Hey guys! Since the other chapter I posted today was kinda short, and this one's really short, I'll give you both in one day :) I also want to say that soon, after I get further along in my story The Skype Girl on Wattpad by Sillvania I'll be writing a new story, another Chelsea x Vaughn story. But this one won't be as cute and fluffy. It's going to have a not so generic Chelsea and real, emotional back stories. Trust me, it will be tons better!
Six years later, at age twenty-two, the two got married.
The wedding was a spectacular event, full of happiness.
Blackstar, Kidd, and Crona were the groomsmen and Patty, Liz and Tsubaki the bridesmaids. Justin, a death scythe, was the preacher, and Spirit even behaved himself so he could give his daughter away. Maka's mother showed up, although she stayed far away from Spirit. Not too many people were invited, just the ones that helped them at school and were a part of their life. It was safe to say that since they all knew them and their struggles, there wasn't a dry eye in the house.
Now, another four years later, they were cherishing their two year old daughter. She had shocking white hair like her father, but the eyes and personality of her mother. They had another one on the way, a boy this time. The two were as happy as they could possibly be. They had stopped their life of constant danger, but they still practiced every once in a while. Maka was an author, creating stories like the ones she would so often read and use as a weapon. Soul was a teacher at the DWMA, and sometimes Maka would come in to show the kids how it's done. The two of them are kinda a legend at their old school.
Kidd and Crona had eloped, and it took Lord Death a while to get used to the idea. But reapers are hermaphrodite, so the two have a child, another reaper. She has the signature black hair with white stripes, and she's a little shy. While she does like symmetry, she's not OCD like Kidd was. Key word, was. The three are perfectly happy with their little family.
Blackstar and Tsubaki are taking it a little slow, and only got married a few months ago. They really do love each other, and are as happy as can be. Blackstar has quieted down a lot, thankfully.
Patty found someone, and they are currently in a very serious relationship. The group doesn't think it will be long until they announce an engagement.
Liz has realized that she doesn't need a man to be happy and is focusing on her career as a fashion designer, but it seems that one of her co-workers has his eye on her.
Stein and Marie got married, to the surprise of no one. Marie seems to keep the madness away, and the two are still teaching, with Soul now.
Spirit is still stuck in his ways, and Cami is still travelling the world, but she drops by to visit her granddaughter at least once a year.
The Soul Eater Gang is still really close, and get together a lot. Kira, Kid and Crona's daughter, and Alice, Maka and Soul's girl, get along and are practically best friends. Everyone has matured, and are happy with their lives. They all know that if a certain albino hadn't been dumped into their life, and gradually accepted, their life would be extremely different. It's a good thing they didn't let anything like some ill-based assumptions get in their way.