A/N: One-shot time. I don't know about anyone else, but I'm seriously craving some Duncney. I hope they get together in season 5, seriously. The producers really have themselves in a shithole. xD

"Relationships are for two. But some bitches don't know how to count." –Facebook

"Oh my gosh Duncan, why are you going out with that prep-chick," Girls at her school would always ask. "She's so uptight and not fun like I am."

"Oh she's plenty fun," was all Duncan said, smirking.

Seriously, what part of "relationships are for two" did those stupid girls at her school not understand? Duncan was hers. Yes, hers and only hers. And obviously, if he was going out with her then he must like her better (and more!) than them. They seriously needed to learn how to back off.

And she was not uptight! Courtney was the most laid-back person she knew! Or so she tried to convince herself. But nonetheless, Courtney hated when people said that, especially girls. It was annoying to hear it from guys but even more annoying to hear it from girls.

Okay, maybe it is true. But so what if it is? She did get the best grades, all the teachers liked her, and she never got into any trouble. But they didn't have to rub it in her face.

"Duncan I so totally like your outfit today," Girls flirted. But didn't he wear the same damn thing every day? Those shorts, red chucks, and the shirt with the skull in the middle.

But of course, most girls thought that Duncan was that "hot, sexy punk boy." And it probably made them jealous that he was going out with Courtney, of all people, instead of them. Serves them right, Courtney thought.

And the girls' flirting made her mad. They knew he was taken but yet they still flirted with him anyway. And sometimes, Duncan, being the guy he is, would flirt with them back! She knew that he liked her, however. And as much as she hated to admit it, it also made her…


Yes, jealous. She hated it when Duncan flirted with those girls at her school. It just made her feel uneasy and made her act more bitchy than usual. People always complained about her bitchiness, but really people provoked it. Exhibit A: those stupid girls. Relationships are for two, she thought. Not one, not three, not four, not a million, but two. But obviously, the girls didn't know how to count because whenever they flirted with Duncan, they added more than two. She would just give them that look of death and they would turn away, clearly terrified.

"Back off," She sometimes hissed, too fed up with it.

"Aww, is Princess jealous?" Duncan would always tease.

"I'm so not jealous," Courtney always denied. "But relationships are for two. Those dumb girls seriously lack basic counting skills."

"And you so seriously lack knowing when to admit that you're jealous," Duncan mocked.

"Am not!" She denied.

"Sure," Duncan said. "You're soo not jealous."

She's so jealous, He thought, smiling.

A/N: I know I should be working on "Ditching" and "That Time of the Month" but I really wanted to make this. Duncney forever!