Chapter 20: All Wrapped Up

***The following Christmas Eve***

"Kate? What are you doing? I thought we were going to bed?"

"I'll be there in a minute, babe."

Castle pulled back the covers and crawled into bed. While he waited, he picked up the iPad sitting on his bedside table. Before he could unlock the device, Kate was rushing toward him. "Castle, wait!" Startled, he dropped the iPad like a hot potato. Thank God, it landed on a soft surface!

Kate climbed into bed offering up an apology. He barely registered the box she held cradled to her chest.

The silver wrapping paper caught the light and he questioned warily, "I thought you'd said we weren't exchanging gifts until the morning?"

Smiling softly, she murmured, "We are. I just thought it'd be nice if there was one we could share together."

"Ohhh? Like one of the others tucked away in the bedside drawer, you mean?"

Handing the box over to him, she replied cheekily, "I'm not entirely sure this one will fit." She chuckled as his eyes widened with alarm at her response. "Relax, babe. I promise you'll enjoy it."

"Um…Kate? I seriously hope to God you're pulling my leg here because I'm afraid to open this."

"Oh, come on, Castle! It's just a box. I dare you!"

"That's so mean!" She knew he'd never back down from a dare. He studied the gift, trying to guess at what it held. "Do you promise it's not a tarantula?"

"Yes, Castle, I'll even pinky promise if it makes you feel better," she grinned.

Mildly pacified, he began to unwrap the box she'd given him. With one eye closed, he lifted the lid. Shoot! There was tissue paper too. Deftly, he pushed back the paper and nearly dropped the present. "Kate?" He breathed. "Is this…is this…? Does it mean what I think it does? We're…?"

Rising so that she could sit on her knees, she turned toward him. Taking his face in her hands, she smiled that rare smile she reserved for him alone. As the clock chimed the hour, she whispered, "Merry Christmas, Rick. We're going to have a baby Castle running around our castle soon."

He laughed joyously as he settled her on the bed alongside him. He carefully sat the box containing a pair of baby slippers and the Christmas ornament displaying a stork carrying a baby on the bedside table next to the forgotten iPad.

Turning back to his wife, he lifted her shirt and caressed her abdomen reverently. "My life has changed exponentially since the night I met you, Kate. I hope you know how much I love you. How much I love our life we've created together, including this little one growing inside you. I'm so excited to raise our little bean with you!"

Kate laughed. "Our little bean?"

"Yes, the addition to our pea pod."

"Ahh…." She sighed, ruffling his hair, her fingers massaging his scalp. "And this is exactly why I've already started researching baby names," she mused playfully.

"So, that's why the iPad was off limits."

"Ladies and gentlemen, looks like I married a bright one." Laughter bubbled out of her as he tickled her stomach.

Blowing raspberries on her belly, he whispered conspiratorially, "Baby bean, I hope above all else that you grow strong and healthy, but if you decide you'd like to be a boy, you'd be most welcome. Your daddy here is already outnumbered by females here: your beautiful yet headstrong mommy, your loving big sister, and your crazy grandmother. Not to mention your doting aunts, Lanie and Jenny. Yes, your old dad could definitely use a hand."

Kate laughed. "I love you, Castle. Let's go to bed. We've got a big day ahead of us and our little bean is already turning me into one tired Mama."

Turning out the light, Rick pulled Kate toward him, their bodies close. "You'll always be the hottest Mama, I know, Beckett."

"Uh-huh. You're so not getting me a MILF t-shirt for my birthday next year."

"But Kate…." He whined.

"Good night, Castle," she answered in her distinct Beckett voice, all the while biting her lip to hold back a chuckle. She saved that gift for later.

A/N: Thank you all so very much for your patience and devotion to this story. For your kind words, your feedback, and your support. I hope this ending brought you similar smiles, laughter, and tears. It's been a fun ride! Thank you for joining me on the journey. Always.