Hey guys! I haven't been on for a while… It's been a crazy year. I starred in my school musical, which had 5-hour rehearsals 6 days a week and then I started studying for an advanced class . But happy April Fools Day!

Disclaimer: I don't own Team Starkid.

Darren Criss and Joey Richter slipped into the apartment. It was 2:31 am. April Fools Day. Last year, their friend Lauren Lopez had made a fool out of them and this year they were going to get revenge. They had traveled to Chicago for a new musical that they were doing- Twisted. Of course Darren was to busy to be in it and Joey hadn't been able to take time away from his newest project to be part of the show but next week was opening week and the two friends had come for moral support. This of course, was the perfect opportunity for the two man-children to get back at Lauren. They'd confided their plans into Lauren's roommate, Julia who had laughed and given them her key to borrow.

Joey and Darren took their shoes off and then, following every spy movie ever made-did a somersault down the middle of the Starkid girls' living room. Darren went into the small kitchen with his black backpack. He found the salt and pepper shakers, unscrewed the tops and then filled pepper with dirt and salt with sugar. Cliché I know, but since when has Darren ever claimed to be a prank mastermind like Lauren? He then took a pink streamer roll out of his bag and proceeded to wrap it around every lamp and table in the cozy apartment as well as taking sparkly powder out of his bag and covered the whole living room in it. He also took red dye and poured it into Lauren's almond milk, making it pale pink. The curly haired boy took a step back and surveyed his work. Darren smiled to himself. It looked as though a bunch of pink loving fairies had had a party involving alcohol and gambling strippers in Lauren's apartment. Perfect.

Joey however walked straight into Lauren's bedroom. He wasn't going to waste time pranking them- they hadn't done anything wanting for revenge. He slowly opened the door. Creak. Joey froze. He glanced at the small lump in the bed that was Lauren. She didn't move. He exhaled lightly and then stepped inside the small room. It was dark, Lauren's light blue curtains were drawn and it took a minute before Joey's eyes could adjust. He slowly walked over to her set of drawers. He opened the drawer with all of her socks and then pulled out a mini alarm clock that was set to ring loudly at random times throughout the day. Joey hid the alarm clock inside a sock ball then shut the drawer. Then, he went into her closet and took everything out, replacing Lauren's clothing with a neon blue onesie and a set of overalls Joey had once worn for a play in which he'd been a hobo. The overalls were filthy- he hadn't washed them since that play. The dark denim was two sizes to big and was tattered. It also reeked of cheese and beer. Nice. Joey then took all of Lauren's clothes and hid them under her bed. Not the best place but he knew that she would dismiss that as too cliché of a hiding place to look at first. He fumbled with the hanger, accidentally dropping the metal wire, which fell with aloud clatter onto the floor. Lauren stirred and Joey panicked and froze in place, not even bothering to hide. But Lauren didn't move again and Joey let out a tiny sigh of relief. She hadn't woken up. He then walked towards Lauren. He watched her sleep for a moment feeling a little Edward Cullen the sparklepire pedophile-ish for a minute but just marveling at how innocent and calm and beautiful she looked while sleeping. Even while she was snoring and her hair was a bird nest and even though she might've been drooling a tiny bit, Joey still thought Lauren was amazing, inside and out. He shook his head then took out a sharpie. He wasn't cruel enough to draw on her face. Instead, he took her tiny, warm hand and wrote a message from him and Darren on it, claiming the prank proudly. Then he stowed the sharpie in his pocket and moved back into the hallway.

Darren was gleefully hanging up posters of Umbridge and the cast of that awful movie Spiderman 3. Nobody actually liked Spiderman 3- especially Lauren. Halfway through the movie when they'd all gone to see it, Lauren had stood up shouted at the screen and insulted Tobey Maguire. She'd called him a filthy mudblood and made such a scene that she'd been "escorted" out of the theatre. An hour later, the Starkids had found her playing blackjack with the security guards, talking about the real Spiderman movies. They still weren't sure how in an hour she'd learned the names of every guard and still spoke with them whenever she went to that theatre.

Joey Richter walked into the girls' bathroom and opened their cabinet under the sink and nearly screamed. There was a half empty box of tampons lying on its side. Ew ew ew. Joey thought screamed, shifting them aside with a scrap of toilet paper so he could get to the real prize. He took the girls' stock of toothpaste and replaced it with peppermint foot cream. Then the crooked-jawed boy took Lauren's toothbrush and wrote the couple name for Walker and Lauren, which really embarrassed her. Joey then took somebody's red lipstick and wrote a copy of the message written on Lauren's hand. He then walked out of the bathroom mentally congratulating himself on being so quiet and for not freaking out when he'd seen the evil tampon box of doom. Darren greeted him silently, handing him a can of pink silly string. He nodded and took it. Together they counted down with their fingers. Five. Four. Three. Two. Both boys sprayed the walls with the smelly, sticky foam until the cans were emptied of their contents. Then they threw out the cans, packed their bags and ninja rolled out of the apartment smirking. They didn't want to be there when Lauren woke up. Julia would send them pictures of Lauren's face in the morning and they couldn't wait for that. The boys ran down the four sets of stairs in the Chicago walk up apartment building into the cool Michigan air.

Review guys! Tell me what you think/what I could've done better or what you'd like me to write next. I love hearing from you guys! REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW!