Disclaimer: I don't own anything from RotG


"Night Pitch"

She didn't know where she was... She was in Pitch's lair somewhere, but she'd never been in this room before. It was dark, everything was dark and cold, like it ususally was, but there was something different about it this time.

Kristen sat up, for some reason she'd been laying on the floor. Her body ached from being on the hard ground for god knows how long, as she sat up her bones creaked and popped and her muscles groaned in protest.

When she finally stood up she realized that she couldn't see a thing, the room really was pitch black... Stretching her hands out in front of her she began to try and find a door, or hopefully some light. She stumbled forwards as she started to feel a bit nervous, wondering if she could find the edge of the room. Once she'd walked about twenty feet, she hit the edge of the wall, desperately clinging to it and sighing in relief.

Then a dark, cold laugh rang out from every corner of the room and she could hear Pitch's taunting voice. "Kristen, come out come out where ever you are." He said in a sing-song tone, as if he was trying to put her in a trance.

Shivers ran down her spine and she started to walk along the wall, looking for a door for her to escape the room in.

Her heart was pounding and she tried to control her breathing, two breaths in through the nose, one breath out.


She heard it! A door, but where was the door.

A small bit of light hit her from where the door opened, although it was just a crack. Then the door was opened even wider, slightly lighting up the insanely dark room. There was a silhouette in the doorway, a hauntingly familiar silhouette; Pitch.

As he stood in the light Kristen could see him smile evilly, his teeth looking like daggars as he ran his tongue over each individual tooth. "Kristen, it's time to play!" He laughed, his voice sounding different, almost demonic.

Pitch stepped into the room and the door slammed shut behind him, leaving them both in darkness, and he had the advantage.

"Come now, love, I don't bite hard." He hissed from somewhere in the room, his voice echoing off all corners of the wall. "There's nothing to fear... except me."

THen he laughed, his laugh rang out through the room, and she wanted nothing more than to not hear it. Kristen slid down the wall in her corner of the room and put her hands over her ears, as a meak attempt to block out the noise.

Suddenly, there was hands on her body, hauling her up into a man's arms, Pitch's arms. Kristen screamed and struggled against him as he shoved her against the wall and pinned her there with his body.

"Now love, it's time to make you mine!" He growled, baring his teeth at her.

Kristen's eyes were wide as she tried to fight against him, but she was too weak, and this was his domain.

Pitch lunged, his mouth colliding fiercly with hers as he began to passionately kiss her. One of his hands went up to her hair, tugging roughly on it and the other slipped down to her waist, finding its way under her shirt. His tongue ran across her bottom lip, and when she didn't open it, he gave a harsh tug on her hair making her gasp and giving him easy access.

Kristen screamed into his mouth, fighting wildly against him, tears poured down her cheeks as she tried to kick him off her, she didn't want him to do what he was planning on doing...

Pitch let out a growl, his chest rumbling against hers from the noise, and he pulled away from her. "Don't you want this Kristen?! I love you! You're mine and I'm going to make you mine whether you like it or not!" He insisted, his voice turning almost demonic again.

She desperately tried to push him off of her, but to no avail. "P-Pitch, please!" She cried, her tears running down her cheeks in pools.

"Fine! Kristen I've tried to get you to love me back, but you won't! SO... if I can't have you, nobody can!" He hissed.

Her eyes widened to the size of plates. "W-what are y-" She cut herself off with a scream as Pitch lifted her into the air and threw her back into the wall.

Except now there was no wall.

Kristen fell, and fell, and fell, deeper and deeper down a dark hole. She screamed as she darkness consumed her, hearing screams that weren't her own as she fell, hearing cries for help.

She fell through the darkness and then-

She woke up.

Kristen shot up in bed, her heart racing, tears still streaming down her face and a scream on her lips. Her door suddenly burst open and Pitch was there to see what was wrong.

When she saw him she screamed even louder and hopped off the bed, placing that in between the two of them so she could be safely away from him. "S-stay away from me!" She demanded, shaking violently as she held her hands out in front of her.

Pitch walked in the room, his eyes wide with worry. "Kristen? What's the matt-"

"NO!" She shouted, covering her hears so she couldn't hear his voice. "S-stop! Please go away, I can't-" Kristen sobbed, her chest heaving.

He wanted to talk over there and confort her, but he felt like she would sob even harder and completely freak out. He wondered what could've caused that, then he spotted it. Nightmare sand, near her bed... But that's not possible! She never had nightmares, never!

"Kristen?" He asked softly.

She sreamed again. "Don't! Leave me alone!" She yelled in fright, curling up in the corner of the room and putting her hands over her ears.

Pitch paled and wondered what her dream was even about that could have this bad of an effect on her... He sighed, and left, knowing that his presence there was not at all helping the situation.

He did know of a way to help her though... If he could ask the man on the moon for some help, and of course if he would help.

The man on the moon could make her forget, but she would forget all of her time down here.. all of the moments they spent together, she wouldn't even remember him. But it was better than he alternative right? Better to have her not remember than to fear him for the rest of her life...


So he knew what he was going to do.

He was going to set her free.

Hello everyone! I hope you enjoyed the latest chapter, sorry it's been so long, and this chapter is a bit short, but for the longest time I've been having computer issues and I feel really bad for not updating, but here it finally is! (even though it's one of my shorter chapters, it's better than nothing right?) So, no promises, but the next chapter should be up MUCH sooner than this one was! Love you all! Happy reading! And happy mother's day!