layla knew she was going to die before she got to see the heir grow up, so she wrote this all down for her daughter Lucy to see.

Lucy my darling, you'll probably think you heard a different version of this Fairy Tail, where both the Wizard Prince and Princess become angels. My darlings this'll only be true if you complete your mission with your friends. You need to find the birthplace of love itself, where you'll become the rightful Queen of Dragons and Stars, thats the ultimate goal. Once you have these golden marks, your friend will create a map showing all the mystical islands that have beautiful magical artifacts. Lucy you are not my weak darling, you are going to grow so much stronger and you are going to have your little sister right beside you.

Lucy put the book down as she realised she was crying again. Why was she crying? She laughed. She was Queen of the Dragons? She looked at Natsu.

" You better bow down to me I'm an actual Princess of the Dragons," She giggled.

" So where do you think we better start to get the Dragons back!" Natsu said he was determined, this was the best news he heard in his life.

" You are missing one thing!" Michelle spoke. " The map!"

" We have it right here!" Romeo and Wendy held it up together, as they both blushed at each other.

As the five went back to the guild and after a swift tearful reunion with Michelle, and Crime Sorciere getting introduced to Michelle. The guild finally got down to business and tried to decide what they would do, they couldn't go and leave the town of Magnolia without magic even though Max suggested that he could lead the disbanded Twilight Orge, who were getting poorer by the day since Fairy Tail won the Grand Magic Games. While the guild was away until they came up with a solution that the Master would stay behind with Nab, Jet, Droy, Max, Wanakabe, Macao, Kinana , the lesser known mages such as Joey and Mickey and also Romeo with the rest of Twilight Orge.

" You aren't leaving us behind!" Romeo and Kinana were furious. " If Alzack, Bisca and Asuka are going surely I can go!" Romeo stated.

" Why are you three going though?" Lilly questioned.

" It's always a dream of ours to travel and I think it would be nice for Asuka to see some of the world, we'll stand guard the ship with Warren when you do the dangerous stuff," Bisca replied.

" Please can we come!" Kinana and Romeo begged.

" You are both to weak to come!" Cobra, Wendy and Natsu argued while Lucy wanted them both to go.

" I want Kinana to go!" Mirajane, Evergreen and Lisanna said furiously.

" Romeo protected me from Dan Straight!" Michelle said while Warren agreed the flame mage could go.

" I still think the boy and girl are still to young," Ultear remarked.

" Juvia thinks that since Kinana has the key, that Kinana will be very useful on this mission!" Juvia said determinedly while eventually Gildarts who was leading the adventure agreed.

" Romeo and Kinana are going and thats final!" Gildarts said. " Plus we'll also have that S-Class trial to do that we never finished from seven years ago!" Natsu's face lighted up and then Gray & Natsu were arguing over who is going to win.

" Oh god... how is Natsu going to survive being on a boat for months?" Lucy then asked as the guild face palmed they forgot Natsu's travel sickness!

" Easy Natsu rides Happy because he is a friend not a mode of transportation right?" Natsu nodded and wondered where the master was going with this. The master went down to the Lumen Historie and gathered some of it's light. He marched the guild down to the docks as he commanded the light to transform into a boat...

" Hey everyone my name is Lenny! I'll be your eyes, ears and most importantly your friend across the sea!" The guild waved to Lenny who was a massive liner as he smiled at them all, that was nothing something you see everyday a boat being parked up next to the docks.

" You know what this means ... I'm going to be captain of this ship! Yo ho, yo ho, a pirate's life for me," Cana sang.

" Correction daughter of the captain!" Gildarts lifted his Daughter into the air and spun her around, as Laxus tried to smother his giggles at Cana's disappointed face. " Think at how much beer we are going to have though on this ship!"

" And that'll be gone in the first week, we are going to be careful with the money! Even though it's a million, from the Fairy Tail treasurey..." Lucy sighed.

" What time and date is it?" Gildarts asked.

" It's the 7th June and 4:45pm, 15 minutes Laxus!" Laxus gulped. " You are going to regret what you did my daughter you bastard!" Markarov laughed at his Grandson... Finally he was going to get peace!

" You are going to have to change my punishment again," Levy said to Gajeel as he nodded.

" Ok PARTAY after Laxus's and Gildart's fight!" Bixlow yelled.

" Lucy will you lift your bed onto Lenny?" Natsu said as Lucy laughed.

" Oh no rent! I'm going to have to give up the house!" Lucy frowned.

" You can put in on hold until you get back, you'll just have to speak to your landlady!" Levy smiled.

" Laxus five minutes!" Gildarts spoke as the lightning dragon slayer sweat dropped.

" Oh it's on Gildarts!"

" You've just spoke your last words boy!"

Parrtttayyy next chapter :) Sorry this chapter hasn't being entertaining but it's telling you where the story is going to go and Lucy Princess of all Dragons! :D So will Lucy get her fairy tale?

And I just read the latest chapter in the manga - I wanna kill future Rogue how dare he kill Future Sting & Lucy ;-; THATS IT I'M STEALING FROSCH AWAY FROM ROGUE AND I'M ADOPTING LECTOR as the final straw Natsu was knocked unconscious! I hate future Rogue! If there is a ship dedicated to Lucy and Future Rogue, tomorrow morning I swear I'm getting gonna go all dragon slayer on their asses! From this moment on I'll be the relationship Dragon Slayer! * This is a warning fu-rolu shippers *

Lector: Where's Sting-kun!

Frankie: Lector I'm your owner now!

Lector: STING-KUN!