Hello my Reading Junkies! I can't believe that I haven't written a story in so long. I seriously need to make some time to write more stories. I felt so blessed with the reviews I got for my story 'Watch Me Shine', that I felt inspired to start thinking of other stories with different characters from a different storyline. In this one, I'm going with…dun dun dun!...Digimon! My first ever, so I'm hoping that it's at least interesting. I'm not going to make this a long story the way "Watch Me Shine" was. But anyways, the couple I'm combining here are Matt and Mimi, Tai and Sora, TK and Kari and I think that's it.

Disclaimer: I do not own any characters from the Digimon Series.

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"I can't believe you thought that what we had was actually love!"

Mimi couldn't believe it would almost be 6 years since she had left Japan for America.

6 years from seeing her homeland, her true friends, and her ex lover.

"It was nice while it lasted Mimi"

She shut her eyes tightly. She couldn't understand why these thoughts were coming back all of a sudden. Could it be her return to the place that had wounded her so many years ago?

"Yes. It was all an act. I never loved you. The only one I want to be with is Gloria."

It had all been a lie.

"Let's face it, Meems. You're not center stage material. Our band needs a female lead that has a feminine and sexual appeal to her. You're the total opposite, no offense"

To keep her from leaving the band.

"We knew of your crush on Matt, so we convinced him to pretend to date you in order for you to continue writing songs and doing the back vocals in the group. It was nothing personal, just business, you know…"

Her formal band mates would be there. She knew for certain. The day she left, their fame went crashing down. Turns out that the fans had liked her in the band, baggy pants and all. It was her voice they were mesmerized with. Too bad they, or Matt, didn't see it that way.


Was she ready to see him again…especially now…

Mimi took a secret with her when she left Japan.

A secret only two people knew about.

A secret she thought would remain a secret for as long as she could help it.

A secret that would soon be introduced to her past.

Her son.

From only one night of endless passion, Matt had impregnated her. She became pregnant at age 15. The discovery of her pregnancy would come the day she saw Matt with Gloria. His father had implied the relationship but Mimi wouldn't hear any of it. She trusted Matt…well…she HAD trusted him.

Mr. Ishida had somehow found out about her pregnancy, but the man that once use to her be her father's best friend, an uncle-figure to her, wrenched in disapproval and insisted that she abort her child. When she declined, he convinced himself that the child was not Matt's. His cruel words implying that she was nothing but a whore. If her parents had been alive, they would have murdered him for disrespecting her like so, but the truth was, they were nowhere near rescuing her. It had only been a year since their fatal accident when Mimi found herself pregnant and alone.

Mimi's family and Matt's family had been friends from the beginning. Both companies strived successfully and there was peace among them. She and Matt would always play together as children. They were each other's best friends. It wasn't until they were thrown into the Digital World that Mimi began to see Matt with different eyes. When the final battle was over, not only did they come back with new friends, Matt started a band called the Wolves and Mimi, wanting to be with him always, begged to join. At first, the members were skeptical, but as soon as she sang, she was in.

While things were going well with the kids, things were not going so well with the adults. A terrible rivalry began to grow between her father and Matt's father. Soon Mimi could only see Matt when they practiced since she was no longer allowed to step foot into Matt's father's company and vise versa. It was ridiculous.

Without the previous support from Matt's father, her father's company suffered, badly. Towards the end, they had to file for bankruptcy and sell the company. The person who bought the company was none other than Matt's father himself. Her father didn't have a choice. He had to sell it to his rival.

The day she was going to tell Matt about her pregnancy, his father summoned her. It was there that he told her to leave the country. He offered a large sum of money, money she knew she needed, especially with a baby on the way, but she declined anyways. Angered by her rejection he played the last card he had, he set the trap. Mimi was forced into his office closet and told to over hear Matt's true feelings. She refused at first, claiming that she knew of Matt's true feelings for her, but he didn't listen to her as he locked his closet forcing her to stay put.

She remembered that day all too well. She could still smell the scent of his cologne as he had walked into his father's office. Mimi wanted to start yelling the moment he walked into the door, but something, she didn't know what, kept her quiet.

Matt's father began casual conversation. Then it turned personal. She could hear a change in Matt's voice as they talked about their relationship.

"So I hear you are in a relationship with Mimi…"

"Who told you that lie?"

"So then it's not true?"

"Completely not true"

"Rumor has it that you are a couple. I've heard it from fans of your band. Matt, you know that I didn't approve of this music fiasco of yours at first, but seeing how well the people have responded, I don't want anything ruining your chances at making it in the entertainment business"

"I know Dad. I know. Look, don't listen to rumors, all they do is cause trouble"

"I know. That is why I called you in here. I just wanted to hear it from your mouth. Because if this rumor did turn out to be true and you were in a relationship with that girl, I wouldn't want a mistake to come along and ruin your future."

"What are you talking about? What mistake?"

"I don't know…if you're relationship with Mimi turns sexual…a mistake would be a…baby, let's say."

"What? Okay, you've gone nuts. You know I'm not ready for a baby. Who's ready to be a father at 15!? Why the hell would I want to mess up my life like that? And have a baby with Mimi?! Gross dad! She's not even a girl with all the baggy clothes she wears. Who would want to bang that?"

"I hope you're not lying to me Matt"

"Okay, look, I'll be totally honest with you. If you've heard that Mimi and I are a couple it's only because I have been pretending to be interested in her"

"Really? And why is that?"

"We need her lyrics. She's our songwriter"

"You aren't making any sense Matt"

"She's not a looker. Yes, she does sing on stage with us, but the guys and me feel that we need someone better; someone hot and with a voice to kill. Don't get me wrong, Mimi does have an awesome voice too but her voice and her looks just don't go with one another"

"And what will happen when you finally find such a person?"

"We already have"

"Interesting. Is Mimi aware of this?"

"Hell no! Right now, we've been practicing with her. She's a songwriter as well and much better than Mimi, at least in my opinion she is. She's perfect!

"What's her name?"

"Her name's Gloria"

After that, Mimi was too numb to continue to listen. Her ears felt hot as if lava were pouring from them. She felt lightheaded. She couldn't believe that this was the Matt she had fallen in love with. The one that she fought along side with in the Digital World. The bearer of the crest of friendship! She felt sick to her stomach. She didn't even notice when he had left but was broken from her train of torturous thoughts as the closet door burst open revealing Matt's father grinning triumphantly.

The next thing she remembered was confronting Matt and the band, withholding the information of her pregnancy, of course. When she had yelled to her hearts content, she left and made the appropriate arrangements to leave Japan. After her parents deaths, not much money was left for her to inherit, but with what was there, she managed to buy a one way ticket to New York and left.

Mimi turned to the left side of her seat where she was seated on the plane. She noticed the small honey colored hair boy who currently had his headphones and listening to his iPod, moving his head to the beat of the music.

Ironically, she knew all too well whom he was listening to. The Wolves.

Her son had discovered an old album of theirs and instantly fell in love with the group. Mimi didn't know if this was life's way of a punishment for her silence or if this was just a way her son could know of his father in some small way, whether he knew of their blood connection or not. As it would turn out, his favorite band member turned out to be his own father.

Mimi didn't discourage his fascination towards Matt. Throughout these 6 past years, The Wolves suffered. Gloria abandoned the band for another almost about a year after her departure. Sale records dropped almost immediately. They were also dropped from their previous recording label. Mimi had begun to feel sympathy for them.

"Momma are we almost there yet?"

She smiled at her son who had removed his headphones only to stare at her hopefully.

"Almost sweetheart, almost"

"I'm tired" he whined.

"Stop that TJ, nobody likes a whiner" TJ only pouted. Mimi smiled.

She'd named him after her father and grandfather, Tobias James Tachikawa. Her son had inherited her hair, hands and feet, everything else; he was the spitting image of his father.

"Momma, how come we are going to Japan again?" His big blue eyes peering at her.

"Remember I told you, Aunt Sora is getting married to Uncle Tai"

"Oh yea! I like Aunt Sora! I'm so happy that I get to meet her finally. She's really nice to me on the phone"

The only other person, other than Matt's father, who knows of TJ's existence, was Mimi's best friend, Sora Takenouchi.

Sora had begun an off again-on again relationship with their other best friend Tai. A few months ago, he finally had the courage to propose to her. Sora had called her around 4 o'clock in the morning New York time to tell her the good news.

Mimi remembered how upset Sora had gotten when Mimi had left the country without telling her. She was even more upset when she found out how much of a jerk every single person of 'The Wolves', especially Matt, were.

Sora knew that Mimi was nervous in coming back to Japan for her wedding. She had asked her to be her maid of honor, which Mimi still gladly accepted. Later, Sora told her the bad news, Matt was to be the best man for Tai. She knew that she wouldn't be able to hide for long.

Besides, this time, she was no longer the same scared, naïve 15-year-old girl that she was. She was a very successful, beautiful, sexy 22-year-old singer and songwriter. She was a changed woman. No longer did she carry feelings of resentment and bitterness towards any member of her former band. TJ changed her. He literally turned her life upside down and made it better. She realized that she was no longer alone in the world. She would always have him.

"You're going to love her and Tai. They're the best"

"Can we stay at a big hotel with a big pool, momma, pretty please" TJ put his hands together as he pleaded. Mimi laughed.

"I'm sorry, love, but your Aunt Sora has already offered her house"

"Aww! No fair! I wanted a pool!"

"TJ, I didn't say that Aunt Sora DIDN'T have a pool, now did I?" His big eyes grew large with surprise.

"She does and it's a big one, just wait and see! You're gonna love it!"

"Yay!" Mimi laughed.

The end of this trip would reveal her secret. She didn't know when and she didn't know how, all she knew is that she would continue to hide it for as long as she could.

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Well there you have it! I hope I didn't bore you too much, I had to get the past detailing out of the way, I promise in the following chapters there will be more dialogue to come. Stay tuned!

Oh Yea! Almost forgot! I haven't seen Digimon in like more than 10 years so I'm a bit rusty, forgive me if I don't portray things the way they were in the series when it comes to the digital world, or at least when the characters think back on it.

Ok, with that said! Until next time my lovelies! Read on!

- Tessa Raine