Holidays at War

E. Aster Bunnymund was glaring at his companion and friend as; once again, he baited Aster into another unending debate over their respective holidays. After centuries of this same argument, Aster and North continued to remain at a stalemate as neither would give in. Across the room Tooth was busy dealing with her job as Guardian. Every once in a while Tooth would glance over at the duo and shake her head at them. Sandy was paying no attention to anything as he'd fallen asleep while the meeting dragged on. The youngest guardian was sitting on the couch intensely watching the two old friends argue.

As always the conversation dragged on until Sandy pulled himself from his peaceful dreams. When Sandy looked around at his fellow Guardians he frowned. Tooth was still busy with her tooth collecting while North and Aster continued their argument. Sandy looked around the room and spotted Jack asleep on the couch. Sandy tried to get their attention in his quiet fashion but they were too wrapped up in their own worlds. Tired of being ignored Sandy stamped his foot and glared at them.

A gently hand fell on Sandy's shoulder and he looked up at Phil, the yeti. Phil quietly walked over to the sleeping Guardian and picked him up and left the room. Once the door closed firmly behind Phil one elf walked over to Sandy. Leaning closer to the quiet Sandman the elf silently offered to be used as a bell. Sandy quietly bowed to the elf before he gently grabbed the grinning elf's hat and shook the poor creature. Tooth noticed first and gently shooed her tiny fairies away. Sandy put the still grinning elf down as both North and Aster turned to look at the irate Sandman.

"Where's Jack? Does anyone know where he is? When did he leave?" Tooth asked frantically as she darted over to the couch. She looked behind the couch before she quickly raced towards the ceiling looking for the Winter child. Sandy quickly formed an image of a yeti holding Jack.

"Ah, Tooth, relax. Sandy says Jack with yeti. He is safe," North said. Tooth blushed as she slowly sank to the ground. Sandy frowned at them as they turned to continue their conversation. Before either one could continue talking the poor shaken elf walked over and kicked them as hard as he could, doing little more than getting their attention. The elf pointed at Sandy who waited until all three were looking at him. He made an image of the two friends fighting followed by another image of Tooth talking with her fairies. The next image made them frown in embarrassment as he showed them an image of Jack with his hood over his head drawing in the sand at his feet. The image expanded showing a small spatting of small snowflakes falling on the Frost child as further away the three friends stood by the fire.

Tooth took a shaky breath before she said, "Sandy is right. We're doing it again. We're leaving Jack out, treating him like he's not one of us."

"We did not mean to Tooth. Happened by accident, no?" North asked.

"If North here wasn't so convinced his Holiday was the best there wouldn't be any…" Aster started to say. The little elf at his feet kicked him once more, toppling over in his attempt to add more power to his kick. "Hell, sorry mate."

Aster picked the small elf up and set him back on his feet. North bowed his head and looked over at the other two guardians. A soft desperate look crossed his face before he dragged a hand down his wary face. "We are not used to this Sandy. We are guardians, not family."

"We should be. We've also been close friends, but Jack needs more than friends. He deserves better, after everything, doesn't he?" Tooth asked quietly.

"He does, and he's gonna get it. We are going to be family, for him, and us," Aster said as he looked over at the closed door.

"We are busy. We don't have time for family," North said. Even as the words left his mouth he felt like a terrible person, and worse as a failure as a guardian. He felt the others in the room looking at him and ducked his head.

"You once said the same thing about children, mate." Aster said. "If we don't have time we better start making it."

Sandy's friendly elf shook his head and pointed at Sandy who patted the small creature on the head n thanks. Above Sandy's head a picture of Jack sitting in a tree watching a small child pick up a small egg. Next he showed Jack staring at a Christmas tree through a window. Next was an image of Jack staring at the strands of dream sand floating into a house. The last image was of Jack watching Tooth small fairies flying away from Jack's hooded form. North opened his mouth to speech when Sandy changed the image to Jack holding Baby Tooth.

"We can't undo the past but we can make the future better." Tooth said sadly.

"That's right, Tooth. We'll make a better future, but where do we start?" Aster said as he looked around at his fellow guardians.

Sandy quickly made an image of Jack surrounded by Christmas presents, Easter eggs, fluttering tooth fairies with swirling dream sand overhead. Tooth clapped her hands and hugged Sandy tightly. The little elf at Sandy's side eagerly joined the hug. Tooth happily patted the little fellow on the head and smiled at his eager grin. Tooth fluttered away slightly and looked at the two. Her small fairies had started to hover close by awaiting instructions but also eager to hear what would happen next and how it would affect their new friend.

"I know how to make you both feel more like family and show Jack that he has people he can go to with his problems. It might even help the two of you," Tooth said with a smirk. Aster swallowed thickly at the dark look in his fellow Guardian's amethyst eyes but waited silently for her to continue. North opened his mouth and closed it when Tooth's grin grew slightly. "We'll have a little contest, just for you two."

North found his voice, though it shook slightly, and asked, "Competition? What sort of competition?"

"Which holiday is the best," Tooth said. North and Aster looked at each other in confusion. North moved towards Tooth, as though afraid of the woman. Aster watched as North inched closer to Tooth. Sandy grinned at his friend as the little elf at his side nodded enthusiastically at Tooth's idea. As the little bell on the elf's head drew everyone's attention to him the elf grinned more. "You two can surprise Jack with Christmas and Easter. Let him celebrate the holidays and then ask him which holiday he likes the best."

"That's… actually not a bad idea. The little troublemaker is never getting off the naughty list, so it's easy to see Easter's the best holiday," Aster said with a smirk. North turned and glared at Aster for a long moment before a large grin blossomed on his face.

"We wipe clean the slate, yes. Just before Easter. Jack on Nice list now. I'm in. We'll see which holiday is best then," North said. "When do we start, now yes?"

"Not so fast North. There are rules to every competition and we need a few for this one," Tooth said. North and Aster nodded in agreement and Tooth continued, "First rule, no telling Jack. Second rule, no gifts except on your holiday."

"Now wait a minute, Easter's a year away." Aster said. North looked equally disturbed by having to wait. "And besides you know how busy we get during our holidays. There's no way we'll have time to spare for Jack. I ain't neglecting my duties for this."

Sandy glared at both of them as North nodded his agreement. Tooth still smiled as she added, "That's why one of the rule three is no skimping on the other kids. Jack has to be just as important as them, but not so important the kids stop believing."

Sandy nodded happily and added his own rule. He formed a picture of Aster and North arguing and then placed an X over them. The elf nodded happily as North and Aster warily turned to look over at Tooth. "Yes, rule four no arguing about the best holiday anymore. We let Jack decide, and then we don't argue with that decision. Rule five, No sabotage of harming anyone."

"This is getting a bit ridiculous," Aster whispered under his breath.

"Tooth, this is not such a good idea I think," North said softly.

"We are busy bring joy to children. We don't have time for children." Tooth said sadly. Her choice of words left Aster and North speechless. "Why do we bring joy to children if we can't be bothered with them? I let go of visiting the children for the sake of sending my fairies out. I lost myself, and without Pitch's attack I may have never left my palace again. You guys helped me, saved me from disappearing, and when I was out there, with the children… I remembered the reason I became a Guardian. Do you remember why you became Guardians?"

The room filled with silence as the Guardians considered everything that was said. More of Tooth's fairies slipped into the room and Tooth finally turned to the small fairies. She quickly gave all but one instructions on where to go. She looked at the last one the resolutely was resting on the small elf's head. Tooth smiled affectionately at the small fairie Jack had named Baby Tooth. Aster was the first to speak, "I'm in."

"Ah, me too. Sides time to holidays gives us plenty of time to plan perfect Christmas." North said with a smirk.

"Easter, mate. The perfect Easter," Aster added with a grin.

"Rule four. No arguing." Tooth said sternly. Aster looked down guiltily and mumbled out a sorry. Tooth grinned, "And for the last and most important rule, have fun."


AN: I don't own Rise of the Guardians.

I hope you liked this chapter. Next chapter should add a bit more to the competition.