Blood Warrior

Disclaimer: I own none of the original characters or plots used in Naruto or Naruto Shippuden, or Hellsing Ultimate or The God of war series so sue me…oh that's right YOU CAN'T!"

Chapter one: Death and rebirth

"Call it off Major this is not how I wanted to beat Alucard!" a young man in black hair shouts to a blimp in the sky

"Sorry, Walter but once it has begun there is no stopping it." A voice rings above the destroyed city of London. A large river of blood rushes toward a lone figure in a pure white outfit and a matching white top hat.

"How the great angel of death has fallen." The figure laughs his whole hearted attention on his fallen foe, not noticing the figure in a Nazi outfit with cat ears and a similar tail approaching in the ocean of blood. As the ocean finally completely enters the white clothed figure whose eyes widen in the inevitability of his defeat as this realization dawns on him he turns to two women one of them is in a black suit with a red tie and white undershirt. The other is in a tan skimpy outfit with an arm missing but this arm is made out of dark energy. "I am sorry my master but I must go and there is nothing I can do about this."

"No! Alucard I am giving you a direct order do not leave." The figure responds

"I am sorry this is the last time." As Alucard fades away his last sight is the girl he call servant crying at his disappearance. As his vision fades Alucard smiles thinking. "This won't be the last time they see me I can guarantee it." Alucard's vision blackens and then he feels nothingness. Then the sounds of battle reawaken Alucard. Then a voice shouts from far below


"It's getting closer don't let it near the village!" another voice rings out. Then the sensation of falling forces Alucard's eyes open and he sees a gigantic fox lashing out at everything. The oddest thing about this fox was not the size of it but the fact that it had nine tails

"Seems I am still alive. Can't get rid of me that easily fangirls HA!" Alucard thinks to himself laughing.

"SUMMONING JUTSU!" a new voice shouts then a gigantic frog appears in a flash of smoke and lands in front of the fox. Alucard looks down and realizes he is going to land hard on the forest floor then all of the sudden one of the nine tails slams into him and Alucard grips it of course being so small compared to the fox it doesn't notice the small form of Alucard.

"Does he intend to seal me away or kill me?" the nine tails thinks

"It's been nice knowing you Minato." The gigantic frog says to the figure on his head

"It's been fun Gamabunta." The figure responds. Then he whispers "Naruto forgive me I hope this village will see you as the hero you are."

"What does that human think he is doing how could he hope to defeat such a monster well to say the least this will be entertaining." Alucard thinks

"Shiki Fūjin no Jutsu! (Dead Demon Consuming Seal)" Minato shouts and a figure garbed in all white with a blade in his mouth. A huge flash of white light blinds Alucard and he feels himself being pulled forward. A small boy starts crying as the man holding him goes limp an old man and man younger than the first walk up to the corpse.

"Minato-gaki you just had to go and sacrifice yourself." The taller of the two men says

"Jiraiya, Minato did what he had to as Hokage."

"Sarutobi, his last name needs to be changed to Uzumaki." Jiraiya says a thought strikes him

"I agree Iwa would just love an excuse to attack the boy if they knew he was Minato's son." Sarutobi responds

"Naruto Uzumaki." Jiraiya looks at the baby in his hands "I know you'll be a great ninja one day."

Naruto's mindscape while this is happening

Alucard awakens to see himself behind huge bars "What the hell happened?" Alucard rubs his head looking down to see his outfit has reverted to his count form

"WHO IS THERE?!" a dark voice shouts and he realizes that he is still on one of the tails of the fox "SHOW YOURSELF BEFORE I KILL YOU!" Alucard laughs at this

"You'll try."

"Bold words coming from someone who hides like a coward." The dark voice responds. "Just who, what and where are you?"

"My name is Alucard or Vlad Dracula III, as for what I am, I am a vampire, the ultimate vampire to be more accurate, as for where am I that would be on one of your tails but I would like to look at my new roommate's face." Then the tail that Alucard is resting on swings forward and is brought towards the fox's face, which looks at Alucard in curiosity.

"You are a vampire you are no bigger than my smallest toe nail." The Kyuubi snarls. Alucard cocks an eyebrow

"Did I ever once say that vampires where big monsters?"

"Ha fucking ha." Kyuubi responds sarcastically

"So any idea where we are?" Alucard diverts the subject

"We are inside an infant boy whose own father sacrificed his soul to the Shinigami to trap me and indirectly you inside of the boy to save the village from my wrath."

"How long will we be stuck here?"

"Until one of two things happen. One the boy dies, or two he absorbs our powers."

"So I am stuck here for five years fan-fucking-tastic."

"Five years, how can you tell that's how long it will take?"

"Because that is when I will visit the boy and offer my powers to him as well as my knowledge."


"I want the boy to have my powers as well as I want him to spread fear of the night once more among the mortals." Alucard starts laughing to the ceiling an insane look in his eyes

"You are by far the craziest person I have ever met." The Kyuubi smiled, "I think you and I are going to get along just famously."

"That reminds me I never got your name." Alucard looks back at his new roommate

"I am the Kyuubi no Yōko or Kurama if my title gets too repetitive for you to say."

"A pleasure to make your acquaintance Kurama." Alucard suddenly looks down as if something is off

"Is something wrong?" Kurama asks

"My guns there both here, the Jackal and the Cusuall."

"And that is strange how?" Kurama responds

"The Jackal was destroyed in battle and I dropped the Cusuall when I was fighting so why do I have them back?"

"Does it matter point is you have them."

"Good point; there is no point worrying about what has happened in the past." Alucard jumps off the tail and walks over where a black and gray coffin. "Now if you don't mind I am going to bed it has been a long day and there are few hours in the night left." Alucard then gets into the coffin closes the lid and falls asleep.

"Good night then." Kurama aligns his sense with Naruto to hear what is going on outside

"WE SHOULD KILL THE DEMON!" a voice shouts and then a cheer echo's out at the man's words. Then a blast of killer intent silences the room

"Absolutely not! I will not let the child of my best friend die." This voice holds power behind it

"You would support a demon spawn lord Hyūga." Another voice asks

"Naruto is Kushina's son not a demon spawn lord Uchiha." The venom in those last two words surprise Kurama

"ENOUGH OF THIS FOOLISH BICKERING!" a third voice rings out

"Yes Sandaime-sama." Everyone says

"I have decided to name take care of him till he can live on his own then he will live in an orphanage."

"Yes lord Hokage."

"I am also declaring the fact that Naruto holds the nine tails and S-ranked secret and anyone who refers to Naruto in any way that would hint at him holding nine tails will be put to death no exceptions." Deciding that he has heard enough and knowing that his and Alucard's vessel is safe Kurama decides to go to sleep.