Hero of the Past and Present
Disclaimer: Do not own Victorious, do not own the video game
A/N: So something a little different, a nod towards the fantasy genre too, I guess. For those of you that don't know Dragon Age 2, look it up on youtube and google. It is my favorite PS3 game and I am basing this on my playthrough as Sarah Hawke, ancestor of Tori and Trina Vega. The idea is that during the final battles, a descendant of both Meredith and Orsino will use magic to travel back in time and put the ancestor into a specific spellbound sleep in which only one of her descendants can break. That being said, the sisters must fight to save Kirkwall's past and then upon their return to the present day, rescue the land once more from the descendent threatening to take the town over.
Chapter 1 (Prologue: Bedtime Story)
Two young children laughed amid their dark bedroom, still awake well past their bedtime. Trina and Tori Vega, nine and seven years old respectively were playing their Pokémon games on their Gameboys and ignoring the clock. It was about ten and bedtime was at eight-thirty.
"Pikachu is so cute!" Tori squealed. Trina agreed, despite being more interested in other games like the Legend of Zelda, or Castlevania. She was more into adventure and sword games, Tori was more into the cute and cuddly type of games. Though, both enjoyed a good game of Super Mario Bros, Kirby's Dreamland, or even Yoshi's Island.
They were busy trading their Pokémon, Tori was trading a Charmander for a Pikachu. The trading wire stretched across the five foot gap between their beds, and both had their screens lit up with mini-light. The transaction was half-complete when Trina noticed the hallway light under the door turn on. She let out a gasp and whispered sharply to her sister.
"Someone's up! Quick, under the covers!" They wasted no time jumping beneath their blankets and closing their eyes. They were holding their Gameboys face down at their sides, but had forgotten about the cord that was still attached. Just as they closed their eyes, the door began to crack open.
Trina heard her father's heavy footsteps enter the room, despite the man trying to be as quiet as possible. David Vega was a Lieutenant in the Las Vegas Police Department, a hard worker, but perhaps the most caring father.
He put his hands to his hips, humming slightly as he began to smirk."Aw how sweet," he whispered, "They think I don't know they're still awake…" He shook his head and began to sit on the edge of the bed. "Oh what will your mother and I do with you girls? We may have to send you to a boarding school…"
With a start, Trina shot up, throwing her covers back. "What?! No!" Tori followed quick after her sister, letting out her own protest. Seeing the smirk on her father's face, Trina bowed her head, realizing they'd just been tricked. Tori, on the other hand, leapt from her bed and rushed to Trina's side, throwing her arms around her.
"No separating us, Daddy!"
"Don't worry girls, you're safe." He took their game consoles and carried them to the end table between their beds. They watched, forlorn, as he turned off the consoles and pushed them into the drawer. "You girls know that bedtime means bedtime. It's late and you have school in the morning."
"But we can't sleep, Daddy."
"Yeah, we don't want to sleep," Trina threw her arms around her dad's neck before he could get away from them. As he rose up, she rose up with him. He had to move his arms around his back and her legs to prevent her from falling off. He looked back with a laugh. "We missed you while you were at work."
"Ah, I missed you girls too. I'm home, safe, and you girls can sleep tight because you know Daddy's always going to be here." He leaned back on the bed, letting her drop off his back and onto the bed. With that, he got up and pulled the covers up to her neck. She stared at him and Tori moved to her own bed, still unable to sleep herself. Their father folded his arms across his chest and lifted his eyebrows. "Well…you have to sleep one way or another. Maybe if I read you a bedtime story?" The girls lit up, immediately enthusing over the idea of a story. He was a great storyteller and usually told them a story every night. Often it was about knights, dragons, magic users and Templars. He claimed that these stories were real, that the people in there were their ancestors. Trina admired her 'ancestor', Sarah Hawke. She stood up for a country called Kirkwall within the 'Free Marches' as it was called, and she helped to stop a battle between the 'mages' and the 'templars', led by Orsino the First Enchanter and Meredith the Knight Commander. Both had become insane and were leading Kirkwall to ruin, but Sarah Hawke and her companions put a stop to that.
"Tell us more about Sarah, Daddy?" David raised an eyebrow and started to open the bottom drawer of the end table. Inside was a very old and tattered book with a symbol that looked like a sun, David said it was the mark of the 'Chantry'. In the olden days, a Chantry was basically the ancestor of today's nunneries. This book was handed down by one of Sarah Hawke's companions, a dwarf named Varric.
"I suppose it couldn't hurt if it gets you girls to go to sleep."
"We promise to sleep after this." Trina bat her eyelashes and pouted her lip, earning a laugh from her father. Tori hugged her large teddy bear and looked up to her father with wide, pleading eyes. Together, these girls were unstoppable, their father couldn't resist.
"All right, all right…" David turned on the bedside lamp and sat on the edge of Trina's bed, opening the book up in his lap. Tori moved back from her bed and cuddled beside Trina. Trina put an arm around her sister's shoulders and gazed with eagerness at the book. "So where did we leave off…" He found the bookmark and inhaled. "All right, here we go girls."
"Now. Of our ancestor's companions, you remember them. Aveline, the guard captain and perhaps Sarah's right hand, best warrior, and closest friend…" Trina sat up and started to lean forward, her heart beating in her chest as she anticipated the continuation of the tale, she remembered all of the companions by heart of course.
"I remember, Daddy. Sarah used two daggers to fight, right? There were two archers, two mages, another fighter with daggers, and two warriors. Right?"
"Correct, but don't forget her sister Bethany, who was taken by the Templars to join the Circle of Mages. She didn't fight alongside her sister until the end, but those two girls were like you and your sister, with a bond that could never truly be broken." Tori squeezed Trina, squealing delightedly. Trina hugged her sister back, still looking towards her father. "Now the companions…The archer you remember is Varric, the dwarf and Sebastian. He was the former prince of a neighboring country, Starkhaven. The other warrior was Fenris, a former elven slave imprisoned by blood mages." She scrunched her nose at the term blood mage. A blood mage was someone that used live blood with magic, they could drain an enemy of their blood to power themselves up or use other powerful spells. First Enchanter Orsino was a blood mage, for instance.
"Merrill was a good blood mage though, right?"
Merrill was one of the two mages that were on the team, she was also of the elven race. "Yes, but she never used blood magic while with your ancestor." The other mage was Anders, a shady character who ended up leading Knight Commander Meredith to start massacring all mages. In the end, Meredith and Orsino both just wanted to seize control of Kirkwall on their own after losing their king. "The other person that used daggers was also perhaps one of Sarah's best friends, a pirate captain named Isabela."
"Now, we left off, Anders had just blown up the Chantry. Our ancestor Sarah was left with the option of executing the mass murderer or allowing him to fight alongside. However, he wouldn't join because Sarah did not agree with all mages and their fight. She didn't agree with the Templars either, because all Meredith was doing was massacring innocents."
"Both Meredith and that First Enchanter guy were evil!" Tori declared while huddling closer to Trina. The stories sometimes gave Tori nightmares, but oddly enough, she loved to hear the tales.
"Yeah, but it's all fictional," Trina assured with a smile. "Magic, elves, and Templars don't exist in real life. Right, Daddy?" She looked to him for confirmation. He lifted his head from the book and raised his eyebrows.
"Oh Templars were very real, there are centuries upon centuries of stories to be told of them. The rest? Well it's all history, legend. No one knows if these people truly existed or not."
"Surely someone would know?"
"Oh some would." He flashed a smirk and Trina tilted her head towards the right, she was confused by this gesture. Her father returned to the storybook and shrugged his shoulders. "Now the story goes, after Anders was killed. Sarah fought through the cities of Kirkwall with two of her main companions fighting at her side."
"Where is Bethany?" Tori inquired. While Trina's favorite was Sarah, Tori was always favoring Bethany. The story goes that the two sisters were separated emotionally when Sarah had to go on some deep roads expedition and didn't take Bethany with her. Bethany was taken by the Circle and unable to see her sister for some time. They met up every now and then, but there was always some amount of separation and tension between the two, perhaps until the very end. However, Bethany always needed her sister, just as Sarah did. This was just as Tori always needed her sister, and vice versa.
"Sarah sided with the Templars, so Bethany went with Orsino, siding with the mages." Tori's face fell and Trina shook her head. Bethany was a mage, obviously, so it made sense that she would side with them. Yet, from the accounts in the story, almost every mage was a dangerous blood mage, except for Bethany, Merrill and Anders. They didn't use blood magic, despite Merrill in the beginning and having the option of it.
"I'll always side with Trina! Even if she were against me…" Trina gave her a smile and David quickly nodded.
"Well that is good, you two are sisters. Nothing, and nobody, should ever come between that. Now…" He turned a page in his book and cleared his throat, "Back to the story."
Trina leaned forward with excitement, "They were fighting through Kirkwall!"
"Yes, heading towards The Gallows. When they arrived, Meredith had Orsino and the mages on retreat. Bethany asked her sister why she was siding with Meredith, if she was against her as well, to which Sarah replied that she wasn't against her sister…but she didn't agree with either side. Orsino and Bethany parted. Sarah, Merrill and Aveline, who were right by her side, were forced to follow after. After some time, Meredith came by with Knight Captain Cullen, her second in command, with two captive mages. Cullen declared their innocence and Meredith wanted them dead. Sarah asked if they were innocent and declared Cullen correct, to which, Meredith did not kill them and only scowled at not getting their way."
"Sarah was an aristoc-c-cratic person, right?" Tori asked.
"Yes, remember, she was the Champion of Kirkwall, having saved the country once before from an invasion. She was very respected by both Meredith and Orsino, but neither liked that she had to be the one quelling their feud. Now, they continued on until they met up with Orsino and Bethany…"
The girls were on the edge of their seats, curious over what happened to Bethany. They didn't want to see sister fight sister, but they feared it would happen. Seeing the intrigue and concern in their eyes, David grinned and continued onwards. "Well, it turns out Orsino used blood magic to turn himself into this grotesque creature, but only after admitting that he was the one who knew of the man that wound up killing the mother of Sarah and Bethany some years before." Tori gasped and Trina's eyes began to widen. "At that point, Bethany joined Sarah's side in fighting this monster that the man had become. After a grueling battle, Meredith turned onto Sarah, ordering Bethany be struck down-"
"No!" Tori clutched Trina harder, practically cutting off circulation. Trina gagged and Tori instantly loosened. "Sarah wouldn't do it! She wouldn't! Say she doesn't kill her sister." David lifted a finger, closing his eyes as confidence filled his face.
"Ah but you're right, Tori." Trina started to smile as her sister relaxed, thus releasing the remaining death grip she had on her arm. "Sarah turned to Meredith and said, 'I will not strike my sister, you will not touch her.' Meredith stormed off and the two sisters shared an embrace. Afterwards, they found Meredith with Cullen in the main part of the Gallows, it was there Meredith intended to have the Champion killed. Cullen started to turn against her and Meredith's insanity and paranoia reached its peak as she began to accuse even her own men of being influenced by the power of blood magic. A fight broke out once more, all of Sarah's companions came to her aid, and the two sisters fought side-by-side against all of Meredith's might. The bond between them was strong enough that they rose above Meredith, sealing the woman's fate."
"Yes!" Tori threw her hands into the air, cheering. Trina was overwhelmed with pride, as well as relief, grateful that Kirkwall had been saved. It was strange, that country always seemed to be attacked by something. "What happened after that?" David closed the book and looked to his daughters with a twinkle in his eyes.
"Cullen and the Templars bowed to Sarah, they placed her as the Viscount, which means ruler, of Kirkwall. This was a short time though, after a while, she and all of her companions left Kirkwall and went their separate ways. No one knows where they all are now, their descendants, but we know Sebastian remained at Sarah's side and unified Starkhaven and Kirkwall upon their marriage."
"So she married the prince archer?" Trina raised an eyebrow and squinted her eyes, wondering how that marriage worked. Sebastian had been a man of the chantry, the marriage was a 'chaste' marriage. "He's our ancestor? But I thought-" Tori's eyes widened and David quickly put his finger to his lips.
"Those two had a love that was beyond anything you could ever imagine, my dear. I'm sure, in time, you know…you'll find things out when you get older."
"I already know, Daddy."
"Mom watches a lot of soaps while you're at work…"
"You don't say?" David raised an eyebrow and looked to the door, then shook his head. "Anyway! Back to this. In Varric's own words…news of the slaughter in Kirkwall spread all over the world, the Circle of Mages rose up and a war between the Mages and Templars broke out. It would end much later, but that's a story for another day."
"No one else remembers the story?"
"There are people I'm sure, Trina. It's legend now, happening so long ago, but there are records of these people existing. I don't know about the elves, the war between the mages and Templars was said to have wiped out mages, though there might be people even today who use magic. You never know. If not for the actions of Sarah Hawke, her sister and companions, Kirkwall…this very world would be a much different place than we know it today. There are reasons the story is legend and so few know it, because if the wrong person knew of it, they could take advantage of it."
"What do you mean?"
"Well…it is known that Meredith and Orsino had a child together years before all of this. If their descendant were around today, they would know magic and potentially try to take Kirkwall once more. Maybe not, you never know. Some say Hawke's story is incomplete, or that there's more to it, but who am I to say? I'm just a father telling his two children a bedtime story." The girls cuddled beneath the blanket as their father leaned forward and kissed their foreheads. "Now get some sleep all right? Big day of school tomorrow."
"Yep. Goodnight daddy!" They waited as their father left the room and shut the door behind them. Tori cuddled closer to Trina, hugging her waist.
"Tri-tri, we're like Sarah and Bethany right? Nothing can get between us?"
"Promise we'll always be that way?"
"Don't worry Tori, I wouldn't dream of it being different." She didn't know what Tori was worried about, she didn't think anything would separate them. Her mind was more on her alleged ancestor. She closed her eyes, smiling as she began to dream of the strong, powerful woman who may have inadvertently saved the world. She was independent, strong, knew what she wanted to be, and Trina wanted to be just like that when she grew up.
Ten years later, in a faraway country known today as Sviederbach, a raven haired woman slithered through castle walls in pursuit of an ancient book. This woman's name was Erin, she had piercing dark eyes and a long black dress. Her hands and arms were covered in drops of blood, powering her and strengthening her.
Upon reaching a tall door, she met a guard standing with a sword in hand. He narrowed his eyes at the woman and prepared himself to attack. "Who, may I ask, are you?"
"Erin Lamont." She extended her arms and the guard began to lift off the ground. He started to scream in painful agony as blood slowly dripped from his pores. Erin narrowed her eyes, slicking her tongue along her lips as she twisted her fingers and listened to the crunching noises of the man's bones. "I am one of the few blood mages that remain in this world…and I've come to claim what's rightfully mine."
The guard's screams were unheard and his body landed with a thud on the concrete floor. Erin started to smirk as she made her way towards the door, glancing off into the darkness to be sure no others were coming. Her palm hovered over the doorknob and magic began to pour into it, destroying whatever powerful mechanisms were keeping people out.
Once complete, the door flew open to reveal a small dark room with one light overhead a tall podium. On that podium was a leather book, the only other book of its kind. "Two exist in this world. I don't know where the other is, but I have found what is mine…My ancestors were wrongfully killed by the hand of the Hawke…I will go back and make things right. Kirkwall will be ours again." She put her hands to the glass case around the book, then watched as it dissolved. With a sinister chuckle, she lowered her hands to the book. "Next, the world…"
So before we really jump into the action we're obviously going to see how the girls and the friends are faring now. I hope you'll enjoy this (and give it a chance), because it's set to be good. Let me know if you think this is good, and I look forward to your input as it goes along! This will be a big one. Also, the story David just read essentially encompasses Dragon Age 2, or what you need to know of it, so you're in the clear. Want to know more about it, there are plenty of youtube videos at the disposal.
Without further ado, I await your opinions on this.