In the kitchen Sam was frowning down at his meatloaf.

It looked nothing like the picture from the recipe card that Cas had grabbed at the store. Instead of the pristine shape and the delicate lacing of ketchup on top his meatloaf was lumpy and splattered with red.

"Sam that is not what the picture looked like." Castiel told him.

That is when Sam moved to the oven and pulled Castiel's pie out of the oven and pointed to it. "And that is not what a pie is supposed to look like."

The pie was lumpy, the crust torn and bubbling over with orangeish goo. The edges of the crust were burnt black and Sam swore he saw a core poking out of the side.

Castiel frowned. "It is not."

"Cas, its okay." Sam frowned.

"No its not. I suck at being human." Castiel pouted further.

Sam laughed. "Did you see my meatloaf? Seriously Cas if your value as a human was determined by your ability to cook I would be in serious trouble."

"I guess that meatloaf is pretty bad." Cas answered.

"Shut up." Sam laughed throwing an arm around Sam and grinding his knuckles into the other man's scalp.

Cas, who had learned all the ins and outs of horseplay due to his time with the Winchesters, grabbed for the nearest thing. His hand came back with the bag of flour that he used to make sure the pie crust didn't stick to the pan he was using. He grabbed a handful of the powder white stuff and threw it over his shoulder at Sam.

Sam released Cas and sputtered, shaking out his hair.

Cas look at the washed out white Sam and started to laugh.

"Little shit." Sam laughed.

"Assbutt." Cas responded.

When they called Benny, Charlie and Dean down to dinner nobody mentioned that Sam had a thin white coating covering the top half of his body. Dean gave him a careful eye but Sam just shrugged in response. Dean didn't really need to know how close him and Cas had become in the last few days, how would they use it to screw with him later if he did?

The meatloaf wound up being not as bad as it looked, but it was still a little dry and crunchy. Even Benny took a few bites of it, which made Sam warm to the vampire a little.

When Cas served his pie Dean looked at it with a careful eye. "This looks great Cas."

Castiel smiled and ducked his head in response.

Dean took his first bite, and a look like terror flashed through his eyes. He chewed thoughtfully and swallowed forcing the biggest lie out of his mouth he ever uttered. "This is perfect."

As Dean finished his pie Charlie bound over to Cas, a big smile on her face. "You and I are going to have a chat." She smiled looping an arm through his.

The look in Castiel's eyes were definitely terror as the redhead lead him away.