Gakuen Titans

Summary: Learning that you've just been downgraded from major superhero team to regular High School Student, is not easy, especially for the Teen Titans. Until they learn that the school has some… strange students, obviously hiding some secret. On top of that, they constantly have to stop some gang called the '2P's from wrecking the school.

Zorua495: I do NOT own either Teen Titans or Hetalia. They belong to DC Nation (?) and Hidekaz Himaruya, respectively.

"Sign language will be in italics" and so will be the thoughts. Don't confuse them!

No Pairings, other than the ones that have been confirmed in the canon (i.e. AusHun, RobStar). A few OC's, unfortunately (Markovia (from Teen Titans Go! Comics) is one of them).

Chapter 5: Setting Up (Part 1).

He sat in the cell. He had sat in the small, empty cell for such a long time.

One day, he heard a visitor come in. A chipper sounding lad from his own great country, requesting to visit a 'very special friend.' He heard the lad offer the guards some cupcakes and heard a "thump". His cell door opened.

"Mr. Mad Mod?" Asked the young lad. He had thick eyebrows, and blue eyes, and a big smile, but not a very expressive face.

"That would be me." He replied. The young lad smiled "Mr. Mod! I'm so glad to finally meet you!"

"Are you the one who got rid of the guards?" Asked Mad Mod, even though it was a rather stupid question.

"Well, do you see anyone else?" The lad laughed. It sounded light-hearted.

"So, I'm guessing you got a job for me? Let me guess, getting rid of the Teen Titans?"

The lad pouted "'Getting rid of'? What a horrible choice of words."

"Well, then what?"

The lad sighed "My friend Arthur. We never see each other anymore, and I miss him."

Mad Mod rolled his eyes.

"I fear that the group you dislike so much is going to steal my friend away from me once and for all! And I don't like it when my friends are taken from me. And, unfortunately, I do get awfully jealous."

"So why are you even here?

"For your help."

"Listen, I'm not going to do anything unless it involves getting rid of the Teen Titans."

"There you go, using that phrase again. Can't you say something else, such as, I don't know 'unfortunately inconveniencing'?"

Mad Mod looked interested at the prospect of this poorly hidden threat against the Teen Titans, and plus, it was a chance to escape "Well, as you know, I can't do it alone, and in this feeble old body."

The lad smiled "We know. Which is why we've gotten some new 'toys' for you some other of your friends. By the way, my name is Oliver."

"Pleasure to meet you, Oliver. So, what is the plan to 'inconvenience' the Teen Titans?"

(POV Change)

Robin and Egypt made it back to their dorm in one piece, escaping the Battle of Ice Cream that was currently happening in the cafeteria.

"People at this school must really like ice cream, to get into a fight about the stuff." Robin noted.

Egypt nodded.

They set down their trays on the floor, between the two bunk-beds and began to eat. Robin had gotten two slices of pizza and a side of vegetables.

Egypt's plate was filled with several different foods that Robin didn't exactly know offhand, except that it was Mediterranean based.

"It is from Greece, Turkey and my home." Egypt said suddenly. Robin looked at him, confused, because in the day and a half that he had known him, Egypt had only said one thing to the hero. "It is an unwritten rule that you must always get food from your country. And the Grecian food is because I had already gotten the Turkish food, and they would have gotten into a fight if I didn't get the Grecian food."

"But then, why the Turkish food?"

"He's in the Gourmet club." He shrugged.

Robin was confused, "Wait, isn't he a teacher?" Egypt shrugged in response. "And the clubs haven't even met yet. They meet later in the week." Egypt shrugged again.

They sat in silence for a while before the door burst open. England and France hobbled inside, looking as if they'd just been in a huge fight. England also carried some foul-smelling, smoldering, baked goods.

"Angleterre, for the first time, I'm very happy that you brought food from your place!" France laughed, patting the Englishman on the back. Under his other arm were several small tubs of ice-cream. England laughed too.

"Hey, I have a question." Robin said; as the other two sat down to eat. "What was that all about? The bird and suddenly everyone is sent back to their dorms. Is it a threat? And if it is a threat, why are we all fighting over ice cream, pretending like that didn't happen?"

England, France and Egypt all exchanged glances. "He's right. They know our location. It won't be long before they attack." England muttered.

"Who's "they"?"

"Now now, don't exchange wrong information. They'll get someone to attack for them." France said.

"Who's 'they'?"

Egypt muttered something that Robin couldn't hear, but France and England both nodded in response.

"Who is 'they'?"

"Well, if our suspicions are correct, you'll find out shortly." England said, not clarifying anything.

Robin sighed "Please don't play the 'pretending to be mysterious to make people think you're cool by not revealing anything to the heroes' game. It's annoying and it doesn't fool anyone."

"Besides England," France began "'Mysterious' isn't really your style. It clashes with those caterpillars you call eyebrows."

"Isn't my style? I can be mysterious all I bloody want! And I can pull it off! Can't I, Egypt? And my eyebrows aren't that big!"

Egypt shook his head, "You can't, and they are."

"Fine, fine. Give me that." England growled, reaching for a tub of mint ice cream. "I'll tell you, but it'll have to be off-screen."

"Excuse me?"

(POV Change)

"So, they're called "2p" because it's like when two people pick the same character, one is shown differently, and they're like that? And it's the same with all of you? And they're all somehow evil?" Bumblebee asked.

Both Hungary and Seychelles nodded.

"That… seems... highly improbable." Starfire mused.

"Hey, you're an alien who can shoot energy out of her hands and eyes, can fly and can learn languages by kissing." Seychelles said, and then reconsidered. "You know what, you're right. This "2p" thing really is unlikely."

"So, you're all conveniently orphans and conveniently twins?" Bumblebee asked, looking skeptical.

"We're not twins. And who's the orphan depends on who you ask."Hungary said.

"Okay, so, have you ever met your "2p"s?" Bumblebee questioned.

"Twice. Once when I was a kid, once when I was at Austria's house. Haughtiest, most stuck up, person I have ever had the misfortune of meeting! And I live next to Romania!"

"What about you?" Starfire asked Seychelles.

"Yes. One day I was at home, when I heard someone knock on the door. I assumed it was France, he was my adoptive brother at the time, and I opened the door. She stared at me. Didn't say anything. Then she just lunged at me, with a knife. I was unarmed, so I ran and got a knife, and tried to escape. Obviously, I got away."

"So, they are very dangerous and unpredictable." Starfire said.

Hungary and Seychelles nodded.

"Well, what can we do? We can't just sit here." Bumblebee said.

"We also can't go out and fight them."

"Why not? They are threatening lives." Starfire retorted.

"Are you the one with centuries of battle tactics and war strategies under her belt? I'm not thinking so."


Seychelles and Hungary exchanged an alarmed look. "I studied military tactics when I was a child. Yes, that is what I did."

"You're lying through your teeth." Bumblebee sighed. "At this point, you just ought to tell us you are countries."

"Are we really this bad at keeping it a secret?" Seychelles asked, dejectedly.

"No. You're not. I thought about it, but it seemed honestly too stupid to be true. Starfire here told me. I didn't really believe her at first. But that comment of yours, Seychelles, is what sealed it." Bumblebee explained, sporting a triumphant grin. Starfire, on the other hand, bowed her head as Hungary clenched her fists and said angrily "You promised you wouldn't tell anyone about the 'nation' thing!"

"I'm sorry. But eventually, she would figure it out."

"Hungary, don't hold it against her. Everyone here is at fault. We're the ones who aren't good at keeping it a secret. From Germany to Italy, we're all bad at it." Seychelles said.

"Fine, I guess you're right." Hungary sighed. "Now, off to bed. Classes are tomorrow."

"The clock only reads six." Starfire noted.


"Hungary, we've already told them we're actual nations. We've got nothing more to hide from them." Seychelles said, looking up at Hungary, who got off the ground to get her night-clothes. Hungary in response gave a slight smile, "I guess you're right, Sey. I assume you want answers? Why we're pretending to be human. Why we told Starfire and no one else. Stories. Things like that?"

"Precisely." Both Starfire and Bumblebee said in unison.

"Well, we've got stories for you!"

A noise sounded nearby. A noise that was either the sound of a gunshot or fireworks. Bumblebee and Starfire jumped and got ready to fight any threat.

Neither Seychelles nor Hungary seemed alarmed at the noise though.

"Relax." Hungary said "If it was an attack, we would be hearing much more than one gunshot."

"I bet it was fireworks." Seychelles said.

"Oh really?"

(POV Change)

China grumbled as he walked down the hall. He was stuck in a room with three annoying teenagers who had no respect. There was Hong Kong, who always tried to get him drunk and wear ridiculous outfits, and Iceland, who claimed to be less annoying than him, but still went along with Hong Kong's ideas, which didn't make him any better. Not to mention setting off those fireworks last night, giving China a mini-heart attack

And that annoying Titan. When Lightning walked through the door when they had first arrived, he did not greet them, or ask how their trip was. No, the first thing he had done when he walked through the door was point directly at China and say "Isn't she supposed to be in the girl's hall?"

The nerve!

Well it could have been worse. China thought I could've been stuck in a room with that Opium bastard.


But I don't really look like a girl, do I?

"Hey, teacher."

France told me that Vietnam and I look very similar. I don't see it. But, perhaps I should take up America's offer to cut my hair. If it's anything like France's beard, it should grow back in no time. His grew back before Halloween was over. Hopefully, my hair is like that.

"Teacher!" Hong Kong yelled, snapping China back to reality. He took in the surroundings. The hall was filled with morning light from outside the windows. It felt too early to be up and about like this.

"Lightning wants to know whose teaching the first class."

"No, you want to know." Iceland said angrily, while Lightning glared at him at the mention of his name. "But Lightning and I won't tell you."

"Details, details." Hong Kong said, shrugging the remark off "Anyway, teacher, who is it?"

"Aiyah, can't you look through your own papers, aru?" China sighed, as he began to rummage through his basket. "Okay, Panda, out you go."

"How are you all allowed your pets on school grounds?" Asked Lightning, glancing at Iceland's puffin and China's panda.

"Because we're damn cute!" Answered the puffin "And by 'we' I mean 'me'. C'mon Icey, let's make a colony!"

"I knew I should've left you back at home." Iceland said, hiding his face in his hands.

"The bird can actually talk?"

"Yeah. Didn't you hear my awesome song? Now Icey, about that colony…"

"For the last time, no."

"We all assumed it was fake."

"Haven't you ever heard of a parrot?" Hong Kong asked.

"Of course! But obviously, that bird is not a parrot!" Lightning replied angrily with fists clenched.

"Damn right I'm not a stupid parrot. Motherf*ckers thinking they're so high and mighty with their feathers. And Icey, if I ask once more, does that mean you'll say yes~?"

"You three can go on ahead. I'm going back to the dorm." Iceland sighed, while the puffin did a small victory pose (although China didn't exactly know that was possible) "And put Mr. Puffin in the bird cage where he quite frankly belongs."

Hearing this, the puffin flew off of Iceland's shoulder and begged "No, Iceland, you can't do that! Please, I thought we had something special!"

"I can and I will." Iceland yelled and reached up to grab the bird, which, when he got a hold of it, he walked back down the hall towards the dorms.

"That bird seems very troublesome, aru…" China sighed.

"You don't know the half of it."Hong Kong said.

"Do things like that happen often around here?"Lightning asked.

"All too often." Said China "It is really too annoying sometimes. It's very unfortunate."

"No, it seems very fun!"

"By the way, the first class is Literature, Mythology and Fairy Tales with Germania."

"That strict guy?!"

"Show some respect, Hong Kong, don't say things like that! And his class is literally around the corner, aru. Literally, not figuratively. He might hear you, aru."

"Fine. Perhaps I'm sorry and maybe I will not do it again."

At this remark, Lightning began to laugh quietly. He straightened himself out, however, when he saw China's disapproving glare.

"Let's just get to class." China sighed, reorganizing his papers, putting them in the basket, which was followed by the panda. "It's too early in the morning and my back is in terrible pain!"

"Perhaps your back hurts because-" Lightning tried to say, but was interrupted "If you say it is because I am old, I will injure you, aru!" Lightning was obviously taken aback by this answer "No, that was not what I was going to say. I was going to say perhaps you carry to many things on your back. Why would you think it is because you are old? You look no older than some of our own team members."

China knew he messed up. By human standards, he certainly didn't look old, and considering this was a high-school environment, there should be no reason about him complaining about being old. Except, for the fact that he was over 4000 years old, and those years were beginning to catch up in the form of aches, pains, and a lack of flexibility. And humans aren't supposed to know his real age.

Suddenly, he saw Belarus round the corner "I knew it." She said "I knew I heard people. Come quick." She walked quickly into the classroom, followed by the two nations and the hero. "Find a place to hide." She commanded.

"What is going on?" Lightning asked. An idea came to him, and he began to smile "Is there a fight? May I join?"

"Is there?" Finland popped up from behind one of the upper seats. He was also smiling at the thought of a battle.


"Sorry Fin."

"There 'sn't."

"Awww…" Finland sighed as he hid beneath the seats again.

The classroom was built like a college one. The seats and desks were sturdy and made of wood. It was perfect for hiding.

"No, there is no fight." She looked out the door and bit her lip. It was a rare moment when Belarus was displaying something other than annoyance and/or anger. "Just hurry and hide!" She shoved the three in the room. "Where is Germania, aru?" asked China.

"Shhh." Was the answer. Under the teacher's desk, Germania was also hiding.

"Lightning, brother." A voice said "Up here."

"Brother!" Lightning said happily and ran up the steps to where the voice came from.

Belarus looked back at the three, "Aren't there supposed to be four of you? Where is Iceland?"

"He went back to put his puffin in a bird cage."

"Sh*t." Belarus growled "He could ruin the whole thing! Norway, can't you do something?"

"I could, but I promised not to."

"Do it before I shove a knife up your *ss!"

"Alright. But little brother won't be too happy."

"Does it look like I give a damn?"

"Well I can't exactly see you, considering how I am hiding and ther-" Belarus threw a knife from where the voice was emitted and it embedded itself in the wood.

"Alright, I see your point. And the knife's." The voice began to chant and Iceland appeared.

"-so bad, Mr. Puffin, is it?" He said, but realized that he wasn't in the dorm anymore. He looked around and saw that he was in the classroom, standing behind one of the upper seats. He didn't have to see his brother couched under the desks to know that he was the culprit. "Goddamnit Norway! I told you never to do that ever again!" He roared, practically red in the face from anger.

"Well it was either this or upset Belarus. And I frankly wish to live to see another day. Now hide!"

"Hide from wha-" Iceland tried to ask before he was pulled down.

China and Hong Kong both realized they were standing still and decided to find a hiding place before Belarus also noticed. They hopped up the steps and hid behind the desks.

"Guten Morgen, Mr. China." Said the figure next to him. Light fell onto a purple little ribbon tied into her short hair. Almost everyone in the school recognized that ribbon. It was Liechtenstein!

"Hello Liechtenstein, how are you, aru?"

"I am fine, thank you, and how are you?"

"Not so well," China sighed "I am stuck in a room with three obnoxious teenagers, aru!"

"Wait, isn't one of those teenagers, your own little bruder?"

"Yeah, me." Hong Kong said.

"Yeah, and ever since Opium bastard got you, he's changed you!"

"I can hear you!" Yelled England.

"You are supposed to, aru!"

"Will you all just shut up!" Belarus roared.

Ding Dong Ding Dong

The ball rang, showing the class was supposed to have started.

"Mr. Germania, the tardy will not count against my sister, will it?" Belarus asked.

"It's the first day of school; I don't think it's supposed too."


"What's going on anyway, aru? Why are we all hiding?" Asked China.

"We are hiding because both Belarus and Russia want to surprise Ukraine! Today is Miss Ukraine's birthday!" Liechtenstein clarified. She beamed at the thought of surprising her friend.

"August 24, aru?"

"Ja, and tomorrow is Miss Belarus' birthday!"

Belarus looked towards Germania's hiding spot "Is that everyone?"

"Yes, as they entered, I checked their names off the list."

"Good. Argent, Wy, and Monaco, when will sister get here?"

"Any second." Monaco said "Assuming she did not get sidetracked. We left the books in plain sight, so that she would spend no time looking for them."

"Good. Everyone shut up and hide. When I give the signal, you will have five seconds to jump up and say 'happy birthday'. Do you understand? Because I will not repeat myself."

She walked into a reading closet and shut it, quietly. The sound of someone running began to echo. They stopped and someone panted "Monaco, Wy, Argent, I have the books and- Huh?"

Hiding, China couldn't exactly see what she was doing, but it sounded like she was taking small steps around the classroom.

"H-Hello? Where is everyone? Am I that late?! So late that they already moved to the next class? Oh no, they'll be so angry at me! To be this late on my first day!" China heard the clatter of books being put on a desk. "No, my watch says I'm only a few minutes late. Is it broken? Or did everyone skip class? No, Russia and Belarus would never do that."

Liechtenstein peered slightly over the desks. "Belarus has given us the signal. Remember. 5...4…3…2..."


"Happy birthday, dear Ukraine!


"Happy birthday, aru!" China saw one of the roommates of America and his brother, a blond one with green eyes (as if there weren't enough green eyed blonds in the school), pop a party popper, scattering confetti everywhere. Then he picked up two Ukrainian flags and waved them around.

Liechtenstein, Hungary, Taiwan, Belarus and Russia all ran up to Ukraine and gave her a very big hug. "Huh? Wh-what? Thank you!" Ukraine smiled "Thank you so much."

"No wait, big sister!" Russia said "We have a present for you. Show her, Belarus!" Belarus presented a flower crown, smelling a little bit too heavily of perfume. "We made it ourselves! We even used perfume to make it smell nice. Do you like it?"

"I love it." She took the flower crown and put it on her head. "It's a little embarrassing, but I feel so happy, that I might cry."

"Then my present will come in handy!" Liechtenstein gave her a small, beautiful, blue and yellow handkerchief, with very cute pictures of Ukraine and some animals. "Thank you so much, Liech dear, but it would feel like a crime to use it on tears!"

"That's not all!" Taiwan announced, "Hong Kong promised me to get you food straight from the Gourmet club."

"I 'negotiated' with France, to get you that too." Hungary said.

"Hong Kong, aru! Is this true?"


"Why would you not tell me, aru?"

"Because you would, like, act like that."

"Well, this is nice." Mr. Germania said, looking at the group hug, "But, we are five minutes into class and have learned nothing, and a good majority is not at their seats. And, not to mention, the confetti. May someone clean this up?"

"We'll clean it sir!" Said the group that had surrounded Ukraine.

"Alright then, let class begin. Everyone to your seats." The students complied. "Germany, Switzerland, Prussia and Liechtenstein, come here and pass out these books to everyone." He gave the four of them a stack of books, and as the four went around, he began to talk again "I think it will be best if we begin with the easy, more recognizable myths and tales. For starters, your homework is to read the first three stories, by Hans Christian Andersen, while in class, we will discuss Perseus."

At the mention of the name, the three Italy brothers and Greece instantly got an interested look on their faces. Denmark had been beaming at the mention of Hans Christian Andersen.

"First, we must start with the family tree of Greco-Roman Gods and Goddesses, and see why-"

End of Chapter 5 (Part 1) Setting Up

Here is a little bit of something to help you get an idea of the time frame. The day this chapter takes place is August 24 (Ukraine's birthday). The Teen Titans arrived two days earlier. That's how slow this is taking. I've already gotten started on the next chapter, though. But it won't be updated this week, though.

If you have any questions, please feel free to ask.

Reviews are greatly appreciated.

Also, this chapter took 11 pages in Microsoft Word, and I wanted to update the story sometime between July 1st and July 4th (between Canada's birthday, Hong Kong's birthday and America's birthday.)

One last thing, I'm starting to rely only on the wiki and the Teen Titans Go comics (no, not the recent ones) for the Teen Titans, so if I am wrong, feel free to let me know.