I like d this episode, but I didn't like Paris and Callen – but I loved the continuation of the "box" with Kensi and Deeks. I loved that scene at the end of Part 1.

Established Nallen – In this world Nell is pregnant and told Callen at the end of Episode 17 – you can read me other fanfiction.

This is going to be a multi-chapter story.

I don't own NCIS-LA, but this story is mine.

After Granger entered the bunkroom, everyone settled in for sleep. The next day was going to be long and was going to start early. Callen tossed and turned and tried to get some sleep, but couldn't get comfortable. Once he knew that both Sam and Granger were asleep, he quietly left the room, grabbed his phone and blanket and pillow and headed to the common room. Earlier in the evening he noticed a toaster and a toaster oven

As he was digging out the toolbox, his phone vibrated. He pulled it out of his pocket, smiled when he saw the display and leaned against the kitchen counter and answered the phone, "Hey."

Nell answers, "Hey. How are the accommodations?"



Callen smiles, "A room that is about 7 by 10 with four bunks..."

Nell laughs, "…and you and Sam bunking together."

Callen: "and don't forget Granger."

Nell: "Granger. Huh, that is cozy."

Callen: "You have no idea."

Nell laughs again, "Where are you now?"

Callen: "I'm in the common area. I just dug out the tool box and I was just checking out their toasters."

Nell: "Oh yeah, what kind do they have?"

Callen laughs: "They actually have two. The first one is familiar we used to have one. The second is new – it's actually a toaster oven. I haven't tinkered with it before."

Nell: "Which toaster was it?"

Callen thinks for a few seconds, "Two toasters ago."

Nell: "I liked that toaster."

Callen: "Are you home now?"

Nell: "Yeah, I got in about a half hour ago. Just fixed myself a cup of tea and crawled into bed."

Callen: "Sounds nice."

Nell: "Please try and get some sleep tonight."

Callen: "I'll try, but I can't promise anything. I find that I can't sleep well unless I have a little 'exercise' before bed and a certain redhead uses me as a pillow."

"G, SHHHH – you shouldn't say things like that, someone might hear you."

Callen: "It's ok – no one else is around right now. But you also need to get some sleep tonight."

Nell: "Ok, but it's not that easy for me either."

Callen laughs. "Oh please. You already told me that you are in bed. I bet that you are wearing my shirt from yesterday and are hugging my pillow right now and that you will sleep wrapped around it. Me – I'm stuck in a small room with Sam AND Granger."

Nell huffs, "Fine – shut up. But I guess you do have it worse."

Callen: "How are the stowaways doing? How are you feeling….and please don't say 'fine'."

Nell sighs, "I'm ok, but I don't know why it's called morning sickness. I'm sick all day. I only had to run out of Ops twice this afternoon. We are going to have to tell them shortly. I can only use stomach flues and food poisoning as excuses for so long. But I think that Hetty knows – Hetty knows everything."

Callen: "Hetty probably knows. But did you eat anything today? How many sleeves of saltines did you eat?"

Nell: "GGGGGG"

Callen: "Neeeeell"

Nell: "Fine….I drank a lot of tea, even in OPS, Hetty ignored it. I ate about 2 sleeves today."

Callen: "Nell, I'm sorry, I wish I was there with you."

Nell: "Don't worry about it, you should only be gone for a day or two."

Callen turned around and saw Sam standing there with a smirk on his face.

Callen: "Hang on a sec. How a long have you been standing there?"

Sam: "Long enough."

Nell: "G….G…who are you talking to?"

Callen sighs and hits the speaker button. "Sam walked into the room and has been eavesdropping on us. I just placed you on speaker."

Silence answered.

Sam chuckles, "Hi Nell."

Quietly Nell responds, "Hi."

Sam turns towards Callen. "I knew something was up. I can tell that you have been sleeping better and you seem happy lately. How long has this been going on?"

Callen sighs, "We've been together over a year and about six months ago, we moved in with each other. Into the house."

Sam: "Why couldn't you tell me? You know that I would be happy for you."

Callen: "Sam, we wanted to keep it just between us for a while. We were just discussing that we need to tell the team. Nell, I think we should tell Sam."

Nell sighs, "Go ahead, Sam should be the first to know. But we will tell everyone else when you get back."

Sam: "Tell me what. You just told me you are dating and living together."

Callen smiles, "Sam, you are going to become a uncle in few months."

Sam is stunned into silence.

Nell giggles, "Actually, you will become an uncle two times.

Sam opens and closes his mouth several times before he is able to speak. Remembering where he is, he grabs Callen into a man hug, and keeps his voice lowered. "Congratulations, you guys. I definitely wasn't expecting that. But I'm happy for you. Nell I owe you a hug when we get back to the Mission."

Sam claps Callen on the back; "We are still going to talk about why you didn't tell me sooner. But for now, I am going to hit the head and head back to the bunk. Please try and leave one of the toasters in working order tomorrow. Nite Nell."

Nell: "Nite Sam."

Callen watches as Sam walks away and takes Nell off speakerphone.

Callen: "Nell, it's just you and me now. I know you weren't prepared for that tonight. Neither was I, but seeing Sam speechless was priceless. I wish we were together for the reveal. But for the next ones we will be. Are you tired?"

Nell: "Boy that was a lot of different thoughts together. Yeah, I wish we were together to tell Sam. And I would have loved to see Sam speechless. Maybe we can have the team over when this case is done and we can tell them at the house. Maybe a B-B-Q. And yes, I am getting tired."

Callen: "OK, we can talk more about the B-B-Q when I get home. I will hang up so that you and the stowaways can get some sleep. Love you. Keep everyone safe until I get home."

Nell: "Love you too. I will. Nite G."

"Nite Nell."

Next chapter will be after Part 2. Tell me what you think.