A.N: So this is my second fanfic, I got quite a lot of hate for my first one so please be gentle, thank you for reading this. There is a trigger warning for Cancer and terminal disease, I'd just like to say I've never suffered from this and I am far from an expert, everything in this is based on going through it as a friend and family member supporting someone with cancer and from some movies, so please don't take anything it says too seriously! As always this is just a work of fan fiction, I don't own the characters and all the mistakes are mine! Thank you for your time and reading any feedback is welcome!

Bbbrrrriiinnnggg bbbrrriiinnnggg...


"Chlo! It's Brey!"

"Brey? It's... 3am?! Why are you calling me? I'm in New York remember?"

"Chloe I know! I know!"

"Brey... what? Are you okay?"

"When was the last time you spoke to Beca?"


"Yes Beca, your wife? The tiny one? The one you've been married to the past 4 years, since your 1 year anniversary? Chloe, for serious! When was the last time you spoke, as in spoke to Beca?"

"I... I... When she dropped me off at the airport on Sunday? Why? What's going on Brey? I - Is, she's okay right?!"


"Brey?! For fucks sake Brey! What's going on?! Brey! Is Becs okay? Aubrey Michelle Posen! If you don't tell me why the fuck you've called me at 3 fucking a.m in the morning and are now asking about Beca I swear to god-"

"I - She - Chlo nobody has heard from her in days, Benji even called me to ask where she was! She hasn't been to work Chloe! I don't think Beca has missed a day at that bloody job since she got it and I can't get into your house and Stacy keeps calling her and your house phone but it just goes straight to voicemail and - fuck Chlo! What do I do?!"

"Bec- Oh - Fuck - Becs - What's happened - what's happened to her?"

"I don't know Chlo, but I think you should come home, I know this meeting thing is really important but-"

"Brey, flight times. NOW!"

"Umm, Stace, baby can you look up a flight for Chlo please? Okay, Chlo? How quick can you get to the airport?"

"I'm 20 minutes away"

"Hey Chloe"

"Hey Stacey"

"Is one in 4 hours good for you?"

"Yep, can you get me a ticket? I'll pay you back I promise"

"Chlo - it's Brey - Don't worry about it! Okay just pack up your stuff, we're faxing it to your hotel okay? Just go! We'll pick you up from the airport! I love you! See you soon!"

"Thanks Brey, I love you too!"

10 hours later

"Chlo! Over here!"

"Brey! Have you heard from her?!"

"Let's just get you home okay? Have you called her?"

"I - I looked at my phone for the first time since I got to New York at the airport and I had missed calls from her, I-I called her mobile and the house phone and there was just no answer, I don't know what to do Brey! What if something's happened to her! I can't loose her!"

"Come on, let's get you in the car."

The car ride to Chloe's and Beca's was tense, Chloe was ringing her hands the whole way whilst staring out the window. Thoughts were racing round her head of possible scenarios just making her more and more nervous. After about an hour the car slowed as Aubrey pulled up against the curb. Chloe looked out the window at the house, Beca had it built just for them a few months before the wedding, it was completely unexpected but the house was absolutely beautiful. Beca had let Chloe do all the interior decorating and the house was so completely theirs. Her thoughts were interrupted by Aubrey reaching across the car and grabbing Chloe's hand and giving it a soft squeeze accompanied by a comforting nod. Chloe smiled back and moved to get out of the car before quickly turning back to face Aubrey;

"Brey, can you give me 5 minutes and then come in?"

"Sure, Chlo! I'll be right here!"

Chloe got out the car and slowly walked up to the door, unsure of what she was going to discover inside. It took her a few moments to calm her shaking hands and slide the key into the lock.

"Becs! Baby, you here?"


"Becs! Can you hear me?"


Chloe slowly walked into the kitchen, seeing nothing out of the peculiar she decided to go upstairs and check their bedroom. She took the stairs two at a time, upon reaching the closed bedroom door she slid her hand onto the cool door knob. Pushing the door open the room looked exactly like it had when she'd left, she walked in and ran her hand along their dresser. Noticing the bathroom door was slightly open she pushed it open further. What she saw made her knees give way and the breath catch in her throat. She heard someone screaming and a few seconds later she realised it was herself. She couldn't move, she couldn't breathe.


Aubrey shot into the house and up the stairs towards her screaming best friend.

"Oh my god!"

2 hours later

"Family of Mrs. Rebeca Mitchell?"


"Mrs. Mitchell-Beale?"

"Yes, i-is she okay?"

"Can you come with me please, can I call you Mrs Beale?"

"Uh - Y-Yes. Brey, can you come please?"


Aubrey's hand slid into Chloe's as the pair followed the doctor into a private room. Beca lay motionless on the hospital bed, wires were running into her body and she looked extremely pale, Aubrey felt Chloe's grip become vice-like on her hand.

"Mrs. Beale, you should take a seat."

Chloe slid into one of the armchairs next to Beca's bed and grabbed Beca's hand with her other one, slowly turning Beca's two rings on her left hand.

"Mrs. Beale -"

"I'm sorry, I know I said you could call me Mrs. Beale, but can you call me Mrs. Mitchell if anything please?"

"Of course. Mrs. Mitchell, we had to take your wife into surgery, during surgery we found a tumour-"

"As in cancer?"

"Yes, sorry I didn't catch your name?"

"Miss. Aubrey Posen, Beca and Chole are my best friends. Are you saying Beca has Cancer?"

"Yes, Miss. Posen, unfortunately that seems to be the case."

Chloe was silent just staring at Beca's face, she looked up at Aubrey, eyes brimming with unshed tears.

"W-What happens now?"

"Well Mrs. Mitchell, we'll wait for your wife to wake up and then we'll go through some of the options with you both together. She should be waking up in about an hour. We suggest that maybe you could send Miss. Posen home to get a few overnight things for your wife as we will be keeping her in overnight, I'll come back and check on your wife in about an hour, until then, do you have any questions?"

"I-Is she going to be okay?"

"We're going to run some tests and then we'll take it from there. It really depends on the nature of the tumour and what stage it's in. Most likely chemotherapy will be a factor in your wife's recovery. As I said we'll discuss all the options when your wife wakes up. Excuse me for now ladies."

"Chlo, you good?"

"I-I can't loose her Brey!"

"I know sweetie, I know. I'm gonna go get a bag for Becs and pick up Stacey and I'll be back soon okay? Try not to worry too much Chlo!"

45 minutes later


"Baby? You awake?"


"Hey Baby"

"W-what? Where am I? Y-you should be in N-New Y-York! I-I Chlo, what's wrong?"

"Becs, don't worry about New York. You're in hospital hunny."

"H-hospital? W-what?!"

"Calm down, shhh, it's okay, shh, calm down Bug."

"Ahh Mrs. Mitchell you're awake!"

"What's going on"

"Mrs. Mitchell -"

"Call me Beca"

"Okay Beca, I'm not sure if your wife has already told you?"

Chloe shook her head slowly.

"Mrs. Mit- Beca, you were brought in about 3 hours ago, your wife found you collapsed and unconscious on your bathroom floor, we took you into surgery as you were almost unresponsive. And we discovered a tumour -"

"I have c-cancer?"

"I'm really sorry Beca"

"Can you just- give me a second with Chlo please?"

"Yes, of course I'll be back in about 15 minutes."


"I-I Chlo? I huh! I don't know what- I'm so sorry!"

"Rebeca Anne Mitchell, don't you dare! Becs, hunny, look at me!"

Beca slowly turned to face Chloe, at that second Chloe saw how utterly scared Beca was so she leant forward to place a soft kiss on her wife's forehead.

"Baby, firstly, I love you, you know that right?"


"You know I love you!"

"I love you too, so much, I feel like I'm letting you down!"

"Beca! Oh Beca! No! Of course you're not! Oh baby is that what you think? God Becs I'm so scared! I'm scared because I can't loose you! You're my everything and I really really don't know what I'd do without you! I can't loose you. I hate seeing you look so small in this hospital bed, I hate it because I feel like I can't do anything to help you! And that's all I want to do! I just want to help you, because I love you so much and we're in this together, I promise you 100% in this together!"

"I love you, Mrs. Mitchell - Beale."

"It's actually just Mrs. Mitchell!"

"Huh! Wow! Seriously?"

"Seriously, I love you baby!"

"I love you too!"