"Tony, look, she's waking up." Pepper said, excited. Tony leaned over to see his daughter open her eyes after taking her very first nap. Pepper tucked the blanket a little more securely around the squirming child. Madison Nevaeh Stark was the most precious thing the couple had ever seen. She had her father's dark hair, and her mother's blue eyes. She had perfect little hands, with fingernails not much bigger than a pinhead, slightly chubby cheeks, and pink rosebud lips.

"Do you want to hold her, Tony?" Pepper asked innocently. Tony's eyes widened.

"I'd probably drop her, or not hold her correctly…" he said. He wanted to hold her so badly, but he was scared. That surprised him. Tony Stark, (Iron Man for all intents and purposes) scared of holding a little baby? His own flesh and blood, no less. Pepper seemed to sense the hesitation.

"No you won't. Here, sit down, and I'll hand her to you." Tony sat down.

"Pepper, you know I don't like being handed things." Pepper chuckled.

"Okay, then, think of it as me giving you something. Does that make it any better?" Tony thought about it for a second, and nodded meekly. Pepper leaned over, making sure that Maddie's head was supported by Tony's elbow. Tony sat back once his daughter was safely ensconced in his arms. The baby whimpered slightly, but settled in with a satisfied sigh. Her wide eyes seemed entranced by the glow of the arc reactor beneath Tony's shirt.

"I think she likes me." Tony said, smiling at the miniature face peeking out from the blankets. Pepper smiled.

"Of course she does. You're her daddy. So, is it really so bad?" Tony bounced Maddie softly.

"No, not really. I could get used to this." His mind was spinning. During the previous nine months, he had thought that there would be nothing to being a father, but now that the child was actually here, it all became real. And reality scared him. What if something happened to him or Pepper? Who would take care of his little girl? Or worse yet, what if something happened to her? How would he ever survive? Tears stung his eyes. He had to be there for her, and he had no example to follow. He would be trying to figure it out on his own. One of the tears ran down his cheek.

"Tony, are you all right?" Pepper asked, slightly amused. She knew what was going through his mind though.

"Yeah. I'll be fine." Tony grinned. Madison whimpered again, this time not settling down. Tony looked scared senseless.

"Don't freak out. She's just hungry, probably." She said reassuringly.

"Well, I can't do much about that, now can I?" he said staring at the squalling child in his arms.

"Watch it!" Pepper replied, laughing. She reached for her baby, lifting her from Tony's arms. Tony was both relieved and sad to let her go. Maddie seemed to sense that it was her mom holding her, and calmed right down.

"Maddie is officially a mama's girl." He said jokingly. Pepper gave him a look that said 'You know that's right!' "I'll be right back, okay. I'm gonna tell the others the good news." He stepped into the waiting room, and pulled out his cell phone. He texted Bruce, and then forwarded the message to Steve.

It's a girl. Madison Nevaeh Stark. 6 lbs. 4 oz, 22 in. Mother and baby are doing fine. Pass it on to Nat and Legolas.

He clicked the phone shut, and stared at the wall across from him. He made a vow to himself then and there. He would not fail his daughter as he felt his father had failed him.