Chapter 1- I'm Coming With You
Isabella POV
"Jasper you can't go!" I begged. My best friend decided to go to war last week. I have been begging him all week not to go. He can't! To make it worse he was leaving tomorrow.
"Isabella, I have to go, you know that. Don't worry, tomorrow I'll come see you before I go alright?" Mutely I nod my head and watch Jasper walk out of my house. I don't talk much during dinner and my sister, Mary, kept giving me concerned glances.
After our mother and father went to sleep Mary pulled me into her room. "Isabella, it will be alright you know? Jasper will come home!"
"Mary what if he doesn't come home? It will NOT be alright if Jasper doesn't come home!"
"Well, then what will you do?" I feel a smile creep on to my face, "Oh God, I know that face! What on earth are you planning, Isabella Swan?"
"I'm going to go after him, Mary! He will not go to war without me Mary." Mary's face immediantly saddend and her eyes filled with tears. "Please don't Isabella, please don't." But Mary knew by the look on my face that I wasn't changing my mind no matter what.
"Isabella, you know that they won't let women fight in the war. You know that."
"Well I guess I will just have to change my looks, right?" I knew that Mary loved to dress people up. So this just cheered her up!
"Isabella, what are we going to use for a uniform?"
"Remember a couple days ago Jasper brought over a uniform for me because his mother made him one a little to small? Well that uniform will fit me just fine!"
"Oh, alright." Then, Mary got to work. She pinned up my hair so that you could hardly see how long it was when I had a hat on. Then, she tied a pair of tights around my chest so that it was flat and she went and got the uniform. After I got the uniform you could hardly tell that I was, well, me. The only thing was my face. It still had the girl features. Mary put some make-up on my face so that I looked more man like. When she was done I went and packed everything that was needed. Mary followed me outside while I got my horse, Sterling-Chatter ready to go. When I was all done I turned around and saw that Mary was crying.
We both knew that this was good bye. "I'm sorry Mary. I refuse to lethim leave without me though."
"Isabella, you promise me right now, you promise to use that training that Jasper gave you, you use it in the war, alright? I don't want my big sister to go out into that stupid war and die. Promise me."
"I promise Mary. I promise to kick some ass out there as well."
"Isabella Swan! You are a lady and should not use that sort of language!"
"Mary, I'm no lady now. And Isabella Swan doesn't exsist anymore."
"Of course, your right. Sorry. Remember what ever your name is, I love you alright?"
"I love you as well. And my new name is Iz Swan. When I mail you, and I will, that will be my name, alright?"
"Alright. Now you better get moving or you will miss Jasper."
"Jasper promised to come by today. Tell him I ran away, will you?"
"Of course! Love you! Now get going!" I mounted my horse and rode away. " I love you Mary! Take care of Mom and Dad!" And then I was gone. I waited at the edge of town for Jasper to come and about 8 in the morning I saw him riding down the rode, laughing.
"Isabella, you come here right now!" I don't even think he saw that it was me. He was like 80 feet away.
My horse and I jogged up to Jasper, and he started laughing again! "What are you planning on doing in that uniform, Isabella?"
"Isabella Swan doesn't exsist aymore. Iz Swan is the name! And I'm not letting you go out to war without me."
"Isabella, I knew you would pull something like this so I had my mother make a smaller uniform as well."
"Thank you Jasper. Now lets go, or we won't make it in time."
"Alrighty, let's go."