Disclaimer: I own none of the characters or plot used in Naruto or Hellsing Ultimate or God of War Series so sue me…oh that's right YOU CAN'T!"

Chapter Seven: C-rank gone horribly wrong

(Time skip three weeks later) Naruto opens his eyes from his bed and shakes his head waking himself up. Naruto had decided to keep the blades of exile and all of Kratos' power hidden. In the next room he hears a snoring noise and gets up groggily

"Seras wake up." Naruto says

"Just five more minutes please." Seras says. Naruto gets an evil grin and walks over to his bed side table and opens the bottom cabinet to reveal an air horn. Naruto grabs it and walks into Seras' room then puts it next to her ear and presses the button the sound blares in Seras' ear and it startles her out of bed. Seras scrambles around for a couple of seconds then turns to Naruto and says. "Master, that wasn't funny."

"Yes it was. Well for me atleast." Naruto snickers

"I don't get it. What's so funny?"

"That's the point of a prank. It's for the enjoyment of the prankster."

"Ok." Seras looks at Naruto like he is crazy

"Never mind it, let's go we have more missions today." Naruto rolls his eyes at the thought of doing more D-rank. "Anyway Seras get dressed and I will meet you downstairs." Naruto walks out and then walks downstairs opens up the cabinet and pulls out a few blood packets and two wine glasses. After a few minutes Seras walks down stairs and sees the blood packs. Naruto pours blood into both glasses and holds one up to Seras. After they drink their breakfast Naruto and Seras walk toward the training ground 15. When they arrive Sasuke and Sakura are sitting by the logs. When Sakura notices them she gets up and stomps over. Naruto turns to Seras and whispers. "Cover your ears."

"NARUTO BAKA YOUR LATE!" Sakura screeches. Naruto rolls his eyes

"Allow me to point out all the fucks I give." Naruto just stands there and does nothing

"Well Naruto point them out." Sakura taps her foot

"I did."

"What do you mean? You didn't do anything."

"Exactly that means I don't give a fuck now leave me alone." Naruto scoffs and walks away sits down by one of the stumps and waits for Kakashi to show up. After an hour of waiting Kakashi poofs in with his signature eye smile.

"Yo." He holds his hand up

"YOU'RE LATE!" Sakura screams at him

"Sorry I got lost on the road of life." Kakashi scratches the back of his head

"LIAR!" Sakura screeches. Naruto clutches his ears in pain and roars in frustration.

"WILL YOU SHUT THE HELL UP YOU BLEADING HOWLER MONKEY!" Naruto shouts his tolerance for Sakura screaming was over. Sakura looks over at him angry and ready to hit him when Sasuke looks over and delivers the final blow.

"You know Naruto I never thought I would say this but, thank you, Sakura's screeching was getting on my nerves."

"Piss off Sasuke." Naruto says off handedly.

"Any way." Kakashi sweat drops "Let's go to the hokage's office for our next mission." The four of them walk to the Hokage's office and walk in.

"Ah team seven your back, your next missions is, babysitting Yojyu-sama's boy. Grocery shopping at the neighboring town. Finally helping dig up potatoes at a nearby farm. Naruto steps forward

"Hokage-sama with all due respect I am sick and tired of these D-rank missions I would like to formally request a more exiting mission."

"There's some truth to that." Sasuke thinks to this

"What a troublesome guy." Sakura thinks glaring at Naruto for his earlier insults.

"I knew he was going to do this sooner or later." Kakashi thinks sighing. Iruka stands up and says

"IDIOT! You're still a fresh graduate! Everyone needs to start with the easy missions to gain experience!"

"Under normal stances I would agree with you Iruka-sensei but at some point every ninja needs to learn how to properly assess and survey a situation in order protect the client during a mission. I think I speak for Sakura, Seras, and Sasuke when I say that we're ready to take on a higher rank mission." The Hokage and Iruka stand in silence then Sarutobi bursts out laughing and after it subsides he says.

"I see your tongue is as sharp as ever Naruto. Very well Team seven I hereby grant you a C-rank mission, bring in the client." Just then an old man walks in carrying a bottle of sake and takes one look at the team

"What? A bunch of snot nosed kids are supposed to protect me? I am so dead. One looks like his dog got run over, the girl with pink hair looks like she would collapse in pain if she broke a nail, the blonde kid looks as if he would kill his teammates rather than an enemy and the girl with one arm doesn't seem like she would be much help." The man says then Naruto turns and looks at him and says

"Careful what you say old man you might just find it will come to bite you when you least expect it."

"Naruto you shouldn't threaten the client." Kakashi warns. Naruto walks over to the man and whispers in his ear.

"For your information I have bested Titans whatever this little mission throws at me I can guarantee you I can handle." Naruto walks away and Kakashi says.

"Alright team seven meet at the front gate in 2 hours for our departure." Naruto looks at Seras

"Seras get your things together I need to go talk to Hinata." Naruto walks away thinking long and hard about what Kratos had told him about the head of Helios. Flashback

"Naruto wake up we have things to discuss." Kratos' voice echoed in Naruto's head

"What the?" Naruto wonders Naruto walks up the slopes of mount Olympus and towards the throne room He, Kratos, and Alucard shared. Kratos stands up while Alucard polishes the Jackal

"Naruto there are two gifts I forgot to give you."

"What are they Kratos Ojii-san?"

"First the head of Helios ripped screaming from the sun god's body. With it your enemies will tremble at its light. Second are the wings of Icarus with them I was able to reach the Isle of the fates and change my destiny and was able to start my path to revenge against Zeus."

"Why are you giving me a head that seems kind of gross?"

"I understand your reluctance to use the head. I do have an idea though I have heard of what you call 'seals' if you could employ a seal master to create a new headband for you that could employ the power of Helios' head."

"That could work though the only seal masters in all of recorded history are the fourth Hokage and Jiraiya of the Sannin."

"True though Jiraiya does have quite the habit of peeping at women at the local hot springs based on what happened with Seras." Alucardsmirks at the memory of how the little flower he saved from death had become a proper vampire.

"That is true Alucard Tou-san." Naruto laughs at the expression on Alucard's face

"STOP DOING THAT!" Alucard yells at Naruto but he simply walks over to the edge of the throne room

"I am going to try out my new wings and visit fluffy butt down there the time has come for me to remove the evil his heart." Naruto starts to leap but Kratos stops him

"Naruto you will deal with senor fluffy butt later. I wish you luck when that time comes through." End flash back. Naruto starts walking over to the Hyūga compound and sees two branch members standing there.

"Halt state your business with the Hyūga clan." One said

"My name is Naruto Alucard Uzumaki and I am here to see Lady Hinata and Lord Hiashi."

"Stay here." The other branch member says and walks off to tell Hiashi and Hinata of the visitor; after a few seconds he comes back and says. "Lord Hiashi and Lady Hinata are in the back yard; know your every movement will by watch to ensure the safety of clan head and Heiress."

"Thank you." Naruto walks away into the compound

"He sure is a polite kid I think Lady Hinata sees him in secret." The first Hyūga says

"Yea he is nothing like what the elders say about him." The second one says

"He and Lady Hinata would make a nice couple."

"That they would." They both smile at the thought of Naruto and Hinata ending up together. Naruto walks out into the back yard to see Hinata sparing with a chibi version of herself. After a couple of minutes they both stop and turn to Hiashi

"Hinata your speed and precision are amazing so I can say without doubt that you will make a fine Hyūga one day." Hiashi says smiling at his daughter. Then he turns to the littler girl. "Hanabi you have a lot of potential I know you can be a great kunoichi like your Nee-san."

"I will beat you one day Nee-chan." Hanabi glares at Hinata who smiles at her little sister

"I am sure you will Hanabi." Hinata says

"Ah Naruto it is good to see you again." Hiashi says noticing Naruto

"It's good to see you as well Lord Hiashi." Naruto says bowing

"I assume you are here to talk to Hinata."

"Yes and to you as well."

"Me?" Hiashi looks confused

"Yes Lord Hiashi I am here to offer your daughter power that my ancestor Kratos once wielded."

"What power is that?"

"The blades of Athena."

"Who is Athena?" Hinata asks

"Athena is the Greek goddess of reason, intelligent activity, arts and literature."

"Who were the Greeks?" Hiashi asks

"Oh right I forgot all knowledge was destroyed. Well basically the world looked very different and there was a society of people who worshipped 12 deities not too unlike today these deities were as follows. Zeus king of the gods and lord of the skies. Hera queen of all the gods, and also the goddess of marriage. Poseidon the Lord of the Sea and brother to Zeus. Hades Lord of the dead also brother to Zeus. Ares the God of War and one of the most violent of the gods. Hermes god of roads, messengers, thieves and medicine. Apollo lord of the sun and one of two gods of archery. Artemis goddess of the hunt archery and maidens. Athena goddess of reason, intelligent activity, arts and literature. Hestia goddess of the hearth and home she tends the flames of Olympus. Demeter goddess of agriculture and spring. Aphrodite goddess of love and beauty, she is wife to Hephaestus. Hephaestus lord of the forge and fire he built the home of the Olympians."

"And Athena blessed Kratos with her blades."

"Yes, now I could stand here for hours on end and explain what happened with my ancestor but I will sum it up for you. Zeus betrayed Kratos and in a desire for revenge Kratos declared war on the gods using the Titans to achieve it and in the end got his revenge on Zeus and killed him but in doing so he killed all the other gods except for Artemis, Apollo, Hestia, Demeter and Aphrodite."

"What do the blades of Athena do?" Hinata asks

"They will help you fight and they get stronger as you kill."

"I don't want to kill."

"I know you don't Hinata-chan but it's the unfortunate fate of a ninja." Naruto takes out a sealing scroll and wipes some blood on it and in a 'poof' of smoke the blades of Athena appear. "Hinata when you use these blades they will have to be bound to your flesh and it will hurt but I will stand by you then entire time." Naruto holds out the chained weapons. Hinata reaches out her arms and the chains slowly wrapped around her arms. When they were wrapped around her arms Naruto grabs her hand and Hiashi grabs the other. Then Hinata screams in pain and her grip becomes vice-like on Naruto and Hiashi and after 5 seconds she stops screaming and the chains had cooled down

"Lady Hinata are you alright!" several branch members rush out to see Naruto, Hinata and Hiashi standing there

"Yes I am fine thank you for asking." Hinata smiles then looks at the blades and a look of pure blood lust encompasses her face.

"Hinata-chan." Naruto places a hand on her shoulder and she snaps up and looks at Naruto.

"Sorry I was having visions of what your ancestor did when welding these blades and let's just say that I liked what I saw." Hinata smiles

"Alright Hinata-chan I have to go I will be gone for a couple of weeks on a C-rank mission." Naruto kisses Hinata on the cheek then walks off. Hiashi smiles and walks over to Hinata.

"What did you see?" he asks

"If Naruto-kun is anything like Kratos-sama I am seriously going to enjoy our honeymoon." Hinata walks off a slight spring to her step. Hiashi shakes his head

"Just like Hikari a closet pervert for the man she loves." Hiashi laughs then walks back into the house to see the clan elders standing there and they didn't look happy. "Oh boy here we go."

"Hiashi Hyūga we demand you forbid that boy from seeing Hinata he is corrupting her with his demon ways." Hiashi's father, Ryuk steps forward

"No dad I won't and I would love to see you fight Hinata for the right to see him." Hiashi smiles as his father's face pales as he remembers the look of blood lust on Hinata's face.

"F-fine but I won't be held accountable for her fate."

"Alright Ryuk-sama your funeral." Hiashi walks away and into his office when he finds a small scroll on his desk addressed to him. Hiashi opens it and see a note as well as a few blade techniques. The note read

Dear Hiashi-sama,

I forgot to give this to Hinata so if you would do so I would greatly appreciate it. This scroll will tell Hinata-chan how to use The Blades of Athena, if I were you I would get this to her fast though she will have a natural talent for the blades without these move sets she could become dangerous those blades may be from a kinder goddess but they are still blades and still imbued with the powers of Ares.

Many thanks,

Naruto Alucard Uzumaki Namikaze, aka the Godaime Hokage and your future son in law.

"God these are complicated." Hiashi looks over at the dance moves of the blades. "I swear that kid is going to make one hell of a son in law though I pity their children's teams." Hiashi's eyes widen in sudden fear of the concept of grandchildren that behave like their father. "Oh god, I am going to watch my back where ever I go." 10 minutes later at team 8's training ground Hinata has the Blades of Athena on her back. When Kiba notices her he walks over chest puffed out in an air of superiority.

"Hey Hinata would you like to go out after training today?" Kiba asked

"No Kiba and if you ask me one more time I will let you taste these blades." Hinata pulls the Blades of Athena off her back.

"A cute girl like you shouldn't carry dangerous weapons like that." Kiba tries to get closer but Hinata grabs his throat

"Naruto-kun is ten times the man you will ever be in every way and don't think I won't kill you just because your my teammate." Hinata holds up one of the blades in a threatening manner. With that Hinata throws Kiba ten feet sideways and walks off to practice with her new weapons. (With Naruto while this is happening.)

"Alright team seven our first C-rank mission." Kakashi gives them all thumbs up. Naruto looks at Seras and says

"I have a weapon for you that I thought you could use because most people will rely mostly on short range." Naruto opens a sealing scroll and pulls out a large, curved blade that emanates with a purple energy.

"Thank you Master."

"Keep it hidden or out in the open your choice." Naruto walks away Seras places the blade on her back. Sasuke looks at Naruto expectantly when Naruto does nothing Sasuke gets agitated

"Well Dobe." Sasuke

"Well Dobe, what?"

"Give me a weapon."

"No." Naruto walks away and towards Kakashi and says. "Let's just go so we can get this mission over with."

"Alright Team 7 let's move out." Kakashi says defusing the situation.

"Yes sensei!" Everyone starts walking away Naruto walks while thinking on ways to purify Kurama of his hatred. Seras and Tazuna were talking animatedly while Sakura tried to get Sasuke to talk to go out with her. After about 4 miles of walking Naruto noticed a pool of water

"Odd it hasn't rained for atleast a week and with this road in direct sunlight; A trap?" Naruto thought in confusion. Years of being ambushed had Naruto on high alert and realized that whoever the ninja were that they were after Tazuna. Naruto positions himself to be able to react. After everyone passes the puddle two ninja emerge from the puddle two people rise from it bound by a chain; they rush forward and wrap the chain around Kakashi and they pull slicing him to bits.

"KAKASHI-SENEI!" Sakura screams. Naruto reaches for his pocket for the Cusuall then whips around and fired of a shot between a link in the chain shattering it.

"Well the kid in armor isn't bad I guess this isn't going to be as easy as we thought." One says

"But all he has done is give us more freedom of movement." The other says. Naruto looks at both of them and draws the Jackal and smiles

"Then bring it." The two brothers charge Naruto hacking and slashing at Naruto who looks bored while he dodges. After 60 seconds of dodging Naruto gets sick of it and points the Cusuall in the older brother's face "Checkmate." Naruto pulls the triggers on the gun and the residual 'BANG!' issued throughout the forest. The older ninja dropped to the ground dead with most of his head missing. The younger one looks over at Naruto horror stricken.

"My brother, you kill my brother." Naruto walk over to the corpse and sinks his teeth into his neck and starts drinking the blood. Sakura, Sasuke, Tazuna and the younger brother look on in horror as Naruto drinks; after a couple of seconds Naruto gets up blood dripping from his teeth.

"Now, why don't you tell us why you're here." Naruto says licking his lips

"GO TO HELL!" the man says charging in but Naruto grabs his hand and twists it behind his back breaking the arm and then shoots the other limbs off.

"You have lost Meizu."

"Yea so?"

"Now I have to read your mind."


"By drinking all of your blood." The Meizu starts whimpering like a dog


"Om nom, nom, nom!" Naruto bites down on Meizu's neck and drinks his blood as well. (Flashback no jutsu)

As Naruto looked through Meizu's eyes at a group of people one without a shirt and a long sword and puffy pajama pants. A medium sized boy with a hunter mask at his waist and then a small man with two samurai guards. Then the small man says

"Alright then it's agreed, the four of you will kill Tazuna and in exchange I will pay you 22 million ryo."

"Alright Gato you got yourself a deal." The man in the puffy pajama pants says. Then Gato walks out of the room and his guards follow him.

"Zabuza-sama who will we send to kill him?" The boy asks

"Haku lets send the demon brothers I am sure they can handle whatever puny ninja the leaf will send as Gato has bleed this country dry they could only pay for a C-rank as most." Zabuza says

"Yes Zabuza-sama." Meizu and Guzo responded. Then a door opens and a girl with black hair tied back and a blood red cloth over her mouth and a blood red armor with some black leather on her arms.

"Who the hell was making all the noise." The girl rubs her eyes

(End flash back no jutsu)

After the visions end Naruto withdraws his teeth blood dripping from them. "Ah that was a good taste, not female virgin good but still a treat never the less." At these words Sakura's eyes shrink in fear and she moves behind Sasuke hoping he will protect her. Then Seras speaks up

"Master that wasn't nice." Sakura looks at Seras hoping that someone is standing up for her, then that hope is snuffed out by Seras' next statement. "You didn't leave any for me." Seras pouts

"Maybe next time Seras I got caught up in the moment sorry." Naruto smiles while Sakura and Sasuke face fault. Then Kakashi walks out from behind a tree

"Naruto you should have left one alive so we could get some information out of them." Kakashi says

"Don't worry I have all the information we need."

"Then do tell."

"They are working for a man name Gato who has hired them to take out Tazuna-san. There associates are Zabuza, demon of the bloody mist, and some boy named Haku who will most likely disguise himself as a hunter ninja." Naruto looks over at Tazuna. "You have you a lot of explaining to do. If what I saw was correct then this is no longer a C-rank mission but more along the lines of a low to high A-rank." Naruto says

"Well I am sorry Wave-country doesn't have the funds for an A-rank." Tazuna says

"I know. However while I am sure Kakashi, Seras and I could handle it but Sasuke pussy-san and miss pinky-won't-shut-the-fuck-up, who by the way I would love to see die, who can't handle it."

"TAKE THAT BACK NARUTO-BAKA!" Sakura screeches. Naruto glares at her his red eyes glowing

"If you don't stop screaming I will kill you." Naruto says lazily but the threat was clear. Kakashi then clears his throat and says.

"Naruto, Seras, Sasuke, and Sakura do you guys want to continue the mission?"

"I say we go for it I want to give this bloody wanker a piece of my mind." Seras says

"I am in no one gets the right to say an Uchiha is a coward." Sasuke grumbles

"I am in I want to show this Gato what a real monster looks like." Naruto grins viciously teeth still dripping with blood.

"I think we should go back I mean even with Sasuke-kun were still only gennin." Sakura says

"I am sorry Sakura but with three out of 4 team members agreeing even if I vote with you were over ruled." Kakashi says. "Besides, do you want to be the one to tell Naruto he can't get his revenge?" Kakashi eye smiles as Sakura looks over at Naruto, her eyes widening in horror as Naruto looks over at her his eyes gleaming.

"Aright lets go then." Sakura says. After traveling for 50 minutes Naruto looks over to the left and pulls out the Cusuall and fires a shot into the bushes and a scared looking rabbit runs out.

"Scared of a small rabbit loser?" Sasuke asks smirking

"If you look carefully you'll see that this rabbit has a white coat meaning it's been raised indoors, therefore its only purpose is to be a substitution." Naruto points out

"Good conclusion Naruto which means we should… DUCK!" Kakashi shouts and he grabs Sasuke, Sakura and Seras pulling them to the ground, however he couldn't help Naruto and could only watch in horror as his sensei's son was decapitated. The sword continues and hits a tree then a figure in pajama pants lands on it.

"Well seems that I already got one ninja. That seems to make my life easier." The figure laughs

"Seems for all your prattle you couldn't even handle a single attack; just goes to show you that your nothing compared to an elite like myself." Sasuke smiles

"So that brat is nothing more than just that, a brat." Zabuza growls.

"Naruto!" Sakura cries out in horror

"If he is our opponent then I will need to use my sharingan." Kakashi thinks lifting his headband

"Kakashi of the sharingan eye am I right?" Zabuza asks. Sasuke's eyes widen slightly

"Now quick Magi formation, protect the bridge-builder and stay out of this fight." Kakashi says. Kakashi then finishes lifting his headband exposing a fully matured sharingan.

"Hold on a minute everyone keeps saying sharingan, sharingan, what is the sharingan?" Seras asks

"Sharingan, a rare power it resides in the eyes, the user of this visual jutsu can instantly see and comprehend any Ninjutsu, Taijutsu, and Genjutsu and reflect the attack back on the attacker. The sharingan is a special rare form of Dojutsu; however there is a lot more to the sharingan, a lot more." Sasuke says

"You got it right boy, but you only scratched the surface. The sharingan can analyze an opponent's attack and copy it to the smallest detail." Zabuza says. Then mist roles in. "As for you Jounin in the assignation unit of the hidden mist we has a special order to destroy you on sight. Your profile was in our bingo book. It called you 'the man who copied over a thousand jutsu' Kakashi, The Copy Ninja."

"What? Is Kakashi-sensei such a famous ninja?" Sakura thinks to herself

"Wow that is so cool!" Seras says

"Wait a minute the sharingan is a rare trait that only appears in a few members of the Uchiha clan, my clan. Could he be?" Sasuke thinks. Zabuza's eyes narrow.

"Enough talking I have to exterminate the old man, now." Then team seven enters a protective formation. "So I have to eliminate you first eh, Kakashi? So be it." Zabuza grabs his blade and rips it from the tree and leaps on to the water.

"He is over there!" Seras shouts

"Standing on the water!" Sakura says. Then the water starts swirling as Zabuza holds his hands up.

"He is building up a huge amount of chakra." Kakashi notes

"Ninja art; Hidden mist jutsu." Zabuza says then he vanishes.

"He vanished." Sakura notes then Kakashi walks forward. "Sensei."

"He will come after me first."

"But who is he?"

"Zabuza Momochi, ex leader of the mists assignation squad and a master of the silent killing technique."

"Silent?" Seras asks

"As the name suggests its happens in an instant without sound or any warning. It's so fast that you pass from this life before you even realize what has happened. The sharingan can't fully neutralize it so don't let down your guard. Well if we fail we only loose our lives."

"How can you say that?" Sakura asks then the mist gets a lot thicker.

"The mist is getting thicker and thicker." Sasuke says

"The land of waves is surrounded by ocean the swirling mists are ever present." Tazuna says. Then the mist covers Kakashi.

"Sensei." Sakura says fear evident in her voice.

"Eight points." Zabuza's voice calls out. Sakura gasps

"What's that?" Sakura asks

"Larynx, spine, lungs, liver, jugular, subclavian artery, kidney, heart. Now what will be my kill point?" Then Kakashi puts his hands together for the ram sign and unleashes a wave of chakra to disperse the mist.

"What intense thirst for blood. One shallow breath one tiny movement of the eye is enough to bring on instant death. If it goes on like this I will go insane. The clash of two Jounin with the intent to kill I have never felt anything so chilling. It's as if my own life is being choked off." Sasuke thinks and starts bring his kunai to a point where he will slit his own throat. "No, I can't bear it I rather take my own life." Sasuke moves the kunai closer

"Sasuke! Calm down" Kakashi's stern voice snaps him out of it. "I will protect you with my life all of you. I will not allow my comrades to die trust me."

"I wouldn't be so sure." Zabuza's voice rings out again. Then in an instant Zabuza is behind all three of them. Kakashi spins around to see Zabuza standing there in the middle of their formation. Zabuza starts swinging Kakashi realizes he can't get to them in time. Just as this realization dawns on a loud 'BANG' issues out and the blade is slices it half and a hole appears in Zabuza's shoulder and he bursts apart in water. Sakura, Sasuke and Seras look around for the source of the sound and they all see Naruto standing there the Cusuall smoking

"Looks like he was a clone." Naruto laughs "Oh well the real one must be around here somewhere."

"Impossible." Zabuza thinks in horror. "I killed that little brat. How the hell did he get back up?"

"You can't count me out just yet." Naruto laughs walking forward another Zabuza emerges from the ground behind Naruto.

"Master behind you!" Seras shouts and Naruto spins around and shoots the Jackal blasting a hole in Zabuza who once again dissolves in water. Naruto starts looking around for the real Zabuza. Then Zabuza's voice rings out

"You're wide open Kakashi of the Sharingan!" then Zabuza appears behind Kakashi and kicks him into the water. "Now." Then Zabuza grabs his sword and runs after Kakashi but then stops. "Makabishi spikes. Trying to slow me down. Foolish." Then Zabuza jumps into the water.

"SENSEI!" Seras shouts

"I can't believe sensei got kick through the air like that." Sakura thinks.

"He has great physical skill too." Sasuke says. Then Kakashi reemerges from the water

"This water isn't normal it's denser." Kakashi thinks. Then Zabuza appears behind him and sneers.

"Fool." Zabuza starts making hand-signs "Water prison jutsu!"

"SHIT!" Kakashi yells

"This prison is made of water but its stronger than steel."

"Escaping underwater was a bad mistake."

"Now I have you where I want you, however now I must eliminate your little friends." Zabuza makes a one handed hand-sign. "Water clone Jutsu."

"Sakura, Sasuke, Seras, Naruto get the bridge builder out of here. He is put all his strength in to keeping me here the clone can't follow you that far!"

"Not an option!" Sasuke says "That option when right out the window the moment you got captured sensei!" (Zabuza's clone makes his speech just the same as in the manga)

"You think I haven't killed?" Naruto looks at him bored out of his mind

"No you haven't kid." Naruto smiles at this

"Turn to page 57 of your bingo book."

"What?" Zabuza looks shocked

"You heard me." Naruto says off handedly. The clone walks over to the original and pulls out the bingo book and he looked and read aloud

"Naruto Alucard Uzumaki also known as The Nightwalker, Naruto the un-killable, Naruto the cannibal, age 13, Rank SS, Abilities, advanced regeneration, sharp shooting, walking through walls, summoning of dogs of pure shadows. Weapons of choice, a .454 caliber semi-automatic combat pistol and a 13mm combat pistol. Special notes, B-rank and below RUN FOR YOUR LIFE, A-Rank, don't approach without back up of no less than 7 A-rank ninja as back up, S-rank approach with caution and avoid confrontation, backup of two S-rank required for confrontation. Missions completed, 27 S-rank 15 A-rank 1 B-rank 0 C-rank and 30 D-rank. Special side notes of weapon of choice: DON'T GET HIT! They are high powered weapons with the ability to collapse the lung or any organ with a single shot."

"Cannibal? Well Naruto drinks blood and no one knows he is a vampire so I guess that is where they are getting it from." Kakashi thinks

"SHIT! The only back up have is Arisa but she is borderline S-rank so I hope she can help." The clone then puts the book back and flips the sword in the air and stabs in the ground; the secret signal for Arisa to join him in battle.

"Zabuza-sama needs my help but, that's Naruto the un-killable." Arisa thinks to herself "You know what they say you only live once." Arisa jumps down drawing her duel Uzi

"Arisa, you take Naruto, my water clone will handle the others." Zabuza says

"Yes Zabuza sama." Arisa says then starts firing at Naruto who starts firing back. Arisa starts dodging them but she is hitting Naruto a lot. The flurry of attacks sends them deep into the forest surrounding them "He isn't even trying to dodge the bullets does he think he is indestructible? Everything has a breaking point." Then a few more round connect "He may act like he isn't injured but he is taking far more damage than I am. I can beat him!" Then Naruto starts laughing

"Yes excellent I haven't had this much fun in ages." Naruto laughs again "What did you say your name was?"

"It's Arisa, Arisa Momochi."

"Arisa Momochi it's obvious that your powers are beyond even the highest category of vampire. Releasing Control Art Restriction Systems three...two...one. Approval of Situation A recognized, commencing the Cromwell invocation. Ability restrictions lifted for limited use until the enemy has been rendered silent." (Insert Alucard's transformation sequence.) Arisa starts running away at sight but one the dogs open up its mouth and Naruto's arm pops out the Jackal in hand and a shot rings out and Arisa's leg goes flying off. She starts to hop away in hopes of escaping, but a second shot rings out and blasts of the other leg. She spins forward from the strength of the shot.

"What are you?! What in the hell are you!" Arisa shouts

Come on, get up, attack me you only suffered the loss of your legs." Naruto grabs one leg he shot off. "Summon up your familiars, transform your body, heal your severed legs and stand, the evening is still so young." Naruto crush the leg "Come on HURRY, HURRY, HURRY! Pull yourself together the fun has just begun come on HURRY!"

"MONSTER!" Arisa yells Naruto pauses then smile

"So I see you for what you really are, your pathetic nothing but a sniveling lump of meat."

"Shut up your nothing but the Hokage's toy, a dog for the land of fire not even fit to call himself a Vampire! A pupp-"

"SILENCE!" Naruto roars interrupting her. "I am a dog." Naruto smiles and snarls "Then your dog food." Naruto's arm starts turning into Baskerville who roars and then rushes forward and sinking his teeth into the flesh from her body and consuming her in just moments she is nothing. "Is that all you had such a shame I overestimated you. As a vampire you were just a pathetic piece of shit now your nothing but dog shit." The blood from Arisa stars swarming into Naruto. "Zabuza didn't seem like much but they are having more trouble than I would have expected. However only Seras is the only competent one among us." Naruto walks toward the others. However inside Naruto's mindscape Kratos and Alucard are having quite a conversation

"When Naruto Releases to level 0 we have a small issue." Alucard says

"About what?" Kratos asks

"Well my old sword would be nice but I think the Blade of Olympus would suit better, However when using his vampiric abilities he can't use anything you gave him."

"I see so how do we change this?"

"Well the only way I can think of is for you our powers to fuse and therefore allowing Naruto to access both at once."

"No that won't work the merge wouldn't work our powers are too different."

"We could have you fuse with Naruto, and then he could access both our powers simultaneously."

"That could work." Kratos says

"Yes and then Naruto could change the Cusuall and the Jackal into the Blades of Exile."

"Alright I will contact Naruto when he falls asleep." (Back with Naruto) Naruto arrives over with his friends the water clones are defeated, Zabuza is standing there laughing but even Seras is exhausted.

"Guess I am stepping in." Naruto shakes his head and pulls out the Cusuall and points it at the real Zabuza and fires a shot. The bullet flies towards Zabuza, only his sharp senses and reflexes prevented him from losing an arm, unfortunately Naruto had aimed for the hand that held Kakashi in the water prison so the result being that Kakashi was freed. (Battle between Kakashi and Zabuza goes just as cannon.)

"I see your future Zabuza." Kakashi says his sharingan spinning as he holds a kunai in his hand. "And its death!" Kakashi brings the kunai down but then three senbon stab into Zabuza's neck. Then a person in a hunter mask and a light uniform.

"I thank you for your assistance in taking him down. I have been trying to track him down for weeks." The person says

"You're a hunter ninja aren't you?" Naruto asks playing dumb

"Yes I am."

"Then why don't you destroy the body here?"

"As much as it is standard procedure to destroy the body on sight each method of elimination for each village is different as such I can't destroy the body here in order to avoid giving away Mist Village secrets."

"Liar."Seras thinks. Then the hunter ninja jumps off caring Zabuza's body. Kakashi walks towards his students.

"Well Tazuna san lets head back to your…" Kakashi starts off then drops to the ground unconscious.

"SENSEI!" Sakura shouts in fear. Naruto walks over to Kakashi and inhales deeply

"He is alive, he is probably suffering from chakra exhaustion." Naruto says. Then Naruto picks up Kakashi underneath the shoulder. "Seras give me a hand with Kakashi would you?"

"Yes master." Seras says sheathing the Blade of Artemis and picking up Kakashi with her good arm.

"Tazuna-san where is your home?" Naruto asks

"About couple of miles northwest." Tazuna responds

"Alright, Tazuna hold on to Sasuke and we will be leaping toward your house."

"Who died and made you king loser?"

"Not now Sasuke!" Naruto snaps "Our sensei is down and we are in a foreign territory. Code of Conduct dictates that 'in the case of two ninja of equal rank the one who has completed the most missions takes seniority unless otherwise directed by the Hokage.' I have completed a lot more missions then anyone here if you recall correctly I have completed 27 S-rank, 15 A-rank, 1 B-rank, and 30 D-rank missions, therefore I hold seniority." Naruto says

"Sasuke-kun should hold seniority as he is better than you; Naruto baka!" Sakura yells. Naruto silences them both with a blast of Killer Intent.

"Let's move before I have you both brought up on insubordination charges!" Naruto snaps. Sasuke shoulder's Tazuna and the four of them leap off towards Tazuna's house. After about 10 minutes they arrive; Naruto walks forward and knocks on the door, after a few seconds a young woman opens the door slightly.

"Hello." The girl says a little spooked when she sees Tazuna. "Father!" she opens the and hugs him. "I thought you were dead."

"If not for these super ninja I would be." Tazuna says

"Come in." then she notices Kakashi slung over Naruto and Seras' shoulders. "What happened to him?"

"Sensei is suffering from chakra exhaustion. Do you have a place we could set him down so he can rest?" Naruto asks

"Yes come with me up stairs, there is a guest room on the far end of the hall."

"Thank you, Ms?"

"Tsunami." Tsunami responds

"Thank you." Naruto and Seras carry Kakashi upstairs and place him on the futon. Then the close the curtains and leave the room. Then Seras looks at Naruto's left belt loop when she notices it is glowing.

"Um master your left belt loop is glowing." Seras says

"What?" Naruto looks over at his belt loop and notices the glow. "The mirror." Naruto bites his thumb and wipes blood over the seal and a small hand held mirror appears. Naruto walks through the wall and leans against the house. "Hinata-chan." Naruto smiles

"Naruto-kun!" Hinata says smiling.

"How are you?"

"Good, good, Kiba still being a pervert but I have drawn the line."

"I can kill him if you want."

"No, that won't be necessary Naruto-kun."

"Alright listen I know it's kind of late but I need you to go to the Hokage and bring the mirror with you."

"What's wrong Naruto-kun?"

"What I have to say is only for the Hokage's ears but you need to stay with him because the mirror only works for you."

"Alright Naruto-kun hang on I will go talk to him." Then Hinata's image starts blurring indicating that she is moving fast. After a few seconds Hinata says to someone out of sight. "Excuse me I need to see Hokage-sama."

"Of course Lady Hyūga." The voice of the secretary says. Hinata's picture starts shaking

"Hinata this is a surprise. To what do I owe the pleasure?"

"Lord Hokage I have Naruto here and he wishes to speak to you."

"Naruto? How is he here?"

"Naruto gave me this powerful mirror that allows me to communicate with him no matter how far apart we are." Hinata's face then disappears and the image shows the Hokage's face

"Well then, what did you want to talk to me about my servant?"

"It's about our mission in wave." Naruto says

"What about it?"

"It's now at a high A-rank mission with appearance of Zabuza Momochi."

"So what do want to do about it?"

"I request a backup team."

"And which team would that be?"

"Team 8 for back up and scouting and team 10 for defensive back up." Naruto says

"Good strategy Naruto, I will call them in and send them on their way."

"Thank you, my master." Naruto bows his head.

"Naruto go inform your team of back up."

"Yes master." Naruto seals the mirror in his belt. Meanwhile back in Konoha Hinata and Sarutobi were looking at one another.

"Hinata go get your sensei and teammates."

"Yes Lord Hokage." Hinata bows and leaves, Hinata starts walking off toward Kurenai's house, then a noise behind startles her but she draws the blades of Athena and activates her Byakugan. Hinata throws the blade into the darkness behind her and a roar of pain splits the night.

"WHAT THE HELL HINATA?!" roared the injured form of Kiba

"You should know better than to sneak up on a Hyūga you see ever since the Hyūga incident my clan has gotten quite paranoid and I am no exception." Hinata narrows her eyes

"Well now you have discovered who I am could you please deactivate your Byakugan?"

"You had a motive to follow me Kiba I want to know what it is."

"Shit, I was planning on using this chloroform to knock out Hinata and get my way with her but that plan just went to hell. Well I might as well lie and get out of this." Kiba thinks to himself"I was just out on a walk and I saw you with a small mirror in your hand heading towards the Hokage's office, so I followed you to see what was going on." Kiba's chakra flared wildly, Hinata knew the reason right away, he was lying.


"What?" Kiba asks as he starts sweating

"The Byakugan can tell when a person is lying, Kiba." Hinata growls "You were planning something and I have a feeling that it revolves around that handkerchief in your pocket." Hinata retracts her swords. If our team wasn't needed for a high rank mission I would kill you right now."

"We are needed for a high rank mission?" Kiba asked

"Yes, now go get Shino and I will go get Kurenai-sensei."

"Damn if I am going to get away with this it will have to be before she gets Kurenai-sensei." Kiba thinks "why do we go together?"

"No Kiba I don't trust you." Hinata then walks away her Byakugan still active to ensure Kiba doesn't try anything. After 10 minutes Hinata arrives at Kurenai's house. Hinata knocks on door and after a few seconds Kurenai opens the door in a bathrobe.

"Hinata." Kurenai looks very confused.

"Kurenai sensei, Lord Hokage needs us for a high rank mission."

"What rank?"

"A rank." Kurenai's eyes widen

"Who are we going with?"

"We are going to back up team 7 and team 10 will be joining us."

"What happened?"

"The client lied about the severity of the mission they had to face the demon mist brothers and Zabuza Momochi."

"Alright come inside I will change then we will go get Shino and Kiba." Hinata then walks in and Kurenai walks up stairs. Hinata grabs the mirror from her waist and looks into it.

"Show me the bird of Hermes." The mirror shimmers and after a few seconds Naruto's face appears.

"Hinata." Naruto says as his face glows with glee

"Naruto-kun when I get to you I need you to turn me into a vampire." Naruto's eyes widen.

"Why?" he asks

"Kiba tried to rape me tonight he is getting desperate I want to become a vampire before it's too late."

"Are you sure? This is a serious decision."

"I am sure Naruto-kun."

"Alright Hinata-chan I have a couple of Uzi you can use for your weapon. Now before I go you need to remember this, once you have turned your back on the light of day all the sun should mean is smoldering pain and a slow death."

"I understand Naruto-kun."

"Alright Hinata-chan I will turn you as soon as you get here." The mirror shimmers again and Naruto's face vanishes. Just then a cough brings Hinata's attention away from the mirror. When Hinata looks up she sees Kurenai standing there a furious look on her face.

"Did I hear right? Kiba tried to rape you?"

"Yes he did Kurenai sensei; I stopped him before he could try anything thanks to my Byakugan and the Blades of Athena."

"I will be having a small chat with Kiba when I see him." Kurenai glares in anger. "Anyway let's go we have a mission to report for." Hinata and Kurenai walk out and see Shino and Kiba standing there. Kurenai glares at Kiba but ignores him for now and the four of them walk towards the Hokage's office. After 5 minutes of walking the arrive to see Team 10 standing there.

"Good you're all here." Sarutobi says

"Why were we called here Hokage-sama?" Azuma asks.

"Team 7 has run into problems and is requesting back up."

"Is Sasuke-kun ok?" Ino looks scared

"Everyone is alive and well but they need your help."

"What happened?" Chōji asks

"They have encountered an A-rank missing ninja and require back up."

"I bet Sasuke-kun kick his butt." (You can guess who said that)

"I don't know who chased off Zabuza Momochi but I can take a guess." "It starts with a N and ends with an aruto." Sarutobi laughs in his head

"Sasuke-kun right!"


"Then who was it?"


"Liar that baka couldn't scare a fly much less an A-rank missing ninja." Kiba says arrogantly.

"Do you feast on the living?" Hinata interjects "Do you drink the blood of those who would stand against you? Do you have your name in the bingo book?"

"Why are you asking these questions?" Kiba looks over at her a little frightened

"Because Naruto-kun does, he has to eat people to survive, he has to drink blood to keep up his strength, and Naruto-kun is in the bingo book if you care to look."

"Anyway back to my point the 8 of you will be backing up team 7 you are to depart immediately gather your things and leave."

"Yes lord Hokage!" the 8 of them respond and leave. After 10 minutes they all gather at the front gate.

"Alright Team 8 and 10 let's move out." Azuma says. The 8 of them leap off toward Wave Country in order to back up team 7.