Disclaimer: I do own the Lord of the Rings, I copied the words from the movie in the first and seconds paragraphs of this story, the rest of the dialogue was written from my imagination.

This is my first LOTR fanfic, hope you like it!

Chapter #1

With a smile upon his face, Gandalf the White gently places the crown atop the head Gondor's new king. Aragorn stays still, resting on one knee as Gandalf speaks aloud to the crowd, "Now come the days of the king." Then Aragorn looks up at him and smiles and Gandalf whispers, "May they be blessed." With a deep breath, Aragorn stands up and turns to the awaiting citizens of Gondor, his right hand resting on the hilt of his sword. The hundreds of people erupt into cheers and shouts of joy, throwing up their hats and jumping up and down.

Then Aragorn begins to speak and all is quiet, "This day does not belong to one man, but to all. Let us together rebuild this world, that we may share in the days of peace." Suddenly flowers petals start raining down on the crowd and once again the applause can be heard for miles around. Everyone is happy, and everyone has a right to be. It is a day of celebration, evil has been defeated, good has won, and the rightful heir of Gondor sits on her throne.

But one man, as he stands in front of his people and begins to sing his song quietly, cannot help but feel sad because the woman he loves is not here to celebrate with them. He assumes that the elvish beauty is dead and that never again will he have the feeling of her lips on his, her body in his arms or even set his eyes upon her once more.

His left hand absentmindedly moves to the pendent around his neck, the necklace that she gave him before leaving with the Fellowship, oh so long ago it seems.

Aragorn's gaze floats across his subjects, not one has a frown on his or her face. Faramir who has made a remarkable recovery stands by Eowyn side, holding her hand. He can't help but be happy for the two, glad that two of his friends were able to be together, to fall in love and not be separated.

At the middle of the crowd stand Frodo and Sam, along with Pippin and Merry. The hobbits have grins on their faces and can't seem to take their eyes off of the scene in front of them.

As Aragorn continues his song he begins slowly walking down the middle of the people, Gimli right behind him along with his personal guards. Then, one by one, everyone lowers their heads in respect as the King comes between them. His eyes fall onto Eomir who gives him a small, encouraging smile then he turns to the group in front of him.

The elves stand there, in all their glory, his friend Legolas at the front. The song comes to an end as he greets his companion, his left hand clasping the elf's shoulder firmly in the traditional Elven greeting. Then, a small smirk begins to form on Legolas's face and Aragorn glances over the man's shoulder in search of what the cause of that smirk could be.

He looks at each of the elves, one by one before falling onto Elrond. Elrond also gives him a small smile and that is when Aragorn realizes that the elf carrying the Elvish flag has yet to make an appearance. Slowly, the flag carrier moves the flag so that her face is visible. Aragorn is unable to speak as he stares at the woman. The long, dark, wavy hair, the perfect pale skin and those beautiful pink lips that he so once to kiss right now.

It is Arwen. The woman he thought had died. His only love. Arwen smiles shyly at him and begins to make her way forward. When she reaches him, Aragorn takes the flag from her grasp, handing it back to one of the soldiers behind him.

"Are you really here?" He whispers.

"Yes." Arwen replies quietly, her breath blowing gently on his face.

Then, because Aragorn has waited so long for this moment and can hardly contain himself, he presses his lips to those he's dreamt of kissing. His head begins to spin and Aragorn thinks that he couldn't be happier. Arwen smiles into the kiss and locks her arms around her lover's neck, drawing him nearer.

Aragorn wraps his arms around her waist and swings her around in happiness. She laughs out loud, breaking the kiss, but stays in his embrace, hugging him tightly.

"I missed you so much." Aragorn whispers, tickling her ear with his warm breath. "I heard that you were to go away, to be safe, but then before arriving at the boat your company was ambushed, and all were killed."

"I never left Rivendale." Arwen tells him. "No matter what, I told myself that I would wait for you."

Aragorn smiles and kisses her again, letting the kiss tell her everything that he can't put into words.

After sometime, Elrond clears his throat gently, reminding the two that they are still in the midst of hundreds of people, and that Aragorn is the king. They pull apart but Aragorn keeps his arm firmly around Arwen's waist, never wanting to let her out of his sight again.

They then come to stand in front of the four brave hobbits who upon seeing who is before them, come down to rest on one knee in honor of the new king.

But Aragorn stops them saying in a loud voice, "You bow to no one." And gets down on one knee, bringing Arwen down with him showing the hobbits honor and respect for their bravery in their part of the freedom everyone has now. The hobbits just stand there, dumbfounded, as every single person around them fall to their knees, bowing to the four small men.

Once all are back on their feet once more, Aragorn speaks one last time, thanking all who fought and were a part in defeating Sauron, and also those who gave their lives protecting their people and country. When he has finished speaking the citizens of Gondor begin to disperse to different areas of the kingdom for the huge celebration that would be taking place soon after the ceremony.

Soon Arwen and Aragorn are left alone in the courtyard , not one person left in sight.

"So, when should we have the wedding?" Aragorn asks, a grin gracing his handsome features.

"Wedding?" Arwen's eyes widen as she looks at him, a little shocked. "Already?"

"I want you to be mine as soon as possible." Aragorn explains.

"But you haven't even asked me yet!" She counters.

"Alright then," Aragorn says, then, kneeling down on one knee he takes Arwen's soft hands in his own, battle beaten ones and speaks, "Arwen, I've loved you ever since I lay eyes on you. I was heartbroken when I was brought the news that you were dead, and now that I have you back, I never want to be away from you again. Will you marry me?"

A smile slowly creeps up onto her lips and she nods, pulling Aragorn back up onto his two feet.

"I would be honored." She tells him. Aragorn grins and doesn't waste anymore time leaning down and kissing her.

"Next week." Arwen says suddenly, a few moments later.


"Let's get married next week, when all the guests have gone. It can just be family and close friends."

"Sounds great." And for at least the 5th time that afternoon, he picks Arwen up in his arms, swinging her around and smiling in anticipation of the wedding to come in only 6 short days.

So, what did you think? I know it's mostly like the movie but I wanted to have the beginning that way before the wedding. Let me know if I should continue. I am thinking that this will be only 2 or three chapters, like a short story.

Thanks for reading!