Alice's Point Of View.

All I could hear was Jasper and the Volturi. No. He can't be with them.

He'll die. I don't want him to die and I can't see him or get in touch with him. Quil, maybe he has Jazzy's number?

I called Quil.

(Alice: Italics. Quil: Bold.)


Quil, it's Alice. Is Jasper with you?

Yeah, he is. He's crazy, saying that you're being secretive?

Please tell him I'm sorry!

He heard you. He says he doesn't want to come back and that he hopes he never sees you again. That's pretty harsh.

Oh, no! Tell him that I miss him and need him desperately.

He says to get lost, to put it mildly.

He's not planning to run to the Volturi is he? What is he, suicidal? Don't let him go there, please, Quil. I'm begging.

Wow, I have a beautiful vamp begging me. OK, I won't. He wasn't planning to, anyway.

Just take good care of him, please. Will you?

Yeah, sure. He's in good hands, Alice. (THAT'S ALICE?! WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME?!)

Tell him I love him, please. I have to go, Quil. Say bye to him for me.

OK. See you, Ali.

(End call.)

I flopped on the useless bed and cried.

Jasper's Point Of View.

"Why didn't you let me talk to her?!" I screamed at Quil.

"She's pretty upset with you for leaving her. Look, OK, she wanted to tell you, but she didn't want that Trudy woman to feel a bit nervous. Just make it up to her and ask that woman."

"That woman is called Trudy. And man, does she smell good. She makes me hungry."

"What, she smells good to you?"

"She has human blood in her body, she makes me wanna drain her."

"You're a sick man, Hale-Cullen."

"I try. But seriously though. She smells awesome."

"I don't think her boyfriend'd be very happy if you sucked all his girlfriend's blood outta her."

"Nah, he probably wouldn't."


Alice was dry sobbing upstairs and I sensed the warm lovey-dovey feelings coming from Carlisle and Esme in their bedroom, so I knew that Miss Trudy would be unguarded.

"Miss Trudy?"

She was awake, but very tired.


I went in and saw her half-sleeping. Ugh, why do I always pick bad moments?

"I wanted to talk to you."

"I'm listening, sweetie."

"I was wondering what it is that Carlisle is guarding you so much for?"

"Oh. That. Well. Um. It's not really that big a deal. To you, at least."

"What is it?"

"It's just... well."

"Whoa. What?"

"My boyfriend's name is Jasper. And that's who I'm on about."

"OK. What do you mean?"

"I mean... that I'm..."

"You're what?"

"It's going to be way worse telling Victor, I'll end up fired."

My mind wasn't processing this at all.

"Why will you?"

"I'm pregnant and Victor's all ''You need to be married and live in his home before you get pregnant.''"

"Oh. He's kinda old-fashioned. The kind that Alice just won't put up with."

Then she said "At this stage, according to Dr. Cullen, I may need surgery to deliver. I don't really want that, but I'd do anything to protect my baby."

"Surgery? For what? You mean that he's gonna have to uh..."

"Yes. And I don't particularly like it. Hopefully this baby will decide to make sure it's in the right position for its birth."

"How far along?"

"Only about four months and my baby's small for that stage. That's why I barely even look pregnant."

"What did Jasper say?"

"He freaked out. He said that if it could kill me, he didn't want the poor baby and I should abort. But I hate the idea of losing what might be my only chance at motherhood."

"My twin, Rosalie and my mum, Esme, know exactly what you mean."

"I mean, how could any father want his child destroyed? If it was your Alice, would you want her to get rid of your baby?"

"No. Alice wouldn't do that. And I wouldn't either."

"I hate the idea of losing either. I don't really want to lose them. But he said that I had 48 hours to do something and make the decision between him and our baby. I don't know what to do. I love him and yet, I love the baby. It moved earlier on, a little tap. He ignored me when I told him, instead of kissing me in happiness like the dads on TV do."

"Aw, I feel your pain." I literally felt her pain. "If he doesn't want it, then ditch him. You love this child and a baby is your own flesh and blood. He isn't."

Just then, I sensed a shocked, wounded feeling strongly radiating from this guy.

"Trudy, do you really feel that way about this thing?"

She turned angry.

"What I have is not a thing, what I have is a baby. And if you can't call your own child a baby, you can just get lost. I've decided. I'm keeping my baby, whether you like it or not. I hate the idea of losing my child. If I lose it before, during, or after it's birth, I'll be able to tell you that you got your wish and I lost the child I've always wanted."

"Trudy, I had no idea."

"Because you didn't listen. I'm not having it where you hate my baby just because you think that it'll kill me."

"I understand your point of view. I had a chat with Esme, Rosalie and Bella. They all know what it's like and you want your baby. They all would and in Bella's case, did exactly what you're doing. You've already bonded with this... baby... and that's fine. It's actually quite cute, now that I think about it."

Just then, I sensed that she'd felt a nudge and she gasped in delight.

"You OK?"

"The baby moved."

He knelt next to her and kissed her cheek. I had to leave, I felt like I was intruding on a family moment.

"Where are you going?"

"I have to talk to Alice. She's not so happy."

An unhappy Alice to deal with. I hate this part.

I walked into our room. I sat next to her.



She jumped into my arms and buried her face on my shoulder.

"I'm so glad you're OK! What made you leave me, beside me keeping Trudy's confidential secret?"

"I know that she's pregnant. She's actually happy now."

"I know, I saw. But, please tell me why you got over sensitive."

"OK, I was just being silly. I just didn't know how to react. You and I have never had secrets before."

"I know and I'm sorry. I should have told you."

"It's fine Ali-cat. Much Ado About Nothing and all that."

"William Shakespeare. I know. OK."

And that was today. Well, all the better.




Aw, don't you just love Jalice? Such a sweet pairing. So what do you think? Until next update, REVIEW! Random Dizzy. :D